HBSE 11th Economics Syllabus 2025 Download the PDF Here

Discover the HBSE Class 11 Economics syllabus 2025 here, also check the course structure, assessment details, question paper format, and more.  

by V Gomala | Updated May 29, 2024

HBSE 11th Economics Syllabus 2025

The HBSE (Haryana Board of School Education) has shared the complete syllabus for Class 11 Economics for the academic year 2024-2025. If you're studying Economics as a main subject, you can find the latest syllabus on the HBSE website. You can also download it as a PDF.

The syllabus covers everything you will study, like how the course is structured, how your assessments will work, how you will be evaluated and graded, what the question papers will look like, and a list of practical activities you will do.

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Click here and get the HBSE 11th Economics syllabus PDF.

Units in Syllabus

UNIT-1 Introduction to Economics & Statistics

  • Meaning of Economics
  • Types of Economics Microeconomics Macroeconomics
  • Meaning of Statistics
  • Statistics in Economics
  • Importance of Statistics

Collection of Data

  • Meaning of Collection of Data
  • Sources of Data Collection Primary Sources Secondary Sources National Sample Survey Office (NSSO)
  • Methods /Modes of Collection Data Personal Interview Mailing (Questionnaire Survey) Telephone Interview
  • Census and Sample Survey
  • Meaning of Sample and Population

Organization of Data

  • Meaning of Classification of Data
  • Types of Classification Geographical Classification Chronological Classification Qualitative Classification Quantitative classification
  • Some Other Concepts Raw Data Variable- Continuous and Discrete Statistical Series Frequency Distribution

Presentation of Data

  • Meaning of Presentation of Data
  • Types of Presentation of Data
  • Meaning of Textual Presentation
  • Meaning of Tabular Presentation
  • Table- Parts of a Table
  • Format of a Table
  • Meaning of Diagrammatic Presentation
  • Types of Diagrammatic Presentation
  • Geometric Diagram- Bar & Pie Diagram
  • Frequency Diagram Histogram Frequency Polygon Frequency Curve Ogive

Arithmetic Line Graph

UNIT 2 Measure of Central Tendency

  • Meaning of Central Tendency
  • Arithmetic Mean
  • Computation of Arithmetic Mean Arithmetic Mean for Ungrouped Data Arithmetic Mean for Grouped Data
  • Weighted Arithmetic Mean
  • Meaning of Median
  • Computation of Median
  • Meaning of Mode 
  • Computation of Mode


  • Meaning of Correlation
  • Types of Correlation
  • Scatter Diagram Method
  • Karl Pearson Method Calculation (Direct & Short Cut Method)
  • Rank Difference Method Calculation

Index Numbers

  • Meaning of an Index Numbers
  • Some important Index Numbers Wholesale Price Index Consumer Price Index 
  • Uses of Index Number

Use of Statistical Tools

  • Introduction
  • Steps for Making a Project 
  • Suggested Sample Project


UNIT-1 Indian Economy on the Eve of Independence

  • India’s Economy on the Eve of Independence Agricultural Sector Industrial Sector Foreign Trade Demographic Condition Occupational Structure Infrastructure

Indian Economy (1950-1990)

  • Five Year Planning Goals of Five-Year Plans
  • Agriculture Meaning of Agriculture Problems of Agriculture Policies of Agriculture Land Reforms Green Revolution
  • Industry and Trade

Economic Reform since 1991

  • Liberalisation Meaning & Features
  • Privatisation Meaning & Features
  • Globalisation Meaning & Features 
  • An Appraisal to LPG Policies

UNIT-2 Human Capital Formation in India

  • Meaning of Human Capital
  • People as Resource
  • Role of Human Capital in Economic Development
  • Growth of Education Sector in India
  • Future Expectations

Rural Development 

  • Meaning of Rural Development
  • Credit and marketing in Rural Area 
  • Role of Cooperative Societies
  • Agricultural Diversification into Productive Activities 
  • Alternate farming- Organic Farming 


  • Growth and Changing Structure of Employment
  • Informalisation and other issue
  • Problems 
  • Government and Employment Generation

Environment and Sustainable Development

  • Environment Meaning and Functions
  • State of India’s environment
  • Sustainable Development Meaning Strategies for Sustainable Development
  • Limited Availability of Resources

UNIT-3 Comparative Development Experiences of India and its Neighbours 

  • Development Path- Comparative Study India & Pakistan India & China 
  • Issues &Indicators Growth Population Sectoral Development Indicators

Exam Pattern

 Part-A Statistics for Economics

Unit No

Chapter Name



Introduction to Economics and Statistics


Collection of Data

Organisation of Data

Presentation of Data


Measure of Central Tendency



Index Numbers

Use of Statistical Tools

 Part- B Indian Economic Development


Indian Economy on the Eve of independence


Indian Economy (1950-1990) 

Economic Reforms since 1991 


Human Capital Formation in India


Rural Development 


Environment and Sustainable Development


Comparative Development Experiences of India &its Neighbours 




Internal Assessment


Grand Total


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