Forbidden Places No One will Ever be Allowed to Visit, Top 17 Spots You Can't Explore

Discover the world's most secretive and off-limits locations in our guide to explore forbidden places that remain closed to the public, from secretive military bases to ancient tombs.                    

by Aishwarya R | Updated Mar 26, 2024


Forbidden places are locations where nobody is allowed to go. These places are often restricted for different reasons. Some places, like secret military bases or underground labs, are kept off-limits for security reasons. Others, such as ancient tombs or sacred sites, are protected to preserve their historical or cultural significance.  There are also places where dangerous conditions, like active volcanoes or infestations of deadly animals, make it too risky for people to visit.

Whatever the reason, these forbidden places remain inaccessible to the public, and it's unlikely that anyone will ever be allowed to visit them. People are curious creatures, and they often have an interest in visiting forbidden places as they don't like secrets and want to reveal them. In this article, we have listed out the top 17 places where people are never allowed.

Forbidden Places No One will Ever be Allowed to Visit

Here we listed out the top 17 Places No One will Ever be Allowed to Visit:-

Dulce Base, USA

Dulce Base is a secret underground place in New Mexico. It's hidden under Dulce town. People say it does special experiments there. But nobody from the public can go there.

Mezhgorye, Russia

Located in the Southern Ural Mountains, Mezhgorye is a closed town surrounded by military protection. Speculated to house sensitive installations, access is restricted, and the area remains cloaked in mystery.

Vatican Secret Archive, Vatican

The Vatican Secret Archive keeps very old papers from the Catholic Church. Only a few special researchers with special permission can see them. Rules are strict, so regular people can't go there.

North Brother Island, New York, USA

Formerly a quarantine site and later a bird sanctuary, North Brother Island in New York City's East River remains deserted. Access is restricted to scientific study, preserving its isolation.

Heard Island, Australia

Situated between Antarctica and Madagascar, Heard Island is a remote, volcanic territory. Due to its hazardous conditions and fragile ecosystem, entry is prohibited to the public.

Snake Island, Brazil

Off the coast of Brazil, Snake Island is infested with deadly snakes, including the venomous golden lanceheads. Visitation is strictly forbidden due to the extreme danger posed by the island's inhabitants.

Tomb of Qin Shi Huang, China

Buried beneath a pyramid, the Mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang, China's first Emperor, remains sealed to the public. Protected by the Chinese Government, excavation is prohibited to preserve its historical and cultural significance.

Surtsey, Iceland

Formed by volcanic eruptions in the 1960s, Surtsey Island serves as a pristine ecosystem for scientific research. Closed to visitors, it offers valuable insights into natural processes without human interference.

Pluto’s Gate, Turkey

Known for its lethal concentrations of carbon dioxide, Pluto's Gate in Hierapolis, Turkey, is deemed too hazardous for exploration. Ancient beliefs and scientific evidence reinforce its status as a forbidden destination.

Poveglia, Italy

Once a quarantine station and later a mental hospital, Poveglia Island near Venice harbors a dark and tragic history. Closed to the public, its haunted reputation and macabre past ensure it remains off-limits for visitors.

Area 51, USA

Located in Southern Nevada, Area 51 is a highly secretive US military base. Speculated to be involved in classified research, including experimental aircraft and alleged extraterrestrial activity, access is strictly prohibited to the public.

Doomsday Vault, Norway

Situated in the Arctic Svalbard archipelago, the Doomsday Vault is a secure seed bank designed to preserve plant diversity in the event of global catastrophe. Access is restricted to authorized personnel, ensuring the safety of the world's agricultural biodiversity.

Ise Grand Shrine, Japan

As one of Japan's most sacred Shinto shrines, the Ise Grand Shrine is rebuilt every 20 years to maintain its purity and connection to tradition. Access is limited to priests and members of the imperial family, with the inner sanctums strictly off-limits to the public.

Fort Knox, Kentucky, USA

Home to a significant portion of the United States' gold reserves, Fort Knox is renowned for its stringent security measures. Access to the vault is highly restricted, with only authorized personnel permitted entry. The facility's robust defenses and secretive nature make it one of the most heavily guarded places in the world, ensuring the safety of its valuable contents.

North Sentinel Island, India

Home to the Sentinelese tribe, North Sentinel Island is one of the most forbidden places in the world. The indigenous inhabitants fiercely protect their isolation, and the Indian Government strictly prohibits access to outsiders. Visiting the island is considered dangerous due to the potential hostility of the Sentinelese people and the lack of immunity to diseases carried by outsiders.

Bhangarh Fort, Rajasthan, India

Bhangarh Fort, located in Rajasthan, is infamous for its reputation as the "most haunted place in India." While tourists can visit the fort during daylight hours, entry is strictly prohibited after sunset. Legends of curses and paranormal activity shroud the fort, and local beliefs deter visitors from exploring its mysterious corridors and ruins after dark.

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