Check out the Irish Daily Mail Mailword Small Answer and Clue Explanation with us for 18th April 2024

The crossword we have for today is to test how well we are good at solving and taking time to solve the Irish Daily Mail Mailword Small crossword puzzle.

by Shoba

Updated Apr 18, 2024

Check out the Irish Daily Mail Mailword Small Answer and Clue Explanation with us for 18th April 2024

Today we have brought you a crossword game, for you to solve and learn how good you all are at solving puzzles.  We are here to help you how to solve the puzzle, understand the rules for playing the game, and find solutions from the clues you get. Give a try on the game and start learning new topics also every day as you play the game.



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In a nautical context, this term refers to the action of loading or storing a ship with cargo. The word LADE implies the process of filling a vessel with goods or supplies, essential for its journey across the seas.



When envisioning a rugged landscape, the image of a cliff often comes to mind, towering vertically above the ground. A WALL of natural stone, a cliff provides both a breathtaking view and a formidable obstacle to those attempting to scale its heights.



In gardens or kitchens, one often encounters a gathering of aromatic plants, commonly known as a BUNCH of herbs. Whether for culinary or medicinal purposes, this collection of flavorful or healing foliage adds depth and flavor to various dishes and remedies.



Picture a curious animal, its instincts driving it to roam freely, its TAIL trailing behind as it explores its surroundings. To Wander is to embrace the spirit of adventure, following wherever the path may lead, with the tail serving as a symbolic companion on the journey.



Over time, with constant use and exposure to the elements, objects become Worn, showing signs of age and usage. Yet, with the right adjustments and maintenance, they can be GEARED up once more, ready to face new challenges or adventures, their resilience shining through.

So be it


Often uttered as a solemn affirmation or agreement, AMEN serves as a conclusion or seal of approval to a statement or prayer, signifying acceptance or acknowledgment. So be it echoes a similar sentiment, expressing resignation or agreement with what has been stated, bringing closure to the discourse.



Youth is often associated with vitality and vigor, representing the age of exploration and growth. Similarly, AGE embodies the passage of time and the stages of life, reminding us of the journey from adolescence to maturity.



A beam is a structural element that supports weight or load, typically found in construction or engineering projects. PILING refers to the action of stacking or arranging objects on top of each other, suggesting a similar function to that of a beam in providing support and stability.

--- James, actor


James is a common name, but in this context, it refers to an actor, indicating a person known for their performances on stage or screen. SID could represent a shortened form of a name, hinting at the informal and familiar nature of the term often used in casual conversation or within specific social circles.

Gin flavouring


Gin is a popular alcoholic beverage known for its various flavors and botanical infusions. SLOE specifically refers to a type of fruit used to flavor gin, highlighting the diverse range of tastes and aromas that can be achieved through the infusion process.

North African country


SUDAN is a country located in North Africa, known for its rich history, diverse culture, and vast landscapes. It serves as a reminder of the geographical and cultural diversity present within the African continent, showcasing the unique identity and heritage of each nation.



An address is a specific location where a person, business, or entity can be found or reached, crucial for communication and navigation. SKILL implies a proficiency or ability in performing tasks or activities, suggesting that effectively conveying one's address requires a certain level of competence or expertise in communication and logistics.

Compass direction


In navigation, one of the cardinal directions is WEST, indicating the direction towards the setting sun. It's often used for orientation or travel purposes, especially when reading maps or using a compass.



Coy and SHY both describe someone who is reserved or hesitant. The answer SHY fits perfectly as it aligns with the clue's meaning, indicating a synonym for being reserved or bashful.



Ravine and COULEE are both terms used to describe a steep-sided valley formed by erosion. COULEE is the fitting answer here as it denotes a similar geographical feature, commonly found in regions with water erosion.

Dove's call


A Dove's call often evokes the gentle sound of COO, which is the soft, murmuring sound made by doves and similar birds. The answer COO corresponds precisely to the clue's description of the bird's vocalization.



Win implies achieving victory or success, while EDGE suggests having a slight advantage or being ahead of others. In this context, EDGE is the appropriate answer, reflecting a position of advantage or superiority.



A Woodland typically refers to an area covered with trees and vegetation, while TIMBER is a term associated with the wood harvested from forests. TIMBER aligns with the clue's description of wood derived from woodland areas.



Release conveys the idea of setting free or letting go, while EASE denotes making something more comfortable or manageable. EASE fits the clue well, indicating a state of relaxation or relief after being released from tension or constraint.



When seeking to expiate, one aims to correct or make amends for past wrongs. It's about acknowledging errors and taking action to rectify them. Whether through apologies, restitution, or changed behavior, the goal is to reconcile and restore harmony.



Adolescence is often associated with rebellion and experimentation, traits commonly associated with punks. This phase marks a period of growth and defiance against societal norms.



Dispatching involves sending something or someone promptly and efficiently to a destination. It implies urgency and swift action, much like the concept of rushing.

Cheap and nasty


Describing something as cheap and nasty implies low quality and poor taste. It suggests a lack of refinement or elegance, often associated with things that are considered trashy.

Laid low


To be laid low is to be brought down or weakened, typically by illness or misfortune. It describes a state of being physically or emotionally incapacitated, unable to function at one's usual level.

Linger too long


Lingering too long implies overstaying one's welcome or remaining in a place or situation past the appropriate time. It suggests a reluctance or inability to move on, potentially leading to discomfort or inconvenience for oneself or others.

Foot lever


Foot lever leads us to think of an object commonly associated with bicycles or pianos. This object is none other than a PEDAL. Pedals are used to control various mechanisms by applying pressure with one's foot.

Volcano mouth


Volcano mouth, prompting us to visualize the opening at the top of a volcano where eruptions occur. This opening is known as a CRATER. Craters are formed as a result of volcanic activity and can vary in size and shape.

Italy's capital


Italy's capital suggests the answer LIRA. Italy's previous currency before adopting the Euro was the Lira, making it a fitting response. LIRA is a representation of Italy's economic history and its former monetary unit.



The term assert implies confidently stating or expressing something. When you read something, you're not just absorbing information passively but actively engaging with it, understanding and asserting its meaning or significance.



Bug here refers to a small piece of information or a clue, often subtle or hidden, that can help solve a problem or puzzle. In the world of espionage or detective work, finding a bug might mean discovering a crucial piece of information that sheds light on a mystery.

--- David, singer


--- David, singer, hinting at a well-known musician named David. One such prominent figure is CRAIG DAVID, a British singer-songwriter known for hits like 7 Days and Walking Away. Craig David has achieved international success with his blend of R&B and garage music.

If not, then


If not, then suggests an alternative or consequence. In a crossword context, this might indicate a conditional clue, prompting you to think about an alternative possibility. The answer could be ELSE, fitting the pattern of offering another option.

Marginal comment


Marginal comment hints at something on the edge or periphery, often seen in the margins of written material. This could lead you to think of a term commonly used in annotating texts, like FOOTNOTE.



Flag in a crossword might refer to signaling or indicating something. The answer could be LOOSEN, suggesting the action of making a flag less taut, akin to relaxing its hold or tension.



Rise implies upward movement or an increase in something. The answer could be BEFALL, which is the opposite of rising—it means to happen or occur, suggesting a change or event taking place.



Pronoun directs attention to a word used in place of a noun. In this case, THEIR fits the bill, commonly used to refer to something belonging to a group of people.



Island indicates a piece of land surrounded by water. In the context of Cuba being an island, the answer would simply be CUBA, matching the clue's description of a specific geographical feature.



These are pieces of furniture designed for seating multiple people. Often found in living rooms or lounges, they provide comfort and space for relaxation. The answer is SEATS, as settees are essentially seats designed for specific purposes, such as accommodating guests or family members.

Walking aid


Commonly associated with the elderly or those recovering from injuries, it helps maintain stability and independence. The answer is CANE, a traditional walking aid used by many for added stability and support.



This term refers to someone who aids or supports another person in various tasks or responsibilities. They may offer help with organization, decision-making, or completing tasks efficiently. The answer is MATE, as an assistant is often seen as a close collaborator or companion in navigating daily activities or work-related endeavors.



It denotes an innate or intuitive understanding or feeling about a situation or course of action. Often described as a gut feeling, it guides decision-making based on subconscious perceptions or reactions.

Friend to Harry and Hermione


Harry Potter series who is a loyal companion to the main protagonists, Harry Potter and Hermione Granger. The answer is RON, representing Ronald Weasley, one of Harry and Hermione's closest friends and allies in their journey against dark forces.

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