Check the Irish Times Crosaire Crossword Solution for April 23, 2024

Are you struggling to crack the Irish Times Crosaire crossword? Just check out this page for the solutions and explanations.

by Thamizhalagi B

Updated Apr 23, 2024

Check the Irish Times Crosaire Crossword Solution for April 23, 2024

The Irish Times Crosaire Crossword Puzzle is a fun journey where you solve clues to find words hidden in a grid. It is a great way to exercise your brain and discover new things. Check out our page for the latest puzzles and learn even more. If you want answers for today’s puzzle you can them

Set of six split in two and fall asleep at noon

The Crossword Clue Answer is HALF DOZEN    

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"Set of six split in two and fall asleep at noon" clues to "HALF DOZEN", suggesting a quantity of six items divided into two equal parts. The phrase also implies a play on words with "half" suggesting splitting, and "dozen" indicating a set of twelve, but here specifically referring to half of that, or six. The mention of falling asleep at noon hints at the idea of dividing the day into halves.

Rush progress through life

The Crossword Clue Answer is CAREER    

"Rush progress through life" corresponds to "CAREER", indicating the trajectory or path of one's professional life. It suggests the rapid advancement or progression through various stages of employment or occupation, often driven by ambition or pursuit of success.

Neurochemistry lacks router to assemble ventilation structures

The Crossword Clue Answer is CHIMNEYS    

"Neurochemistry lacks router to assemble ventilation structures" leads to "CHIMNEYS", suggesting a wordplay on the components of a chimney. "Neurochemistry" hints at "ch" (the chemical symbol for chromium) and "lacks router" suggests removing the letters "r-o-u-t-e-r", leaving "chimneys", the structures used for ventilation in buildings.

Assistant mentioned another Irish dish, made of rice perhaps

The Crossword Clue Answer is PAELLA    

"Assistant mentioned another Irish dish, made of rice perhaps" clues to "PAELLA", suggesting a dish associated with Spanish cuisine rather than Irish cuisine. The term "assistant" hints at rearranging letters, and "mentioned" indicates finding a synonym for the dish. "Irish" serves as a misdirection, as paella is traditionally Spanish and typically made with rice, among other ingredients.

Iron around circuit border

The Crossword Clue Answer is FRINGE    

"Iron around circuit border" leads to "FRINGE", indicating the outer edge or boundary of something. The wordplay involves "iron" representing the chemical symbol "Fe" placed "around" the word "ring" (as in a circuit), resulting in "fringe", which refers to the outermost part of a group or area.

Receive money in return for repairing, every so often

The Crossword Clue Answer is EARN    

"Receive money in return for repairing, every so often" corresponds to "EARN", suggesting the act of receiving payment or compensation in exchange for labor or services rendered periodically. It implies a cyclical or intermittent process of earning income through work or repairs.

Born earlier than the Spanish and the German

The Crossword Clue Answer is ELDER    

"Born earlier than the Spanish and the German" clues to "ELDER", indicating someone or something that came into existence or existed before others in a particular group or category. It suggests seniority or precedence in terms of age or time of origin compared to Spanish and German entities.

Inner city dealer alliance formed in local Republic

The Crossword Clue Answer is ITALIA    

"Inner city dealer alliance formed in local Republic" describes a coalition or association established within the confines of a specific urban area. The answer, "ITALIA," refers to the local republic where this alliance has been formed, suggesting a connection to Italy and its inner-city dynamics.

In pieces, while below

The Crossword Clue Answer is ASUNDER    

"In pieces, while below" hints at the state of being fragmented or divided, possibly beneath or underneath something else. "ASUNDER" perfectly captures this idea, representing the concept of being torn apart or separated into distinct parts or pieces.

Catch number and invigorate

The Crossword Clue Answer is HEARTEN    

"Catch number and invigorate" suggests the act of capturing a numerical value and revitalizing or energizing something or someone. "HEARTEN" encapsulates this notion, indicating the process of lifting spirits or instilling encouragement and enthusiasm.

Alternate tattooer lost to criminal

The Crossword Clue Answer is ROTATE    

"Alternate tattooer lost to criminal" implies the replacement of a tattoo artist who has been defeated or overcome by a criminal element. "ROTATE" fits this description, signifying the substitution or succession of one individual for another in a rotating or alternating fashion.

Strike papers, like lightning perhaps

The Crossword Clue Answer is RAPID    

"Strike papers, like lightning perhaps" suggests a swift and forceful action, possibly akin to the speed and impact of lightning. "RAPID" embodies this idea, representing something fast-moving or occurring with great speed, such as the striking of papers or the movement of a rapid stream of water.

Damaged cone long ago

The Crossword Clue Answer is ONCE    

"Damaged cone long ago" hints at a cone-shaped object that has suffered harm or deterioration in the distant past. "ONCE" completes this phrase, conveying the idea of a cone that was damaged or broken at some point in time, perhaps long ago.

Pasta gets degree, somehow, and acclimatises

The Crossword Clue Answer is ADAPTS    

"Pasta gets degree, somehow, and acclimatises" suggests the adaptation or adjustment of pasta to a new environment or condition, possibly through the attainment of a degree of some sort. "ADAPTS" fits this description, indicating the process by which pasta adjusts or conforms to its surroundings or preparation method.

Anglican soldiers start to consolidate

The Crossword Clue Answer is CEMENT    

"Anglican soldiers start to consolidate" implies the gathering or uniting of Anglican soldiers for a common purpose or objective. "CEMENT" represents this idea, signifying the act of strengthening or solidifying a relationship or alliance, akin to the binding properties of cement.

Precariously scale rig on masses of ice

The Crossword Clue Answer is GLACIERS    

"Precariously scale rig on masses of ice" describes the perilous ascent of a structure or apparatus atop vast expanses of frozen water. "GLACIERS" completes this phrase, suggesting the hazardous endeavor of climbing or navigating across glaciers, which are massive sheets of ice found in polar regions.

Bring up Irish priest belonging to us along scenic route

The Crossword Clue Answer is DETOUR    

Bring up Irish priest belonging to us along scenic route (DETOUR): This question suggests finding a word meaning to take a different route, often scenic, and includes a hint about an Irish priest belonging to us, which is "our" reversed. The answer is "DETOUR," which means to deviate from the main route or path, often taking a scenic or alternative route.

Boldly straightens AI out with gifts, perhaps

The Crossword Clue Answer is STRENGTHS    

Boldly straightens AI out with gifts, perhaps (STRENGTHS): This question suggests finding a word meaning qualities or attributes, hinted by "gifts," and includes an anagram clue "AI" rearranged. The answer is "STRENGTHS," which refers to positive attributes or qualities that a person or entity possesses.

Stick commercial in this place

The Crossword Clue Answer is ADHERE    

Stick commercial in this place (ADHERE): This question suggests finding a word meaning to attach or stick, hinted by "stick," and includes a clue about inserting "commercial" into it. The answer is "ADHERE," which means to stick firmly or closely, often used metaphorically to describe sticking to a plan or idea.

Change name if met with extreme scarcity of food

The Crossword Clue Answer is FAMINE    

Change name if met with extreme scarcity of food (FAMINE): This question suggests finding a word meaning extreme scarcity of food, hinted by "extreme scarcity of food," and includes a hint about changing a word related to "name." The answer is "FAMINE," which refers to a widespread scarcity of food, often resulting in hunger and starvation.

Unsealed disc to write to journalist

The Crossword Clue Answer is OPENED    

Unsealed disc to write to journalist (OPENED): This question suggests finding a word meaning to unseal or uncover, hinted by "unsealed disc," and includes a hint about writing to a "journalist." The answer is "OPENED," which means to remove a seal or covering, often used metaphorically to describe revealing or uncovering something.

Enters a nightmare to the right, perhaps?

The Crossword Clue Answer is EASTERN    

Enters a nightmare to the right, perhaps? (EASTERN): This question suggests finding a word meaning a direction, hinted by "to the right," and includes a clue about entering "a nightmare," which can be associated with the word "dream." The answer is "EASTERN," which refers to a direction or location to the right, often associated with the eastern part of a geographical area.

Vatican City unable to empty

The Crossword Clue Answer is VACANT    

Vatican City unable to empty (VACANT): This question suggests finding a word meaning empty or unoccupied, hinted by "unable to empty," and includes a reference to "Vatican City," which implies the word "vacant." The answer is "VACANT," which means empty or unoccupied, often used to describe a position or property without an occupant.

Utterly failed to knock down apartment

The Crossword Clue Answer is FELL FLAT    

Utterly failed to knock down apartment (FELL FLAT): This question suggests finding a phrase meaning to utterly fail or be unsuccessful, hinted by "utterly failed," and includes a clue about "knock down" and "apartment." The answer is "FELL FLAT," which means to fail completely or be unsuccessful, often used to describe a failed attempt or endeavor.

Half meagre, a sneer at female relative?

The Crossword Clue Answer is GREAT AUNT  

Half meagre, a sneer at female relative?: This clue suggests a description of a female relative who might be seen as somewhat lacking or ungenerous. The answer is "GREAT AUNT," indicating a more distant relative who may evoke a sense of superiority or disdain, perhaps due to age or social status. 

Public relations' unfinished thought invokes feeling of honour

The Crossword Clue Answer is PRIDE    

Public relations' unfinished thought invokes feeling of honour: Here, we're considering a term that reflects a sense of dignity or self-respect, often associated with one's reputation or standing in society. The answer is "PRIDE," representing the feeling of satisfaction or esteem derived from one's achievements or qualities.

Happy, good young man

The Crossword Clue Answer is GLAD    

Happy, good young man: This clue describes a positive and cheerful young male. The answer is "GLAD," indicating a state of happiness or contentment, often associated with feelings of joy or satisfaction.

Rear cab I'd smash into obstruction

The Crossword Clue Answer is BARRICADE    

Rear cab I'd smash into obstruction: This clue suggests a barricade or obstacle formed by colliding with the back of a vehicle. The answer is "BARRICADE," representing a barrier or obstruction typically used to block passage or prevent access.

Radical joining more than one headless friend

The Crossword Clue Answer is ULTIMATE    

Radical joining more than one headless friend: Here, we're looking for a term that signifies the ultimate or final stage of something. The answer is "ULTIMATE," indicating the last or highest in a series or progression, often representing the culmination or conclusion.

Incident at level junction

The Crossword Clue Answer is EVENT    

Incident at level junction: This clue describes a happening or occurrence at a point where two or more paths or levels intersect. The answer is "EVENT," representing a particular incident or happening, especially one of significance or interest.

Prima donna raised to be enthusiastic

The Crossword Clue Answer is AVID    

Prima donna raised to be enthusiastic: This clue suggests a term describing someone who is eager or enthusiastic, often with a strong passion for something. The answer is "AVID," representing a keen interest or enthusiasm, particularly in pursuit of a hobby or interest.

Father reportedly consumed merchandise

The Crossword Clue Answer is FREIGHT    

Father reportedly consumed merchandise: This indicates an action involving the purchase or transportation of goods, possibly related to trade or commerce. The answer is "FREIGHT," representing the transportation of goods or merchandise, especially by sea, rail, or air.

Lick muscular organ

The Crossword Clue Answer is TONGUE    

Lick muscular organ: This clue refers to a part of the body responsible for taste and speech. The answer is "TONGUE," representing the muscular organ in the mouth used for tasting, swallowing, and speaking.

Mansion for comrade of highest quality

The Crossword Clue Answer is PALACE    

Mansion for comrade of highest quality: Here, we're thinking about a grand residence fit for a distinguished companion. The answer is "PALACE," indicating a large and luxurious dwelling typically associated with royalty or high-ranking individuals.

Call after old man - courageous!

The Crossword Clue Answer is DARING    

Call after old man - courageous!: This suggests summoning someone with bravery or audacity, typically addressed to an elderly male. The answer is "DARING," representing courage or boldness in the face of danger or risk.

Strengthen part of cast archway

The Crossword Clue Answer is STARCH    

Strengthen part of cast archway: This clue refers to reinforcing a particular section of a curved architectural structure. The answer is "STARCH," representing a substance used to stiffen fabric or strengthen certain materials, often applied to clothing or architectural features like archways.

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