Check the Metro Quick Crossword Puzzle Answer from here: April 23rd, 2024

We are back again with a new crossword puzzle called Metro Quick Crossword Puzzle, and we also help you find the answer to the clue.

by J Nandhini

Updated Apr 23, 2024

Check the Metro Quick Crossword Puzzle Answer from here: April 23rd, 2024

Doing activities like solving crossword puzzles can make your brain work better. Research shows that doing puzzles a lot can help you remember things better, concentrate more and think better overall. It's also good for keeping your brain sharp and stopping it from getting worse as you get older. Crossword puzzles give your brain a workout, which helps it stay healthy for a long time.

Explosive devices (5)

Answer: MINES

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"Mines" refers to explosive devices that are typically buried underground or submerged in water. They are designed to detonate upon contact or when triggered remotely, often used for military purposes or as a means of defense

Of punishment (5)

Answer: PENAL

Penal" pertains to punishment or penalties imposed by a legal or judicial system. It is commonly used in phrases such as "penal code" or "penal institution" to refer to laws, regulations, or facilities related to punishment or correctional measures.

Log boats (5)

Answer: RAFTS

"Rafts" are flat, buoyant structures made from logs or other materials lashed together. They are used for various purposes, including transportation across bodies of water, especially in situations where a more conventional boat may not be available or practical.

Decompose (3)

Answer: EAT

In this context, "eat" can metaphorically mean to decompose or break down organic matter through the process of consumption by organisms such as bacteria, fungi, or insects. It represents the natural cycle of decay and recycling of nutrients in ecosystems

Inhumane (5)

Answer: CRUDE

Crude" can describe something that lacks refinement or sophistication, but it can also suggest something that is harsh, rough, or lacking in compassion or humanity. In this context, it refers to actions or behaviors that are inhumane or lacking in decency.

Corsairs (7)


"Robbers" are individuals who unlawfully take property from others by force or threat, often with the intent of stealing or enriching themselves. In historical contexts, "corsairs" specifically refer to pirates or privateers who engaged in maritime robbery or plundering.

Present age (5)

Answer: TODAY

"Today" refers to the current period of time, the present day or moment. It represents the contemporary era or the time in which we currently exist.

Put on (3)

Answer: LIE

In this context, "lie" means to recline or position oneself horizontally, as in lying down. It can also mean to place something in a horizontal position, such as lying a book on a table.

Give to charity (6)

Answer: DONATE

"Donate" means to give something, typically money or goods, to a charitable organization or cause without expecting anything in return. It is an act of altruism or philanthropy aimed at helping others in need.

Male servant (7)


A "footman" is a male servant, traditionally employed in wealthy households to perform various tasks such as serving food, opening doors, and attending to guests. The term originated from the role of walking or "footing" alongside a carriage.

Legal successor (4)

Answer: HEIR

An "heir" is a person legally entitled to inherit the property, rights, or title of another individual, usually upon their death. In legal terms, the heir is the individual designated to receive the deceased person's assets according to the laws of inheritance or a will.

Beseeches (4)

Answer: SUES

To "sue" means to formally petition a court of law for legal remedy or redress, typically by bringing a civil lawsuit against someone. It involves seeking justice or compensation for a perceived wrong or injury through the legal system.

Iraqi capital (7)


"Baghdad" is the capital city of Iraq, located on the banks of the Tigris River. It is one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world and has played a significant role in the history and culture of the region.

Brutish person (6)

Answer: ANIMAL

In a figurative sense, an "animal" can refer to a brutish or savage person who behaves in a wild, uncivilized, or aggressive manner. It implies a lack of refinement or human decency in their actions or behavior.

Trouble, afflict (3)

Answer: AIL

To "ail" means to trouble or afflict with physical or mental discomfort or illness. It refers to experiencing discomfort or suffering from an ailment or problem, whether it be physical or emotional.

Boy's name (5)

Answer: EDLEY

"Edley" is a boy's name, often used as a given name. It is a relatively uncommon name, but it follows the pattern of traditional English names ending with "-ley" or "-ley" suffixes.

Patella (7)


The "patella" is commonly known as the kneecap, a small flat triangular bone located in front of the knee joint. It acts as a protective shield for the knee and aids in the movement of the leg.

Nude (5) (5)

Answer: NAKED

"Naked" is a term that describes a state of being without clothing or covering, exposing the body completely. The repetition of "nude (5)" indicates that the answer is a synonym of "naked" and also consists of five letters.

In favour of (3)

Answer: FOR

"For" is a preposition that indicates support, approval, or agreement with someone or something. It can also denote benefit, advantage, or preference towards a particular option or course of action.

Fiend (5)

Answer: FREAK

A "freak" can refer to a person who is obsessed or extremely enthusiastic about a particular activity or interest, often to an unusual or extreme degree. In some contexts, it can also imply a person who behaves in a strange or abnormal manner.

Private teacher (5)

Answer: TUTOR

A "tutor" is a private teacher who provides individualized instruction and guidance to a student, typically outside of a formal classroom setting. Tutors often specialize in specific subjects and assist students in understanding and mastering academic material.

Coarse files (5)

Answer: RASPS

"Rasps" are coarse files or tools with rough surfaces used for shaping or smoothing wood, metal, or other materials. They have sharp, pointed teeth that remove material through a scraping or grinding action.

Grave danger (5)

Answer: PERIL

"Peril" refers to serious and imminent danger or risk that threatens harm, injury, or destruction. It suggests a state of vulnerability or jeopardy that requires caution or action to avoid adverse consequences

Bullfighter (7)


A "picador" is a bullfighter in traditional Spanish bullfighting who rides on horseback and uses a lance (known as a "pic") to weaken the bull by stabbing it in the neck muscles, making it easier for the matador to eventually kill the bull.

Rowing blades (4)

Answer: OARS

"Oars" are the long poles with flat blades at one end used for rowing a boat or a ship. They are essential tools for propelling the vessel through the water, with rowers using oars in synchronized movements to navigate.

Native of Brittany (6) (6)

Answer: BRETON

A "Breton" refers to a native or inhabitant of Brittany, a region in northwest France known for its distinct culture, language (Breton), and Celtic heritage. The repetition of "(6)" suggests that the answer consists of six letters.

Hairdresser's shop (5)

Answer: SALON

A "salon" is a place where hairdressing, beauty treatments, and other personal grooming services are offered. It typically refers to a stylish and upscale establishment where customers can receive various cosmetic services.

Small Eurasian mammal (5)

Answer: STOAT

The "stoat" is a small carnivorous mammal native to Eurasia and North America. It is known for its sleek, slender body and bushy tail, and it belongs to the same family as weasels and ferrets.

And not (3)

Answer: EBB

"Ebb" is a word indicating a decline or decrease in something, often used in phrases like "ebb and flow" to describe the rise and fall of tides. In this context, it signifies "and not," contrasting with the word "flow."

Middle (7) (7)


"Central" refers to something situated at or near the center or midpoint of a given area or object. The repetition of "(7)" suggests that the answer consists of seven letters.

In addition (3)

Answer: A S D

"ASD" does not seem to be a valid answer for the clue "in addition." It may be an error or an incomplete clue

Unfashionable (5)

Answer: NOT IN

Not in" refers to something that is not currently fashionable or trendy. It suggests that the item or style is out of vogue or not considered stylish by contemporary standards.

Raising agent (5)

Answer: YEAST

"Yeast" is a microorganism used as a raising agent in baking to leaven dough and make it rise. It ferments sugars in the dough, producing carbon dioxide gas, which causes the dough to expand and become airy.

Expert (3,4)

Answer: BIG SHOT

A "big shot" is a slang term used to describe a person who is considered an expert or authority in a particular field or area of expertise. They are often highly influential or prominent individuals known for their knowledge and skills.

Cut wool from (5)

Answer: SHEAR

To "shear" means to cut the wool or fleece from an animal, such as a sheep, using specialized scissors or shearing tools. This process is typically done to harvest the wool for use in textiles or other products.

Belong, conform (3,2)

Answer: FIT IN

"Fit in" is a phrasal verb that means to belong or conform to a particular group, setting, or environment. It suggests the ability to adapt or integrate oneself into a social or cultural context.

Harmful, vindictive (7)


"Baleful" is an adjective that describes something or someone as harmful, threatening, or menacing in a sinister way. It implies a malicious or malevolent intent to cause harm or misfortune.

Fruit (6)

Answer: EFFECT

"Effect" can refer to the result or outcome of a particular action or cause. In some contexts, it can metaphorically represent the fruit or consequence of something, especially when referring to the impact or influence of an event or decision.

Cease living (3)

Answer: DIE

"Die" is a verb that means to cease living or to pass away. It denotes the end of life or the cessation of biological functions in an organism, typically associated with irreversible cessation of vital processes

Fresh, new (5)

Answer: NOVEL

"Novel" can mean fresh or new when used as an adjective. It describes something innovative, original, or previously unseen, often in the context of ideas, approaches, or experiences.

Landed estate (5)

Answer: GLEBE

"Glebe" refers to a piece of land belonging to a parish church or ecclesiastical organization. Historically, these lands were often used to support the clergy or provide income for the church.

Christmas hymn (5) (5)

Answer: CAROL

A "carol" is a festive song or hymn, especially one sung at Christmas. The repetition of "(5)" suggests that the answer consists of five letters.

Brown seaweed (4)

Answer: KELP

"Kelp" is a type of large brown seaweed found in shallow coastal waters, particularly in colder regions. It is known for its long, leaf-like blades and plays a significant ecological role in marine ecosystems.

Crib (3)

Answer: BOX

In some contexts, a "box" can serve as a crib, especially when referring to a small, enclosed bed or container used for infants or young children. It can also refer to a simple framework or structure resembling a cri

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