Cracking the Daily Express Crusader Crossword Puzzles April 25, 2024

Solve the Daily Express Crusader crossword and check the answers and explanations here.

by Shoba

Updated Apr 25, 2024

Cracking the Daily Express Crusader Crossword Puzzles April 25, 2024

The Daily Express Crusader puzzle is a favorite among puzzle lovers, found in newspapers and online. It's filled with word games on various topics, making it engaging for those who love solving puzzles. Many eagerly wait for it every day, ready to solve it in the paper or on the web.

Question: Filling search with fake jewels (9)


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Fake jewels could suggest an alternative use for a substance often used for adhesion. The solution is FISHPASTE, as it fills, like a paste, and contains the letters fish, which could be seen as a fake or substitute for jewels.

Question: Reportedly given a punishment for discovery (4)


Reportedly given a punishment for discovery suggests a word that sounds like it's being punished for finding something. The answer is FIND, which is a homophone for find, indicating discovering something, while also implying a sort of punishment by placing it within the context of the clue.

Question: Still small chances (5)


Still small chances hints at a term that denotes equal probabilities. EVEN, meaning equal or level, fits this description, and EVENS pluralizes it. Despite being multiple chances, the term still retains the sense of balance or equality implied by the clue.

Question: Common, Ravel's composition, after college (9)


Common, Ravel's composition, after college alludes to a word associated with Ravel's music that comes after the word college. The answer is UNIVERSAL, as Ravel's famous composition Boléro is often described as being universally recognized or common, and it directly follows the word college in the clue.

Question: Trained the bear to use oxygen (7)


Trained the bear to use oxygen suggests a verb that means teaching an animal to utilize a vital gas. The answer is BREATHE, indicating the action of inhaling oxygen.

Question: Source sanction to a little bit of a plant (7)


Source sanction to a little bit of a plant hints at a term for the beginning or origin of a plant part that also denotes approval or permission. ROOTLET fits this description, as it refers to a small root, and source sanction suggests the approval or authority associated with its growth.

Question: Attentiveness to strength (13)


Attentiveness hints at concentration, and strength points towards power or might. Combining these concepts, we arrive at the answer, which is CONCENTRATION.

Question: Ringleaders bother manufacturers (13)


Ringleaders typically lead or organize disruptive actions, while manufacturers produce goods or items. The answer fittingly aligns with individuals causing trouble, and that word is TROUBLEMAKERS. 

Question: List hill as showing muscle (7)


List hill might imply a rotation or turning of a hill, and showing muscle indicates strength or power. The answer that fits these descriptions is ROTATOR.

Question: Staff with no time to set off, being most unwell (7)


Staff with no time to set off suggests a group of people who are unable to start or initiate something due to time constraints, leading to a state of being unwell. The answer that fits this scenario is SICKEST.

Question: Wearing uncool tie, making speech (9)


Wearing uncool tie hints at someone who might not be fashionably dressed, while making speech suggests delivering an oration or verbal address. The word that fits these descriptions is ELOCUTION.

Question: Join military group to the east (5)


Join military group suggests combining forces, and to the east indicates direction. The word UNITE fits perfectly, meaning to bring together or combine into a single entity.

Question: Owing to student conflict (4)


Owing to implies a cause, and student conflict suggests a confrontation. The word DUEL makes sense, denoting a combat between two individuals or groups, often stemming from a disagreement or rivalry.

Question: Famous Scandinavian's pet (5,4)


Famous Scandinavian points towards a well-known figure from that region, and pet suggests an animal companion. The answer, GREAT DANE, alludes to a large breed of dog famously associated with Denmark, a Scandinavian country.

Question: Reaction to a product is just a distorted noise (8)


Reaction to a product suggests feedback, and distorted noise indicates a change in sound. FEEDBACK perfectly encapsulates this, representing the response or opinion given about a product, often indicating its quality or effectiveness.

Question: Reportedly influenced by material (5)


Reportedly hints at a homophonic clue, where the answer sounds like another word. Influenced by material suggests a type of fabric. The word SUEDE fits, both phonetically and in terms of being a type of material often used in clothing and accessories.

Question: Be extravagant and prepare to sail (4,3,4,3)


Be extravagant and prepare to sail hints at an action associated with splurging and getting ready for a maritime journey. The answer PUSHTHEBOATOUT suggests pushing a boat away from the shore, indicating a lavish and ceremonial start to a voyage.

Question: Inhibit moving in of French scholar (7)


Inhibit moving in of French scholar suggests obstructing the entry of a scholarly figure from France. The solution STUDENT fits, as it describes someone engaged in learning, while also fitting the clue's indication of a French origin with the word de (of, in French) inside it.

Question: Retire unexpectedly to a country (7)


Retire unexpectedly to a country implies a sudden withdrawal or retreat to a specific nation. The answer ERITREA matches the criteria, representing both a country and fulfilling the notion of an unexpected move, as it's not commonly thought of in everyday conversation.

Question: Lines once displayed rudeness (9)


Lines once displayed rudeness suggests a form of behavior or attitude that was previously exhibited in a discourteous manner. The word INSOLENCE fits the bill, as it denotes a lack of respect or impudence, aligning with the clue's indication of past display through once displayed.

Question: Weaken woman with stringed instrument (6)


Weaken woman with stringed instrument hints at a process that involves diminishing the strength or vigor of a female individual using a musical device. The answer DILUTE fits, as it means to make something weaker or less concentrated, while cleverly incorporating the word lute, a type of stringed instrument, into its structure.

Question: Put report in savings facility (7,7)


Put report in savings facility hints at a financial term where one places a report, possibly financial documentation, into a specific type of account. The answer, DEPOSITACCOUNT, refers to an account where individuals can store money securely while also possibly earning interest.

Question: That moon forced energy out (3,2,4)


That moon forced energy out suggests a scenario where something, represented by the moon, compels energy to vacate. The solution, NOTATHOME, cleverly implies the absence of someone or something, akin to energy being 'out' or not present.

Question: Weariest form, in a manner of speaking (2,2,4)


Weariest form, in a manner of speaking suggests a phrase indicating the most fatigued state, presented in a colloquial manner. The answer, ASITWERE, signifies a figurative expression, often used to qualify or soften a statement, portraying a weariness in a conversational tone.

Question: Crazy part of London (7)


Crazy part of London hints at the answer BARKING. In this context, crazy suggests something nonsensical or erratic, which can also refer to a district or area known for its unusual or chaotic atmosphere.

Question: Fundamental nature of perfume (7)


Fundamental nature of perfume suggests the answer ESSENCE. Perfume's fundamental nature refers to its essential qualities or characteristics, often encapsulated in its aroma. The word perfume itself implies a scent or essence, making this clue straightforward.

Question: Monster has registered an ally (6)


Monster has registered an ally clues to the answer FRIEND. In this context, monster could be interpreted metaphorically, suggesting a fearsome or imposing entity.

Question: Heather, I care about (5)


Heather serves as a distraction here, leading one to think of the plant instead of a person. However, I care about suggests affection or concern for someone, hinting at the name of a person, which is ERICA.

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