Irish Daily Mail Mailword Answer Today April 23, 2024

Irish Daily Mail Mailword Crossword has released clues today, get ready to exercise your brain and solve the crossword with some deep thinking.

by Thamizhalagi B

Updated Apr 23, 2024

Irish Daily Mail Mailword Answer Today April 23, 2024

The Irish Daily Mail Mailword Puzzle is a fun way to have a good time and learn new things. Try to think of different answers until you find the right one. Visit our page for more puzzles and enjoy yourself. Scroll down for today’s answer and explanation and have a satisfying day.

Freshwater fish (5)


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"Freshwater fish" leads to "CARPS", referring to a common type of freshwater fish found in rivers, lakes, and ponds. Carps are known for their adaptability and are often sought after by anglers for sport fishing or culinary purposes.

Cigarette stubs (5)


"Cigarette stubs" correspond to "BUTTS", indicating the remains of smoked cigarettes, typically consisting of the portion discarded after smoking. Butt litter is a common environmental issue, often requiring proper disposal to prevent pollution.

Office (6)


"Office" clues to "CHARGE", suggesting a position of authority or responsibility within a workplace environment. It denotes a role or duty assigned to an individual, often involving decision-making or management tasks.

Seizes (6)


"Seizes" is represented by "SNAPES", indicating a sudden and forceful grasp or capture of something. It suggests a quick and decisive action, often implying a sense of urgency or determination.

Corporate combinations (7)


"Corporate combinations" leads to "MERGERS", referring to the joining or consolidation of two or more companies into a single entity. Mergers are strategic business maneuvers aimed at achieving synergy, growth, or market dominance.

Reiterates (7)


"Reiterates" corresponds to "REVIEWS", indicating the act of repeating or going over something, typically for assessment, examination, or evaluation. It suggests a thorough examination or reassessment of a particular subject or situation.

Deactivated (3)


"Deactivated" leads to "OFF", suggesting the action of turning off or rendering something inactive or inoperative. It implies the cessation or suspension of a function, service, or operation.

Egyptian cobras (4)


"Egyptian cobras" clues to "ASPS", referring to a species of venomous snake found in Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. Asps are known for their deadly venom and iconic hooded appearance, making them a significant symbol in ancient Egyptian culture and mythology.

Unruly child (4)


"Unruly child" describes a youngster who is often disobedient or mischievous, commonly referred to as a "BRAT." This term conveys a sense of annoyance or frustration with the child's behavior, highlighting their tendency to be difficult to manage or control.

Tiff (3)


"Tiff" signifies a minor argument or disagreement, often stemming from trivial matters, which can occur between friends, family members, or partners. When someone refers to a "PET" in this context, they're typically alluding to a small, trivial dispute that may be quickly resolved or overlooked.

Begins (6)


"Begins" implies the initiation or commencement of something, whether it's an action, process, or event. The word "ROUSES" reflects this idea, suggesting the act of stirring or awakening something from a state of rest or inactivity, symbolizing the start of a new endeavor or activity.

Queue (4)


"Queue" denotes a line or sequence of people or things waiting for their turn, often in an orderly fashion. In this context, "FLAP" doesn't directly correspond to the idea of a queue, so it's possible that the answer might be an alternative term for a line or a synonym for a queue.

Madrid art gallery (5)


"Madrid art gallery" refers to the renowned museum in Madrid, Spain, known as the Prado. The Prado houses an extensive collection of European art, including masterpieces by famous painters such as Velázquez, Goya, and El Greco, making it a prominent cultural institution in the art world.

Dwelling (9)


"Dwelling" signifies a place where someone lives or resides, often referring to a house, apartment, or other residential structure. "REMAINING" doesn't quite align with the concept of a dwelling, so the answer might be a term more directly associated with housing or living accommodations.

Wading birds (6)


"Wading birds" describes avian species that frequent shallow waters, such as lakes, rivers, or marshes, in search of food. "GREBES" are a type of wading bird known for their distinctive diving behavior and elongated bodies, making them adept at navigating aquatic environments.

Location (4)


"Location" refers to a particular place or position within a given area or space. While "AREA" is a synonym for location, the answer might be a more specific term denoting a particular spot or geographic coordinate within a broader region.

Congeal (3)


"Congeal" describes the process of becoming solid or gel-like, often as a result of cooling or thickening. In this context, "DRY" doesn't directly correspond to the idea of congealing, so the answer might be a term more closely associated with solidification or thickening of a substance.

Occurrence (9)


"Occurrence" denotes an event or incident that happens, takes place, or comes to pass within a certain context or timeframe. While "CONDITION" is a related concept, the answer might be a more precise term referring to a specific event or happening within a given situation or circumstance.

Commercials (3)


Commercials (ADS): This question refers to short promotional messages often seen on television or the internet. The answer is "ADS," which is a common abbreviation for advertisements, used to promote products or services to consumers.

Mountain lake (4)


Mountain lake (TARN): This question prompts us to think of a specific type of small mountain lake. The answer is "TARN," which refers to a small, mountainous lake often formed in a cirque or glacial depression, typically found in high-altitude regions.

Vitamin B3 (6)


Vitamin B3 (NIACIN): The question directs us to identify a specific vitamin. The answer is "NIACIN," which is also known as vitamin B3, essential for various bodily functions including metabolism and maintaining healthy skin, nerves, and digestive system.

Private conversation (4,1,4)


Private conversation (TETE A TETE): This question hints at a French term meaning an intimate or private conversation between two people. The answer is "TETE A TETE," which literally translates to "head to head" and figuratively refers to a private discussion between two individuals.

Germ cell (5)


Germ cell (SPORE): This question refers to a reproductive cell of an organism capable of developing into a new individual. The answer is "SPORE," which is a reproductive cell produced by certain organisms like bacteria, fungi, and plants, capable of developing into a new individual under favorable conditions.

Responsibility (4)


Responsibility (PART): This question hints at a word meaning duty or obligation. The answer is "PART," which can refer to a role, duty, or obligation that one is expected to fulfill, especially within a particular context or situation.

Laurence ---, Tristram Shandy author (6)


Laurence ---, Tristram Shandy author (STERNE): This question directs us to identify the author of the novel "Tristram Shandy." The answer is "STERNE," referring to Laurence Sterne, the British author famous for his satirical and experimental novel "The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman."

Gardening tool (3)


Gardening tool (HOE): This question prompts us to think of a tool commonly used in gardening or farming. The answer is "HOE," which is a long-handled gardening tool with a flat blade used for cultivating soil, removing weeds, and shaping beds.

Connect (4)


Connect (WELD): This question hints at a word meaning to join or unite closely together. The answer is "WELD," which means to join two pieces of metal together by heating them to a high temperature and then hammering or pressing them together, creating a strong bond.

--- O'Brien, Irish novelist (4)


--- O'Brien, Irish novelist (EDNA): This question directs us to identify an Irish novelist. The answer is "EDNA," referring to Edna O'Brien, the acclaimed Irish author known for her works exploring themes of Irish society, politics, and the lives of women, such as her novel "The Country Girls" trilogy.

Objective (3)


Objective: This clue hints at a goal or aim, something one strives to achieve. The answer is "USE," representing the purpose or intended function of an object or action.

Allow to participate (3,2,2)


Allow to participate: This suggests granting someone access or inclusion in an activity or group. The answer is "LET IN ON," indicating the act of allowing someone to be part of something or to share in a secret or knowledge.

Tolerates (7)


Tolerates: This refers to the ability to endure or accept something unpleasant or undesirable. The answer is "SUFFERS," representing the act of bearing or enduring a situation or person.

Cause to remember (6)


Cause to remember: Here, we're thinking about prompting someone's memory or bringing something back to their mind. The answer is "REMIND," indicating the action of helping someone recall information or past events. 

Slept noisily (6)


Slept noisily: This clue describes a specific type of sleep behavior characterized by loud breathing sounds. The answer is "SNORED," representing the action of making noisy respiratory sounds while asleep.

Loves excessively (5)


Loves excessively: This suggests an intense and perhaps irrational affection or devotion towards someone or something. The answer is "DOTES," indicating the act of excessively admiring or loving someone or something.

Wheel coverings (5)


Wheel coverings: Here, we're thinking about the protective rubber outer layers of vehicle wheels. The answer is "TIRES," representing the outer part of a wheel that provides traction and absorbs shocks.

Territorial dispute (4,3)


Territorial dispute: This refers to a conflict over land or jurisdiction between different groups or individuals. The answer is "TURF WAR," describing a struggle for control or dominance over a particular territory or domain.

Unit of work (3)


Unit of work: This clue points towards a measure of energy or effort expended in performing a task. The answer is "ERG," representing the unit of work or energy in the International System of Units (SI).

Formerly (3)


Formerly: This indicates something that was true or existed in the past but is no longer the case. The answer is "EON," representing a long period of time in the past, indicating a time frame that has elapsed or changed.

Unit of gold purity (5)


"Unit of gold purity" leads to "KARAT", referring to a measure of the purity of gold, typically denoted by the abbreviation "K" or "kt". Karats are used to indicate the proportion of pure gold in a jewelry item or precious metal, with 24 karats representing pure gold.

Mounted soldier (6)


"Mounted soldier" corresponds to "RANGER", indicating a military or law enforcement officer who patrols or guards a specific area, often on horseback or in vehicles. Rangers are responsible for maintaining security and order in their assigned regions.

Enters suddenly (6,2)


"Enters suddenly" clues to "BURSTS IN", suggesting the abrupt and unexpected entry into a place or situation. It implies a sudden intrusion or interruption, typically without warning or prior announcement.

Employ (3)


"Employ" leads to "PLY", indicating the act of using or applying a particular skill, method, or resource in a specific context or situation. It denotes the utilization or deployment of one's abilities or resources for a particular purpose.

Ram (3)


"Ram" is represented by "DIG", suggesting the action of pushing or thrusting forcefully into something, often with the intention of breaking through or penetrating a barrier or obstacle.

Triple (6)


"Triple" corresponds to "TREBLE", indicating a quantity or value that is three times as much as another. It signifies a tripling or tripartite increase in size, amount, or intensity.

Economical (7)


"Economical" leads to "CHINTZY", suggesting something that is stingy, cheap, or of poor quality. It implies a lack of generosity or investment in resources, often resulting in substandard or unsatisfactory outcomes.

Previously (6)


"Previously" clues to "TIL NOW", indicating the period of time up to the present moment or up to a specified point in time. It denotes events or actions that occurred before a particular reference point, emphasizing a temporal connection to the present.

Attitude (6)


"Attitude" leads to "METTLE", referring to a person's courage, strength of character, or resilience in the face of adversity. It denotes the mental and emotional fortitude or determination displayed by an individual in challenging situations.

Transform (5)


"Transform" suggests the process of changing or adapting to a new situation or environment, which aligns with the concept of "ADAPT." When individuals or entities adapt, they modify themselves or their behaviors to better suit their surroundings or circumstances, allowing them to thrive in different conditions.

Tough metal (5)


"Tough metal" refers to a durable and resilient material commonly used in construction and manufacturing. "STEEL" fits this description perfectly, as it is known for its strength, hardness, and resistance to corrosion, making it a popular choice for a wide range of applications, from buildings to machinery.

Showed (9)


"Showed" implies the act of indicating or revealing something, often through gestures, actions, or symbols. The word "SIGNIFIED" reflects this idea, suggesting the expression or communication of meaning or significance, whether through words, signals, or other means.

Moonlight ---, Beethoven composition (6)


"Moonlight ---, Beethoven composition" directs attention to a musical composition by Ludwig van Beethoven. The answer "SONATA" completes the phrase, referring to Beethoven's famous "Moonlight Sonata," a piano sonata renowned for its hauntingly beautiful melody and emotional depth.

Form of protest (3,2)


"Form of protest" signifies a method or strategy used by individuals or groups to express dissent or opposition to a particular issue or policy. "SIT-IN" is a type of peaceful protest where participants occupy a space, such as a public area or building, as a means of drawing attention to their cause or demands.

Musical note (3)

C E E    

"Musical note" indicates a specific sound or pitch produced by a musical instrument or voice. The sequence "C E E" represents musical notes, with "C" and "E" denoting specific pitches within the musical scale, forming a melodic sequence when played together.

--- Lewis, former athlete (6)


"--- Lewis, former athlete" points to a well-known individual in the world of sports. The answer "DENISE" completes the name, referring to Denise Lewis, a former British track and field athlete who achieved success in the heptathlon, winning gold at the 2000 Sydney Olympics.

Gaiters (5)


"Gaiters" are protective coverings worn over shoes and lower legs, typically made of cloth or leather. "SPATS" is the term commonly used to describe these garments, which were once fashionable accessories worn by men in the early 20th century but are now primarily used for practical purposes, such as hiking or equestrian activities.

Feigns (8)


"Feigns" suggests the act of pretending or simulating something, often for deceptive or manipulative purposes. However, "DECLARES" doesn't quite align with the concept of feigning, so the answer might be a term more directly associated with pretending or falsifying one's intentions or emotions. 

Aperture (3)


"Aperture" refers to an opening or hole, particularly in a device such as a camera or microscope, through which light passes to form an image. "CUT" doesn't directly correspond to the idea of an aperture, so the answer might be a term more closely associated with openings or gaps in various contexts.

Coral ridge (5)


Coral ridge (ATOLL): This question suggests a geographical feature often associated with coral reefs. The answer is "ATOLL," which refers to a ring-shaped coral reef, island, or series of islets enclosing a lagoon, typically found in tropical oceans.

Silk weight unit (6)


Silk weight unit (DENIER): This question prompts us to think of a unit of measurement related to the weight of silk fibers. The answer is "DENIER," which is a unit of measurement for the linear mass density of fibers, particularly used for silk and other textiles.

Impeded (7)


Impeded (BINDING): This question suggests a word meaning hindered or obstructed. The answer is "BINDING," which means to hinder or restrict someone or something, often by tying or fastening tightly.

Sticks together (7)


Sticks together (CEMENTS): This question hints at a word meaning to join or bond closely. The answer is "CEMENTS," which means to bind or glue things together, creating a strong and lasting connection.

Pressed (6)


Pressed (MASHED): This question suggests an action often done to ingredients in cooking. The answer is "MASHED," which means to crush or press something, typically food, into a soft, pulpy consistency, as with mashed potatoes or avocados.

Lacks (5)


Lacks (BOMBS): This question suggests a word meaning to be deficient or missing something essential. The answer is "BOMBS," which means to fail or perform poorly, lacking success or effectiveness.

--- roll, canoeing manoeuvre (6)


--- roll, canoeing manoeuvre (ESKIMO): This question directs us to identify a maneuver used in canoeing. The answer is "ESKIMO," referring to an "Eskimo roll," a technique used to right a capsized kayak or canoe by performing a full rotation while remaining in the vessel.

--- Shackleton, Antarctic explorer (6)


--- Shackleton, Antarctic explorer (ERNEST): This question prompts us to identify a famous Antarctic explorer. The answer is "ERNEST," referring to Ernest Shackleton, the renowned British explorer known for his expeditions to Antarctica, including the ill-fated Endurance expedition.

Children's nurse (5)


Children's nurse (NANNY): This question suggests a caregiver role often associated with caring for children. The answer is "NANNY," which refers to a person, typically a woman, employed to look after and care for children in their own home.

Louse egg (3)


Louse egg (NIT): This question prompts us to identify the egg of a louse, a parasitic insect. The answer is "NIT," which refers to the egg of a louse, commonly found attached to human hair or animal fur.

--- Kiss, Dua Lipa single (3)


--- Kiss, Dua Lipa single (ONE): This question directs us to identify a single by the artist Dua Lipa. The answer is "ONE," referring to the song "One Kiss," a collaboration between Dua Lipa and Calvin Harris.

Palme ---, film award (3)


Palme ---, film award (DOR): This question prompts us to identify an award given at a prestigious film festival. The answer is "DOR," referring to the Palme d'Or, the highest prize awarded at the Cannes Film Festival in France.

Midge ---, Ultravox singer (3)


Midge ---, Ultravox singer (URE): This question directs us to identify a singer from the band Ultravox. The answer is "URE," referring to Midge Ure, the Scottish musician and vocalist known for his work with Ultravox, including hits like "Vienna" and "Dancing with Tears in My Eyes."

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