About Us

Founded in 2010, Fresherslive initially started as a platform dedicated to job seekers. As the needs of our audience evolved, so did we, expanding our content to cater to readers in the US, Canada, Australia, UK, and beyond. Originally a job site, we’ve rapidly adapted alongside the internet’s growth, becoming a go-to source for highly relevant, meticulously researched stories on celebrities, entertainment news, and social trends that will be the talk of tomorrow. Today, Fresherslive is a comprehensive destination for insightful articles, breaking news, and engaging stories that resonate on a global scale.

FreshersLIVE is owned and operated by


Our Mission

At Fresherslive, our mission is to inform, entertain, and inspire our readers with content that is both relevant and reliable. We believe in the power of information to shape lives and communities, and we strive to deliver it with integrity and passion.

Editorial Standards

Our editorial team is committed to the highest standards of journalism. We meticulously research our stories to ensure accuracy and fairness, providing a balanced perspective on the issues that matter most. Our content is curated with care, reflecting the diversity of our global readership.

We celebrate the diversity of both our virtual newsroom and the world we cover. We uphold a strict zero-tolerance policy for plagiarism and adhere to the highest standards of transparency.

Our writers and editors do not accept gifts, money, or any form of payment in exchange for coverage, and sponsored content is always clearly labeled. At Fresherslive, we prioritize our readers and communities, providing coverage that is dependable and relatable. We are committed to accuracy, fair representation, and rigorous fact-checking.

We are devoted to journalistic integrity, following the Society of Professional Journalists’ Code of Ethics: seeking the truth and reporting it, minimizing harm, acting independently, and maintaining accountability and transparency

Accuracy and Fact-Checking

At Fresherslive, accuracy is the cornerstone of our editorial process. We understand that trust is earned through reliability, and we are committed to providing our readers with content that is both precise and well-researched.

Our team of writers and editors are dedicated to ensuring that every article we publish is thoroughly fact-checked. Before any piece goes live, it undergoes a meticulous review process to verify the accuracy of the information presented. This includes cross-referencing multiple sources, consulting subject matter experts, and utilizing reputable databases.

We also take clarity and coherence seriously. Our editors review each article for not only factual correctness but also for clarity, tone, and readability. We aim to present information in a way that is both engaging and easily understood, without compromising on the depth and detail of our reporting.


Despite our rigorous processes, we acknowledge that mistakes can happen. We are committed to transparency and accountability; therefore, if an error is identified, we act swiftly to correct it. Our corrections policy is clear and accessible: readers can report inaccuracies directly to our editorial team at [email protected]. Each correction is handled promptly and transparently, with updates clearly indicated in the affected articles.

Contact Us

Got a tip, suggestion, or just want to chat? Reach out to us at [email protected]. We’re always here to listen and engage with our readers.