150+ Fake People Quotes To Help You Identify The Fake Friends

Fake People Quotes that will help you tell the difference between true and fake friends or people, Here is an updated list of Fake People Quotes to spot them from the crowd.

by Menaga K | Updated Aug 11, 2023

Top 150+ Fake People Quotes

To quote someone is to use their exact words from a speech or book. A paragraph or statement repeated in this manner is also considered a quotation. To quote something is to cite it as evidence. As a verb and a noun, quote has a number of other meanings. In oral conversation, quotations are also denoted by quotative markers and distinctive prosody. In written text, quotation marks are used to indicate quotes. Additionally, quotations are used to present well-known statement fragments that are specifically cited to their original sources; these statements are denoted by quotation marks.

Fake People Quotes

"Fake people have an image to maintain. Real people just don't care."

“Fake friends are like a bad bra. They’re always around when they’re not needed, and they never provide the support you’re looking for.”

“Fake people are only nice when it suits their agenda.” 

“I’ve got more respect for someone who comes out and says they don’t like me than for the ones who act like they do but talk bad about me when I’m not around.”

“If your actions are dictated by who might be watching, they’ll never be genuine—and neither will you.”

“A person's character is shown through their actions in life NOT where they sit on Sunday.

“When you see the genuine, you don't deal with the fakes anymore.”

“It's funny how the people who know the least about you, always have the most to say.”

“I prefer to surround myself with people who reveal their imperfection, rather than people who fake their perfection.”

“I love fake people provided they are mannequins.”

“Life is too short for fake butter or fake people.”

“Fake happiness is the worst kind of sadness.”

“Over a small misunderstanding, God will expose how people really feel about you...”

“Make no mistake about it, people who say they love you but cannot be happy for your success do not love you.”

“Most people will never learn the lessons meant for them in this lifetime, nor become the person they were meant to be, simply because they are too busy being someone else, or someone they are not.”

“Social media is the 'Greatest Hits' album of our lives.”

“Fake people are like costume jewelry: They look great for a while, then all of a sudden, their true selves 'Shine' thru.”

"Fake people talk about other people being fake. Real people worry about their business, and no one else's."

"Share your weaknesses. Share your hard moments. Share your real side. It’ll either scare away every fake person in your life or it will inspire them to finally let go of that mirage called ‘perfection.’"

“If they talk about other people with you, they will talk about you with other people.”

Fake People Quotes for Friends

"A true friend will not treat you like a doormat."

"Friends are supposed to cheer you up when you cry, not the reason why you cry."

"Fake friends are like shadows: always near you at your brightest moments, but nowhere to be seen at your darkest hour."

"True friends are like stars. You don’t always see them, but they are always there."

"In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."

"Fake friends are around you when they think you are cool. True friends are around you even when they think you are a fool."

"Fake people are like soap bubbles. They pop out when the sun shines brightly."

"Don’t fear the enemies who attack you, fear the fake friends that hug you."

"They stab you and pretend they are the ones bleeding."

"Fake friends believe in rumors. Real friends believe in you."

"Once they stop talking to you, they start talking about you."

"You won’t need to explain your side of the story to a true friend."

"Fake people say a lot of words that they don’t keep."

"You tell your friends your most personal secrets, and they use them against you."

"Sometimes the person you are willing to take the bullet for is the one who pulls the trigger."

"Fake friends are with you today and against you tomorrow."

"Fake friends get mad when we don’t pretend to like them."

Sarcastic Fake People Quotes

"Crocodiles are easy. They try to kill and eat you. People are harder. They pretend to be your friend first."

"Sometimes those who don’t socialize much aren’t actually anti-social, they just have no tolerance for drama and fake people." 

"The only thing more frustrating than slanderers is those foolish enough to listen to them." 

"I prefer to surround myself with people who reveal their imperfection, rather than people who fake their perfection."

"Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is some who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down."

"Every journey into the past is complicated by delusions, false memories, false namings of real events."

"If I doubt your intentions I will never trust your actions." 

“I know who you are when the camera is not on.”

"Are you sincere? Are you yourself? Are you as you look? You don't have a mask on your face? You speak what you think? Then you are real, then you are not fake!"

"Convince people that you need them, and watch what they do."

"Stop texting first and see how many dead plants you’ve been watering."

"They play victims in crimes they committed."

"1 fake friend can do more damage than 5 enemies."

"Parents notice your fake friends before you do."

"Stop being the “go-to” for someone you can’t go to."

"Fake friends make you feel like you are a second choice."

"They always have time for others but they skip you."

Fake People Quotes for Relationship

"A clear rejection is always better than a fake promise."

"Cut off fake people for real reasons, not real people for fake reasons."

"Be all in or get all out. There is no halfway."

"Be careful who you share your weaknesses with. Some people can’t wait for the opportunity to use them against you."

"Certain people and their toxic energy can block you from expanding, elevating and vibrating higher. Detach and protect your energy. "

"Cheap Hearts can be bought with money and lies but the best Heart deserves nothing but Truth and Love."

"Distrust all those who love you extremely upon a very slight acquaintance and without any visible reason."

"Don’t fear the enemy that attacks you, but the fake friend that hugs you."

"Fake is the new trend and everyone seems to be in style."

"Fake people have an image to maintain. Real people just don’t care."

"Finally, maybe it’s time to move on?"

"How do I make you understand my feelings are not fake, Will you believe me if I give my life for this sake?"

"People say that France has love in the air. I don’t believe them. It’s all rubbish. It is all fake and fake."

"People think being alone makes you lonely, but I don’t think that’s true. Being surrounded by the wrong people is the loneliest thing in the world."

"Fake lovers should be punished badly."

"People. Falling for each other’s pretensions, fakeness and whatever various faces they can put on to wear. And then they call it love. What a fantasy. What a blasphemy. Humanity bores me."

"Real love can easily be seen, but fake love. It is hard to detect."

Fake People Quotes for Love

"Stop falling for those who won’t raise you up in the future.” 

“Fake loving people don’t surprise me anymore, loyal lovers do.” 

"You shattered the remainder of my heart, yet you expect me to be okay with it day after day.”

“I wish, I could tell her that the love between us is not real.”

“No one forced you to love me, so why did you need to pretend? Your lies have left me heartbroken.”

“She doesn’t love me like she says she loves. Believe Me.

“It’s far better to be unhappy alone than unhappy with someone so far.” 

“I never fell in love with her. It was all damn fake.” 

“Your love is fake, just like your fake promises. I loved you every single day and you wasted every single moment.” 

“After hurting my feelings with fake promises, now where are you headed Miss Heartless?”

“It’s good I realized early that you were playing with my feelings. I regret falling into the trap of a fake relationship.”

“My love was true, you didn’t deserve it, so maybe that’s the reason you showed your true colors. Thank you for introducing me to the world of fake love.”

“You were definitely the best girlfriend until you cheated upon me to prove that love hurts. Now no more fake relationship status.”

“Thanks for showing me how it really feels when you get to know the relationship is fake. I feel experienced in love now.”

"Fake relationships and fake people coming up to me and all of a sudden wanting to be my friend.”

“You can’t always go by actions because some people will act like they love you just to get what they want from you.”

“I don’t think that you can fake warmth. You can fake lust, jealousy, anger; those are all quite easy. But actual, genuine warmth? I don’t think you can fake it.”

Fake People Quotes About Their Lies

"A false friend and a shadow attend only while the sun shines"

"Relationships should be real and one must know how to identify his or her relationship."

"Sometimes it’s not the people who change, it’s the mask that falls off."

"Sometimes you have to give up on people. Not because you don’t care but because they don’t."

"Sometimes you miss the memories, not the person."

"I no longer have the energy for meaningless friendships, forced interactions or unnecessary conversations."

“Many of us believe that when we give love, we are getting the love back but sometimes it’s just an illusion of what we gave them.”

"Real love is what you feel it. You see it, and you show it! But fake love is just made of words."

“Spend your time with those who love you unconditionally, not with those who only love you under certain conditions.”

"My fake plants died because I did not pretend to water them.” 

“You entered my life like a surprise, showed me dreams, and now when I realize your love is fake, everything feels worst.”

“Boyfriends are fake and you are a classic example.”

“Dear ex, your fake love seems like a nightmare now. I feel so disgusted about love and relationships.”

“You were just a chapter that I would never again love to read in my life.”

"Fake people are as common as smartphones these days.” 

“People wear masks of lies so that they look attractive, so be careful.”

“It’s better not to have nobody, than to have someone who is half there, or don’t want to be with you.”

Fake People Quotes for Smile

“A fake smile may fool the crowd but it never eases the pain.”

“A Fake Smile can prevent something bad from happening, but it can also create further misunderstandings.” 

"The prettiest smile hide the deepest secrets. The prettiest eyes have cried the most tears. And the kindest hearts have felt the most pain.”

“You can fake a smile, but you can’t fake your feelings.”

“During the day you see her smile, at night tears run down her face.”

“She hurts and she cries, but you can’t see the depression in her eyes, because she just smiles…”

"Smile and no one will see how broken you are inside.”

"Sometimes life brings you to such a pathetic situation that you feel smiling is far better than explaining why we are sad.”

“Fools are those that believe smiles are a sign of happiness.”

“Someone who smiles too much with you can sometime frown too much with you at your back.”

“We can always smile, but that doesn’t mean that our hearts are not shedding tears.”

“People maybe smiling but look to the eyes because they can’t hide the sorrow, pain, and heartache they’re trying to hide behind their smile.”

“Behind all my fake smiles is a lonely heart waiting for someone to cheer me up.”

“A long sleeve a fake smile and everyone thinks you are fine.”

“A smile can mean a thousand words, but it can also hide a thousand problems.”

“And we put a fake to smile to hide the pain, yet we wish someone would look closely enough and see how broken we really are inside.”

“Smile are like band-aids, they cover up the pain. But still it hurts.”

Emotional Fake People Quotes

             “Trust on their action, not on words”

“Make distance from people who wear masks”

“It is better to stay alone rather being around with people who don’t value and respect you”

“It is good that you leave because there is no room for fake people in my life”

“Walk away from people who just care about themselves”

“Don’t become so nice in this world where all are wearing a mask on their face to fool you”

“When you have to find who are the real ones then look at their hearts not face”

“Fake people always spread negativity but real ones spread positivity”

“If you came in my life to use me then I will throw you out of my life like a garbage”

“Fake people will talk about you good in front of you and bad behind you”

“When you can’t be real then don’t make fake promises”

“Trust someone when their action match their words”

“Fake people want to see you down but real ones want to see you at the top”

“Don’t pretend to be real because I know you are here for your own benefit”

“Difficult situation in life always prove who are the real ones and who is the fake one”

“Fake people show their colors when they have no use of you anymore”

“Choose people carefully because there are a lot of fake ones in the world”

Fake People Quotes and Sayings

"The friend that can be bought is not worth buying."

“When you talk to me please take off your mask”

“Fake people always act that they are helping you but in reality, they never want to help you”

“Trust only a few people in life because you don’t know who is real”

“If you have a fake friend in life then be careful because you don’t know when they will strike you”

“Who needs an enemy when your life is filled with fake people”

“Time will expose everything because fake things and people don’t last long in life”

“You don’t know what monster is hiding behind that friendly face”

“A fake smile can only be put for some time. Because they are easily detected and disclosed.”

“All it takes is a beautiful fake smile to hide an injured soul and they will never notice how broken you really are.”

“You look at me and think, ‘he’s so happy’ but there’s so much behind this fake smile that you will never know.”

“Behind every fake smile is a broken heart.”

“It’s getting harder and harder to wear a fake smile everyday because the more I wear it the more I know how much of a lie it is.”

"A fake smile may mislead the crowd, but it never alleviates the discomfort."

"People who are saddest have the brightest smiles."

"The most beautiful smile conceals the darkest secrets. The most tears have been shed by the most beautiful eyes. And the kindest hearts have suffered the most."

“Don’t trust everything that you see because there are many things that you don’t know about them”

“Fake people always stay with you in your good times and leave you in your bad times”

“Some people come in your life to spread darkness so stay away from them”

“Choose friends wisely because you don’t know who is your enemy”

“Fake people don’t care what happens with you because they only care about themselves”

“Fake people will fade away when you are in trouble only real ones will remain”

“Real ones will walk with you till the end but fake people will disappear”

“Make a distance from the people who only come to you when they need something from you”

Fake People Quotes for Real Friends

“Fake people always talk about you behind your back”

"Don’t share your weaknesses because you don’t know who will use them against you”

“You never care about me but I did and I learn my lesson”

“True friends never want to see you fail in life but fake friends want to see”

“If they want to help you then they will not make an excuse”

“I’m surprised how people fake their whole life”

“Fake people come to your life to teach you a lesson that doesn’t trust anybody easily”

“Don’t hide your true intention because time will expose everything so stay real, not fake”

“You use me I will throw you if you stay loyal to me I will respect you”

“True friendship brings happiness in life but fake friendship always brings pain in life”

“Respect those friends who stand with you in your bad times and stay away from those who leave you in your bad times”

“It is better having more enemy in life than having a fake friend”

“How someone can fake their personality to just get into someone’s life”

“Time will show you who is real ones and who are the fake ones”

“Sometimes you have to pretend that you are a fool because you want to see how far they can go”

“Never depend on anyone because you don’t know when they will leave you”

“It is the best reaction to see on their face when I don’t let them use me”

“When someone says they like you don’t trust easily because you don’t know when they will change their mind”

Fake People Quotes With Images

"Fake friends are around when they think you’re cool. True friends are around even when they think you’re a fool."

"Fake people always think others are fake"

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150 Fake People Quotes - FAQs

1. How do you hurt a fake friend?

Explain how you feel, and why you think you should not be friends any longer. Be honest and straightforward but try and remain as nice as possible. Start the conversation by acknowledging that this is difficult. “This is going to be really hard to say, and probably hard to hear.

2. What do they say about fake friends?

They make you feel bad about yourself.

3. How do fake friends react?

Fake friends will find a way to make every topic of conversation about themselves. And I mean every!

4. When you feel your friend fake?

Fake friends will often make backhanded compliments, quiet judgments, or disapproving looks in your direction. Sometimes, these behaviors are not outright or obvious. Still, they can leave you feeling betrayed and hurt.

5. What is feeling fake?

It's also known as impostor phenomenon, fraud syndrome, perceived fraudulence, or impostor experience. “People with impostor syndrome are cloaked by feelings of insecurity,” said Divya Jot Singh, MD, a psychiatrist at Banner Behavioral Health Hospital in Scottsdale, AZ. “They feel inadequate.”