23rd April 2024: The Answer and its Explanation to the Irish Daily Mail Mailword Small Crossword Puzzle

The article below will be mainly speaking about the Irish Daily Mail Mailword Small  crossword puzzle for today.

by Shoba | Updated Apr 23, 2024

The Irish Daily Mail Mailword Small crossword puzzle is a type of word game published in the Irish Daily Mail newspaper. It's a smaller version of the regular crossword puzzle, typically with fewer squares and clues, making it quicker and easier to solve. Get ready to solve the game and have a relaxed time from your normal routine.

Question: Bolan, T. Rex frontman (4)


In the world of rock 'n' roll, Bolan is synonymous with the iconic frontman of T. Rex, whose electrifying performances captivated audiences. Bolan's real name, Marc Bolan, has become legendary in music history, inspiring generations with his glam rock persona and timeless hits.

Question: Pure (6)


When seeking something pristine and untouched, Pure perfectly encapsulates that essence. Limpid, with its six letters, evokes images of crystal-clear waters or a serene landscape untouched by human hands. It's a word that resonates with simplicity and clarity in its purest form.

Question: Biblical figure (4)


Biblical figures often carry profound significance, and Cain is no exception. Known as the eldest son of Adam and Eve, Cain's story is deeply intertwined with themes of jealousy, sin, and redemption. His name echoes through religious texts, symbolizing the complexities of human nature and the consequences of our actions.

Question: Fuel container (6)


In everyday life, a fuel container serves a practical purpose, storing gasoline for various applications. Whether for automobiles, lawn mowers, or emergency generators, a gas can is a familiar sight in garages and workshops. Its six letters convey a straightforward utility that keeps engines running and tasks moving forward.

Question: Branch (4)


Branches extend from the sturdy trunk of a tree, reaching outwards to the sky and providing support for leaves and fruits. In the context of a crossword puzzle, Branch hints at this natural element, representing a fundamental part of a tree's structure. With four letters, it's a concise clue that leads solvers to the answer.

Question: Memorised (6)


Memory is a fascinating aspect of human cognition, and to have memorized something is to have stored it in one's mind for future recall. Whether it's facts, faces, or experiences, what's learned stays with us, shaping our understanding of the world. Learnt with its six letters embodies this process of acquiring knowledge and retaining it for use in the future.

Question: Nocturnal mammal (5)


Lemurs are often associated with being nocturnal mammals, meaning they are most active during the night. Their large, round eyes help them navigate in low light conditions, making them well-adapted to their nocturnal lifestyle.

Question: Mount (4)


When it comes to mounting something, like a horse or a piece of equipment, you'll often need a tack. Tacks are small, sharp nails used for securing objects to a surface, such as mounting a picture frame on a wall.

Question: Salad ingredient (8)


Scallions, also known as green onions, are a popular salad ingredient known for their mild flavor and crisp texture. Their vibrant green color and subtle onion taste add a refreshing crunch to salads, making them a versatile and nutritious addition.

Question: Used teeth (3)


When you use your teeth to bite into something, you are essentially employing a bit of force. Bit here refers to the past tense of the verb to bite, indicating teeth that have been employed in the act of chewing or biting.

Question: Dance (3)


Fun is often associated with enjoyment and leisure activities, including dancing. Whether it's at a party, a wedding, or just in the comfort of one's own home, dancing is a form of expression and movement that brings joy and entertainment to many.

Question: Printing units (3)


ENS refers to a measurement of space equal to half of an em, typically used to denote the width of a capital letter N. In typesetting and graphic design, understanding measurements like ens is crucial for achieving precise and consistent spacing in printed materials.

Question: Examiners (8)


The word CHECKERS fits perfectly for the clue Examiners. It alludes to individuals tasked with verifying or examining something, such as answers or documents, aligning with the nature of checkers who inspect or assess situations.

Question: Paste (4)


The term SEAL appropriately corresponds to the clue Paste in a crossword puzzle. Seal can refer to a sticky substance used for joining or sealing items together, akin to paste, making it an apt solution for this clue.

Question: Ovens (5)


KILNS is the fitting response to the clue Ovens. Kilns are specialized furnaces used for baking, drying, or firing materials like pottery, bricks, or ceramics, making them a precise match for the hint provided.

Question: Splendour (6)


LUXURY serves as the ideal answer for the crossword clue Splendour. The word conveys the notion of opulence, elegance, and lavishness, which aligns perfectly with the concept of splendor depicted in the clue.

Question: Blood vessel (4)


The term VENI appropriately corresponds to the clue Blood vessel. While it's a less common term, veni accurately describes a type of blood vessel, specifically a vein, which transports blood towards the heart, fitting the clue provided.

Question: False (6)


The word BENDED fits precisely for the crossword clue False. While not as common as bent or bend, bended suggests a past action of bending, which metaphorically connects to the idea of something being altered or twisted, thus serving as an apt solution for the clue.

Question: Vessel for heating liquids (4)


An ETNA is a vessel traditionally used for heating liquids. This term often refers to a type of small, cylindrical stove or boiler, typically made of metal. Its compact size and efficient design make it suitable for heating liquids like water or soup.

Question: Decrease (6)


The word WORSEN signifies a process of decline or decrease, typically in a negative context. When something worsens, its condition or quality deteriorates, leading to a decrease in its overall state or value.

Question: Male deer (4)


In the realm of wildlife, a BUCK is the term used to describe a male deer. These majestic animals are often characterized by their impressive antlers, which they shed and regrow annually. Bucks play a vital role in the ecosystem, particularly during mating seasons when they compete for dominance and mating rights.

Question: Thaw (4)


The process of warming refers to the gradual increase in temperature that causes frozen substances to thaw. Whether it's ice melting into water or frozen ground softening, warming is the essential step in reversing the solidification caused by cold temperatures.

Question: Continent (4)


The term PURE here is likely an abbreviation or clue referring to the continent of Europe. Europe is one of the seven continents of the world, known for its rich history, diverse cultures, and significant contributions to global civilization. Its landmass spans across various latitudes and longitudes, encompassing a wide range of climates and landscapes.

Question: Sloping walkway (4)


A RAMP is a sloping walkway designed to facilitate movement between different levels, particularly for individuals with mobility impairments or for transporting goods. Ramps can be found in various settings, such as buildings, transportation hubs, and outdoor recreational areas, providing accessibility and convenience for users.

Question: Three-dimensional (5)


Three-dimensional leads us to the word SOLID. This term refers to objects that have length, width, and height, occupying space. It's a fitting answer that encapsulates the essence of being three-dimensional.

Question: Mountain route (3)


Mountain route points to the word COL. A col is a geographical feature, often a low point or pass between two peaks or ridges in a mountain range. This concise term perfectly captures the idea of a mountain route.

Question: Go quickly (3)


Go quickly hints at the word RUN. This action-oriented verb succinctly conveys the idea of rapid movement, fitting the clue's description of going quickly.

Question: Siren (5)


While siren typically evokes images of mythical creatures luring sailors with enchanting songs, FAIRY offers an imaginative twist, capturing the essence of magical allure associated with sirens.

Question: Clerk (6)


A clerk is someone who performs various administrative tasks, often within an office setting. WORKER expands on this concept, encompassing a broader range of occupations involving labor and productivity.

Question: Bicycle for two (6)


A tandem bicycle is designed for two riders seated one behind the other. It's a cooperative and synchronized way of cycling, often used for leisurely rides or in competitive cycling events.

Question: Goes in (6)


Enters is the solution derived from the clue Goes in. It signifies the action of going into or penetrating something, such as entering a room or a building. The word captures the idea of transition or movement into a particular space or situation.

Question: Red gem (4)


Sard stones have been valued for centuries for their rich color and are often used in jewelry, carving, and ornamental purposes.

Question: Trig function (3)


In mathematics, the secant function (SEC) represents the reciprocal of the cosine function. It is used to calculate the length of the hypotenuse of a right triangle given the length of one of its sides.

Question: Until (2,2)


UP TO is the solution to the clue Until. This expression indicates a limit or endpoint, suggesting reaching or progressing as far as a certain point or condition but not beyond it. It's commonly used to denote a boundary or a maximum extent in various contexts.

Question: Loose container's quantity (6)


BAGFUL refers to a quantity of items that fill a loose container, typically a bag. The word is derived from bag and full, indicating that the container is filled or full of something.

Question: Awaiting (2,4)


IN LINE describes the act of waiting for something or someone. It implies being positioned in a queue or sequence, ready for one's turn. The phrase is composed of the preposition in indicating location or state, and line referring to a row or sequence

Question: Derides (6)


SPOOFS refers to the act of mocking or ridiculing in a playful or light-hearted manner. It involves making fun of someone or something, often by imitating or exaggerating its characteristics. The term is derived from the verb to spoof, which means to parody or satirize.

Question: Lecherous looks (5)


OGLES describes the act of looking at someone with desire or lecherous intent. It suggests a lingering, lustful gaze directed at another person. The word is derived from the verb to ogle, meaning to stare at someone amorously or with sexual interest.

Question: Rescues (5)


When someone rescues another person, they often keep them safe or sheltered. So, the answer is KEEPS, which means to maintain or hold onto something.

Question: Badger's den (4)


In the animal kingdom, badgers are known to live in underground dens called setts. Therefore, the answer is SETT, which refers to a badger's den.

Question: Turner, singer (4)


Turner, singer indicates a famous singer whose last name is Turner, fitting the four-letter space. Tina refers to Tina Turner, a renowned singer known for hits like What's Love Got to Do with It.

Question: Catch (4)


A lure is something used to attract or catch fish or other animals. So, the answer is LURE, which means to entice or attract someone or something.

Question: French street (3)


French street indicates a three-letter word commonly used to denote a street in France. Rue is the appropriate answer, as it is the French word for street, fitting the given space.

Question: Desire (3)


Desire in a crossword clue suggests a verb related to wanting or requesting something. Ask fits this context, as it denotes the action of requesting or seeking something, fitting the three-letter space.

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