AITA For Taking in My Sister and Her Kids

A person wonders if they're wrong for not letting their sister's unpleasant husband stay as they help her and the kids. Tough family situation with differing opinions.

by Ayisha | Updated Sep 25, 2023


AITA For Taking in My Sister and Her Kids

The story is about a person who is wondering if they did something wrong. They decided to help their sister and her kids because they were going to lose their home. The problem is that the sister's husband is not a nice person. He's rude, doesn't have a job, and he's very overweight.

The person who wrote the story said they would let their sister and her kids stay with them, but they didn't want the husband to come because they didn't like how he acted. The husband got really mad and said mean things. Some people on the internet agreed with the person who wrote the story, while others didn't.

In the end, the person is asking if they were wrong for not letting the husband come to their house. They still want to help their sister and her kids, but they don't want the husband to be there because he's not nice. It's a tough situation, and people have different opinions about what is right.

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What are the Primary Issues with the Sister's Husband?

The sister's husband has a lot of problems that are causing trouble in the family. One big issue is that he is not nice to people. He says mean things and has made rude comments, even at a family event. This hurts the feelings of the people around him, including the writer of the story.

Another problem is that the husband doesn't have a job. He doesn't work to help support the family, even though the sister does. This means the sister has to pay for a babysitter to take care of the kids when she's at work. It's not fair because the husband should also help take care of their children.

Lastly, the husband is very overweight and mostly stays in bed. This makes it hard for him to do things and be active with the family. It's also causing financial issues because he eats out at restaurants a lot, which costs a lot of money. So, there are many problems with the sister's husband, and that's why the writer of the story doesn't want him to stay in their house.

How Have People Reacted to AITA For Taking in My Sister and Her Kids?

When the person who wrote the story made the decision not to let their sister's husband stay in their house, some people agreed with them, while others did not. Some people thought it was okay because they didn't like how the husband acted and they wanted to help the sister and her kids. They believed that the sister and her children should be taken care of, but not the husband because of his bad behavior.

On the other hand, some people didn't agree with the person's decision. They thought that family should stick together, and the husband should be allowed to stay too. They believed that breaking up a family was not the right thing to do, even if the husband had problems. So, there were different opinions and reactions from people about whether the person's decision was right or wrong.

What is AITA all About?

AITA is a popular concept that has gained significant traction on social media platforms like Reddit and TikTok. This phenomenon revolves around individuals sharing real-life situations from their personal experiences and seeking the online community's judgment on whether their actions were morally acceptable or not in those situations.

To participate in this trend, users typically start their posts with "AITA" and proceed to provide a detailed account of the scenario or dilemma they encountered. Other users then engage by offering their own assessments and opinions, often based on their personal perspectives and values.

The AITA stories encompass a wide spectrum of subjects, ranging from family conflicts and disagreements with friends to complex moral quandaries and ethical decisions. This trend has become immensely popular because it allows people to read and engage in discussions about these real-life situations, offer advice, and engage in debates about who was right or wrong in a given circumstance. It serves as a platform for individuals to seek validation or gain valuable insights into their behavior through the collective wisdom of the online community.

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AITA For Taking in My Sister and Her Kids - FAQs

1. Did the person in the story offer to help their sister and her kids?

Yes, the person offered to let their sister and her children stay with them.

2. Why did the person not want the sister's husband to come?

The person didn't want the husband to come because they didn't like his behavior; he was rude and unpleasant.

3. How did the husband react to the decision?

The husband got angry and said mean things when he found out he wasn't invited to stay.

4. Did people on the internet have different opinions about the situation?  

Yes, some agreed with the person's decision, while others did not.

5. What are some issues with the sister's husband?

The husband is rude, doesn't have a job, and is very overweight, causing family problems.