Aliens Fireteam Elite Walkthrough, Guide, Gameplay, And More

Get a step-by-step Aliens Fireteam Elite walkthrough for all levels, our comprehensive Aliens Fireteam Elite guide will help you survive the Xenomorph onslaught.

by Rubaditsha | Updated May 04, 2023


Aliens Fireteam Elite Wiki

Aliens: Fireteam Elite is a video game released in 2021 that falls under the category of a third-person shooter. It was developed by Cold Iron Studio in collaboration with 20th Century Games, which is now owned by Disney. The game is a standalone sequel to the original Alien trilogy and is set 23 years after the events of the first movies.

Unlike the survival-horror gameplay of Alien: Isolation, Fireteam Elite leans more towards action-packed gameplay similar to Aliens: Colonial Marines. The game takes place in a sci-fi universe where the player takes on the role of a Colonial Marine. The main objective of the player is to respond to a distress call from the outer colonies while aboard the UAS Endeavor spacecraft.

The game offers seven different character classes, including Gunner, Demolisher, Technician, Doc, Phalanx, Lancer, and Recon. Fireteam Elite offers four different story campaigns, each with three missions. The player is accompanied by two allies who can be controlled by another player or by an AI. The game offers various levels of difficulty and has twenty different types of enemies. In addition, the game offers weapon customization and character progression options.

The game does not support local co-op, although online matchmaking can be public or private. The developers have announced plans for post-launch DLC, but the game does not include any loot boxes or microtransactions. The gameplay seen in the reveal trailer and hands-off demo is similar to the Left 4 Dead series.

Aliens Fireteam Elite Walkthrough

UAS Endeavor

Fulminium Alloy Powder:

If you are standing in front of the UAS Endeavor hangar and facing the big ship, you need to move along the supplies (crates) that are on the left side of the ship. As you do so, keep an eye out for a cable spool and some wrapped crates behind it. The Fulminium Alloy Powder can be found near these items.

"U.A.S. Endeavor" Plaque:

To find the plaque that reads "U.A.S. Endeavor," you will need to head upstairs to the second floor. The stairs are located beside the armory entrance. Once you reach the top of the stairs, turn left and enter the room immediately on your left. The plaque can be found against the wall to the left of the room's entrance. This area is located across from Col Shipp.

Battle Streamers:

If you need to find the Battle Streamers, head to the back of the big ship in the Hangar. Look for the orange ammo crate and then search to the left of it for two small orange blockades. Once you pass these blockades, you should be able to spot a fallen flag on the floor near a wrapped crate. The Battle Streamers can be found here.

  • Priority One Walkthrough


The instructions describe the third and fourth big battles in the video game. In the third battle, the player needs to interact with a panel to start the battle and refill the ammo before the battle begins. The Dynamo Room is filled with various types of xenomorphs including the newly introduced heavily armored enemy called Warrior. These warriors are big and will single out a soldier to attack. The technician can use the turret to attract the Warrior's attention, and the Demolisher can stun them with their ground pound move. After the battle, the player will be attacked by a Drone in the corridor. In the fourth battle, the first wave of enemies will always appear in the corridor directly ahead. The player can prepare for the battle by setting down a turret or equipping a heavy weapon. The player will also fight Runners, Bursters, Spitters and possibly a Warrior during this fight. After the player enters the big room, the next area they need to go to is the one where they need to download Refinery Ops Logs. After downloading the logs, the player needs to return to the big room and prepare for the fifth big battle. In this battle, Runners, Bursters, Prowlers, Spitters and a possible Warrior will attack the player, and they need to make use of explosive canisters in the room. Eventually, the player will reach the core area where they will be attacked by Runners that will come from a vent along the wall.


After the battle, the door on the left side of the bottom floor will open, but it will take some time to get there, and you will face some random encounters with xenos along the way. In the next corridor, be careful of Runners and Prowlers in the side rooms. There is an intel location in the room to the right in the middle of the staircase where you will find Liquid Replenishment Latex on a crate on the back right portion of the room.

You will reach a room with a few dead xenos in the middle. Hoenikker will mention that he killed them. When you reach the door at the end, it will be locked, and another battle will start.

The second big battle is mostly Runners at the start, but then you will start to get some Prowlers, Spitters and Bursters as the wave ends. If you have a Demolisher, you can use the Smartgun to clear the entire corridor quickly. Cut the security bolt on the door after the battle and allow your team to fend off any random encounters that pop up behind you.

In the next corridor, Herrera will call attention to the Working Joe synthetics stationed along the side. A few Runners will attack in the hall to the side. Be sure to watch out for Prowlers that might be laying in wait in the corridors to the left while working your way down the main corridor. Exit via the door at the end of the last corridor to the left.

Your team will enter the top floor of another big room where there are smaller rooms through the doors along the side. There is a big mechanism in the middle that requires a valve to heat up the upcoming rooms. You must move toward it to get the objective. The valve is hidden inside one of the smaller rooms, which will be marked on your map. Go inside each of the marked smaller rooms until you find the room with the valve. Be on the watch for Prowlers that will hide along the sides and random groups of Runners that might appear in each room. Once you find the valve, attach it to the mechanism in the middle of the room, and this will start a big wave of enemies. Load up at the nearby infinite ammo crate for the upcoming battle. There is also a health pack near the crate.

During the third big battle, you must crank the valve handle while fighting waves of enemies. Don’t just focus on cranking the valve or you will get attacked from behind. You’ll be attacked by Runners from the start, then a Drone will attack toward the end of the battle. Exit the room via the door near the ammo crate when done.

In the next room, be on the lookout for a Prowler along the sides of the corridor. The next room has many large vents along the sides that Runners will exit from before they attack. A few Bursters will be mixed in with the Runners. The smartgun with the Demolisher works really well for killing off enemies in the distance in this room. Herrera will call your attention to the vent to the left eventually as Runners begin to exit from it. Run through the corridor ahead to reach the next big room.


One extra team member will join your team for the mission to fight xenos along with the rest of your team. It is essential to revive him within a certain time frame if he is knocked out; otherwise, the mission will restart. He carries only a pistol, so he is not of much help in terms of firepower. Your team will start at the elevator shaft at the beginning of the mission. The intel is in the center of the ground directly behind the elevator. As you move forward, you will come across knee-deep water and fight off a small wave of Runners in the core area. Be alert as Runners will start appearing from the left and right corridors in the next room. Your team will then come across stairs where you need to be vigilant for Prowlers. At the bottom of the stairs, crates are piled up, and you need to move near them to make Herrera contact your team. Your team will enter a waste disposal area where Runners and Bursters will attack. Fight off the xenos while making your way down the gutter. In the next area, activate the panel ahead to engage backup circuits that will cause xeno waves to attack. Always keep an eye on the center corridor as many Runners will charge at your team from the middle corridor. Runners and Prowlers will come from the left and right sides as well. Use a turret or equipped smart gun to take down the xenos. After downloading the synth data, unlock the exit door and move to the next room where Runners will charge through the exit door. In the fourth big battle, Runners will crawl along the ceilings and walls, and Spitters and Bursters will appear in the waves. Constantly check the Working Joes to find the door code and be on the lookout for xenos while doing so. After finding the synth data, Esther will send you the door code.

  • Giants of Earth


The objective of this level is to find a group of survivors in a cave. The first area contains an empty can of Aspen that can be found by crossing a metal bridge and locating a large white tent on the right side. Be cautious of Prowlers while moving towards the Access Terminal. After downloading data from the terminal, more runners and prowlers will attack. In the following area, there will be tents with blood in them, and a group of runners will attack from behind while making your way to the exit door. More runners and prowlers will attack in the next tunnel, so be alert. The first significant battle will trigger once you reach the ammo crate. The next battle is near the yellow barrels that require a measure of contamination interact. Watch out for the runners and spitter in this area. Cynthia Rodriguez, one of the survivors, will contact your team once the battle is over, and you can follow the target marker to the exit door. In the second big battle, runners and bursters will attack while moving down the walls. An ammo crate can be found in the circular chamber in the next room. Watch out for prowlers in the middle area. Runners will attack again in the third big battle, followed by bursters, and the team will have to exit the room via the next door. The fourth big battle will take place as you progress through the level, with runners, spitters, and bursters attacking. Access the bridge controls on the console at the top of the hill ahead to unlock the gate that is blocking the bridge.


Recommended loadout for this level is a Demolisher with a Smartgun, especially in larger areas where enemies spawn far away. The first area has a giant stone face and an Intel location can be found on the far right crate in front of it. Watch out for waves of Runners, and Prowlers hiding in the tunnel ahead.

In the next big area, Herrera will mention a terminal up ahead. It's better not to stay on the circular platform to fight this battle, but to run back to the entrance area and fight the enemies there. Be sure to watch your motion detector when fighting the enemies to see what side they spawn from. The second big battle is harder with the mix of Bursters, a Drone, and constant Runners, so use a CQW when the Runners start to crowd your area. Take cover behind obstacles when facing Synthetics, and aim for headshots to kill them quickly. The new enemy, Synth Guard, is introduced and armed with an L36 Halberd assault rifle. Finally, the team will face off against a few Synth Guards in the next room, so take cover from their gunfire and shoot them in the head as much as possible.


The text provides a walkthrough of a mission in the video game Alien: Fireteam Elite. The mission involves three big battles with various enemies such as Synth Guards, Synth Troopers, Synth Wardens, Synth Detonators, and Synth Heavy. The walkthrough provides tips and strategies for each battle, recommended loadouts, and information about intel locations. The mission also involves collecting and attaching synth cores to consoles to progress. The mission ends with the team reaching the exit door after the final battle.

  • The Gift of Fire


This is a guide for the Recon mission in the Aliens: Fireteam Elite game. The guide offers tips and strategies for each of the three big battles, as well as directions for finding intel in the game. The guide recommends bringing an extra turret for the final battle, being on the lookout for Prowlers that will hide behind corners, and scanning carvings in the third big battle. The guide also advises setting up at least one turret for the final battle and being prepared for the 150-second timer in that battle. The guide contains descriptions of the types of enemies that players will face in each battle, as well as the locations of items and intel.


The author warns that the chapter is difficult to describe in text since the rooms lack unique objects to describe. The team begins on a ramp that leads up to a marked doorway ahead. They encounter a Prowler in the corridor and eventually come across a big room with runners attacking from both sides, including a Spitter. They then enter a tunnel with an intersection, and after taking a right turn, they encounter a big room with pillars around a platform in the center. Runners, Prowlers, and a Drone attack in waves. Explosive containers are circular and orange and can appear along the wall and ceiling. The team also finds some new intel on a platform in the room. As they move forward, they encounter a new enemy passing by in the next room. Two big battles take place, one with runners exiting the spawn points on the ceiling, and the other with runners and Prowlers attacking from both sides. The team also deploys a scanner and prepares for another battle before finding an ammo crate and loading up.


The first major battle occurs as you approach the exit door and a wave of enemies, starting with Poppers, will spawn from the entrance of the room. After the Poppers, you will face a wave of Husks, followed by more Poppers. This battle allows you to see how dangerous Poppers can be as they spawn from further away, and their explosions can drain the health of your AI partners. If you have a Demolisher with a smart gun, you can shoot the Poppers as they spawn from the back wall, but it's best to save your smart gun ammo for later rooms. Once you have defeated the enemies, open the next door and move on. You may encounter some random Husks in the tunnel, so be sure to blast them. Proceed up the ramp and eliminate the other Husks. Shoot the explosive on the ceiling to kill several Husks in the left tunnel. Reach the top of the other tunnel, use the console to open the nearby door, and wait for the team scan in the engineer suits room. Once scanned, Husks will attack from the next area, and there are many down the left tunnel. Use rockets if playing as the Demolisher, then move to the next room.

The second significant battle can be challenging depending on your loadout. As you enter the room, Poppers will appear above the exit door and start to come from the right tunnel. A smart gun with a Demolisher will help kill them faster, and you should keep an eye on the ceiling as the Poppers move towards your team. Download the memory of the fallen synthetic in the room ahead, and watch out for random Husks battles. In the third big battle, Husks will start the wave by moving up the nearby ramp, followed by the appearance of a new enemy - the Stalker. It is similar to a smaller Crusher but is a pathogen that attacks aggressively and cloaks itself when heavily damaged. The Demolisher's ground pound will stun it, and you should follow up with rockets and spam gunfire. You can shoot the Stalker while cloaked, and it will always come back to attack. Many Poppers will spawn from below the ramp, and you should use your smart gun to take them out while keeping an eye on your motion tracker. Once the battle is over, watch out for random encounters before leaving the room. Finally, move to the big circular room ahead.

  • The Only Way to Be Sure


Restock the turrets that are located in the upcoming hallway. These turrets will provide extra firepower against the incoming xenos, such as Runners and Prowlers that will emerge from the vents. Although the turrets are not very effective, they can still provide a helpful boost. Be prepared to restock turrets quickly in the upcoming rooms, as you will need to use them to fight off enemies. In the next room, some Runners will come through the door, so take them out and move up the stairs while watching for Prowlers. Working joes will attack from near the end of the next corridor, so proceed with caution. In the big room ahead, you will face a big battle against Synth Guards, Synth Troopers, Working Joes, Synth Wardens, and a Synth Detonator. Once the battle is over, move up the stairs, restock your ammo and hack the door to trigger another enemy wave. This second big battle is more difficult, with Incinerators and Containment Synths added to the mix. Place a turret on a railing somewhere above the stairs to help you fight off the enemies. After the battle, cut open the door in the back and move up the stairs in the corridor ahead. In the next room, restock the sentry guns on both sides of the room and use them to fight off the incoming Runners. A small group of Runners will attack from the left side. After the battle, go through the entrance door and return to the big room with turrets that need to be restocked. This room has a bunch of cargo nets on top of crates in it. Watch out for Runners that might follow from the previous room. The next wave of enemies will spawn even before you can fully restock the turrets, so be ready to fight off the Runners that will move along the walls and ceilings.


To increase your chances of success in battles against Praetorians, it is recommended to bring turrets of any kind. While progressing through the second hallway, follow the flares and be cautious of Prowlers lurking in the tunnels to the right. To locate the Partially Dissolved Helmet intel, proceed through the second hallway and take the left turn to find it on top of a crate in an alcove at the very back.

As you approach the center of the hallway, a group of Runners will emerge from the tunnels on the right and further down the hall. Once you enter the next hallway, more Runners will appear, so watch out for Prowlers hiding in the shadows. Further down, there will be more Runners, along with Bursters. The exit door will be located down a hall to the right at the end of the hallway.

When you enter the new corridor, be prepared to face more Runners, and there will be some eggs down the tunnel. Follow the flares and enter the next room where you will find an ammo crate and a health pack to the right. Aim your handgun and shoot the eggs ahead of you. Keep an eye out for eggs around the right corridor. Approach the corpse of Corporal Delahaye, take the dog tags to trigger a battle.

In the first big battle, waves of Runners will be accompanied by a Drone. It is essential to kill the Drone as quickly as possible to prevent it from escaping. Prowlers will start appearing with Runners and eventually, Spitters will emerge towards the end of the battle. When all enemies are defeated, exit the room through the door.

Next, there will be Runners in the tunnel ahead. You will reach a platform with a railing, and a Crusher will attack you while crossing to the other side of the platform. Although a Crusher by itself is not a significant threat, be sure to give it your full attention. Runners will follow, and more will attack when you reach the other side. Exit the room through the door.

After passing through the next tunnel, more Runners will attack from the other end. As you reach the next tunnel, even more Runners will come for you. Proceed down the stairs, but beware of Prowlers.

To find the Hyperdyne Weapons Catalogue intel, go down four flights of stairs, then look for a locked door in an alcove to the left. The intel will be on top of a crate on the right side of the alcove. Before exiting, be prepared to face Runners and Bursters from the exit door and Prowlers and Runners from the stairs you just came down.

Upon entering the next room with circular objects, you'll encounter Runners. While making your way to the bottom, keep an eye out for eggs spread throughout the room. More Runners and Bursters will attack before you encounter a Drone. As you get closer to the exit door, a wave of Runners will emerge from the tunnel behind the door.

Shoot the eggs in the corridor ahead, then destroy the ones in the next room before getting on the catwalks to the left. Keep your eyes peeled for Runners and Bursters along the catwalks and the area below. To find the Union of Progressive Peoples intel, move left along the catwalk when you first enter the room, and you'll see an area with a closed door and a few crates below some stairs. Descend the stairs and walk around the crates near the railing to find the intel on top of a barrel.

As you make your way to the bottom, Runner and Prowler waves will attack. Don't forget to grab the item crate, health pack, and ammo crate on the side of the room. Interact


To successfully complete this level, it is recommended to bring along as many turrets as possible, as the final battle in solo play can be quite challenging without them. AI partners alone are not enough to provide sufficient firepower. The level begins with a fight against random enemies in a room, after which runners will likely attack from the ceiling in the corridor. The first big battle takes place in a room with stairs that lead to a big column, and it is essential to destroy the eggs to the right and above the stairs. Explosive canisters can be used to kill many enemies at once. In the second big battle, a Praetorian will attack with a group of runners. It is best to focus on the Praetorian to kill it off before the runners group around it. After this battle, there will be a room with stairs and platforms to the right, and it is important to push ahead during this battle to prevent the runners from surrounding you. The next room is quite large, and it is recommended not to grab the health pack or heal unless necessary. Finally, to get to the exit door, move to the right until forced to go to the left, and destroy any eggs along the way.

  • Promise of a Flower (Pathogen DLC)


At the start of the game, your team will be positioned next to a dropship. Make sure to refer to the information provided below to locate the nearby intel, which is the Broken Alphatech Rifle. To find it, move toward the dropship on your right side and search for it between three stacked crates next to the ship. Once you progress, you will encounter a group of Runner enemies, and it's best to stay below the stairs as they will spawn from a hole in the wall. As you move forward, you will face additional enemies, including Runners and Bursters, near the stairs. In the next room, examine the xenomorph corpse on the center rounded area to trigger a battle. During the battle, enemies will spawn from different locations, and it's essential to stay in the middle area while taking care of spitter xenomorphs that spawn later in the wave. After the battle, proceed through the door on the right side and stay alert for any prowlers. In the following big room, your team will face more enemies, and make sure to gather ammo, check for hidden caches, and locate the Far Passage. After that, move to the door and examine it to get your next objective, which is to recover the demo charge. In the next area, secure the area before heading to the raised platform on the right to retrieve the demo charge from the crate. Once you have the charge, place it on the cracked door in the room with the large statue head. As you place the charge, a wave of enemies will attack your team. After you place the demo charge, gather in the safe area and stay away from the door as it explodes. Finally, Herrera will mention another demo charge in the area, and you need to check Drop Zone Alpha, Beta, and Gamma for it.


The team will start their mission inside Engineer ruins accompanied by the Echo probe. When they reach the big open area, they will face several waves of Runners and Spitters. It's important to check the radar to see where the enemies are coming from since they can attack from two directions, and there are cover areas on both sides where Spitters can hide. The team needs to be careful not to let the Runners gain the upper hand. After the battle, they need to open the door that is marked.

In the middle of the tunnel, the team will be attacked by Runners and Bursters coming from the hole in the wall to the right.

Upon entering the next room, Runners and Spitters will attack the team from the left side. They need to be on the lookout for a big gap in the middle of the floor that separates their team from the area to the right. Once they move ahead, the Echo probe will scan an Engineer message on a stone tablet. The team needs to read the nearby intel, which is located at a cracked statue face. To find it, they need to enter the cave-like structure area, move up the small set of steps, and let the drone scan the Engineer stone tablet to the right. They can then move left and hop over the cover area or go around the pillar to the right of it. Continuing forward, they'll pass by another cover area to the left, followed by an arch in the cave. After the arch, they need to turn left and search around the rocks near the cave wall. The intel will be sitting on the ground before reaching the patch of grass further to the left.

The team needs to run towards the door that is marked while being cautious of Runners, Spitters, and Prowlers along the way. After opening the door, they'll encounter a new enemy in the middle of the tunnel. Herrera will point it out, and the team can try to shoot it quickly. Random Runners will attack from the holes in the cave ahead, and the team needs to keep going straight and open the door at the top of the cave.

When they move up the stairs to the right, they'll come across another gap that separates them. Prowlers and random Runners will attack in this area. The probe will find an Engineer corpse to the left, and the team needs to move to the far left (away from the gap) to find a room full of Engineer corpses that the probe will scan. They can find the nearby intel, which is located at a fossilized corpse, shortly before reaching the Engineer corpses. To find it, they need to reach a big patch of grass in front of a cliff that lets them see a top and a bottom set of ledges along the other side. From there, they can move left and then make another left, passing by a cover point. Then, they need to move left again and pass through the stairs that lead up to an archway. Past the archway, they'll run into Engineer corpses on the left. Turning right, they can go through the hole in the wall and look off to the right wall behind the cover point to the right. The intel will be an Engineer corpse against the lower portion of the wall.

After fighting off the enemies that appear eventually, the team needs to move towards the target-marked door that the probe will scan. They'll find a health kit and an ammo crate to the left side of the door. They can attach the laser cutter to the nearby door to cut through it. The laser cutter will take exactly 80 seconds to cut through the door, and the team needs to make sure to kill the enemies as quickly as possible during this time.


Bring as many turrets as possible for the final battle in this mission, saving them until then. Item boxes along the way will have some turrets, but be sure to bring more. After the attack by Poppers in the second-to-last room, Esther warns about volatile gas-filled bladders that harm both your team and enemies when hit, so be careful not to accidentally set them off. In the following room, use the explosive bladders to damage Pathogen Runners. In the maze of tunnels ahead, beware of spore clouds that block your path and damage your team if you try to walk into them, but you can't roll or run through them. There is an intel location in the area with explosive bladders, but since the tunnel has random spore clouds, the path will be different each time. At the end of the tunnel, a Stalker will attack, and then there is a big area with a health pack and an ammo crate. In the first big battle, Pathogen Runners and Poppers appear, followed by Brutes. After the battle, move down the stairs or fight near the pillar, but be aware of explosive bladders on the walls. The next room has spore clouds and explosive bladders, and three tunnels, but the path will be different each time due to the randomness of the spore clouds. There is no intel in this area.

Aliens Fireteam Elite Guide

Aliens: Fireteam Elite is a cooperative third-person shooter game where players take on the roles of Colonial Marines sent to investigate a distress signal on a distant planet infested with Xenomorphs. Here are some tips and strategies to help you succeed in the game:

  1. Choose your loadout wisely - Before each mission, you can choose your weapons and equipment loadout. Make sure to choose weapons that suit your playstyle and the mission's objectives. For example, if the mission involves defending a location, it's a good idea to bring a shotgun or a flamethrower.
  2. Stick together - Communication and teamwork are essential in Aliens: Fireteam Elite. Stick together with your teammates and communicate frequently to coordinate your movements and attack strategies.
  3. Manage your resources - Ammo and health pickups are limited in the game, so it's important to use them wisely. Make sure to keep an eye on your ammo and health levels and don't waste resources when you don't need to.
  4. Watch your surroundings - Xenomorphs can come from any direction, so it's important to watch your surroundings and be ready to react quickly to incoming threats.
  5. Use your special abilities - Each class in Aliens: Fireteam Elite has its own unique special abilities that can be used to turn the tide of battle. Make sure to use your abilities wisely and coordinate with your teammates to maximize their effectiveness.
  6. Know your enemy - Xenomorphs come in different types, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. Make sure to learn about each type and develop strategies to counter them.
  7. Upgrade your gear - As you progress through the game, you'll earn experience points and credits that can be used to upgrade your weapons and equipment. Make sure to invest in upgrades that suit your playstyle and the missions you're undertaking.
  8. Don't be afraid to retreat - If you're overwhelmed by Xenomorphs, don't be afraid to retreat to a safer location. Sometimes it's better to regroup and come up with a new strategy than to risk getting overrun.
  9. Stay alive - In Aliens: Fireteam Elite, staying alive is the most important thing. Don't take unnecessary risks and prioritize survival over taking out every Xenomorph in sight.
  10. Enjoy the experience - Aliens: Fireteam Elite is a challenging and immersive game that's best enjoyed with friends. Don't take it too seriously and have fun exploring the game's world and lore.

Aliens Fireteam Elite Gameplay

Aliens Fireteam Elite is a video game that serves as a sequel to the Alien trilogy, taking place 23 years after the original films, despite being based on the second movie. The player takes on the role of a Colonial Marine aboard the UAS Endeavor, a spaceship that responds to a distress call from the outer colonies. The game includes seven character classes, each with unique abilities and specialties, including Gunner, Demolisher, Technician, Doc, Phalanx, Lancer, and Recon.

Aliens Fireteam Elite has four-story campaigns, each containing three missions. The player is accompanied by two allies who can be controlled either by another player or by an AI. There are twenty types of enemies and five levels of difficulty, making the game a challenging experience. To enhance the gameplay experience, weapon customization and character progression features are included.

Online matchmaking is available for players to join in private or public matches. Unfortunately, local co-op is not an option. However, there are no loot boxes or microtransactions to ensure a fair gameplay experience. There are plans for post-launch DLC to provide players with additional content.

The gameplay in Aliens Fireteam Elite has been compared to that of Left 4 Dead due to its cooperative gameplay and challenging combat. The reveal trailer and hands-off demo provide a glimpse into the game's exciting gameplay, featuring thrilling gunfights against waves of dangerous enemies.

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Aliens Fireteam Elite Walkthrough: FAQs

1. Who developed Aliens: Fireteam Elite?

Aliens: Fireteam Elite was developed by Cold Iron Studio in collaboration with 20th Century Games (under the name of 20th Century Studios).

2. Is Aliens: Fireteam Elite a sequel to the Alien trilogy?

Yes, Aliens: Fireteam Elite is a standalone sequel to the original Alien trilogy.

3. Is Aliens: Fireteam Elite a survival-horror game?

No, Aliens: Fireteam Elite is more in line with Aliens: Colonial Marines and focuses on action rather than survival-horror.

4. What is the gameplay like in Aliens: Fireteam Elite?

The gameplay in Aliens: Fireteam Elite is a third-person shooter that has been compared to the Left 4 Dead duology. The player assumes the role of a Colonial Marine on board the UAS Endeavor, a spaceship tasked with responding to a distress call from the outer colonies.