Answer for Metro Quick Crossword Puzzle Clue, April 16, 2024

Can you find the solution to today's Metro Quick Crossword Puzzle? Solving this crossword will test your mind while also increasing your knowledge.

by J Divya | Updated Apr 16, 2024

Hey, there! Are you geared up to test your brain with today's Metro Quick Crossword Puzzle? It's a fun way to stretch your mind and learn new things. So grab a pencil and get ready to solve some clues! You'll be pleased when you crack the code and finish the puzzle.

It's an excellent way to expand your knowledge and vocabulary while having fun. Don't worry if you get stuck; simply keep trying, and you'll get there! Let's dive in and see if you can complete today's crossword puzzle!

Fragment (5)

Answer: SCRAP

A fragment refers to a small piece or portion of something larger. In this context, a fragment can be described as a scrap, indicating a small, discarded or leftover piece of material. The clue "Fragment" suggests "scrap" as the answer.

Direction (5)

Answer: SOUTH

Direction refers to the path or orientation toward a particular point on the compass. In this case, the direction described is south, which indicates the cardinal direction opposite to north. The clue "Direction" hints at "south" as the answer.

Sweetheart (7)


Sweetheart is a term of endearment used to refer to a beloved or cherished person, often a romantic partner. "Darling" is a common term used to address a loved one affectionately. The clue "Sweetheart" suggests "darling" as the answer.

Shining (5)

Answer: AGLOW

Shining describes the state of emitting light or brightness. When something is shining brightly, it can be described as aglow. The word "aglow" specifically emphasizes the radiant or luminous quality of the shine. The clue "Shining" hints at "aglow" as the answer.

Open sore (5)

Answer: ULCER

An open sore refers to a wound or lesion on the skin or mucous membrane that does not heal properly, often resulting in pain or discomfort. One common type of open sore is an ulcer, which can occur in various parts of the body, including the stomach, mouth, or skin. The clue "Open sore" suggests "ulcer" as the answer.

Edge (5)

Answer: VERGE

Edge refers to the boundary or extremity of a surface or object. The edge of something can be described as the verge, indicating the point where something begins or ends. The clue "Edge" hints at "verge" as the answer.

Natural surroundings (7)


Natural surroundings refer to the environment or ecosystem where an organism lives and thrives. This can be described as its habitat, encompassing the physical and biological factors that support its existence. The clue "Natural surroundings" suggests "habitat" as the answer.

Summit (3)

Answer: TOP

Summit refers to the highest point or peak of a mountain or hill. In this context, summit can also refer to the highest point of achievement or success in various endeavors. The clue "Summit" suggests "top" as the answer.

Experts (4)

Answer: ACES

Experts are individuals who possess a high level of knowledge, skill, or proficiency in a particular field or subject. A term commonly used to refer to experts is "aces," indicating their excellence and mastery. The clue "Experts" suggests "aces" as the answer.

Attractiveness (6)

Answer: ALLURE

Attractiveness refers to the quality of being appealing, charming, or attractive. This can be described as allure, suggesting a powerful attraction or fascination. The clue "Attractiveness" suggests "allure" as the answer.

Oath (5)

Answer: CURSE

An oath refers to a solemn promise or declaration, often invoking a divine power or authority. However, in this context, the word "curse" refers to a profane or offensive oath, typically expressing anger, frustration, or condemnation. The clue "Oath" suggests "curse" as the answer

Catalogued for reference (2,4)

Answer: ONFILE

This clue suggests something being stored or recorded for later reference, commonly done by cataloging it. "On file" means that something is recorded and kept for future use or reference, often in a filing system or database.

--- Turner, singer (4)

Answer: TINE

This clue refers to a singer named Tina Turner. However, the answer provided, "TINE," is a bit of wordplay. It's a play on words, where "Turner" is replaced with a similar-sounding word, "Tine," which is a prong or spike, often found on forks or other utensils.

Shy (3)

Answer: COY

The word "coy" means to be shy or modest, often in a flirtatious or teasing manner. It's commonly used to describe someone who is hesitant or reserved, especially in social situations.

Health-check (7)


This clue refers to a process or examination related to assessing one's health. "Medical" is the adjective form of medicine or healthcare, and a health-check typically involves medical professionals assessing one's health status through various examinations, tests, or screenings.

Foundation (5)

Answer: BASIS

The word "basis" refers to the foundation or fundamental principle upon which something is built or developed. It can also denote the starting point or fundamental reasoning behind something.

Backless sofa (5)

Answer: DIVAN

A "divan" is a type of sofa or couch that is typically backless or has a low back and is often used as a seat or for reclining. It's a piece of furniture commonly found in living rooms or lounges.

Chops wildly (5)

Answer: HACKS

When someone "chops wildly," they are likely using a hacking motion, which means cutting or chopping roughly or without precision. "Hacks" is a word that fits this description, as it means to cut with rough or heavy blows, often implying a lack of finesse or skill.

Book of words (7)


A "book of words" can refer to a lexicon, which is a dictionary or vocabulary of a language or subject. It contains an alphabetical arrangement of words with their meanings and other information.

Discourage (5)

Answer: DETER

To "discourage" someone means to prevent or dissuade them from doing something. "Deter" is a word that fits this meaning; it means to discourage or prevent someone from taking action by instilling fear or doubt about the consequences

Mends with stitches (5)

Answer: DARNS

"Mending with stitches" typically involves repairing a hole or tear in fabric by sewing it together. "Darns" is a word specifically used for this action; it means to mend a hole or a piece of fabric by sewing it with stitches.

High-quality brandy (6)

Answer: COGNAC

"High-quality brandy" refers to a type of brandy that originates from the Cognac region in France. "Cognac" is a specific type of brandy made from distilled wine and aged in oak barrels, known for its rich flavor and quality.

Handsome youth (6)

Answer: ADONIS

In Greek mythology, Adonis was a figure known for his exceptional handsomeness and youthful appearance. The term "Adonis" has since been adopted into English to describe a very handsome young man.

Dog's foot (3)

Answer: PAW

A dog's foot is commonly referred to as a "paw." This is a simple and straightforward clue where the answer directly corresponds to the body part of a dog.

Precipitation (5)

Answer: SLEET

Sleet is a type of precipitation that falls as a mixture of rain and snow. It often occurs during colder weather when raindrops freeze before reaching the ground, resulting in small ice pellets

Nestle (7)


"Nestle" suggests a cozy and comfortable position, often associated with cuddling or huddling close to someone or something for warmth or affection. "Snuggle" is a word that describes this action, conveying the idea of getting comfortable and cozy with someone or something.

Eye up (4)

Answer: OGLE

To "eye up" something means to look at it with particular interest or desire, often in a way that is suggestive or lecherous. "Ogle" is a word that fits this description, implying a prolonged and perhaps inappropriate gaze directed at someone or something.

Minor earthquake (6)

Answer: TREMOR

A "tremor" is a slight earthquake, often characterized by minor shaking or vibration of the ground. It's typically less intense and damaging than a major earthquake but can still be felt by people nearby.

Worth (5)

Answer: VALUE

Value" refers to the worth, importance, or usefulness of something. It can be subjective and vary depending on context, but it generally signifies the significance or monetary worth of an object or concept.

Destruction (5)

Answer: HAVOC

Havoc" describes widespread destruction or chaos, often resulting from a catastrophic event or uncontrolled situation. It implies a state of disorder and devastation

Muscular, informally (5)

Answer: BEEFY

Informally, if someone is described as "beefy," it means they have a large, strong, and muscular physique. The term is often used colloquially to describe someone who is physically robust or well-built.

Soldier's jacket (5)

Answer: TUNIC

A "tunic" is a type of loose-fitting garment, often worn as an outer layer, that extends from the shoulders to a varying length between the hips and the ankles. In the context of a soldier's attire, a tunic typically refers to a military jacket or coat worn as part of a uniform.

Of the foot (5)

Answer: PEDAL

This clue suggests something related to the foot. A "pedal" is a lever operated by foot pressure, often found in vehicles (like cars or bicycles) or musical instruments (like pianos or organs). It's an item that is manipulated or controlled by the foot

Fire remains (5)

Answer: ASHES

"Ashes" are the residue left after something combustible has been burned. They consist of the remains of burnt material, typically associated with fireplaces, campfires, or incinerators.

Mrs Mop (7)


"Mrs. Mop" is a term often used colloquially to refer to someone who cleans, typically associated with household cleaning tasks. A "cleaner" is someone or something that cleans or removes dirt, stains, or impurities, such as a cleaning product or a person employed to clean

Beginner (6)

Answer: NOVICE

A "novice" is a person who is new to or inexperienced in a particular activity or field. It often refers to someone who is a beginner or a newcomer, lacking the expertise or skill level of someone more experienced

Albanian capital (6)

Answer: TIRANA

The clue directs to the capital city of Albania, which is Tirana. It's a six-letter word that specifically identifies the capital city of Albania

Serviette (6)

Answer: NAPKIN

A "serviette" is another term for a table napkin, typically used during meals to wipe one's hands or mouth. "Napkin" is the word that fits this description

Note value (5)

Answer: MINIM

In music notation, a "minim" is a note with a time value equal to half of a whole note. It's represented by a solid oval shape with a stem. The word "minim" accurately describes this note value.

Hay bundle (4)

Answer: BALE

A "bale" is a compressed bundle of hay, straw, or other materials, often bound together with twine or wire for storage or transportation. It's a four-letter word that specifically refers to this type of bundle.

Carry bricks in this (3)

Answer: HOD

A "hod" is a three-letter tool used for carrying bricks or other construction materials. It typically consists of a metal or wooden frame with a handle, designed for transporting materials from one place to another on a construction site.

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