Answer for the The Sun2 Speed Crossword Puzzle : April 2nd, 2024

The wait is over as we are here again, to provide you with The Sun2 Speed Crossword Puzzle Solution for the April month.

by Thamizhalagi B | Updated Apr 02, 2024

The Sun2 Speed Crossword is one of the types of Crossword Puzzles that you may find to solve. Crosswords are a game that comes with boxes, numbered grids, and letters for it to play with. We are given clues and with that, we must think and find the solution. By playing these puzzles, you will get trained with your thinking skills.

Put right about couple

Answer: REPAIR

"Put right about couple": suggests rearranging or adjusting something that pertains to a couple. It could refer to fixing a relationship issue or addressing a physical object. The answer could be "REPAIR," as it fits the context of fixing or correcting something related to a couple.

Prince something of an amateur?

Answer: HAMLET

"Prince something of an amateur?": Wordplay involving the title of a Shakespearean play and the term "amateur." It implies that the amateur is somehow associated with royalty. The answer could be "HAMLET," as it fits the context of a prince who is depicted as an amateur in various aspects of his life, such as handling matters of state and navigating complex emotions.

Card game: suddenly lose it?

Answer:​​​​​​​ SNAP

"Card game: suddenly lose it?": This clue hints at a card game where players must quickly react and compete to match cards. The phrase "suddenly lose it" suggests a swift action or response. The answer could be "SNAP," as it fits the context of a fast-paced card game where players must quickly slap the cards when they match.

Strategy needing map angle changed

Answer:​​​​​​​ GAMEPLAN

"Strategy needing map angle changed": Strategic plan that requires adjustments to the orientation or layout indicated on a map. It implies a need to modify a course of action based on geographic considerations. The answer could be "GAMEPLAN," as it fits the context of a strategic approach that may require altering directions or angles to achieve success.

Meticulous editing redone inserting line

Answer: ​​​​​​​DILIGENT

"Meticulous editing redone inserting line": The act of carefully revising or refining written content by adding a new line. It implies a thorough and precise approach to editing. The answer could be "DILIGENT," as it fits the context of meticulous attention to detail and careful revision.

Ms Brockovich: her indoors to an extent

Answer:​​​​​​​ ERIN

"Ms Brockovich: her indoors to an extent": This clue refers to a well-known individual, likely portrayed in a film or known for a specific role. The phrase "her indoors" suggests a woman who is involved in a particular environment or domain. The answer could be "ERIN," as it fits the context of Erin Brockovich, a real-life legal clerk known for her environmental activism, portrayed by Julia Roberts in the film "Erin Brockovich."

One involved in hold-up?

Answer:​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ GARTER

"One involved in hold-up?": An association with a hold-up or robbery, potentially involving an accessory or item commonly associated with such situations. The term "hold-up" typically refers to a robbery or theft. The answer could be "GARTER," as it fits the context of an accessory often associated with holding up stockings or being involved in a hold-up scenario in a figurative sense.

Part of area perfect for harvester

Answer:​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ REAPER

"Part of area perfect for harvester": A location or environment that is ideal for a specific type of equipment used for gathering crops. It implies that a particular section of an area is well-suited for the operation of a harvester. The answer could be "REAPER," as it fits the context of a harvester commonly used in agriculture to gather crops like grains or hay.

Obscene material corporations rejected

Answer:​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ SMUT

"Obscene material corporations rejected": That certain corporations have declined or refused to accept materials that are considered inappropriate or offensive. It implies a rejection of content deemed obscene by these corporate entities. The answer could be "SMUT," as it fits the context of material that is lewd, obscene, or sexually explicit.

Age fuels change in fighter's body

Answer:​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ FUSELAGE

"Age fuels change in fighter's body": That as time passes, a fighter's body undergoes transformations or alterations. It implies that age plays a significant role in shaping the physical form of a fighter. The answer could be "FUSELAGE," as it fits the context of an aircraft's main body, which may experience changes over time due to aging and usage.

Sloshed stars met in bed

Answer:​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ MATTRESS

"Sloshed stars met in bed": A scenario involving intoxicated celebrities encountering each other while lying down. It implies a situation where famous individuals, possibly inebriated, are found together in a specific piece of furniture associated with sleeping. The answer could be "MATTRESS," as it fits the context of a bed's component where such encounters might take place.

Artist in wet weather

Answer:​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ RAIN

"Artist in wet weather": Situation where an artist is depicted or works during rainy conditions. It implies that the weather conditions are damp or wet, possibly affecting the artist's surroundings or inspiration. The answer could be "RAIN," as it fits the context of wet weather conditions, which may influence artistic endeavors or scenes.

Commercial opening is coming

Answer:​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ ADVENT

"Commercial opening is coming": Anticipation of a significant event or beginning related to business or commerce. It implies that there's a sense of expectation or excitement surrounding the introduction of something commercial. The answer could be "ADVENT," as it fits the context of a forthcoming event or opening, particularly in a commercial or business context.

Break cover say with REME retreating

Answer:​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ EMERGE

"Break cover say with REME retreating": Action of emerging or revealing oneself, possibly in a situation involving retreat. It implies that someone is breaking away from cover or concealment, potentially with a military reference to REME (Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers). The answer could be "EMERGE," as it fits the context of coming out or appearing, especially in a situation involving retreat.

Weariness when nuisance is around

Answer:​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ ENNUI

"Weariness when nuisance is around": A feeling of boredom or dissatisfaction arising from the presence of something bothersome or irritating. It implies that weariness is experienced in the presence of a nuisance or annoyance. The answer could be "ENNUI," as it fits the context of a state of apathy or listlessness caused by monotony or annoyance.

Assign a parking place

Answer:​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ APPOINT

"Assign a parking place": The action of designating or allocating a specific area for parking vehicles. It implies the act of formally assigning a particular spot for parking. The answer could be "APPOINT," as it fits the context of assigning or designating a parking place.

Rascal smudging rouge

Answer:​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ ROGUE

"Rascal smudging rouge": The action of a mischievous individual causing a disturbance or making a mess with makeup. It implies that a rogue figure is involved in smearing or staining rouge, a cosmetic product. The answer could be "ROGUE," as it fits the context of a deceitful or unprincipled person engaging in disruptive behavior.

One turning wheel in Amherst crashed

Answer:​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ HAMSTER

"One turning wheel in Amherst crashed": An incident involving a wheel turning within the context of Amherst, possibly leading to a collision or accident. It implies that there's a specific object or creature associated with a turning wheel in this location. The answer could be "HAMSTER," as it fits the context of a small rodent often found running on a wheel, possibly causing a crash or disturbance.

Mike cored apple in wood

Answer:​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ MAPLE

"Mike cored apple in wood": An action involving the removal of the core from an apple within a specific type of wood. It implies that someone named Mike is engaged in this activity, possibly using the wood for a particular purpose. The answer could be "MAPLE," as it fits the context of a type of wood commonly associated with various uses, including crafting and furniture making.

Study test in English

Answer:​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ EXAMINE

"Study test in English": An activity involving the examination or assessment of material studied, particularly in the English language. It implies that there's a process of reviewing and evaluating knowledge or understanding in this subject. The answer could be "EXAMINE," as it fits the context of conducting a test or assessment, especially in the English language.

It identifies mad barn parties

Answer:​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ ARMBAND

"It identifies mad barn parties": An object or item that is associated with identifying gatherings or events held in a barn, possibly characterized by madness or excitement. It implies that this object serves a specific purpose in such parties. The answer could be "ARMBAND," as it fits the context of a wearable accessory often used for identification or recognition at events.

Mirror on left Charlie smashed

Answer:​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ REFLECT

"Mirror on left Charlie smashed": An action involving the breaking of a mirror positioned to the left of someone named Charlie. It implies that Charlie has somehow damaged or shattered this mirror. The answer could be "REFLECT," as it fits the context of a mirror reflecting images, which Charlie may have inadvertently disrupted by smashing it.

Roaming free in gale, rat perished

Answer:​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ ATLARGE

"Roaming free in gale, rat perished": A scenario where a rat is freely moving about during a strong wind or gale, resulting in its demise. It implies that the rat met its end while being unrestricted in its movement. The answer could be "ATLARGE," as it fits the context of roaming freely without confinement or restriction.

Scrabble piece contains T for term

Answer:​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ TITLE

"Scrabble piece contains T for term": That a Scrabble piece, typically a letter tile, includes the letter "T" representing a term or word. It implies that within this word, there's a component represented by the letter "T" found in the Scrabble piece. The answer could be "TITLE," as it fits the context of a word containing the letter "T" and also representing a term or designation.

Issue rewritten for woman

Answer:​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ SUSIE

"Issue rewritten for woman": That there's a rewriting or rephrasing of something related to an issue, specifically for a female individual. It implies that the revised version pertains to or is associated with a woman's name. The answer could be "SUSIE," as it fits the context of a woman's name resulting from the rewriting of an issue.

On way out try gin cocktail

Answer:​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ GOING 

"On way out try gin cocktail": The creation of a cocktail using gin while leaving or departing from a place. It implies that the cocktail is attempted or tried as one is in the process of exiting. The answer could be "GOING," as it fits the context of departing or being in motion, which aligns with the action of trying a gin cocktail while leaving.

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