Answers for Irish Times Crosaire Crossword Clue Today March 23, 2024

Are you Struggling hard to find the Irish Times Crosaire Crossword answer for March 23, 2024? If so, here we are assisting you to get the correct answer.

by Niranjani | Updated Mar 23, 2024

Take a minute to solve this Irish Times Crosaire crossword intrinsic clue in the grids that enhance your wordplay. Playing with every crossword puzzle, you are going to learn some new words and phrases.

Keep checking for the intersecting clue to find the solution that lies in the clue given. It's awesome! If you find the right answer and if not check the answers in the upcoming section.

Madame, for example, might mention the shape of a gown


  • The answer is FORMOFADDRESS. The clue hints at a term that can refer to a woman, such as Madame, and in this context, it suggests a form of address.
  • When discussing the shape of a gown, one might mention the form of address, which could imply the title or manner of addressing someone formally.

In general it's marvellous they won't accept sum for redesign


The answer is OVERALL. The clue plays on the word marvellous suggesting something great or excellent (overall), and they won't accept sum for redesign indicates that the word overall is formed by taking the word sum out of redesign.

Park in Arizona?


The answer is PHOENIX. This clue is a play on words. While park might initially suggest a recreational area, in this context, it's referring to the city of Phoenix, Arizona, which is often informally referred to as a park due to its warm climate and numerous parks and outdoor spaces.

American organisation referred to in pleasant retrospective

​​​​​​​Ans: N A S A

  • NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration). The clue indicates an American organization that is being looked back on in a pleasant or nostalgic way (retrospective).
  • NASA is known for its achievements in space exploration, which could be considered pleasant or remarkable in retrospect.

Show deference to discontented entertainer in shady place

​​​​​​​Ans: BOWER

  • In this clue, show deference suggests a term for showing respect or reverence, while discontented entertainer in shady place hints at a bow (an entertainer) in a bower (a shaded, leafy shelter).
  • So bower fits both the notion of showing respect and the imagery of a shaded place.

Third person about to be found at this location

​​​​​​​Ans: HERE

In grammar, the third person refers to someone other than the speaker or the listener. About to be found implies imminent discovery, and this location suggests that the word is a location indicator. Here is a location term, and in this context, it fits the clue.

So they turn around to take in people holding signs

​​​​​​​Ans: OMENS

  • In this clue, so they turn around suggests the reversal of something, and people holding signs hints at omens, which are often interpreted as signs or portents of future events.
  • When omens is reversed, it becomes snemo, which is a homophone of so they.

Daughter is better again and will live

​​​​​​​Ans: DWELL

In this clue, daughter is a homophone indicator for the word dwell, which means to live or reside. The phrase is better again suggests improvement or recovery, implying that the daughter (or dwell) is doing well again and will continue to live.

All the same it would be a terrible misfortune to lose set

​​​​​​​Ans: UNIFORM

  • In this clue, all the same indicates uniformity or consistency, and it would be a terrible misfortune to lose suggests that losing something would be unfortunate.
  • Set can mean a group of things that are similar or consistent, which fits the idea of a uniform. Losing a set (uniform) would indeed be a misfortune.

Naif, amazingly, exposes regressively ruthless organisation

​​​​​​​Ans: MAFIA

  • In this clue, Naif (meaning a naive or innocent person) suggests AMFIA spelled backwards (regressively). The term amazingly indicates that the reversal might be unexpected, and exposes implies that this reversed word is revealed.
  • The ruthless organisation refers to the Mafia, a notorious criminal organization.

Appears to be ten pale characters from the Corn Belt

​​​​​​​Ans: IOWAN

  • The answer is IOWAN. In this clue, the Corn Belt refers to a region in the United States known for its production of corn, which includes the state of Iowa.
  • Ten pale characters hints at the letters in IOWAN, and appears to be suggests that the word resembles or seems like someone from Iowa.

They recognise coating used on wheel

​​​​​​​Ans: TYRE

The answer is TYRE (British spelling of tire). In this clue, coating used on wheel refers to the rubber outer layer of a wheel, which is a tire. They recognize indicates that the word is associated with recognition or familiarity, which fits with the idea of recognizing a tire.

Ignoring the odds, obtain mail, but it's not very interesting

​​​​​​​Ans: BANAL

In this clue, Ignoring the odds suggests removing the odd letters from the word obtain mail, leaving BNAL. The phrase but it's not very interesting indicates that the word describes something dull or unoriginal, which fits with the definition of BANAL.

A mountain of sugar, maybe, used in baked item?

​​​​​​​Ans: LOAF

  • In this clue, A mountain of sugar, maybe suggests an ingredient that could be piled up like a mountain, which fits with the idea of flour, sugar, or another baking ingredient.
  • Used in baked item indicates that this ingredient is used in making a baked item, which leads to LOAF, a type of baked item often made with flour.

Awful conservatories scorned by seniors who really ham it up

​​​​​​​Ans: OVERACT

In this clue, Awful conservatories suggests removing conservatories (contained within the word seniors) to get ovet. Scorned by seniors implies removing seniors from ovet to get ov. Who really ham it up hints at act exaggeratedly.

Applaud agent returning with part for bell

​​​​​​​Ans: CLAPPER

In this clue, Applaud indicates that the answer is related to something that produces sound. Agent returning suggests reversing agent to get tenga. Part for bell indicates that a clapper is a part of a bell that produces sound when struck.

Tentatively turn forearm to see it's made a good recovery


  • In this clue, Tentatively turn forearm hints at rearranging the letters in forearm to get a return. To see indicates that the solution is a phrase or concept, rather than a single word.
  • It's made a good recovery suggests that the phrase refers to something that has recovered or improved, leading to A RETURN TO FORM.

Supervise work and witness too much?

​​​​​​​Ans: OVERSEE

In this clue, Supervise work suggests the word see (overseeing work). Witness too much implies seeing more than necessary, or oversee. Thus, OVERSEE fits the clue.

Remedy healer used essentially quells hunger pangs

​​​​​​​Ans: MEAL

In this clue, remedy suggests something that alleviates a problem. Healer used essentially indicates taking the central letters from healer, which gives us ea. Quells hunger pangs suggests satisfying hunger, which fits with the concept of a meal.

Associate stumbled and expressed pain

​​​​​​​Ans: TE STUM

In this clue, associate suggests a word that is related to the concept of stumbling. Expressed pain indicates that te stum is a representation of the sound of someone stumbling.

Left with old flame after party in Northern Ireland held in apartment

​​​​​​​Ans: DUPLEX

  • In this clue, party in Northern Ireland indicates a reference to the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP), which is a political party in Northern Ireland.
  • Left with old flame suggests removing DUP (old flame) from DUPLEX (party in Northern Ireland). Held in apartment indicates that a duplex is a type of apartment with two levels.

Insurrection regarded as somewhat unpatriotic

​​​​​​​Ans: RIOT

In this clue, insurrection suggests a violent uprising or disturbance. Regarded as somewhat unpatriotic implies that a riot is seen as a form of civil disobedience or disruption that goes against patriotic values.

I screen peculiar-looking characters, to see if they're genuine

​​​​​​​Ans: SINCERE

In this clue, peculiar-looking characters suggest that the letters forming the word are unusual or peculiar. To see if they're genuine implies that the word is related to authenticity or sincerity, hence SINCERE.

Certainly not going to tell them vacuous assistant has been charged without the facts


vacuous assistant indicates removing the letters of the word no from assistant, leaving assistant minus no. Charged without the facts suggests that there is no information or data available, resulting in NOINFORMATION.

Brilliant submission from applicant put them in a great mood


Brilliant submission from applicant suggests a term indicating an exceptional application or submission. Put them in a great mood implies that this term refers to something positive, like being in excellent form, thus EXCELLENTFORM.

Starts unseemly shenanigans up at lodge which is par for the course

​​​​​​​Ans: USUAL

In this clue, Starts unseemly shenanigans up at lodge hints at the first letters of the words unseemly shenanigans up at lodge, giving USUAL. Par for the course suggests that this behavior is typical or expected, fitting with the term USUAL.

Blurt out random hints, every so often

​​​​​​​Ans: ADMIT

Blurt out random hints suggests revealing or disclosing something, which aligns with the meaning of ADMIT. Every so often implies occasional or intermittent admission of hints, fitting with the concept of ADMIT.

Former president gives top job to leftwing friend at the weekend

​​​​​​​Ans: J F K

  • The answer is JFK, which stands for John F. Kennedy. In this clue, Former president refers to John F. Kennedy, who was the 35th President of the United States.
  • Leftwing friend at the weekend suggests taking the initials of the words leftwing friend and weekend, which gives us JFK.

Hold back', grandparent said

​​​​​​​Ans: FORBEAR

In this clue, Hold back is a definition of FORBEAR. Grandparent said indicates a homophone clue where grandparent sounds like forbear.

Last show jumper tells blatant lie

​​​​​​​Ans: WHOPPER

Last show suggests taking the last letter of show, which is W. Jumper can indicate skipping or jumping over letters, so we skip P and E in whopper. Tells blatant lie suggests that whopper is a synonym for a big lie.

Element found in artefact, originally

​​​​​​​Ans: FACTOR

Element found in artefact suggests that an element is located within the word artefact. Originally implies that we should consider the first letter of the word artefact, which is F, thus giving us FACTOR.

American uncle goes up to bed, hoping this will bring him good luck

​​​​​​​Ans: MASCOT

American uncle is a reference to Sam, a nickname for the United States, often depicted as Uncle Sam. Goes up to bed suggests reversing the letters in Sam, giving us MAS. Hoping this will bring him good luck suggests that a mascot is often seen as a good luck charm.

Graduate uses technology to entice them

​​​​​​​Ans: BAIT

"Graduate" could refer to someone who has finished their studies or training, indicating the use of a degree or expertise. "Technology to entice them" suggests using a lure or incentive, which is the function of "bait" in fishing or other contexts.

Young animal has fallen off iceberg

​​​​​​​Ans: CALF

"Young animal" suggests a baby or offspring of a larger animal. "Fallen off iceberg" implies that the baby animal has separated or fallen from its parent or habitat, which could happen with a calf and an iceberg, particularly in the case of seals or penguins.

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