Answers to The Irish Independent Cryptic Clues (April 19, 2024)

Find the clues and answers for today's Irish Independent Cryptic crossword puzzle, and make sure to understand how each answer relates to its clue.

by Shoba | Updated Apr 19, 2024

The Irish Independent Cryptic Crossword is a special word puzzle. It's designed to be solved fast, making it perfect for crossword fans who are short on time. It is a fun challenge that many people enjoy, and it's something you can look forward to in the paper every day. You can solve it using the newspaper or online, whichever you like best.

Quietly long for cricket ground (5)

Answer: PITCH

When one quietly yearns for the cricket ground, they are essentially longing for the playing surface where the game takes place, known as the pitch.

Feel happy to gloss over (5,2)


Feel happy to gloss over suggests the act of lightly skimming or improving something, which is the essence of a touch-up, where minor enhancements are made to improve its appearance or functionality.

A question put to a tailless mite living in water (7)


A question put to indicates a term for a query, and tailless mite living in water refers to a specific aquatic creature. The answer is AQUATIC, meaning relating to water or living in water.

Thick Poles in river (5)

Answer: DENSE

The term thick poles suggests a concentration of objects, and when these poles are located in river, it denotes a compact and closely packed area within the river, leading to the answer dense.

Wrap for the headland (4)

Answer: CAPE

A wrap for the headland can be visualized as something that covers or surrounds the tip of a piece of land extending into the water, which is commonly referred to as a cape.

Solo rug I found to be noble (8)


A word that means noble or majestic, hinted at by solo rug I found. Solo suggests a single word, and rug hints at an informal term for a carpet. The answer is GLORIOUS, meaning magnificent or splendid, fitting the description of something noble or majestic.

Vegetable model of fuel (4)

Answer: PEAT

Vegetable model implies something organic, and fuel indicates it's used for burning. The answer is PEAT, which fits the description as it's a fuel derived from partially decomposed organic matter, primarily found in wetlands.

Season: one at sea (4)

Answer: SALT

One at sea suggests a sailor. The answer is SALT, as it refers to both the seasoning commonly used in cooking and the word for a sailor.

You won't care if you lose it (8)


You won't care implies it's not particularly valuable or important. The answer is INTEREST, as it fits the idea that people might not be overly concerned if they lose interest in something.

Wide-eyed, go back after silver (4)

Answer: AGOG

Wide-eyed suggests being in a state of excitement or wonder, and go back indicates reversing a word. Silver hints at a color often associated with this state. The answer is AGOG, which means being in a state of eager anticipation or excitement.

Solid form worshipped (5)

Answer: IDOLS

Form worshipped implies it's an object of religious significance or devotion. The answer is IDOLS, which are solid objects representing deities or figures of worship in various religions.

Flavouring mixture of orange with nothing added (7)


Mixture of orange implies it's an additive used to enhance the taste. The answer is OREGANO, which is a herb commonly used in cooking to add flavor, and it contains the word orange within it.

Sodium aroma coming into being (7)


Sodium aroma indicating the element sodium, and coming into being suggesting something in its early stages. Combine these, and you get NASCENT, which means just beginning to exist or develop.

Body of men return needy to West End (5)

Answer: TROOP

The West End might hint at theater or entertainment. The answer is TROOP, which fits all the criteria, referring to a group of people and spelled backward, it becomes poor or needy.

Level of fitness needed by mountaineer! (4,9)


Level of fitness hints at being in excellent physical condition, and needed by mountaineer indicates something necessary for climbers. Combining these gives us PEAK CONDITION, which refers to being in top physical shape, especially suitable for mountain climbing.

Model rear of winning card (5)

Answer: TRUMP

Model could refer to TRUMP as a synonym for a model or exemplar. Rear of winning card suggests taking the last letter of winning and adding it to card, resulting in TRUMP, which can mean to surpass or outdo.

Wild heat leads to enmity (4)

Answer: HATE

Wild heat suggesting intense anger or passion, which often leads to hostility or enmity. The answer is HATE, denoting strong aversion or hostility towards someone or something.

Mark the French for a soft touch (6)

Answer: TICKLE

Mark the French for a soft touch, we're searching for a term that involves the French and means a soft touch or something gentle. Mark here might indicate a sign or symbol. The answer is TICKLE, which encompasses the French and describes a gentle touch or sensation.

Moving below the street (5,3)


The word below hints at something beneath or underneath, while street implies a public thoroughfare. The answer, UNDERWAY, fits this description perfectly as it denotes something in progress or in motion, typically beneath the surface.

Worker away from home given leaflet (4-3)


The term leaflet implies a piece of informational material. The answer, HANDOUT, aligns with this context as it refers to distributing information or items to people, often outside of a regular work environment.

Lobbyists try Reg's purer soup mix (8,5)


The phrase Reg's purer implies a specific blend or recipe. The answer, PRESSURE GROUP, fits this context as it describes a collective effort to influence decision-makers, often with a specific agenda or goal in mind.

Blond man, perhaps, making pattern (4,4)


The phrase making pattern implies the act of creating a repetitive design or sequence. The answer, FAIR ISLE, fits this description as it refers to a traditional knitting technique characterized by intricate patterns, often associated with a specific style of clothing originating from the Fair Isle in Scotland.

Mixtures of drug particles (7)


Mixtures of drug particles hints at a concoction often associated with magical or mystical contexts. The word potions fits perfectly, suggesting a blend of substances used for various purposes, from healing to causing effects like transformation or invisibility.

Accompany company in disturbed rest (6)

Answer: ESCORT

Accompany company in disturbed rest indicates a role that involves staying close to someone, especially for protection or guidance. The word escort aligns with this, implying providing assistance or companionship to someone who might be experiencing unrest or disturbance.

Nag jumps round fashionable circuit, producing manure (5)

Answer: GUANO

Nag jumps round fashionable circuit, producing manure describes a process where a small, often annoying creature moves around an area known for its trendiness or style, resulting in a substance commonly used as fertilizer. Guano fits this scenario, pointing to the droppings of birds, particularly those found in regions like caves or cliffs.

Game attempts to conceal what it's hunted for (4)

Answer:  MEAT

Game attempts to conceal what it's hunted for suggests a situation where a hunted animal tries to hide or disguise its identity to evade capture. The word meat represents the sought-after target, which is often concealed within the natural environment, prompting hunters to track and pursue it for consumption or other purposes.

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