April 15, 2024 Irish Times Crosaire Crossword Puzzle: Check the Clues and Answers

Here you can find all the solutions to Irish Times Crosaire crossword clues for 15th April 2024 to solve the puzzle successfully and confidently.

by Sivasankari | Updated Apr 15, 2024

Are you ready for a challenge? Try to solve today’s Irish Times Crosaire crossword puzzle. This crossword is known for its challenging cryptic clues with complex wordplay. Solving this crossword will help you improve your vocabulary and puzzle-solving skills. If you need any help with the tough clues, you can check the answers here:

Autopilots miss slot and regroup in paradise


"Autopilots miss slot and regroup in paradise" a scenario where autopilots, which are automated systems, fail to reach their intended destination and instead gather in a place associated with perfection and happiness. One term for such a place is "utopia," which refers to an imagined or idealized community or society where everything is perfect.

Raise alternating heel going over lava amid violent disturbance


"Raise alternating heel going over lava amid violent disturbance" a description of a tumultuous event involving upheaval and chaos, possibly amidst volcanic activity. One term for such a disturbance is "upheaval," which refers to a sudden and violent change or disruption, especially causing instability or disorder.

Chances of mapmaker concealing direct debit


"Chances of mapmaker concealing direct debit" the likelihood of a mapmaker, who creates maps, hiding or concealing a financial transaction. One term for probability or likelihood is "odds," which refers to the chances or probability of a particular outcome occurring.

Propel cushions onto rocket platforms, maybe?


 "Propel cushions onto rocket platforms, maybe?" the action of launching or propelling objects, such as cushions, from platforms that are typically used for launching spacecraft or rockets. One term for such platforms is "launchpads," which are structures designed for the takeoff and landing of rockets and spacecraft.

Manic cartoonist sheds airs for material


"Manic cartoonist sheds airs for material" a cartoonist discarding pretentiousness and opting for a more straightforward material. One term for such a material is "cotton," which is commonly used in the production of clothing and textiles.

Article on silver hammers describes 25 across and 14 down, perhaps?


 "Article on silver hammers describes 25 across and 14 down, perhaps?" an activity related to solving crossword puzzles, where the letters are rearranged to form words. One term for this activity is "anagrams," which refers to words or phrases formed by rearranging the letters of another word or phrase.

Outlines of communication where words are used non-literally for effect


"Outlines of communication where words are used non-literally for effect" suggests a description of rhetorical devices used to convey meaning beyond the literal interpretation of words. One term for such expressions is "figures of speech," which encompass various rhetorical techniques such as metaphors, similes, and personification.

I hear descendant of Bishop runs away from reddenings


"I hear descendant of Bishop runs away from reddenings" someone experiencing skin reddening due to sun exposure, with a wordplay on the term. One term for this condition is "sunburns," which refers to the reddening and irritation of the skin caused by overexposure to ultraviolet radiation from the sun.

Forgive standard of mafia boss


"Forgive standard of mafia boss" pardoning or excusing someone based on the authority or judgment of a mafia leader. One term for this act is "pardon," which refers to the official forgiveness or release of a person from punishment for a crime.

Ability to succeed in all one's endeavours comes from Military Intelligence fathers' sense?


"Ability to succeed in all one's endeavors comes from Military Intelligence fathers' sense" suggests effortlessly achieving success in various endeavors, possibly inherited from intelligent and strategic fathers. One term for this ability is "Midas touch," which refers to the ability to achieve success or wealth in any enterprise.

Extract sketch of tie?


"Extract sketch of tie?" removing or extracting details from a tie to create a simplified representation. One term for this action is "draw," which refers to the act of creating a picture or diagram by making marks on a surface with a pencil, pen, or other tool.

They provide direct links to hotels in bad condition


"They provide direct links to hotels in bad condition" a service offering direct telephone connections to hotels, regardless of their condition. One term for such services is "hotlines," which are dedicated telephone lines providing direct communication links for specific purposes, such as emergencies or customer support.

Absolutely, supporter follows right bearing


"Absolutely, supporter follows right bearing" complete agreement with someone who aligns with righteousness or correctness. One term for such an affirmation is "really," which expresses sincerity or emphasis in confirming or agreeing with something.

Knob for Number 10 found in the workshop


 "Knob for Number 10 found in the workshop" a location where one might find a knob or handle suitable for the door of a prestigious address like Number 10 Downing Street. One term for such a location is "studio," which can refer to a workspace or workshop where creative or practical work is done.

Imitates monkeys?


"Imitates monkeys?" simply a behavior associated with monkeys. One term for this action is "apes," which refers to the act of mimicking or copying the behavior of monkeys, which are members of the ape family.

Can Pearl get a grip, in a manner of speaking?


"Can Pearl get a grip, in a manner of speaking?" the use of a specific style or mode of language that Pearl might employ to gain understanding or control over a situation. One term for such language style is "parlance," which refers to the particular way of speaking or using language characteristic of a certain group or community.

Expert in mid-August to feel endless regret


"Expert in mid-August to feel endless regret" an individual who, despite being knowledgeable and experienced, is overwhelmed by a feeling of continuous remorse during the middle of August. One term for such a knowledgeable person is "guru," which often refers to a spiritual leader or expert in a particular field.

Beach chair sorely lacks brie needed for ballroom dance


"Beach chair sorely lacks brie needed for ballroom dance" a deficiency in a beach chair, specifically the absence of a type of cheese required for a particular dance. One term for this Latin ballroom dance is "cha-cha," and the absence of the cheese "brie" from the beach chair implies its inability to participate in the dance.

Person carrying out investigation mistakenly pro-rapture


"Person carrying out investigation mistakenly pro-rapture" an individual who mistakenly supports the idea of the rapture while conducting an investigation. One term for such a person is "rapporteur," which refers to someone appointed to report or investigate on behalf of a group or organization.

Pot half caught in widespread outbreak


"Pot half caught in widespread outbreak" a scenario where a portion of a cooking pot is affected by a widespread outbreak. One term for such an outbreak is "pandemic," which refers to the worldwide spread of a disease affecting large numbers of people.

Thick digit attaches to small, expandable images


 "Thick digit attaches to small, expandable images" a description of a body part associated with handling small images. One term for such a body part is "thumbnails," which refers to small versions of images or pictures.

Particles used to reconstruct moats


"Particles used to reconstruct moats" small units or components employed in the reconstruction of defensive trenches. One term for such particles is "atoms," which are the basic building blocks of matter.

At the same time - trendy, consisting of one child


"At the same time - trendy, consisting of one child" something occurring concurrently that is fashionable and involves only one child. One term for such a scenario is "in unison," which means simultaneously or together in harmony.

South African priest to rent precious gemstone


"South African priest to rent precious gemstone" a clergy member from South Africa engaging in the activity of leasing a valuable gemstone. One term for such a gemstone is "sapphire," which is a precious stone often used in jewelry.

Fleshy part of carrot underground


"Fleshy part of carrot underground" the description of the subterranean portion of a carrot. One term for such a part is "rotund," which refers to being rounded or plump, characteristics often associated with the underground part of a carrot.

In spoken language, ordinary gathering


"In spoken language, ordinary gathering" an informal gathering of common people. One term for such a gathering is "orally," which refers to communication or information transmitted verbally rather than in writing.

Former communist country holds ship inside ancient city


"Former communist country holds ship inside ancient city" suggests a description of a historical scenario involving a ship being contained within an ancient city located in a country formerly governed by communism. One term for such a country is "USSR," which stands for the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

Curse dead rodent


"Curse dead rodent" expressing frustration or annoyance towards a deceased small mammal. One term for such an expression is "drat," which is an informal interjection used to express mild annoyance or disappointment.

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