Baldurs Gate 3 Underdark Walkthrough, Guide, Gameplay, Wiki

The most-wanted Baldurs Gate 3 Underdark walkthrough is here! Venturing into the depths of mystery and peril within Baldur's Gate 3, the "Underdark" presents an intriguing and treacherous landscape for players to explore.

by Tamilchandran | Updated Aug 11, 2023


Baldurs Gate 3 Underdark Wiki

The sprawling subterranean labyrinth known as the Underdark is a complex network of tunnels and caverns situated beneath the surface of Faerûn in the world of Baldur's Gate 3.

This intricate realm serves as the dwelling place for various subterranean races, including the Svirfneblin, Duergar, and Drow, among others. Within the depths of the Underdark, one can encounter remarkable wonders and cities, such as the notorious Menzoberranzan the largest of the Drow City-States, birthplace of renowned characters like Drizzt Do'Urden and Viconia De'Vir.

However, the Underdark is notorious for its dangers, as it teems with formidable creatures like Aboleths, Illithids, Beholders, Hook Horrors, and Umberhulks, along with the threat of natural calamities like cave-ins. In the events of BG2:SoA, players find themselves thrust into a section of the Underdark near the Drow city of Ust Natha, entwined in a conflict between the Silver Dragon Adalon and the Drow House Despana over precious Dragon eggs.

Only upon resolving this tense situation can they escape the Underdark through Adalon's Lair, leaving its perilous depths behind them forever.

Baldurs Gate 3 Underdark Walkthrough

we will provide you with instructions on how to access the Underdark by uncovering a concealed entrance within the Shattered Sanctum area. To initiate this process, you need to return to the Goblin Camp and eliminate the remaining foes. For detailed information on reaching the Goblin Camp, you can consult the Goblin Camp page or use the Waypoint function.

Upon reaching the Shattered Sanctum, you will notice that some enemies remain despite their leaders being defeated during the rescue of Halsin. Since you eliminated their leaders, the goblins have become hostile towards your party. You'll encounter Warrior Trinzas and a few other mobs near the entrance, engaging in a battle against them.

Reach Underdark by Hidden Door from Shattered Sanctum

Progressing towards the Underdark, your journey will lead you to the Defiled Temple at coordinates (X:392 Y:27). Here, you will come across Polma, the Bodyguard of the High Priestess. The dialogue will reveal a reported theft, with you being the prime suspect. You are presented with the following options:

  • Hand over the stolen items.
  • Attempt to negotiate your way out of the situation.
  • Consider offering a monetary bribe to resolve the matter. (Requires 652 gold)
  • Initiate an attack.

Moving forward, you will encounter another series of choices. Opting for an Intimidation check (Charisma) necessitates successfully surpassing a DC of 15. Failure to do so will result in a confrontation with an Ogre. Upon defeating the ogre, your task continues as you search for the location described in your journal. At coordinates (X:437 Y:58), you will come across a lever, as depicted below:

Into the Underdark

To access the Underdark, ensure you have a party member skilled in lock-picking. Unlock a door in the Shattered Sanctum with a Sleight of Hand check (DC 15). Progress through Selunite Outpost and the Underdark, encountering locked doors openable with a Sleight of Hand check (DC 15). Destroy a Moonstone statue to defeat a Minotaur and explore the area for a Waypoint, logbook, and items. Activate a lever to access further areas.

Engage with a drow blade (X:116 Y:-192) to acquire Phalar Aluve, inspiring Shadowheart. Overcome the Bulette, Predator of the Dark, using ranged attacks to clear your path. Encounter Restless Myconid (X:115 Y:-130), speak to poisoned gnome Thulla, initiate 'Avenge Glut's Circle' quest with Sovereign Spaw, meet Blurg and Omeluum for insights, and continue your journey through the Underdark, unveiling its mysteries.

Setting Camp at the Underdark

During your camp in the Underdark, Gale approaches and shares that his condition has worsened, prompting an update in his companion quest, "The Wizard of Waterdeep." He requests another artifact, offering his approval in return. He admits the limited effects of consuming the artifact and seeks permission to address the group, renewing your approval if you agree.

  • For comprehensive guidance on navigating 20 Underdark locations, refer to the Baldur's Gate 3 wiki guide.
  • Gale recounts his history, from Mystra being his mentor to becoming his muse and lover. He expresses his ambition to surpass Mystra's boundaries, leading to response options:
  • How did you attempt to transcend these boundaries?
  • Did you believe yourself wiser than Mystra? Your arrogance surprises me.
  • I admire your ambition.

Choosing the first option reveals Gale's quest to prove himself to Mystra. He recounts her Weave restoration, discovering a Netherese tome with a missing Weave fragment. His arrogance fueled the belief that returning it would earn Mystra's favor.

Gale continues post-book discovery, inviting you to feel his experience. A potent force pulls, offering choices: For detailed guidance on 21 Underdark locations, consult the Baldur's Gate 3 wiki guide.

  • Explaining the orb's need for artifacts and the risk of eruption, Gale offers a choice regarding his continuation:
  • Our shared journey binds us; we proceed together.
  • If we were to part ways, where would you go?
  • Your presence poses a grave threat. Farewell, Gale.

Choosing the first option renews your alliance, earning Gale's gratitude. Conversing with Volo about parasites, selecting the first option has him admit to extraction dreams, which you can act upon.

For a comprehensive guide to 23 Underdark locations, visit the Baldur's Gate 3 wiki guide. Day's end brings Mizora to Wyll, her handler. She greets Karlach and transforms Wyll as revenge. Interact with companions for Gale's approval, based on his reflection. Choices include humor and acknowledgment.

Interact with transformed Wyll; choosing the first option acknowledges his decision, revealing no regret. Rest brings the recurring dream visitor, advising unconventional solutions.

For a detailed walkthrough of 26 Underdark locations, consult the Baldur's Gate 3 wiki guide. The visitor explains removing the parasite's magic-protected core proves fatal. She shares her infection, stolen protective magic, and proposes collaboration, urging travel to Moonrise Towers' cultist assembly.

Back to the Underdark

Upon resuming your journey in the Underdark, you encounter an executed deep gnome at (X:71 Y:-190), retrieving the Shortsword of First Blood. Continuing your commitment to Sovereign Glut, you confront the threatening Duergar in the Myconid Colony's vicinity.

For an in-depth guide to 27 Underdark locations, consult the Baldur's Gate 3 wiki guide. In Decrepit Village (X:15 Y:-179), a Duergar captures and brings you to Gekh Coal. Persuasion (Charisma) check options (DC 15) are available:

  • "I could've killed you before you even noticed me, but didn't. Stand down."
  • "[INTIMIDATION] Take your hand off that axe before you lose it."
  • "[PERSUASION] I can be discreet. No need for bloodshed."
  • Attack him.
  • Turn to leave.

A successful attempt convinces him, unveiling a parallel with Thulla's story. Deliver the boots or choose later, then reach the waypoint at (X:23 Y:-211).

Following your pledges to Sovereign Glut and Thulla, update Glut about the Duergar outcome. Display the bodies as proof, or attack. Glut's hunger for power leads to conflict, supporting Spaw earns Astarion's approval.

Refer to the Baldur's Gate 3 wiki guide for detailed instructions through 29 Underdark locations. Return to Myconid Colony and report to Spaw:

  • "The Duergar are slain; the rot has been purged."
  • "I have slain the creature called Glut. It was scheming to slaughter your circle."
  • Leave.

Choosing the first option gains Karlach's approval. Spaw commends you, bestowing rewards and assigning the quest "Deliver Nere's Head." Become "Peace-Bringer" and "Kin Spirit."

Claim rewards at Sovereign's Refuge (X:52 Y:-78). Use Speak with Dead on a drow scholar's body, acquiring a book. Investigate it (DC 15) for knowledge on forging adamantine. Learn about Xargrim's quest for The Adamantine Forge.

Consult the Baldur's Gate 3 wiki guide for comprehensive instructions through 32 Underdark locations. Seek the mushroom picker in Dread Hollow (X:-5 Y:-115). Evade Bibberbangs' poison and aid Baelen Bonecloak. Options include using Misty Step, fetching his bag, or throwing a scroll. Gain the Scroll of Invisibility and noblestalk plant, avoiding Bibberbangs.

Detailed instructions for 34 Underdark locations are provided in the Baldur's Gate 3 wiki guide. Return to Derryth at Ebonlake Grotto. Choose to give her the noblestalk, earning Gloves of Uninhibited Kushigo, completing Find the Mushroom Picker quest.

Seek The Adamantine Forge using a dead drow's journal. Discover a waypoint at Sussur Tree (X:-50 Y:-142) and acquire Sussur Tree Bark (X:-18 Y:-144) for Finishing the Masterwork Weapon.

Refer to the Baldur's Gate 3 wiki guide for thorough guidance through 36 Underdark locations. Confront Filro the Forgotten at Dread Hollow (X:-43 Y:-166), then use Speak with Dead. Inquire about Filro's past and the Adamantine Forge's location.

Upon resuming your journey in the Underdark, you discover the executed deep gnome at (X:71 Y:-190) and retrieve the Shortsword of First Blood. Continuing your commitment to Sovereign Glut, you confront the threatening Duergar in the vicinity of the Myconid Colony.

For detailed guidance through 27 Underdark locations, refer to the Baldur's Gate 3 wiki guide. In the Decrepit Village (X:15 Y:-179), a Duergar captures and brings you to Gekh Coal. You have several options including Intimidation and Persuasion (DC 15) checks:

  • "I could've killed you before you even noticed me, but didn't. Stand down."
  • "[INTIMIDATION] Take your hand off that axe before you lose it."
  • "[PERSUASION] I can be discreet. No need for bloodshed."
  • Attack him.
  • Turn to leave.

Succeeding lets you show a parallel to Thulla's story. You can give the boots immediately or later. Proceed to the waypoint at (X:23 Y:-211).

Following pledges to Sovereign Glut and Thulla, update Glut on the Duergar outcome. Show the bodies or fight. Supporting Spaw earns Astarion's approval. For a comprehensive walkthrough of 29 Underdark locations, consult the Baldur's Gate 3 wiki guide. Return to the Myconid Colony and report to Spaw:

  • "The Duergar are slain; the rot has been purged."
  • "I have slain the creature called Glut. It was scheming to slaughter your circle."
  • Leave.

Choosing the first option gains Karlach's approval. Spaw rewards you and assigns "Deliver Nere's Head." Become "Peace-Bringer" and "Kin Spirit."

Claim rewards at Sovereign's Refuge (X:52 Y:-78). Speak with Dead on a drow scholar's body, investigate a book (DC 15) for adamantine forging. Learn about Xargrim's quest for The Adamantine Forge.

For an extensive guide through 32 Underdark locations, refer to the Baldur's Gate 3 wiki guide. Seek the mushroom picker in Dread Hollow (X:-5 Y:-115). Evade Bibberbangs' poison and aid Baelen Bonecloak. Options include Misty Step, fetching a bag, or throwing a scroll. Gain the Scroll of Invisibility and noblestalk plant, avoiding Bibberbangs.

Thorough instructions for 34 Underdark locations are available in the Baldur's Gate 3 wiki guide. Return to Derryth at Ebonlake Grotto. Choose to give her the noblestalk, earning Gloves of Uninhibited Kushigo, completing Find the Mushroom Picker quest.

Seek The Adamantine Forge through a dead drow's journal. Discover a waypoint at Sussur Tree (X:-50 Y:-142) and acquire Sussur Tree Bark (X:-18 Y:-144) for Finishing the Masterwork Weapon. Refer to the Baldur's Gate 3 wiki guide for comprehensive instructions through 36 Underdark locations.

Confront Filro the Forgotten at Dread Hollow (X:-43 Y:-166), then use Speak with Dead to inquire about Filro's past and the Adamantine Forge's location.

Setting Up Camp in the Underdark

After encountering Dhourn and a group of Hook Horrors, resting and recovery become essential for your party. Camping in the Underdark leads to a clash between Shadowheart and Lae'zel. Lae'zel questions Shadowheart's possession of a githyanki relic, implying suspicion. You can either observe the argument or step in. For detailed instructions on this sequence, consult the Baldur's Gate 3 wiki guide for 38 Underdark locations.

Lae'zel accuses Shadowheart of having a githyanki heirloom, suggesting she might have killed her kin for it. Lae'zel demands an explanation and threatens to leave the party. However, Shadowheart reveals that the relic prevents her transformation into a mind flayer and advises Lae'zel to appreciate its value. Your options are:

  • "Stop this. No sense in us fighting with each other."
  • "I agree with Shadowheart - the artifact is protecting us. We need it with us."
  • "Lae'zel is right. We don't need the githyanki as enemies."
  • "So, any ideas on how we settle this?"
  • "Rest - both of you. Tempers will be cooler in the morning."

By choosing option 4, Lae'zel suggests a duel at dawn. In the night, you witness Shadowheart with a blade against Lae'zel's throat. Your choices are:

  • Do nothing.
  • "[PERSUASION] Shadowheart - stop. You don't have to do this."
  • Move to attack Shadowheart.

If the Persuasion check (DC 10) succeeds, Lae'zel attempts to break free. This leads to these options:

  • "Cooperate, Lae'zel. For your own sake."
  • "We need her, Shadowheart. Give her a chance."

The Baldur's Gate 3 wiki guide offers detailed guidance through 39 Underdark locations.

Shadowheart proposes setting aside hostilities and focusing on common enemies. After resting, return to the Underdark with your party fully healed. Shadowheart approaches you, acknowledging your support against Lae'zel and growing in trust and approval. She opens up about her aspiration to become a Lady Justiciar, expressing gratitude for your understanding.

Battle with Spectator

As you continue your quest to locate the Adamantine Forge and track down Dhourn, the third member aware of its existence, you venture deeper into the Underdark. At coordinates (X:120 Y:-247), you encounter a boss known as the Spectator. In this area, a cutscene unfolds, revealing stone statues resembling a group of dark drow. The Spectator casts a spell to unpetrify one of the drow, reviving it to join the battle. This mechanic allows the Spectator to call upon additional allies to aid it in combat.

For step-by-step instructions, consult the Baldur's Gate 3 wiki guide for 40 Underdark locations. After defeating the Spectator, you can loot valuable items from both the boss and its accompanying drow party. Acquiring The Spectator Eyes from the boss serves as a notable reward. Subsequently, you can utilize the Speak with Dead spell to communicate with Dhourn's corpse. Through this interaction, Dhourn reveals that the original members of their party ultimately turned against each other, leading to their mutual demise.

Be sure to inspect Dhourn's belongings to retrieve the Memory Shard from him. Employing this shard allows you to witness a vision of the Adamantine Forge, confirming its location within the depths of the Underdark.

The Festering Cove

At coordinates (X:-425 Y:282), you encounter BOOOAL worshippers, led by Overdripp the Zealous, engaged in a sacrificial ritual. You have five options, and an Investigation or Arcana check (DC 20) helps you realize it's a hoax. The bloodied creature threatens a sacrifice, endangering your party. Options include making a counteroffer or attacking. A Persuasion check (DC 15) during counteroffer reveals the creature's true identity before its followers.

BOOOAL offers power, with response choices to explore the type of power or reject it. Opting for the second choice gains Astarion's and Shadowheart's approval, leading to a fight if you kill BOOOAL. Afterward, Pooldripp the Zealous commends you, bestowing the title "MAKHLOOMPAH." The priest asks for your first commandment to your new worshippers.

Further in The Festering Cove, locate a Gilded Chest at (X:-402, Y:327) that unlocks with a Dexterity check (DC 10). It holds a Slippery Chain Shirt and gold. Another Gilded Chest has similar unlocking requirements, containing Pale Green Dye and camp supplies.

Explore more to find a Message In a Bottle at (X:-398 Y:-258) containing a letter from Doni to his father. Nearby, access a chest for a Scroll of Blink without needing to break it open or pick its lock.

Return to the Underdark (Main Area)

After your exploration of The Festering Cove, your journey returns to the main area of the Underdark. First, at coordinates (X:66 Y:-259), you come across a deceased drow who appears to have fallen to their death, as pointed out by your companion. To learn more about their demise, use Speak with Dead or search their belongings. Obtain a Scroll of Slow and a Hide-Bound Journal from the body.

Proceed to (X:72 Y:-260) to retrieve a Sylvan Stone, allowing you to unlock the Essence of Sylvan Stone recipe. Reaching this location requires ascending a series of mushrooms growing on the walls. Collect additional Sylvan Stones at the top, and uncover a hidden area by passing through a fake wall. This area contains more Sylvan Stones and a glowing Mushroom Circle that teleports you back to the ground. With your feet on the ground again, your quest for the Arcane Tower continues.

Approaching the Arcane Tower

As you approach the Arcane Tower at coordinates (X:35 Y:-251), you'll encounter two Arcane Turrets guarding the area. Switch to turn-based mode for precise control. The turrets will automatically attack if you get too close. To avoid their attacks, move to the right side, out of their line of sight. These turrets are formidable with Sturdy condition, requiring attacks dealing at least 10 damage or powerful spells like Eldritch Blast to damage them.

Once the turrets are temporarily disabled, explore the area. You'll find a letter addressed to Yrre from Lenore, items such as an ingot, and a locked Heavy Chest containing a Skybreaker and a silver ingot. Disable the second turret on the stairway and proceed.

To permanently disable the turrets and activate the elevator to the tower, head to the lower area of the ground. Jump through the mushrooms until you reach a door at (X:-60 Y:-294). Destroy it or use lockpicking with a Dexterity DC 15 check. Inside, you'll find the generator powering the turrets. Add the Sussur Bloom to disable it, resulting in a cutscene showing the turrets deactivated and the tower powered.

Explore the tower for chests, valuable items, and quest items like the tongue of madness and Timmask Spores. At the top of the tower, you'll meet Bernard and have response options. Choosing the first option leads to Bernard seeing you as its new lord. Accepting a hug reveals that Bernard addresses you as 'Lenore' and becomes a friendly ally. Conversations with Bernard unveil the truth about the Arcana Tower.

Bernard will place the Guiding Light on a table. Pick it up and use it to interact with the elevator. This ring opens a new level in the Arcana Tower's basement. You can recover Basilisk Oil, Tongue of Madness, The Sparkswall, and a Staff of Arcana Blessing in this level.

Omeluum's Quest: Find a Cure

You've gathered all the necessary items for Omeluum's quest to find a cure for the parasite. Return to Ebonlake Grotto to hand him the mushrooms. He starts brewing the potion and instructs you to drink the entire draught. You have the options to drink it, inquire about its effects, or ask for more time to prepare.

Drinking the potion triggers its effects, causing potential irrational behavior. You're presented with choices to resist, focus, or succumb to the potion's influence. Passing an Intelligence check (DC 10) lets you confront the tadpole's resistance. You're given options to drown it out, resist panic, or wall off your mind. Passing a Saving Throw check (DC 15) leads to a stronger surge from the parasite, followed by Omeluum's intervention.

Omeluum informs you that the parasite's power has grown, offering a temporary solution involving a Ring of Shielding to limit the parasite's influence by preventing elder brains from noticing you. He asks what you can offer in return, with choices like sharing information about the nautiloid, offering gold, or using intimidation. Sharing nautiloid details requires an Intelligence or Performance check (DC 15), earning Shadowheart's approval. This completes the "Help Omeluum Investigate the Parasite" quest.

Camp Again in the Underdark

After completing Omeluum's quest, rest with your party and set up camp. During your rest, the owlbear cub you rescued approaches you. Giving it a piece of food earns the approval of Astarion, Shadowheart, and Karlach.

The next day, Shadowheart approaches you and asks to share something using the tadpole's power to enter her mind. You're given options to agree or ask questions. If you agree, you'll witness a vision from Shadowheart's past. Young Shadowheart encounters a wolf and Lady Shar saves her, giving her a new home. You can respond to her story with different options that reflect your understanding and empathy.

Continuing the conversation, if you choose the second option, Shadowheart dismisses the connection between her Moonstone and Selunite practices. You can delve deeper into her past, discussing her mission and relationship with Shar. This progresses the "Daughter of Darkness" quest and enhances your relationship with Shadowheart.

Subsequent dialogue options involve discussing Dark Justicians, Shar worship, your unique connection, or reflecting on your journey together. You can also choose to part ways with Shadowheart temporarily or continue together. When you've completed your companions' dialogues and quests in the Underdark, you'll move on to Grymforge.

Baldurs Gate 3 Underdark Tips

Here are some tips for navigating the Underdark in Baldur's Gate 3:

  • Multiple Entrances: There are several ways to enter the Underdark, including the Defiled Temple, using Feather Fall from the phase spiders' tunnel, utilizing the Portal in the Overgrown Tunnel, or using the elevator at Zhentarim Hideout.
  • Rare Sword Location: Northwest of the Selunite Outpost, you can find the rare sword "Phalar Aluve." Pass Religion or Strength checks to acquire it.
  • Resolving Myconid Conflict: If you choose to kill Glut, you'll earn the title "Peace-bringer" and "Kin Spirit," with rewards from Spaw. Killing Spaw and the Myconid Colony residents except Blurg will earn you the title "King Bringer" from Glut.
  • Chest Unlocking: Explore the Underdark to discover a Heavy Chest at (X:82 Y:-204). Passing a Dexterity DC 15 check will grant you access to Drow Studded Leather Armor and other loot.
  • Glowing Gems: In the purple glowing area at (X:104 Y:-242), you'll find Glowing gems scattered around.
  • Accessing the Arcane Tower: The Arcane Tower, located southwest of the Underdark, is guarded by arcane turrets. Use Misty Step or Feather Fall to climb the mushrooms near the tower for access.
  • Basement Access: To reach the basement of the Arcane Tower, jump down the gap of the wooden stairwell that leads to the elevator.
  • Disabling Arcane Turrets: To deactivate the Arcane Turrets and activate the elevator, combine Sussur Blossom with the generator on the Tower's first floor.
  • Outside Underdark Fort: Two minotaurs outside the Underdark Fort hold an uncommon amulet - Amulet of the Unworthy.
  • Spectator Beholder Encounter: Next to the Underdark Fort, among petrified Drows, you'll find a Spectator Beholder. Defeating it can affect the Drow's reaction towards you.
  • Weapon and Item Finds: Various weapons and items are scattered throughout the Underdark, including the Icy Helve on Dhourn's body, Shortsword of First Blood on a dead deep gnome, and a rare Helmet - Circlet of Blasting from Blurg the merchant and scholar.
  • The Festering Cove: Discover the Festering Cove and uncover the truth behind BOOOAL with Investigation or Arcane checks, leading to different outcomes. The Sussur tree bark is also present here for the quest "Finish the Masterwork Weapon."
  • Dog Grove and Collar: Southwest of Sussur Tree, find a dog grove and use a shovel to uncover a dog collar. Later, this collar interacts with a button in the Arcane Tower, dispensing food.
  • Explorer's Ring: Near the mushroom picker, you'll find an Explorer's Ring on a skeleton. Use mage hand to save the mushroom picker without triggering Bibberbang.
  • Boat to Grymforge: Utilize the boat at the beach to reach Grymforge, the Duergar Camp.
  • Helmet of Smiting: Discover the Helmet of Smiting at the Selunite Outpost, within a chest.

These tips can aid you in navigating and uncovering valuable items and encounters within the Underdark area of Baldur's Gate 3.

Baldurs Gate 3 Underdark Guide

Certainly, here's a concise guide to the Underdark in Baldur's Gate 3:

  • Access the Underdark via the Defiled Temple, phase spiders' tunnel, Portal in Overgrown Tunnel, or elevator at Zhentarim Hideout.
  • Find the rare sword "Phalar Aluve" near Selunite Outpost, pass Religion or Strength checks.
  • Resolve Myconid Colony conflict by killing Glut ("Peace-bringer" and "Kin Spirit" titles) or Spaw ("King Bringer" title).
  • Discover a Heavy Chest at (X:82 Y:-204), pass Dexterity DC 15 check for Drow Studded Leather Armor and loot.
  • Gather Glowing gems in the purple glowing area at (X:104 Y:-242).
  • Reach the Arcane Tower, guarded by arcane turrets; use spells like Misty Step or Feather Fall to access.
  • Access the tower's basement by jumping down the stairwell gap.
  • Deactivate Arcane Turrets and activate elevator using Sussur Blossom on generator (backyard).
  • Encounter two minotaurs outside Underdark Fort; one carries Amulet of the Unworthy.
  • Face a Spectator Beholder near the fort among petrified Drows; influence reactions.
  • Find Icy Helve on Dhourn's body, Shortsword of First Blood on a dead deep gnome, and Circlet of Blasting from Blurg.
  • Investigate the Festering Cove, reveal BOOOAL's truth with checks, obtain Sussur tree bark.
  • Discover Dog Grove with buried collar southwest of Sussur Tree, interact with Arcane Tower button.
  • Obtain Explorer's Ring near mushroom picker; save picker with mage hand to avoid triggering Bibberbang.
  • Use a boat at Underdark Beach to reach Grymforge, the Duergar Camp.
  • Retrieve Helmet of Smiting from Selunite Outpost chest.
  • This guide offers succinct tips for navigating the Baldur's Gate 3 Underdark area, including locations, encounters, and items.

Baldurs Gate 3 Underdark Gameplay

In Baldur's Gate 3, the Underdark presents an immersive gameplay experience filled with exploration, challenges, and unique encounters. Players have various ways to access the Underdark, whether through the Defiled Temple, utilizing phase spiders' tunnels, the Portal in Overgrown Tunnel, or using the elevator at Zhentarim Hideout.

As they journey through this dark and treacherous realm, players will encounter intriguing points of interest. Northwest of the Selunite Outpost lies the Phalar Aluve, a rare sword attainable through Religion or Strength checks, providing an engaging opportunity for strategic decision-making.

Navigating the Underdark involves managing alliances and choices with significant consequences. Players can mediate the conflict between Myconid Colony inhabitants Glut and Spaw, leading to different titles based on the outcome. Overcoming challenges such as arcane turrets guarding the Arcane Tower demands creative solutions like spellcasting and careful movement.

Unique items like the Icy Helve and the Circlet of Blasting can be acquired through exploration and combat encounters. Furthermore, the Underdark houses secrets like the Festering Cove, where players must uncover the truth behind BOOOAL with investigative skills and persuasion checks. These gameplay elements weave a rich tapestry of exploration, combat, and decision-making within the depths of Baldur's Gate 3's Underdark setting.

Baldurs Gate 3 

Baldur's Gate 3, developed and published by Larian Studios, is the third installment in the renowned Baldur's Gate series, drawing inspiration from the Dungeons & Dragons tabletop role-playing system. Initially introduced in early access form for macOS, Windows, and Stadia in October 2020, the game allowed players to delve into its evolving world and mechanics before its full release on Windows in August 2023.

Upcoming releases for macOS and PlayStation 5 are set for September 2023, while an Xbox Series X/S version is in the works with a yet-to-be-announced launch date. Notably, the Stadia version was cancelled due to the closure of the Stadia platform. The game's release was met with widespread critical acclaim, reflecting its immersive storytelling, engaging gameplay mechanics, and faithful representation of the Dungeons & Dragons universe.

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Baldurs Gate 3 Underdark Walkthrough - FAQs

1. How do I reach the Underdark in Baldur's Gate 3?  

You can access the Underdark through the Defiled Temple, phase spiders' tunnel, Overgrown Tunnel portal, or Zhentarim Hideout elevator.

2. What rewards can I get from completing the Myconid Colony quest?  

Completing the Myconid Colony quest can earn you titles like "Peace-bringer" from Spaw or "King Bringer" from Glut, along with various items.

3. How do I disable the Arcane Turrets in the Arcane Tower?  

Reach the tower's first floor, combine Sussur Blossom with the generator to deactivate the turrets, and activate the elevator.

4. What items can I find in the Underdark?  

You can discover rare items like Phalar Aluve sword, Icy Helve, Spectator Beholder, Circlet of Blasting, and more during your exploration.

5. How can I save the mushroom picker without triggering Bibberbangs in The Festering Cove?  

You can save the mushroom picker using Mage Hand, which won't trigger Bibberbangs' hostility.