Check Out the Daily Mail Quick Crossword Answers for April 25, 2024

Are you looking for the solution to the Daily Mail Quick Crossword? The answer and explanations can be found in this article.

by Shoba | Updated Apr 25, 2024

Crossword puzzles are a great activity for everyone to try. They help us learn to be patient and concentrate, and they teach us other useful skills too. If you are not sure how to solve them, check out our website. We have the clues and answers here. So, start solving.

Legendary founder of Rome


Romulus, according to Roman mythology, was one of the twin brothers raised by a she-wolf who later founded the city of Rome. His name is synonymous with the legendary origins of Rome.

Game on a green


Golf is a sport played on a green, typically lush grass, where players use clubs to hit a small ball into a series of holes on a course. It's a popular leisure activity enjoyed worldwide.



Shipping refers to the transportation of goods, cargo, or freight from one place to another, typically by sea, air, or land. It's a vital aspect of global trade and commerce.

Very active


Energetic describes someone or something that is full of vitality, vigor, and activity. It implies a high level of physical or mental energy and enthusiasm.

Drinking vessel


A water glass is a common drinking vessel typically used for serving water. It's usually made of glass and comes in various shapes and sizes for different occasions.



To disregard something means to pay no attention to it, often implying a lack of respect or consideration. When something is disregarded, it is not valued or appreciated and may even be detested.

Fleet of ships


A navy is a military organization primarily responsible for naval warfare and defense. It consists of a fleet of ships, submarines, and other waterborne vessels deployed for various strategic purposes, such as protecting maritime borders or projecting power abroad.

Groups of twelve


In a courtroom, when justice is served, a group of twelve individuals is typically selected to serve as jurors. They listen to evidence presented during a trial and collectively decide the verdict. This group is called a JURY.



Within a building, particularly in older structures or attic spaces, there is often a small, habitable room located just under the roof. This space is commonly referred to as a GARRET. It's typically small and cozy, often used as living quarters for artists or writers.

Got away


When someone manages to escape or avoid capture, they are said to have EVADED capture or punishment. This could refer to fleeing from a scene of a crime or avoiding detection by authorities.

Monarchical state


A political entity ruled by a king or queen is known as a KINGDOM. In such a state, the ruler holds supreme authority over the land and its people, often with varying degrees of power and influence.



A concise and widely known saying that expresses a general truth or piece of wisdom is called a TRUISM. These sayings are often passed down through generations and offer guidance or insight into human nature or life experiences.

Cereal crop


In fields around the world, farmers cultivate this cereal crop, MILLET, known for its resilience and versatility in various cuisines and agricultural systems.



In official announcements or declarations, a leader might issue a PROCLAMATION, marking a significant event or decision for the public.

Type of biscuit


When it comes to biscuits, the GARIBALDI stands out with its unique combination of currants or raisins sandwiched between layers of biscuit dough, offering a delightful treat with a touch of sweetness.

Big cat


In the realm of wildlife, the VERY IMPORTANT PERSON of the animal kingdom is the big cat, symbolizing strength, grace, and majesty with its powerful presence.

Cheap and nasty


In the spectrum of quality, something described as TRASHY suggests it's of low value or poor taste, often associated with cheap and unpleasant characteristics.



In the world of entertainment, a Bungle often refers to a mistake or blunder made during a performance, usually resulting in humorous or unexpected outcomes.



To Grapple is to engage in a fierce struggle or fight, often depicted in stories as a Battle where opponents wrestle with each other in a physical or metaphorical sense.

Fencer's weapon


A Foil is a type of sword used in the sport of fencing, characterized by its lightweight design and flexible blade, ideal for thrusting and scoring points in matches.

Daytime performance


A Matinee is a theatrical or cinematic performance held during the daytime, typically scheduled for the convenience of audiences who prefer earlier showtimes, often associated with weekend or holiday afternoons.

Area with fruit trees


An Orchard is a cultivated area planted with fruit-bearing trees, such as apple, pear, or cherry trees, managed for the purpose of producing harvests of delicious fruits for consumption or sale.



This emotion often accompanies loss or disappointment, weighing heavy on the heart. It's a feeling that can cloud even the brightest of days, leaving a lingering ache within. The answer to this crossword clue is EVIL, as it reflects the darkness and negativity often associated with sorrow.

Muppet frog


Known for his witty remarks and gentle demeanor, this character is a beloved figure in the world of puppetry. With his iconic appearance and distinctive voice, he's become a cultural icon. The answer here is KERMIT, referring to the famous green Muppet frog created by Jim Henson.



When things go awry, they veer off course from the expected or desired path. It's a deviation from the norm, often leading to unexpected outcomes or complications. In this crossword, the answer is AFIELD, which captures the sense of being off track or out of alignment.

Military trainee


These individuals undergo rigorous training to prepare them for service in the armed forces. They learn discipline, teamwork, and the skills necessary for combat situations. The term for such a trainee is PLEBE, commonly used in military academies to refer to first-year cadets.

Small edible crustacean


Found in oceans and freshwater bodies, these creatures are prized for their tender meat and delicate flavor. They come in various sizes and species, often served in a variety of culinary dishes. The answer to this clue is SHRIMP, one of the most popular and widely consumed types of small edible crustaceans.

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