100+ Funny Cow Jokes For Kids and Adults in English

Cow Jokes For Kids: Sharing a good joke will make your kids laugh and help you to have a good time with your kids. Cow jokes for kids will cheer your kids up when they hear them. Keep reading to find 100 Cow jokes for kids in English.

by Menaga K | Updated Feb 25, 2023


100+ Funny Cow Jokes For Kids

Jokes are like one liners, questions, or puns that would cause amusement or laughter. Telling jokes about animals is the best way to make your kid laugh. Kids can easily relate with these kinds of jokes. 

Jokes about cows will make you kid laugh and play with words. Here, you can find 100 cow jokes for kids which are ‘udderly’ hilarious. Not only kids, these jokes will make everyone laugh. These jokes will surely lift up your moo-d. 

Cow Jokes For Kids

"What game do cows like to play at parties? Moosical chairs"

  1. What game do cows like to play at parties? Moosical chairs
  2. Why do cows have hooves instead of feet? Because they lactose
  3. What does a cow make when the sun comes out? A shadow
  4. What would you call a cow wearing armor? Sir Loin.
  5. What animal goes “oom, oom”? A cow walking backwards.
  6. What two members of the cow family go with you everywhere you go? Your calves
  7. What do you call a cow that plays the guitar? A moosician
  8. Why did the cow jump over the moon? To get to the Milky Way.
  9. What do you call a cow after an earthquake? A milkshake.
  10. Where do baby cows go for lunch? The calfeteria
  11. What happened to the lost cattle? Nobody’s herd
  12. Where do cows get their medicine? At the farm-acy.
  13. What do you call a scared cow? A cow-ard.
  14. Where did the cow spend all its money? At the cow-sino.
  15. What do you use to count cows? A cow-culator.
  16. What do you call a cow on a diet? Lean beef.
  17. Where do cows get their medicine? At the farm-acy.
  18. What do cows say when they apologize to one another? Sorry, I made a mis-steak.
  19. What is a cow’s favorite subject in school? Cowculus.
  20. Why is telling a cow a funny cow joke pointless? They’ve probably herd it before.
  21. Who’s in charge of the dairy operations? The cow-ptain.
  22. What do cows most like to read? Cattle-logs
  23. What do you call a rude cow? Beef jerky.
  24. What is as big as a cow but weighs nothing? His shadow.
  25. What did the cows do after someone broke into the barn? They beefed up their security.

Moo Cows Jokes For Kids

"What do cows like to do for entertainment? Go to the Mooovies"

  1. What do cows like to do for entertainment? Go to the mooovies
  2. What do cows put on french toast? Mooooolasses.
  3. Why did the cow look so confused? He was having deja moo.
  4. What math problems do cows like to solve? Moo-tiplication problems.
  5. What do cows do when they go skiing? Moo-guls
  6. What did the police cow say to the bad guy he caught? Don’t mooooooove a moo-scle.
  7. What do you call a moody cow? Bad Moood
  8. What do cows eat for breakfast? Moosli.
  9. What is a cow’s favorite magazine? Moogue.
  10. What do cows say when they hear a bad joke? “I am not amoosed.”
  11. What happens when cows stop shaving? They grow moostaches.
  12. What is the best way to get a cow to be quiet? Just press the moo-te button.
  13. What song do cows love to sing? I’ve got the mooooves like Jagger.
  14. Why do cows work? To make mooooney.
  15. Where do Russian cows come from? Moos-cow.
  16. What do you call a cruel cow?  A de-moooon.
  17. How would you address the queen of cows? Your Moojesty.
  18. Why did the artist love painting cows? He said they were his moos.
  19. What do you call a cow that blends in with its surroundings? Cow-moo-flauged.
  20. What’s a cow’s favorite newspaper? The Daily Moos.
  21. What’s a cow’s favorite TV show? Dr. Moo.
  22. Why are cows such great dancers? They have all the best moooves!
  23. What do cows read in the morning to get their news? The moos paper.
  24. What do you call a cow that eats grass? A lawn-mooer.
  25. What do cows like to listen to? Moo Sic.

Knock Knock Cow Jokes For Kids

"Knock, Knock!

Who's there?

Cow go.

Cow Go Who?

No silly cows go moo."

  1. Knock, knock! 

Who’s there? 

Cow go. 

Cow go who? 

No silly cows go moo.

  1. Knock, knock!

Who’s there?


Cow who?

Cow much longer are you going to put up with all this knocking?

  1. Knock, knock!

Who's there?


Candy who?

Candy cow jump over the moon!

  1. Knock, knock!

Who's there?

Impatient cow.

Impatient cow wh-?


  1. Knock knock?

Who is there?


Boo Who?

Don’t cry! We have the best milk jokes.

Funny Jokes About Milk

"What gives milk and has a horn? A milk truck"

  1. What gives milk and has a horn? A milk truck
  2. If you had twenty cows and ten goats what would you have? A lot of milk.
  3. What do you call a cow that never gives milk? An udder failure.
  4. What would you get if you milked a really forgetful cow? Milk of Amnesia.
  5. What do you get from a pampered cow? Spoiled milk.
  6. Why is cold milk always so relaxed? Because it chills in the fridge.
  7. What do you call milk that visited the moon? Legen-dairy.
  8. Why did the farmer buy a brown cow? He wanted chocolate milk!
  9. What type of milk can one get from a cow who is a dwarf? Condensed milk.
  10. What type of cows give Russian milk? Mooscows.
  11. How does regular milk introduce itself in Spanish? Soy milk!
  12. Why did the farmer feed money to his cow? He wanted rich milk.
  13. Why do some people like milk after it is churned? It's butter that way.
  14. Why did the astronauts take a box of cereal and a cow with them? In case they bypassed the milky way!
  15. What does a farmer talk about when she’s milking a cow? Udder nonsense.
  16. What do you get when a cow jumps on a trampoline? Milkshake.
  17. What type of milk does a cow give when it is scorching hot outside? Powdered milk.
  18. Why do Western Asians like to drink sour milk? It is curdish.
  19. What do you call a cow which is a female and can't produce milk? A miss-steak.
  20. What type of milk do calves drink? Dairy-free.

Best Cows Jokes For Kids

"What do you call the cow who hit it big playing the lottery? A cash cow."

  1. What do you call the cow who hit it big playing the lottery? A cash cow.
  2. What do you call cattle that tell jokes? Laughing stock
  3. Did you hear about the famous cow? They say her milk is Legend Dairy.
  4. What did the cow say to its therapist? “I feel seen but not herd.”
  5. What do you call a feminine cow? A dairy queen.
  6. What do you call it when one bull spies on another bull? A steak out
  7. When cows get sick what do you call it? Hay Fever
  8. What is a cow’s dream job? Being an udder cover agent.
  9. Why do cows were bells?  Their horns don’t work
  10. What did the Auntie cow say to her niece? “You’re so udderly cute!”
  11. What do you call a sleeping bull? A bull-dozer!
  12. Why can't you shock cows? They've herd it all!
  13. Why don’t bulls play archery? They might hit a bulls-eye.
  14.  What do you call a cow with no legs?  Ground Beef
  15. What do you call a cow after she has given birth?  De-calf-inated
  16. How do cows introduce their wives? Hey guys! Meat Patty.
  17. Why do cows want to see Times Square? Because it’s in Moo York City.
  18. Why did the calf cry at school? There was a bully there.
  19. What do you call a funny cow? A cowmedian.
  20. What did the mother cow say to the baby cow? “It’s pasture bedtime.”
  21. How did the cow get to Mars? It flew through udder space.
  22. What do you call a fight between two herds of cows? A cattle battle.
  23. What does a cow watch? MooTube.
  24. How did the farmer find his lost cow? He tractor down.
  25. What do you get when you cross a cow and a goat? A coat.

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Cow Jokes For Kids - FAQs

1. What are jokes?

Jokes are like one liners, questions, or puns that would cause amusement or laughter.

2. What are some best cow jokes for kids?
  • Where do cows get their medicine? At the farm-acy.
  • Why did the cow look so confused? He was having deja moo.
  • What type of cows give Russian milk? Mooscows.
  • What do you call a sleeping bull? A bull-dozer!