Cracking the Irish Times Crosaire Crossword Clue April 4, 2024)

Today’s crossword clue is here, use our simple steps to solve it, we also have a clear explanation for each solution

by Sivasankari | Updated Apr 04, 2024

Hey everyone! We have got today's crossword puzzle ready for you. Take your time with the clues provided in this article. Working on puzzles can help improve your thinking and problem solving skills. Keep scrolling for today's clues and explanations and check our website for daily answers.

Edible wrapping confuses peer in Capri


"Edible wrapping confuses peer in Capri" hints at "RICE PAPER" as the answer. Rice paper is a thin, translucent wrapping material made from rice flour, water, and salt, commonly used in Asian cuisine to wrap spring rolls and other dishes. The clue cleverly suggests confusion by incorporating "peer in Capri," which when rearranged, spells "rice paper."

First person is bringing parent over to see man who leads prayers


"First person is bringing parent over to see man who leads prayers" leads to "IMAM" as the answer. The clue refers to the Islamic leader who leads prayers in a mosque, known as an imam. By combining "I" (first person) with "ma" (parent) and reversing it (bringing parent over), we get "IMAM."

Party from Northern Ireland went over in ship to find roots


"Party from Northern Ireland went over in ship to find roots" suggests "SPUDS" as the answer. In this clue, "party" refers to a group, and "went over in ship" suggests transportation across water, which commonly happened during the Irish potato famine when many Irish emigrated. "Roots" points to potatoes, colloquially known as "spuds."

Perhaps wealthy farmer is making plan to depose premier, which is a discouraging thing


"Perhaps wealthy farmer is making a plan to depose premier, which is a discouraging thing" hints at "LANDOWNER" as the answer. This clue is a complex sentence that describes a wealthy landowner who may be plotting against a premier. It cleverly disguises the answer within the context of the sentence.

Bouncing up and down to see Hope and Crosby


"Bouncing up and down to see Hope and Crosby" leads to "BOBBING" as the answer. This clue refers to the motion of bobbing one's head up and down, which is often associated with enjoying entertainment. Hope and Crosby were a popular comedy duo in the mid-20th century, making "BOBBING" a playful reference.

Decline a rarity engraved with script that's indecipherable?


"Decline a rarity engraved with script that's indecipherable?" suggests "LINEAR A" as the answer. "Decline a rarity" could mean removing an uncommon item, and "engraved with script that's indecipherable" hints at Linear A, an ancient script found on archaeological artifacts from the Minoan civilization that has yet to be fully understood.

Express dissent and agitate individual at outbuilding around midday


"Express dissent and agitate individual at outbuilding around midday" leads to "SHAKE ONE'S HEAD" as the answer. This clue suggests the action of shaking one's head as a gesture of dissent or disagreement. "Agitate individual at outbuilding" hints at "SHAKE" and "around midday" implies "NOON," resulting in "SHAKE ONE'S HEAD."

Playwright requires hapless mule with funny-looking basket etc


Playwright requires hapless mule with funny-looking basket etc: This cryptic clue suggests a playwright who needs specific elements, including a hapless mule and a peculiar basket. The answer is "SAMUEL BECKETT," referring to the renowned playwright known for his absurdist works such as "Waiting for Godot."

Doctor at university in central Germany, gets equipment that seems very noisy


Doctor at university in central Germany, gets equipment that seems very noisy: This clue indicates a medical professional acquiring equipment that produces loud sounds, possibly indicating a musical instrument. The answer is "DRUM KIT," which refers to a set of drums and percussion instruments often associated with loud and rhythmic music.

Cocktail with composer of opera


Cocktail with composer of opera: This clue suggests a mixed drink associated with a composer known for his opera compositions. The answer is "BELLINI," which is a cocktail made with Prosecco and peach purée, named after the Italian composer Vincenzo Bellini.

Northern Europeans are a riotous sensation


Northern Europeans are a riotous sensation: This clue hints at a group of people from a specific region known for their lively and exciting nature. The answer is "ESTONIANS," referring to the people of Estonia, a Northern European country known for its vibrant culture and traditions.

Come together to see single component made by egghead


Come together to see single component made by egghead: This cryptic clue suggests a term meaning to unite or gather together, possibly related to a single element created by an intellectual. The answer is "UNITE," which means to come together as one, indicated by the phrase "come together," along with a single component made by an egghead, suggesting intelligence or knowledge.

Wife-to-be, ignoring second letter, will do this with her time instead


Wife-to-be, ignoring the second letter, will do this with her time instead: This clue hints at a term meaning to wait patiently, especially for one's future spouse, with the omission of the second letter. The answer is "BIDE," which means to wait or endure patiently, indicated by the phrase "with her time instead" and the removal of the second letter "r" from "bride."

Calculate that man will stay the course until death


Calculate that man will stay the course until death: This clue suggests a phrase meaning to persist or endure until the end of one's life. The answer is "TO THE LAST," indicating a determination to continue or remain steadfast until the very end, even in the face of adversity or difficulty.

Stood up as former American president can be a bit prickly


Stood up as former American president can be a bit prickly: This clue implies a plant that stands upright and has thorns, associated with a former American president. The answer is "ROSEBUSH," as it refers to a bush bearing roses, which can indeed be prickly, and "Rose" was the surname of Theodore Roosevelt, a former American president.

Small fragment inside causes terrific rumbling


Small fragment inside causes terrific rumbling: Here, we're looking for a term indicating a tiny piece or fragment that, when inside something, can cause a great noise. The answer is "CRUMB," which denotes a small fragment of food or matter, and when it's inside something, it may cause a significant noise, especially when chewing.

Unintentional inhalation of carbon particles etc, results in docile son getting physician for monarch


Unintentional inhalation of carbon particles etc., results in docile son getting physician for monarch: This clue suggests a situation where someone exposed to a harmful substance inadvertently causes their son to seek medical attention for a royal figure. The answer is "PASSIVE SMOKING," which refers to the inhalation of smoke from others' cigarettes or tobacco products without actively smoking oneself, potentially leading to health issues for bystanders.

Only GOP could be upset to get this kind of figure


Only GOP could be upset to get this kind of figure: Here, the clue hints at a mathematical term that may upset members of a particular political party when they receive it. The answer is "POLYGON," a geometric figure with straight sides. "Only GOP" suggests rearranging "GOP" to form "POG," which is an anagram of "GOP" and could indeed be a type of figure in a crossword puzzle.

Trouser edge just above feet irritates them


Trouser edge just above feet irritates them: This clue indicates something located at the edge of trousers that causes annoyance or irritation to the feet. The answer is "RANKLES," which means to cause resentment or irritation. The edge of trousers, called the "ankle," when combined with "ranks" (suggesting edges), forms "RANKLES."

Person suggested labourer on Irish ship would treat it roughly


Person suggested laborer on Irish ship would treat it roughly: This clue implies treating someone or something roughly, based on a laborer's action on an Irish ship. The answer is "MANHANDLE," which means to handle roughly or clumsily. "Man" suggests a person, and "handle" implies treating or dealing with something, while "on Irish ship" provides additional context.

Mesmerise commander at centre, displaying fish-like creature


Mesmerise commander at centre, displaying fish-like creature - This clue suggests a term describing a mythical creature, typically half-human and half-fish, known for its mesmerizing qualities. "Merman" fits perfectly, referring to the male counterpart of a mermaid, often depicted in folklore and fantasy literature.

Oppose the arts and any alternative lifestyle


Oppose the arts and any alternative lifestyle - The clue implies a term encompassing resistance or opposition to cultural norms and conventions, especially in favor of alternative lifestyles and artistic expressions. "Counterculture" accurately reflects this idea, representing a movement that challenges mainstream values and traditions.

Attacked them for terrible duets, alas


Attacked them for terrible duets, alas - This clue indicates an action taken against someone for poor performances or collaborations. "Assaulted" is the suitable term, denoting a physical or verbal attack on individuals, often in response to perceived offenses or grievances.

Walk with vacuous nitwit is quite grating


Walk with vacuous nitwit is quite grating - The clue suggests a term describing a loud, harsh, and irritating sound produced while walking with someone perceived as foolish or unintelligent. "Strident" fits this description, referring to a grating or unpleasant quality in sound, speech, or behavior.

Imprudent ranting about applicant


Imprudent ranting about applicant - This clue hints at a term related to someone applying for something and facing criticism or imprudent remarks. "Entrant" is the appropriate answer, representing an individual who enters or applies for a competition, program, or position, often subjected to scrutiny or criticism.

Blag boy's shift, every so often, and earn money while parents are away?


Blag boy's shift, every so often, and earn money while parents are away? - This clue hints at a term describing a job involving looking after children periodically, often for payment. "Babysit" perfectly fits, indicating the act of caring for children while their parents are absent, typically in exchange for money or compensation.

Bishop and clergyman meeting father, brought up a way of modifying terms


Bishop and clergyman meeting father, brought up a way of modifying terms - This clue suggests a linguistic term related to modifying other words or phrases. "Adverb" fits the description, representing a word that typically modifies a verb, adjective, or other adverbs, indicating manner, time, place, or degree.

Leaders in bar in Zanzibar after covering the island


Leaders in bar in Zanzibar after covering the island - The clue hints at a location often associated with nightlife and entertainment after referring to a specific island. "Ibiza" is the correct answer, representing a popular Spanish island known for its vibrant nightlife and party scene, particularly in its bars and clubs.

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