Crossword Clue Answers for Otago Daily Times Quick (March 22, 2024)

Find all the answers to Otago Daily Times Quick crossword clues and learn many new words and interesting information to enhance your knowledge.

by Abisha | Updated Mar 22, 2024

Otago Daily Times Quick crosswords provide daily challenges to improve the solver’s cognitive skills. These crosswords offer an enjoyable method to enhance their language and they can learn new facts. Those you tried this crossword and find it hard to crack can find the answers in our page.

Disgusting (4)


While "pain" is not typically used to describe something disgusting, it could be a bit of a wordplay. Pain can be unpleasant or cause discomfort, similar to something disgusting.

Occurred (8)


"Occurred" means something happened. "Misdated" suggests a mistake was made regarding the date of an event. It implies the actual occurrence (happening) was dated incorrectly (misdated).

Unoccupied position (7)


"Unoccupied" means not filled or in use. "Position" refers to a job or role. A vacancy is an empty or unfilled position

Art stand (5)


"Art stand" describes a support structure used by artists. An easel is a portable stand used to hold a painting or other artwork.

Ordered or authorised (12)


"Ordered" means instructed or commanded to do something. "Authorised" implies officially permitted or approved. Something that is commissioned is officially ordered or authorized, often for a specific task or creation (like commissioning a painting).

Sailor (3)


"Sailor" refers to someone who works at sea. Tay is a less common term, but it can be an archaic word for a sailor.

Diagram (5)


"Diagram" is a visual representation of something. An index can refer to a list or table that provides information or serves as a guide, similar to how a diagram can visually represent information.

Expression of surprise (3)


"Expression of surprise" describes a word or sound used to show astonishment. Hey is a common interjection used to express surprise or get someone's attention.

Dense (12)


"Dense" means very compact or solid. Unpierceable means something that cannot be penetrated or broken through, which captures the idea of being very dense.

Small breed of dog (5)


"Small breed of dog" describes the type of animal. A corgi is a small, short-legged dog breed known for its herding abilities.

Wariness (7)


"Wariness" refers to a state of being watchful or careful due to a fear of danger. Caution is a noun that describes the feeling of wariness or the act of being careful.

For ever (8)


"For ever" means forever or without end. Eternity refers to an infinite or indefinitely long period of time.

Gripped (4)


"Gripped" suggests holding on firmly or being captivated. "Rode" refers to the past tense of "ride," which implies being securely positioned on something that is moving.

Liveliness (8)


 "Liveliness" describes having a lot of energy or enthusiasm. "Attitude" can refer to a person's general manner or way of behaving, which can reflect liveliness.

Temporary substitute (5)


"Temporary substitute" describes someone who fills in for another person for a short time. "Locum" is a term often used for a doctor who substitutes for another doctor.

Some, or all (3)


"Some, or all" suggests any quantity or possibility. "Any" refers to one or some unspecified amount, which encompasses both "some" and "all."

Ridiculous (12)


 "Ridiculous" means silly or absurd. "Not pertinent" describes something irrelevant or not related to the matter at hand. Something irrelevant or nonsensical can be considered ridiculous.

Savings (colloq) (4,3)


"Savings" is the money you set aside. "(colloq)" indicates it's an informal term. "Nest egg" is a slang term for a sum of money saved for the future, like a bird storing eggs in a nest.

Fool (4)


"Fool" can mean someone who is easily tricked. "Bilk" means to cheat someone out of money, implying you might trick them out of something valuable.

Minor sin or fault (12)


"Minor sin or fault" describes a small mistake or lapse in judgment. "Indiscretion" refers to a lack of good judgment or caution, often a small mistake.

Ignominy (5)


"Ignominy" means disgrace or humiliation. "Abuse" can refer to the cruel or violent treatment of someone, which can be a source of humiliation. While not a perfect synonym, "abuse" can be a way to inflict ignominy on someone.

Lowered (8)


"Lowered" suggests a decrease in height or position. "Crashing" implies a sudden and forceful descent, which effectively lowers something.

Regret (7)


"Regret" is a feeling of sorrow or disappointment about something you have done or not done. "Sadness" is a general feeling of unhappiness or low spirits, which often accompanies regret.

Wife (5)


"Wife" is the formal term for a woman married to a man. "Wifey" is a more informal and sometimes playful term for a wife.

High point (4)


"High point" can refer to the highest or most important part of something. "Tops" is a slang term for something that is the best or most excellent, capturing the idea of a high point.

Feline (3)


"Feline" refers to a member of the cat family. "Sly" describes someone who is artful or cunning in a way that is often mischievous. While not a direct reference to a feline characteristic, slyness can be associated with cats who are known for being stealthy and cunning.

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