WAEC CRK/CRS Questions and Answers 2023

The WAEC CRK/CRS Questions and Answers 2023 are provided here so that you can learn and practice for the upcoming WAEC CRK/CRS exams.

by V Gomala | Updated Jun 01, 2023

WAEC CRK/CRS Questions and Answers

The West African Examinations Council (WAEC) is a legally established examination board responsible for administering examinations of public significance in English-speaking West African countries. Its primary objectives include conducting these examinations, awarding internationally recognized certificates that are comparable to those issued by similar examining bodies worldwide, and promoting educational standards within the region.

WAEC organizes four distinct categories of examinations, namely International Examinations, National Examinations, Examinations conducted in collaboration with other examining bodies, and Examinations conducted on behalf of other examining bodies. The International Examinations specifically refer to tests held in the five countries governed by the WAEC ordinance.

WAEC CRK Questions and Answers 2023

The answers for the WAEC CRK (Christian Religious Knowledge) essay and objective questions for 2023 will be uploaded when available. The West African Examination Council has scheduled the CRK exam to take place on Friday, 9th June 2023, from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm. The exam consists of Paper-II (Essay) and Paper-I (Objective). In this resource, we have made available past questions and answers for Christian Religious Knowledge in WAEC, intended for practice purposes. Candidates can utilize this material to learn how to answer CRS questions effectively, as key points and hints are provided without the need for a subscription. Scroll down and get the past question and answers for WAEC CRK/CRS questions and answers.

WAEC CRK/CRS Questions and Answers 2023

Here are the past WAEC CRK/CRS questions and answers.

CRK OBJ Answers








After the Israelites had left the land of Egypt, Pharaoh regretted his action to have allowed them to leave. He re-grouped his soldiers to pursue the Israelites. The Isrealites encamped at Pihahiroth where they were overtaken by the Egyptian soldiers who rode on horses and chariots. When the Israelites saw them, they were afraid and they cried to the Lord for their safety. They said that it would have been better for them to die in the land of Egypt than to die in the wilderness.

Moses strengthened their faith by telling them not to entertain any fear, but to stand firm, for the Lord was with them and would fight for them. ” The Egyptians you see today will not be seen again tomorrow”, Moses assured his people. He cried to the Lord and he was told to stretch his rod over the sea. The Lord blocked the view and slowed down the movement of the Egyptians by the pillar of cloud which led the Israelites behind them. Moses did as the Lord had commanded him. He stretched his rod over the sea.

A great wind drove back the waters. The people of Israel crossed the sea on dry land. The Egyptians gave the Israelites a hot chase, but the wheel of their chariots could not move. Moses immediately followed the order of God and stretched his rod over the sea and the water returned. The Egyptian soldiers, their horses and chariots, who were already in the middle of the sea were all drowned and they perished. This is how God was victorious over Pharaoh and his army.



(i) It is good to have faith in the Lord.

(ii) God is ready to protect His people in the period of need.

(iii) God is very loyal, faithful and always kepeps His promises to His people.

(iv) God punishes those who disobeys Him and humbles the proud.


Hophni and Phinehas were the sons of Eli who was the priest of God at Shiloh. They were also priests of the Lord.

The Bible describes the children of Eli as worthless men who had no regard for the Lord. They committed several sins against the Lord. They disregarded the custom regarding sacrifice to the Lord and instead of taking their share, they took what the three-pronged fork could collect from the pot. Contrary to the custom, they demanded, with force, raw meat from those offering sacrifice, before the fat was burned. They lay with women who served at the entrance of the gate.

Though Eli warned his children about the above evils, he did not take strict measures to stop the children from the evil acts. As a result of his weak corrective measures, the children did not listen to him, but continued in their evil ways. The attitude of the children towards the Lord resulted in a man of God coming to Eli to prophesy doom for his house, stating that the priesthood would be cut off from Eli’s house and the family destroyed to the extent that no old man would exist in it for ever and any survivor of this disaster would beg bread from the new and faithful priests to be raised by God. As a sign for the fulfilment of the prophesy, the sons of Eli would die on the same day.



(i) Parent should take time to teach their children the word of God

(ii) Parents should inculcate in their children the spirit of fear of God in all they do.

(iii) Parents have the responsibility to give their children proper training and proper discipline where necessary

(iv) Parents should teach their children the need to heed the warnings of prophets/men of God

(v) Parents should explain to their children the consequences of disobedience to the commandments of God


According to Prophet Joel who was one of several divinely appointed prophets of God, there would be an outpouring of the spirit of God upon all fresh . Sons and daughters would prophesy ,young men would see vision, old men would dream and the menservants would also prophesy.

On the day of Pentecost, the disciples were together in one place. Suddenly, a sound came from heaven like the rush of a mighty wind, and filled the house where they were sitting. Immediately, there appeared to them tongues as of fire, resting on each of them. They were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and began to speak in other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.

The sound of the wind attracted a great multitude, including the Jews and devout men from different nations, who were then dwelling in Jerusalem. These people were amazed at what they saw, especially the foreigners who heard the disciples speaking in their own local languages. Strangely enough, the disciples were all Galileans. The people wondered, saying, ‘Are not all these who are speaking Galileans?’ And how is it that we hear each of us in his own native language?’ They wondered at the situation, asking, ‘What does this mean?; But others who were there mocked them, accusing them of being drunk. This event shows the fulfillment of Joel’s prophecy.



(i) God must always fulfil his promises

(ii) The purpose of God cannot be stopped by persecution or threat

(iii) True practice of Christianity requires humility

(iv) The holy spirit was the invisible force which directed the activities of the church

(v) God’s salvation is for all who believe, either both Jew or Gentile.


Peter taught that Christians are chosen race and for that, they should abstain from the passion of the flesh.

He told them to engage in honest conversation among the Gentiles so that even if they speak against them, their good works would force the Gentiles to glorify God.

Peter told them to subject themselves to every human institution whether it is the Emperor himself or the Governors that have been sent to reward those who do good and punish those who do wrong. According to Peter, if they do this, they will put to silence the ignorance of foolish men.

He advised them to live as free men but should not use their freedom as a pretext to engage in evil. They should live as servants of God. They should honour all men, love the brotherhood, fear God and honour the emperor.

Peter explained that they would receive no glory if they are punished for doing the wrong thing, but if they are punished for doing the right thing and they endure, it is acceptable before God.

Peter concluded that Christ himself suffered the same fate. According to Peter, Jesus was reviled but he did not reply. Therefore, people must copy Christ’s example.



(i) By loving one anther

(ii) By assisting the needy

(iii) By forgiving people who offends them

(iv) By teaching the word of God to the unbelievers

(v) Having self-control

WAEC CRK Questions and Answers 2023 Objective and Essay

1. When Zerubbabel and Joshua the son of Jozadak began to rebuild the house of God which was in Jerusalem they were assisted by ________________________

A. Haggai and Zachariah

B. Mithredath and Tobael

C. The prophets of God in Jerusalem

D. The priest of God in Jerusalem

ANSWER: C (The prophets of God in Jerusalem)

2. What does the word “Cup” mean in the book of Matthew? It means

A. Water container for drinking

B. cup of blessing from God

C. metaphor referring to suffering

D. metaphor referring to crucifixion

ANSWER: C (metaphor referring to suffering)

3. The disciples were called Christian for the first time in

A. Samaria

B. Ephesus

C. Antioch

D. Caesarea

ANSWER: C (Antioch)

4. The law books used for the great reformation of Israel’s social and religious institution were found in the temple in 621 BC during the reign of

A. Hezekiah

B. Josiah

C. Moses

D. Ahab

ANSWER: B (Josia)

5. Jesus Christ was baptized in the River Jordan by

A. Mathew

B. John

C. Jeremiah

D. Mary Magdalene

ANSWER: B (John)

6. David took Jerusalem from

A. The Jebusites

B. The Philistines

C. The Ammonites

D. Edomites

ANSWER: (The Jebusites)

7. Where did the Lord appear to Solomon in a dream?

A. Horeb


C. Gath

D. Jericho

ANSWER: B (Gibeon)

8. The division of David’s kingdom was a direct consequence of

A. Absalom’s revolt

B. Jeroboam’s revolt

C. Solomon’s forced labour

D. Rehoboam’s unwise decision

ANSWER: D (Rehoboam’s unwise decision)

9. Amos told the Israelites that they have turned justice into

A. injustices

B. poison

C. wormwood

D. anguish

ANSWER: C (wormwood)

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WAEC CRK/CRS Questions and Answers 2023 - FAQs

1. When is WAEC CRK/CRS exam 2023?

The West African Examination Council has scheduled the CRK exam to take place on Friday, 9th June 2023, from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm.

2. What is WAEC?

The West African Examinations Council (WAEC) is a legally established examination board responsible for administering examinations of public significance in English-speaking West African countries.