Deathloop Walkthrough, Guide, Gameplay, Wiki, and More

In this Deathloop Walkthrough, we have added a comprehensive guide, tips, and walkthrough that answer all your queries related to the toughest rounds in Deathloop.

by A N Rahul | Updated Mar 24, 2023


Deathloop Wiki

Deathloop is a highly anticipated video game that was released in 2021. It is an action-packed adventure that takes players on a journey through the fictional island of Blackreef. The game's protagonist, Colt, is an assassin who is trapped in a never-ending time loop, and the only way to break the cycle is to eliminate eight targets before midnight. Deathloop is a video game where the player controls an assassin named Colt who is stuck in a time loop and has to eliminate eight targets across the island of Blackreef before midnight. The game allows the player to use stealth, parkour, attack skills, guns, gadgets, and powers to move around the game world, learn the targets' patterns, and figure out the right order to eliminate them. The time loop is not strictly timed and is divided into four periods. The game also features a multiplayer aspect where players can alternatively take the role of Julianna and interfere with other players' games.

Deathloop Walkthrough Guide

Discovering the Longest Day: A Video Walkthrough of Deathloop

  • Introduction:

Embark on a thrilling adventure as you explore the mysterious island of Blackreef in Deathloop. In this video walkthrough, we will guide you through the first mission, The Longest Day, and provide helpful tips and strategies to help you survive.

  • Entering the Bunker:

As you approach the bunker, you will hear a radio broadcast about "The First Day." Grab the LIMP-10 machine pistol and ammo before stepping out onto the balcony to test your shooting skills. Then, head down the stairs to the tunnel leading to the command post. Take the Exemplar Personal Trinket glowing purple next to the spider tape board and read up on the list of targets.

  • Finding the Hackamajig:

After inspecting the board, head up the stairs to the right to find a locked door and a workbench with a Hackamajig and a postcard for Blackreef. Use the Hackamajig to unlock the antenna next to the door and move forward. However, the door code is randomized each run, so you will need to look elsewhere to find it.

  • Searching for the Code:

Go right down the stairs away from the locked door and search along the left side of the lower level for a boarded-up hole. Kick it open, crawl through to the cold water, and try to hop across the floating debris. As you explore this large cove, you will hear a broadcast from Julianna, the woman who was in your nightmare, revealing that the entire island is now looking to kill you. Move up the pathway along the right side of the cove and climb up some stairs to a broken wall.

  • Killing the Eternalists:

A very drunk man can be heard in the room beyond the broken wall, and he is your enemy. Grab the machete on the right, and assassinate him from behind. Move forward and up the rocky slopes along the cliffs until you reach a long broken wall at the top of the cliff. On the other side of this wall is a nice-looking manor and a group of three "Eternalists" arguing. Use the Focus option to tag each of the four Eternalists and try to be stealthy as you approach.

  • Meeting Julianna:

After killing the Eternalists, Julianna will speak to you over the radio and tell you to enter the manor's library. Use the Hackamajig on the door's gate and head inside. Admire the stately manor before heading up the stairs to the door on the right. Pull the lever next to the window, the one you were told not to pull, and meet Julianna, who will leave you to find your own way out.

  •  Map of Updaam

Players need to find a way to the far side of Updaam where Colt's flat is. Colt’s apartment is over at quadrant I 26, which means that there are a couple of options from making your way over from the far left side of Updaam where you started. There is a map of Updaam just up the road where players can get a good look at it.

  • hoose your path

Much like Dishonored, players are encouraged to play to their own style, whether that be loud and guns blazing, or quiet and sneaky. For this walkthrough, we will guide you through some of the roads less traveled to minimize risk where possible. We’ll be taking the southern path opposite the Candy Bar.

  • Use the Vantage Point

Players can climb up to the low rooftops overlooking the alley below. From your vantage point, you can either deal with the two Eternalists or move along the upper balcony to bypass the large gate and drop down the other side.

  •  Discover the Gate Code

There’s a note on the other side of the gate, and it mentions that when a nearby phone booth is used, the gate opens. Players can try it themselves by aiming at the telephone booth above the alley that’s closest to the gate, and they’ll get the door code from doing so.

  •  Avoid the Eternalists

It’s highly advised that players don’t try to enter the Library building with the Eternalists waiting around. Instead, players can look for a slope next to the camera by the Library building, and jump up onto a low roof and over a balcony. Players will only be a short hop away from Colt’s apartment and out of sight of the Eternalists at the back entrance to the library waiting around.

  •  Find the PT-6 Spiker

Players need to follow the spotlight’s beam and enter Colt's Luxury Suite. At the end of the short hallway is a computer desk with a sleek PT-6 Spiker: an improvisational nailgun that serves as a silenced weapon.

  • Check your stuff

Players should also check Colt's computer for any useful information and to ensure that they have all the items they need before heading out on the mission.

  • Returning in the Morning

If you wake up on the beach, return to the tunnel and grab your gear, including the LIMP-10, double jump Trinket, the Thingamajig, and other useful items. Once back in Updaam, quickly and quietly make your way to your apartment, eliminating any Eternalists outside your window.

Obtaining the LPP

After grabbing the weapons and trinkets in your apartment, open the safe to find the LPP, which is not a weapon but rather a protocol outlining how to break the loop for good. The LPP specifies the time of day and locations where the eight visionaries are vulnerable to attack:

  • Aleksis Dorsey: Throwing a party at Dorsey Manor in the Evening in Updaam.
  • Frank Spicer: Broadcasting the Morning radio show at the Ramblin Rock Club in Fristad Rock.
  • Charlie Montague: Hosting a Live-action game at Noon in Updaam.
  • Egor Serling: Spending Evenings alone at the Serling Labs in The Complex.
  • Fia Zborowska: Attending Noon showings at the Fractured ImAge in Fristad Rock.
  • Harriet Morse: Hosting a Morning wellness seminars in Hangar 2 in Karl’s Bay.
  • Wenjie Evans: Conducting breach tests at the Research Lab in the Afternoon at The Complex.
  • Julianna Blake: Documenting at the AEON Archival Office in Updaam.

Additional Investigation Needed

However, this information is not enough to break the loop as it's impossible to reach all the visionaries in one day. You need to figure out how to make certain visionaries break protocol and come together. Additionally, Julianna is the only other person besides you who is aware of the previous loops. She is hiding her true self and sending other versions of herself to hunt you down.


As a tutorial mode player, you can’t explore anywhere else until you discover a secondary lead. So, you have to explore The Complex in the afternoon when Dr. Wenjie Evans is present. If you die, you’ll restart at this point, rather than back in the morning.

Different Tunnel Exit

You begin this segment in a different tunnel exit than the previous time you visited The Complex. Several other districts operate on the same rules - at certain times of day, you’ll come out in different spots, but you can usually leave via either exit.

Getting to Wenjie’s Lab

Coming out at Array Y, you’ll be at a back entrance to the complex area, but Wenjie’s Lab is just a straight shot past a group of Eternalists patrolling the field and main road. You can explore the labs in the boxes around you, but your main focus should be getting to the large cylindrical lab in the distance.

Multiple Wenjies

You'll find Wenjie in a small manufacturing lab inside a large green annexed building to the left of the cylinder lab. You’ll discover that Wenjie has figured out a way to bring more versions of herself into the fold. Unlike you, they can't remember previous loops - and are doomed to run the same experiments every day. Killing one Wenjie won’t satisfy the job. You’ll need to kill every last Wenjie to harvest the material left behind.

Killing Every Wenjie

There are 15 Wenjies in total wandering these labs - but there is a way to quickly thin the numbers. Disable the camera and head across the ground floor through the door marked Security, which will take you through a tunnel to the red building to a security wing. Two more Wenjies are there, as well as a turret. Let them finish talking so that they begin to patrol around, and use your Spiker to eliminate them at a distance. Peek around the corner to disable the turret (or use it to kill the Wenjies for you), and then search the area.

Blue Lab Building

At the far end of the Security wing is a table with a Sleek Trinket, audio log, note, and control console that activates a containment protocol in the main lab building, sealing the place tight and depressurizes the room - killing anything still inside. Wenjie state that the controls are left in the bottom section of the blue lab building - which should be your next stop.

Final Two Wenjies

Climb out of the Security wing through a ceiling exit and leap across to the main floor of the blue building. Two Wenjies will have been conversing on the lowest level before one walks up the stairs to patrol the ground floor - so approach the door cautiously. After you go down to the bottom floor, look on the whiteboard for a note with the code. Wenjie is the only person who thought ahead far enough to completely randomize the code in a way that will always change - even between loops. This means if you want to revisit this area and kill the Wenjies again, you’ll need to repeat this process.

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Harvest the Residium

The first step to unlocking the benefits of Residium is to harvest it. This involves using a harvest cylinder to extract the ghostly afterimage of a killed Wenjie. The cylinder can be found at the bottom of the main lab annex, near the whiteboard drawing. Simply stand near the body and suck up its ghost.

How to Activate the Experiment

After harvesting enough Residium, it's time to activate the experiment that will allow Colt to keep his weapons and gain access to other benefits. First, plug the harvester into the metal infuser box using the hole on the side. This will open a switch, which can be turned on by standing in a large pod across from it. The experiment was designed for two people, so Colt will have to find a way to turn the switch on himself. Beware, there are side effects to the experiment, including the possibility of dying.

Expanding Loadout and Pursuing Visionary Leads

After waking up on the beach, Colt will have access to 3,500 Residium, as well as his Double Jump trinket, gun recoil trinket, LIMP-10, machete, sapper grenade, Hackamajig, and Respite Slab. He can use this to pursue his leads across Blackreef's four districts over all four times of the day. Colt can choose the order in which he eliminates his targets, but he should expect things to not be so straightforward. Harvesting Residium will be necessary to expand his loadout with more trinkets and weapons to vary his playstyle as he explores and takes on his targets.

 Chaos Theory

In this video walkthrough, you will learn how to eliminate Harriet in the game Deathloop, using the Chaos Theory approach. This will help you earn the Nexus slab, the Fourpounder weapon, and other rewards. Here are the steps you need to follow:

  • Head to the Rooftops

Once you exit the tunnel, jump onto the roof to your left, then make your way over the brick wall and follow the hillside to reach the rooftops.

  • Stealthily Eliminate Eternalists

Stealthily take down the Eternalists overlooking the water by dropping down and sneaking up behind them. Avoid taking the stairs, and instead, follow the cliffside to the right and climb up.

  • Infiltrate Hangar 2

Use a secret area you find on the beach to infiltrate Hangar 2, and take down the Eternalists roaming around inside.

  • Scour Harriet’s Office

Once you reach the top floor of Hangar 2, find Harriet's office, which will be located to your left. If the door is locked, find another way in by using Shift or follow the stairs to the first floor and sneak your way up to her office.

  • Access Harriet’s Minicom

Access Harriet’s Minicom, which contains valuable information in Temporary Group Channel, Private Messages between her and Julianna, Private Messages between her and Frank, and Private Messages between her and Egor.

  • Eliminate Harriet

Eliminate Harriet by taking down the Eternalists guarding her silently and sneak up on her. You will earn rewards like the Nexus slab, the Fourpounder weapon, and other trinkets.

  • Use Poisonous Gas

Use poisonous gas to eliminate Harriet to earn the Judgement Day achievement.

  • Head Back to Harriet's Office

Head back to Harriet's office and flip the switch to fill the area beneath you with gas, which will take care of the extra Eternalists. Hit the button to the left of the door to unlock it and head out and back to the exit the way you came in.

 Frank's mansion 

DEATHLOOP is a first-person shooter game that is set in a time loop. In this game, the player is tasked with breaking the loop by taking out eight targets called Visionaries. One of these targets is Ramblin' Frank, and to take him out, the player must first locate his mansion and search his club. Here is a walkthrough of how to get into Frank's mansion and search his club:

  • Finding Frank's mansion

    • Frank’s place is only accessible in the mornings, so head to his location at Fristad Rock.
    • Take down the three Eternalists that are in front of you: one is working on the car, one is looking out at the water, and one is in the small building to the right.
    • Head straight down the path and up the cliffside to the right.
    • Jump to the billboard with Shift or take down the one Eternalist on the bridge then hack the turret, and take down the other two Eternalists by the door.
  • Getting inside Frank's mansion

    • To get inside, you need a ClassPass, which can be obtained from several Dispensers located around the property.
    • From the billboard perch, jump down to the right and follow the cliffs down and back up to the side of the building. Be careful of the turret on the bridge.
    • Another way in is below the dining area to the right of Frank's. While hopping over the cars in the water down here, there'll be a tunnel entrance on the left. Move quickly over to it and follow it around to the right, disabling the lasermines on the way.
    • From the base of his mansion, use Shift or double jump to move to the rooftop bar, then quickly move to the rooftop above that. Hack the turret with your Hackamajig, and stay on the roof and make your way towards the back of the mansion.
    • On the far side, closest to the water, you can look over the edge on the left to find another turret you can hack. However, your exit will be on the right side of the roof near the water.
    • Jump down the crumbled-down wall and start making your way down the cliffs to your left. There’ll be a very small cave in the side of them, a little way up from the bottom. Climb through here, and you’ll find a vent that will take you into Frank’s.
  • Searching Frank's club

    • Kick in the vent and head inside. There’ll be a door on the left that you can hack open with your Hackamajig, along with another vent just ahead of you.
    • Use the vent up ahead to stay sneaky, and head straight through. There’ll only be one Eternalist in the room up ahead to worry about.
    • Use Shift to hop up to the light fixture above you, then Shift again to move to an orange square hole in the wall above the locked door.
    • If you don't have Shift, then hack the door you saw earlier to quietly head up the stairs.
    • Head up the left side and take down the one Eternalist here.
    • If you have Shift, use it to move to the ceiling of the area ahead of you, or hack the door near where you killed the Eternalist if you don't have Shift.
    • Two more will be near the bar on the right, so take them down quietly. Then, hack the sensor to the left and the turret up ahead.
    • You'll have one more sensor to hack before the door ahead, which leads into Frank's Studio.
    • Open the Container

  • Go back to Otto's to find the code for his workshop in Karl's Bay.
  • Follow the rooftops over to Otto's Workshop, and go around to the back of his building.
  • Take down the Eternalist there quietly, and head inside through the back door.
  • Find the code at his Minicom system and take the Crude Weapon Trinket on the counter near the fireworks machine.
  • Go back to Karl's Bay in the afternoon and take down the Eternalists you see along the way in a stealthy manner.
  • Put the code in the front door of Otto's Workshop, and find a ton of fireworks along with a fireworks launcher and an Exemplar Personal Trinket next to it.
  • Sabotage Frank's fireworks display with the launcher's options.
  • Head back to Frank's to find out more information, if you'd like.
  • Find Frank's Blind Spot / All Night Long Arsenal Lead

  • Wait until morning to head back to Fristad Rock, then start making your way back to Frank's.
  • Take down the three Eternalists in front of you, and hack the turrets.
  • Make your way to the back of the building, down the cliffside, and through the vent you found earlier.
  • Use the same tactics as before to make it up the stairs and over to Frank's Studio.
  • Hack the door to his studio to unlock it and also hack the sensor.
  • Hack the turrets found earlier, and let them handle the Eternalists.
  • Fight Frank, and once he's down, collect the rewards: three Sleek Weapon Trinkets, four Sleek Personal Trinkets, +11500 Residuum, and most importantly, the Constancy Automatic gun.
  • Head inside his studio, and find the Fishing for Fireworks recording on the couch.
  • Sabotage Frank's fireworks display by jamming the rain flaps.
  • Visit Karl's Bay in the morning, take the same route back to Otto's Workshop, and sabotage the flaps.

Space Invader


In Deathloop, there are four Visionary leads to approach after completing the tutorial. One of them is Charlie, whom you can find in Updaam at noon.

  • Getting outside the tunnels

  • Once you’re outside the tunnels, head down the hallway on your right. You'll find an Eternalist standing in front of you, take them out stealthily with your machete. Also, pick up some Residuum to your right.

  • Finding the way to Charlie's mansion
  • Take a left from where you took down the first Eternalist and head back down the open path here. To your right, you’ll find a locked gate that needs a code to get through. Ignore it for now, and continue left up and around to the stairs and up the cliffs.

  • Reaching Charlie's mansion

  • Continue to the top until you see a ledge you can hop over. Head towards it, jump over it, and crouch down. There will be an Eternalist to your left on top of a vehicle that’s searching for you, along with a large group of them in front of The Library. Head down the stairs on the right that go underneath The Library’s main entrance.
  • Sneaking inside Charlie's mansion
  • At the bottom, you’ll see two Eternalists talking to one another. Quickly take out both of them with your machete so as not to alert the rest. Once the area is clear, hop on the container with a yellow tarp over it to reach the ledge up above, then hop over it. Move ahead to the broken wall in front of you and move to the side that’s closest to Charlie’s mansion. His mansion is unfortunately crawling with Eternalists. Take the stealthy route as you make your way up.
  • Finding Charlie

  • Once inside (the first floor is called the Under-Ground Cave, according to Charlie's computerized other half, 2-BIT), take a sharp right and you’ll find some stairs. Follow them up to the second floor, and you’ll end up in a red area (called the Planet Surface). Head down the hall, and you’ll hear two Eternalists talking at the very end on the left. Take them down quickly with your machete before moving on.
  • Disable Lasermines - Head back out into the main room and take a right. On the other side of the stairs, head through the next Exit door. This will lead you into another room heading back to Charlie’s Sanctuary. Unfortunately, it’s filled with lasermines. So, disable them as you move along (you can shoot them if needed, too), then move out the other side.
  • Find Fiz-Pop container and Residuum - Once outside, disable another lasermine on the right, then move forward to the ledge to find a Fiz-Pop container and some Residuum. Then, climb the yellow machine on the right, where you shot the lasermine, and head onto the roof. This will take you around the back way into Charlie’s Sanctuary.
  • Commandeer turrets and collect items - Drop down on the roof, then down on the ground to the right. You’ll also find more Residuum here. Look left through the windows of his Sanctuary first to commandeer the turret with your Hackamajig. There’s another one on the other side of the wall as well, and if you move a little to the right, you can commandeer that one, too. Now, make your way up the side of the Sanctuary to the small porch that he has. Hop up and over the rails. On the table here, you can find the How To Robot recording, the Theme: Murder Mystery document, and The Sixty-Second Minute: Charlie Montague interview document. Once you’ve investigated, open the door on the left. Here, you’ll find two Fiz-Pop containers and the Theme: Secret Society document. Continue moving left and you’ll find a whiteboard with a variety of items scattered beneath it. You’ll also find The Essential You! document and The Yerhva Sessions recording.
  • Search Charlie’s living space - Head through into the next room, which appears to be Charlie’s main living space. Unfortunately, he’s not here, and seems to have escaped through that blocked door you came across earlier while accessing his Minicom system. However, before you go running after him, search this room for information. You’ll find A Fulfilled Ego recording on the kitchen counter to your left, along with a Letter from Wenjie. Turn around and head towards the chairs, where you’ll find the A Little Kindness recording and the Theme: Audio Overdrive document. You can also interact with the arcade cabinet to the left, and finally, you’ll find a Photograph of Fristad by his bed.
  • Find Charlie and defeat him - Since Charlie’s Slab is Shift, he gets around fairly quickly, so the best way to get him is to sneak around and listen for him. He’s very chatty, thankfully, so he’s a hard one to miss. If you climb the last set of stairs on the top level, you can even climb on top of the hanging objects near the ceiling to watch for him as well. Once you find Charlie, defeat him in whichever manner you like, along with any remaining Eternalists you come across. Once he’s down, take the Shift Slab from him.
  • Exit - Head back to the exit. So, head back down to the second level, the Planet Surface. From the stairs, head down the hall on the right. You’ll see an Exit door in front of you, but take a right and head down to the Exit door on the other side instead. 

Guide to finding Fia and the pictograms in Deathloop

In Deathloop, there are four pictograms needed to take on Charlie's machine, which are randomized in each playthrough. To find them, you will need to discover the Aesthetics Are Key document in the locked safe in The Yerhva. Here's how to find Fia's Fortress, where you can get her Havoc slab and the pictograms:

Finding Fia's Fortress

  • Head to the cliffs: Exit the tunnels and take a sharp right to the cliffs. Use Shift to move up to the top and continue moving forward until you see vehicles up ahead.
  • Go to the top of the door: Follow the big storage container on the left up and over the other vehicles on the ground. Then, use Shift to make your way across the other vehicle tops over to the right. At the final vehicle, hack the turret on the ground behind two Eternalists with your Hackamajig.
  • Head down the steps: Head down the steps where the Eternalists were and through the door to enter Fractured ImAge, or Fia’s Fortress.

Finding Fia

  • Locate the sensor: Find the sensor outside Fia's control room and hack it with your Hackamajig to enter the door on the right.
  • Look for Fia: Fia is located on the second floor near the control room above the reactor. Sneak up behind her and take her down to get her Havoc slab, three Sleek Weapon Trinkets, an Exemplar Personal Trinket, two Sleek Personal Trinkets, a Crude Personal Trinket, the MG-1 ‘Pepper Mill’, and +11500 Residuum.
  • Open the bedroom doors: If you open the next set of doors into her bedroom, you’ll find her Minicom system and a Temporary Group Channel and a Private Channel between her and Charlie.

Finding the Pictograms

  • Locate the bunker: After coming down the stairs from outside, you’ll find yourself in a bunker. To your left when you first come in, you’ll find an example of the art you’re going to be looking for.
  • Breakdown of each hint: Below is a breakdown of each hint Fia gives, along with where the pictogram is located.
  • Marks Her Stage Exit: This pictogram is located right behind the 'Forever Young' entrance in her bunker.
  • Adds Color to Tools and Schema: This pictogram is located behind the locked door in the room next to the bunk beds in her bunker.

  • Wants for Power: This pictogram is located behind the locked door in the room next to the bunk beds in her bunker.
  • Overshadowed by Her Shimmering Masterpiece: This pictogram is located in a room behind a locked door on the lower level of her bunker.
  • Enlivens the Lockers: This pictogram is located in a room behind a locked door on the lower level of her bunker.
  • Beneath the Wheeled Behemoth: This pictogram is located in the hangar bay where you enter her bunker, behind a locked door.
  • Lubricates the Shaft: This pictogram is located in the room with the elevator shaft in her bunker.
  • Tends the Main Hall: This pictogram is located behind the locked door in the main hall of her bunker.
  • Ogles the Rear Entrance: This pictogram is located behind the locked door in the room with the rear entrance to her bunker.
  • Collect the pictograms: Use your Hackamajig to open the locked doors and collect the pictograms needed to take on Charlie's machine.


  • Return to the Machine
  • Navigate through the tunnels and climb up the cliffside to reach the hidden bunker on Fristad Rock.
  • Use Shift to climb on top of the vehicles and avoid the Eternalists on the ground.
  • Head inside the door and examine the blueprints on the right side of the Cassettes.
  • Punch in the Cassettes with the correct order of pictograms discovered in Fia’s Fortress.
  • Doors ahead will unlock and allow further investigation.
  • Residuum can be found up the little stairway on the opposite side of the main room.
  • Scout the Hideaway

  • Use Shift to make your way down the elevator shaft and jump between pipes and planks to avoid dropping.
  • Find an open doorway leading to a locked door and head back out to the elevator shaft.
  • Move down another hallway and come across a containment door that's open slightly on the bottom.
  • Head through the door and find four very large pipes that can be flooded to take care of Fia and Charlie.
  • Killing them this way means missing out on their Trinkets, Slabs, weapons, and Residuum.
  • Charlie can be found in Updaam at noon, while Fia can be found in Fristad Rock at the same time.
  • Use Space Invader walkthrough for Charlie and Finding Fia section for more information on Fia.
  • Proceed with flooding the hideaway if Fia is already dead or kill them off separately.
  • Move up onto the platform on the right and make your way up to the level that they're on.
  • Move past the lasermines and towards the stairs on the left.
  • Follow the blue paint on the floor to the far control room and pull the lever to flood the place.
  • Find a Vopat Trencher weapon next to the lever on the left.
  • Quickly move out of the window ahead of you and into the next control room over to the left.
  • Use your Hackamajig to unlock the door here and head out.
  • Escape up and out of the elevator shaft using Shift before the entire place floods.
  • Killing both Fia and Charlie this way will get you the Violent Delights achievement.
  •  Two Birds, One Shot

  • Access Charlie and Fia's romantic getaway using the information gathered.
  • Kill both Fia and Charlie to complete the mission.

Guide to Finding and Taking Down Wenjie in DEATHLOOP

Finding Wenjie's Lab

To find Wenjie's lab, head to The Complex in the afternoon and take the left side exit of the tunnels. Move carefully to the right to take down an Eternalist near the stairs, then head back to the left and follow the path up the side of the cliff here. At the top, there will be another Eternalist you'll have to take down. There are three more Eternalists on the main path and a sniper across from you, so stay crouched down. Use your Hackamajig to hack the turret ahead of you, which will take care of two of the Eternalists on the main path. You can also find Residuum on top of the vehicle near the turret.

Continue moving down the main path and head towards the 01 building on the right. Move behind it and follow the building around. You'll see three Eternalists chatting ahead of you. One will head down the hill a bit, while the other two will stay chatting. Head down the cliffside near the shore, following it around to Wenjie's lab.

Searching Wenjie's Quarters

Once you reach the side door, use Shift to move over the side railing instead. Move towards the back door. There are three Fiz-Pop cans on a box near this door. Inside, to the left of this door, is a turret you can hack. Use your Hackamajig to hack it. You can also hack the sensor on the opposite wall. The turret will handle the Wenjies for you, then head inside. Move down the stairs straight across from the door you just came in, and down here you'll find Wenjie's private lab.

On a whiteboard to the right of the entrance, you'll find an Attention All Wenjies note that details the current lockdown code. Head through the door on your left and use the code found from Fia's Aesthetics are Key note to enter her private lab. Once you're through, you can find a Sleek Personal Trinket on the desk to your left. You can also find Fiz-Pop, Shotgun Shells, Small Caliber Rounds, and Residuum on the table in the middle of the room. On a whiteboard near this table, you can find A Map of Updaam and Notes on Updaam's Cliffside Facility. Towards the back of the room, you can find her Minicom.

Digging Further

In the Temporary Group Channel, you'll learn that 2-BIT has an audio editing suite that could broadcast any recording. In the Private Messages between Julianna and Wenjie, you'll learn that Wenjie really wants access to the Updaam Horizon Facility. In the Singularity recording, you'll learn that all Wenjies become one when evening rolls around.

Visit 2-BIT

Make your way back to Charlie's to visit 2-BIT. 2-BIT is hiding up on the third level of his place, which is called the Base Complex. Once you've reached the third level, make your way back to the control center. On both the left and right sides of the area ahead of you will be doors that are locked down. Use your Hackamajig to unlock them and head inside. Here, you'll meet 2-BIT! You'll learn that 2-BIT broadcasts to Blackreef through public address horns and is also equipped with an audio editing suite.

Retrieving the Recording from The Library

  • Take a left from the tunnel exit and head towards The Library
  • Enter from the side by moving down the pathway near the sensor and hacking it
  • Take the smaller cliff on the side of The Library to reach Colt's apartment
  • Enter The Library through the open window and find Residuum on a shelf
  • Follow the path to Aleksis's submission

Bringing "Aleksis" to 2-BIT

  • Head towards the back of the building and hop out of the left window
  • Open the big doors on the left and move forward
  • Hack the sensor and drop down through the hole in the wall
  • Use Shift to move across the lower platform and crouch down
  • Climb through the open window and use Shift to move to the roof above
  • Use Shift again to drop down onto the cliffside and move towards the back of Charlie's
  • Double jump and use Shift to reach the platform with the shortcut door to 2-BIT

The Invitation

  • Set down the Aleksis bobblehead and choose 'Make Aleksis give Wenjie what she wants'
  • 2-BIT will play the recording on a loop
  • Head for the exit when finished
  • 2-BIT's cross-loop memory can play the new invitation every loop with the voice sample

Walkthrough of Lost in Transmission in Deathloop


Lost in Transmission is a mission in Deathloop that involves silencing Egor's device. This guide will provide a walkthrough of the mission.

Recommended Gear:

Before starting the mission, it is recommended to equip the Spring Heeled Trinket and the Shift Slab. The Spring Heeled Trinket can be found in tunnels during The Longest Day, while Charlie Montague in Updaam during Space Invader has the Shift Slab.


Face Egor:

  • Egor can be found at The Complex during Aleksis's party in Updaam. Exit out of the tunnels on the left and move around the right side near the fence. Proceed towards the bunker where four Eternalists are taking cover outside. Take out the one on the vehicle first, then the one on the far right, and handle the others last. Head up the right side of the compound and use Shift to move into the open window at the top.

Discover Egor's Discovery:

  • Once inside, disable the lasermines and landmines, move down to the bottom of the stairs and use your Hackamajig to scramble the sensor on your left. From the platform, look left and you’ll see a pipe with another platform on it. Use Shift to move over to it, avoiding the floor and numerous traps Egor has set out. Proceed towards Egor's lab, climb the stairs, and head inside. Here, you’ll find his Minicom, an AEON Optics recording, a LIMP-10 weapon, and a Sleek Personal trinket. Egor will likely come after you while you’re searching his personal space.

Find Egor's Data:

  • Head back outside from Egor's camp, down the stairs, and take a sharp right. There’s another part of the lab here that you can explore. Break the lower level window with your machete and jump through. You’ll find Egor’s Big Plan recording, three Fiz-Pop cans, two boxes of Large Caliber Rounds, the How Well Do YOU Know Blackreef? note, and the Radial Fluctuations note.

Learn More About Egor:

  • Listen to the recording and learn about Egor's major scientific discovery thanks to his listening device that prevents him from going to Aleksis's party in the evening.

Silence Egor’s Device:

  • Head back to The Complex to scope out his lab again and find the device.

Find Egor’s Control Panel:

  • The control panel is right outside your tunnel door, but there are a couple of Eternalists roaming around you’ll have to deal with first. Take them out quickly with a silenced weapon or stealthily make your way up to them.

Reveal the Control Panel:

  • The device is invisible, so you’ll have to find a way to reveal it. Head back up the hill to his lab.


Once the control panel is revealed, shut down the device and complete the Lost in Transmission mission in Deathloop.

Exploring the Power Station and Tidevarv Station

The article provides a step-by-step guide for exploring the Power Station and Tidevarv Station in Deathloop. It includes the following sections:

  • Radio Silence - A brief introduction to the guide and the location to be explored.
  • Check Out the Power Station - Instructions for navigating to the Power Station, defeating the Eternalists guarding the area, and collecting the items there.
  • Turn This Thing On - Steps for restoring power to The Complex, and how to obtain Batteries for the generators.
  • Search Tidevarv Station - Instructions for exploring Tidevarv Station, including the items that can be found there.
  • Search the Archives - Details on how to find the Horizon Archival Office, and what to do there.
  • Return in the Afternoon - What to do once you have the location of the passkeys needed for the RAK facility.
  • How to find Yasen Station

To find Yasen Station in Updaam, take the left side tunnel exit and follow the stairs up and around the hills on the left. Make your way over to The Library and head down the alleyway beneath the main entrance. Another way to access this location is through the Candy Bar.

  • What to do at Yasen Station

You can use Nexus to tag two Eternalists, then shoot one with a silenced weapon, or take them both down with your machete. Then, head down and up the ledge on the other side. Hack the sensor quickly, then move through under the archway. The entrance to Yasen Station will be on your right. Here, you can find an Isolation note on the desk on the bottom floor and a Classified Information note with your next passkey on the top floor.

  • How to find Sova Station

Sova Station is located at Fristad Rock. From the tunnel, head up the stairs and out the right side exit. Then, take a right and use Shift to head up the cliffs. Make your way over the container on the left and hop over the cars until you see cars up on your left. Then, hop over to those.

  • What to do at Sova Station

Flip the lever and head inside the station. Here, you can find a Horizon Logistics recording and a Classified Information note on the back left table with your next passkey.

  • How to find Akkar Station

Akkar Station can be found in Karl’s Bay. Once you exit out of the tunnels, take a left and head through the tree-shaped tunnel at the end. There’ll also be an Eternalist you can sneak up on on the right here.

  • What to do at Akkar Station

Follow the cliffs around the side and take down the guitarist on your way. Then, use Shift to hop down to the roof. On the bridge below will be two more Eternalists. Drop down and hide behind the ledge on the opposite side, then use Nexus to take them both down. Continue moving across the bridge and take a right. One more Eternalist will be down here you’ll have to handle, then your path is clear. In Akkar Station, you can find a PT-6 ‘Spiker’ and a Lexicon Wars recording.

  • How to open the RAK

Armed with your three passkeys, head back to Updaam and the RAK facility door. Interact with the intercom to state the keys, then head inside. In here, you’ll find a strange aircraft, which will take you straight to Julianna, and another Colt.

  • Finding Julianna

Now that you know where Julianna is located, you can start taking out the rest of the Visionaries.

Step-by-Step Guide to Completing Karl's Bay in Deathloop

Karl's Bay is a location in Deathloop where players can complete several objectives to progress through the game. Here is a step-by-step guide to completing all the objectives in Karl's Bay.

  • Sabotage Frank's Fireworks

Before heading over to Hangar 2 to deal with Harriet, players should first make their way to Frank's fireworks. In the first hangar, there is a hole in the wall on the left that players can crouch through to reach Otto's Workshop. Players need to enter the code to sabotage Frank's fireworks.

  • Kill Harriet or Sabotage Her Device

After dealing with Frank's fireworks, players can make their way over to Hangar 2 to deal with Harriet. Players can either kill her or sabotage her device to progress through the game. One way to kill her is to use Shift through the lasermines in her office, head through the back door, and down the stairs. Then, use Nexus on the two Eternalists behind her and shoot them with a silenced weapon. Sneak up on her and take her down with a machete. Another way is to explode the gas below and shift over to the plane, then lob a grenade or two into the window as Harriet comes running to investigate the noise.

  • Ruin Egor's Experiment

Players can head to The Complex at noon and take the tunnel exit on the right to reach the bunker. Hack the turret in the middle and head inside. There are a few Eternalists here that players need to take out quietly. Once inside, players need to grab a Field Nullifier from Egor's lab. Since his lab is locked up around noon, players can use Shift to move up to the roof and get past the lasers in the open hatch. The switch to unlock the door is through the lower level via the open hatch in the corner. Once players have done that, they need to grab a Field Nullifier and bring it out to the device. Once it's revealed, players can put in the code and hit the big red 'STOP' button to shut down the device.

  • Kill the Love Birds

In the afternoon, players can head back to Fristad Rock and make their way over to Charlie and Fia's bunker. Players need to use Shift to make their way down to the very bottom and head to the containment door that's open slightly on the bottom. From there, players need to hop up on the platform on the right, climb the bars ahead and make their way up to the level that Charlie and Fia are on. Players can either take them out guns blazing or flood the place by pulling the lever in the control room.

  • Crash a Party - Kill Everyone

Players need to infiltrate the party from the right side, where party guests are trying to get in the main entrance. Hack the turret to take care of all the Eternalists by this door. Alternatively, players can infiltrate the party from above. Once players are inside, they need to knock out three Visionaries to progress through the game.

Deathloop Gameplay

In the game Deathloop, players control Colt, an assassin who is stuck in a time loop and must eliminate eight targets known as Visionaries on the island of Blackreef before midnight. If any targets remain alive, the time loop resets and all progress is lost. Players use a combination of skills and weapons to navigate the game world, including stealth, parkour, and various gadgets and powers. The time loop is divided into four periods, each with different routines for the island's inhabitants. Players can also engage in a multiplayer mode where they take on the role of Julianna, an agent tasked with protecting the time loop and stopping Colt. This mode is optional and players can choose to play without interference from other players.

Deathloop Gameplay Trailer

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Deathloop Walkthrough Guide - FAQs

1. What is Deathloop?

Deathloop is a video game set on the mysterious island of Blackreef. The player embarks on a thrilling adventure as they try to survive and discover how to break the time loop that has trapped them.

2. What is The Longest Day mission?

The Longest Day is the first mission in Deathloop. The player needs to enter a bunker, find a Hackamajig, search for the door code, assassinate enemies, and meet Julianna in the manor's library.

3. How can players minimize risk while playing Deathloop?

Players are encouraged to play to their own style, whether that be loud and guns blazing, or quiet and sneaky. In the walkthrough, the player is guided through some of the roads less traveled to minimize risk where possible.

4. What is the LPP in Deathloop?

The LPP is not a weapon but rather a protocol outlining how to break the loop for good. The LPP specifies the time of day and locations where the eight visionaries are vulnerable to attack.

5. What should players do if they wake up on the beach in Deathloop?

If the player wakes up on the beach, they should return to the tunnel and grab their gear, including the LIMP-10, double jump Trinket, the Thingamajig, and other useful items. Once back in Updaam, they should quickly and quietly make their way to their apartment, eliminating any Eternalists outside their window.