Diagnostics Corridor Jedi Survivor Walkthrough, and Guide

Discover the complete Diagnostics Corridor Jedi Survivor Walkthrough and learn the secrets for navigating diagnostic corridors and overcoming obstacles with this informative guide.

by Rubaditsha | Updated May 24, 2023


Diagnostics Corridor Jedi Survivor Wiki

Star Wars Jedi: Survivor is an action-adventure video game developed by Respawn Entertainment and published by Electronic Arts. It serves as a sequel to the 2019 release, Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. The game became available to the public on April 28, 2023, and can be played on platforms such as PlayStation 5, Windows, and Xbox Series X/S.

The game has garnered positive reviews from both gaming enthusiasts and critics. Its storyline and gameplay mechanics have been highly praised, with many noting its similarities to its predecessor while introducing new features and enhancements. Set within the expansive Star Wars universe, Star Wars Jedi: Survivor follows the journey of Cal Kestis, a former Jedi Padawan, as he embarks on a quest for self-discovery and redemption after surviving the traumatic events of Order 66.

Players can expect to engage in a variety of gameplay mechanics, including combat, level design, and customization. Combat offers diverse lightsaber stances, each with its own unique attributes. Cal Kestis possesses five different stances, including a blaster stance and a crossguard lightsaber stance reminiscent of Kylo Ren's. Additionally, a new Force stasis ability allows players to freeze enemies and blaster bolts in mid-air, adding an extra layer of strategy to battles.

The game's level design showcases larger and more expansive maps, populated with a greater number of non-player characters. Planets like Koboh exhibit open and expansive environments compared to the previous installment, encouraging exploration. Players can revisit planets like Koboh, uncovering new pathways and discovering previously inaccessible areas with each return.

Star Wars Jedi: Survivor also introduces a range of customization options for Cal's appearance. Players can change his entire outfit, select different hairstyles, and even add facial hair. Cosmetic items, such as Force Tears, can be found throughout the game's planets, offering rewards such as skill points to upgrade the player's skill tree.

Overall, Star Wars Jedi: Survivor has been widely praised by gamers and critics for its captivating storyline and improved gameplay mechanics.

Diagnostics Corridor Jedi Survivor Walkthrough

Confront Dagan at Koboh Observatory

Once you have returned to Koboh, make your way to the space between Pyloon's Saloon and Doma's shop. There, you will see a pathway leading up the hill. This pathway is covered with mostly red metal sheets. Follow the path, keeping to the right, and then use the zipline to ascend to Foothill Falls.

In this area, you will come across the Star Wars Jedi Survivor Abandoned Shack. It serves as an entrance to a challenging underground area that contains valuable items. However, exploring this area is not essential to progress through the main storyline. Instead, head towards the waterfall and use a grapple to reach the upper path. Continue through the cave on the right side, and you will eventually arrive at the Mountain Ascent Meditation Point.

Climb mountain to observatory

Afterward, proceed towards the green laser barrier ahead. You have two options to bypass it: either dash through it as usual or use a mind trick on one of the two Stormtroopers in front of it to deactivate it for you. Before dashing through the subsequent green barrier, ensure that BD-1 slices the nearby terminal to unlock the Slice: Security Droid ability.

Pass through the next barrier and follow the path that veers to the left, where you will encounter more Imperial units to fight. Bear right and perform a wall run across a gap, then jump across the gap at the top of the hill. Continue through the rocky area and jump up to the next section. At this point, you can cut a cable to create a shortcut.

Continue following the path, then jump over to the troopers guarding a large gate. Once you have defeated them, you need to open the gate by repeatedly using Force Push on the chain winch until it locks in place. Be cautious of the two Bilemaws in the next area!

Use the grapple to reach the ledge above, perform a wall run to traverse the chasm, and pass through the narrow squeeze gap into the Fogged Expanse. Head to the right and jump down to reach the Fogged Expanse Meditation Point. From there, proceed down the path ahead while keeping to the left.

Take the next right turn and perform a wall run to access the next area. This will bring Cal in front of a set of large doors illuminated with red lights. Utilize Force Pull to open the doors and unleash a massive Mogu creature that will immediately engage you in combat.

Once you have dealt with the creature, pass through the doors and continue to the other side. Jump up to the vines above, climb along them, and then drop off at the end. Make sure to set up a zipline shortcut at this point. Use Force Push to align a wall running panel ahead, and cross over it. Zipline to the next area and confront the Imperial forces guarding the crashed shuttle.

Once the Imperial forces have been defeated, use the grapple to reach the shuttle and crawl through it to reach the cockpit. Inside, Cal will acquire the Electro Dart upgrade for BD-1, which will be frequently used to activate certain electronics from a distance.

After the shuttle wreckage has fallen off the cliff, approach the wall running panels and fire an Electro Dart at the power source on the opposite cliff. This will move one of the panels into position, allowing you to perform a wall run across. Repeat this process for the next power source and wall running panel, and then cross over to reach the Fogged Expanse Meditation Point.

From the Meditation Point, proceed towards the building on the left, which is likely the first one you noticed upon entering this area. Climb up and jump out of the window to reach the next building. Inside, you will find a power source that controls a wall running panel, but be aware that it operates on a timer.

Start by using Force Push to open the window, then perform a wall run along it to land on the metal bridge section. From there, fire an Electro Dart at the power source inside the building, which will move the wall running panel into position over the chasm. Quickly execute a wall run and dash across to the other side.

Continue following the upward path, use the grapple to traverse the gap to the next cliff, and then grapple upward and to the left to reach the upper level. Run forward until you reach the metal doors and enter Marl Cavern.

Confront Dagan at Koboh Observatory

Now that you have reached the summit, your objective is to make your way to the observatory. Begin by grappling up the ledges in front of you, then jump down to a lower level where you'll see the observatory directly ahead. On this level, there is a balloon dispenser that allows you to throw out balloons and grapple onto them. Remember, you can only have one balloon active at a time.

Use Force Pull to grab a balloon from the dispenser and then Force Push it straight ahead. Grapple onto the balloon and launch yourself towards the rock spire ahead. This spire has vines that you can grapple onto and climb up.

Once on the spire, grab another balloon from the dispenser and throw it to the left. Grapple onto the balloon and launch yourself to the next rock spire.

Standing at the edge of the spire, pull in a balloon from the dispenser below, and throw it to the left where there are other balloons. Grapple onto the balloon you threw and launch yourself to the next two balloons, which will take you to the rock spire ahead.

Glide towards the observatory using the Relter on this spire, then grapple onto the balloons to make your way across to the Observatory Understructure.

Go around the structure and squeeze through the gap on the right. As soon as you enter the room, use Force Push to push the panel out of the window, then fire an Electro Dart through the gap at the power source. This will open a hatch in the nearby ceiling.

Go back through the squeeze gap, jump around to the hatch, and drop inside. Open the door to release the beam, then use the Koboh Grinder to connect the beam with the Koboh matter blocking the doorway.

Now that the doorway is clear, grab a balloon from the dispenser in this room and take it outside. Head up the stairs to the squeeze gap but throw the balloon across to the next structure. Use the balloon to reach the next area, then climb the stairs to reach the Observatory Understructure Meditation Point.

Climb outside and grapple across the balloons to reach the next area. Here, you'll need to fight Imperial troopers, Bedlam Raiders, and droids. Grapple over the destroyed walkway to reach the main observatory building. You can also grapple up to the left to cut a cable for a shortcut.

Proceed along the main building, wall run to the ledge ahead, and then shoot an Electro Dart at the power source behind you on the wall running panel. This will raise the panel, allowing you to wall run back across and reach the climbing grate.

Leap across the climbing grates to reach the large structure with the rotating grate on it. Grab onto the grate, climb down and to the right, and then climb back up to reach the top of the structure. Jump over to the main building again.

Continue running to the right until you come across an electricity fence above a set of slowly rotating struts. The ends of these struts can be grappled just like the balloons, so grapple and leap around to avoid the electricity fence, and then grapple onto the climbing grate.

Jump over to the walkway and enter the main building. There is a lift that can be used to open a shortcut to the Observatory Understructure. Otherwise, use Force Lift on the door ahead to proceed to the next section of the building and engage in a boss fight.

In this boss fight, you will face Urgost, Fist of Rayvis, who is a regular Bedlam Smasher enemy. Urgost uses the same hammer attacks as the Bedlam Smashers you encountered earlier in the Lucrehulk. Employ the same tactics you used to defeat them.

Dagan Gera boss fight

Dagan Gera has regained his full strength and proves to be a formidable opponent in this prolonged boss fight. Similar to the previous encounter, he wields a double-bladed Lightsaber but can swiftly switch to a dual wield stance, unleashing aggressive combos. Once again, the most effective strategy is to parry his rapid attacks, and you can still rely on Bode's combat assistance during this boss fight.

However, the boss fight is interrupted multiple times by cutscenes, and each interruption introduces changes to the subsequent phases of the fight. After the first cutscene, Dagan constructs a new arm for himself, enhancing his proficiency with the double-bladed Lightsaber. He also gains access to a few new area-of-effect Force powers, so it's crucial to maintain distance from Dagan to avoid their impact. Additionally, Bode's assistance is unavailable during this phase.

In the next cutscene, Dagan alters the arena and incapacitates Bode, preventing him from joining the fight. Dagan now possesses the ability to create Force decoys of himself that can attack and inflict damage, but they can be destroyed with a single hit. His area-of-effect Force attack has also evolved to include a shockwave that must be evaded. Parrying remains essential in all phases of the fight, but you should also be prepared to dodge and jump frequently during this final section, particularly since Bode is no longer available to aid you.

Continue wearing down Dagan Gera's defenses, and eventually, you will emerge victorious. Cal will retrieve the Abyss Compass, preparing to take it to Cordova.

Bring compass to Cordova on Jedha

In order to exit the observatory, step onto the plate located in the center of the arena. This will activate the plate and lower you to a lower level. Proceed to the next lift and upon reaching the bottom, turn right to access a third lift. Alternatively, you can choose to open a door on the left side, which will unlock a shortcut leading back to the Observatory Understructure area.

Taking the third lift will bring you all the way down to the Rift Passage area situated in the Basalt Forest of Koboh. Embark on a lengthy zipline journey through the passage, eventually reaching the Rift Passage Meditation Point. From there, you can utilize the fast travel feature to return to the Landing Pad. Finally, board the Mantis and fly to Jedha for your next destination.

Diagnostics Corridor Jedi Survivor Guide

  1. Reach the observatory: Grapple up the ledges and jump down to a lower level where you'll find the observatory ahead.
  2. Use balloons to traverse: Use the balloon dispenser to toss out balloons and grapple to them. Grab a balloon with Force Pull, Force Push it ahead, grapple to it, and launch yourself to a rock spire with vines. Climb up using the vines.
  3. Continue with balloons: Grab another balloon from the dispenser on the spire and throw it to the left. Grapple to the balloon and launch yourself to the next rock spire.
  4. Glide and grapple: Use the Relter on the spire to glide towards the observatory. Grapple to the balloons to make your way across to the Observatory Understructure.
  5. Power source and hatch: Go through the squeeze gap, Force Push the panel in the window, and shoot an Electro Dart at the power source to open a hatch in the nearby ceiling.
  6. Progress through the room: Go back through the squeeze gap, jump around to the hatch, and drop in. Open the door to release the beam, then use the Koboh Grinder to link the beam and the Koboh matter blocking the doorway.
  7. Balloon and stairs: Grab a balloon from the dispenser in the room and take it outside. Head up the stairs and throw the balloon across to the next structure. Use the balloon to reach the next area and climb the stairs to reach the Observatory Understructure Meditation Point.
  8. Fight and grapple: Defeat the Imperial troopers, Bedlam Raiders, and droids in the area. Grapple over the destroyed walkway to reach the main observatory building. You can also grapple up to the left to cut a cable for a shortcut.
  9. Wall run and power source: Head right along the main building, wall run to the ledge ahead, and shoot an Electro Dart at the power source behind you on the wall running panel. This raises the panel, allowing you to wall run back across and reach the climbing grate.
  10. Climbing and grapple: Leap across the climbing grates to reach the structure with the rotating grate. Climb down, go to the right, and climb back up to reach the top of the structure. Jump over to the main building again.
  11. Grapple and avoid fence: Run to the right and grapple to the balloons to avoid an electricity fence. Grapple to the climbing grate.
  12. Continue inside the building: Jump over to the walkway and head inside the main building. Use the lift to open a shortcut to the Observatory Understructure if needed. Force Lift the door ahead to reach the next section of the building and the boss fight.
  13. Boss fight with Dagan Gera: Face off against Dagan Gera, who wields a double-bladed Lightsaber. Parry his attacks and use Bode's combat ability for assistance. The fight will be interrupted by cutscenes that introduce changes to the battle. Be cautious of Dagan's new arm, area-of-effect Force powers, and Force decoys. Parrying, dodging, and jumping are crucial in this final section.
  14. Defeat Dagan Gera: Wear down Dagan Gera's health to emerge victorious. Cal will retrieve the Abyss Compass after the battle.
  15. Exit the observatory: Step on the plate in the middle of the arena to descend to a lower level. Use the lifts to reach the Rift Passage area in the Basalt Forest of Koboh. Take the zipline through the passage and reach the Rift Passage Meditation Point.

Diagnostics Corridor Jedi Survivor Gameplay

Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, the sequel to Jedi: Fallen Order, introduces several exciting gameplay mechanics and design elements that enhance the overall experience. Here are some of the notable features:

  1. Expanded Lightsaber Combat: Jedi: Survivor takes lightsaber combat to the next level with the inclusion of five distinct stances. Players can choose from the single blade and double blade stances seen in Fallen Order. Additionally, a new dual-wield single blade attack stance is now fully playable. An intriguing addition is a stance inspired by Kylo Ren's crossguard lightsaber, requiring precise timing for blocking and parrying enemy attacks. Another exciting stance allows players to combine the lightsaber with a blaster, enabling both close and ranged attacks. Each stance offers unique advantages and is effective against specific enemy types, encouraging strategic decision-making in combat.
  2. Force Stasis Ability: A fresh addition to Survivor is the Force stasis ability. This empowering skill allows players to freeze enemies and blaster bolts in mid-air, providing tactical opportunities during battles. By harnessing the Force, players can temporarily immobilize foes or halt incoming projectiles, adding an element of control and mastery over the battlefield.
  3. Larger and More Expansive Maps: Survivor presents players with larger, more expansive maps compared to its predecessor. The game world is populated with an increased number of non-player characters, making the environment feel more alive and immersive. The planets, such as Koboh, have been meticulously designed to offer open exploration opportunities, rewarding players for their curiosity and discovery.
  4. Revisiting and Discovering New Pathways: Survivor encourages players to revisit planets like Koboh, as each return offers the chance to uncover new pathways and areas previously inaccessible. These discoveries lead to valuable upgrades, skills, and perks that augment the protagonist, Cal, and empower him to overcome greater challenges. The inclusion of fast travel options at meditation points facilitates seamless navigation across the expansive game world.
  5. Jedi Chamber Trials and Force Tears: Scattered throughout the planets are Force Tears, which unlock Jedi Chamber Trials. These trials encompass engaging puzzles and challenges that test the player's abilities. Successful completion of these trials rewards the player with skill points, which can be utilized to upgrade the skill tree and further enhance Cal's capabilities.
  6. Enhanced Customization Options: Survivor offers an enhanced level of customization compared to its predecessor. Players have the freedom to fully customize Cal's appearance, including outfits, hairstyles, and even facial hair. This feature allows players to personalize their character and make Cal a true reflection of their preferred style.

With its expanded lightsaber combat, new abilities, immersive maps, and extensive customization options, Star Wars Jedi: Survivor delivers an engaging and enriched gameplay experience for fans of the series.

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Diagnostics Corridor Jedi Survivor Walkthrough:FAQs

1. What genre does Star Wars Jedi: Survivor belong to?

Star Wars Jedi: Survivor is an action-adventure video game.

2. Who developed and published the game?

The game was developed by Respawn Entertainment and published by Electronic Arts.

3. Is Star Wars Jedi: Survivor a sequel?

Yes, it is a sequel to Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, which was released in 2019.

4. When was Star Wars Jedi: Survivor released?

The game was made available to the public on April 28, 2023.