Discover the Answer for The Irish Independent Cryptic March 30, 2024

If you are eager to know today’s answer for this difficult crossword clue, you are in the right place, check the solutions here.

by Sangeetha M | Updated Mar 30, 2024

Today's crossword puzzle is tough but fun. It has clues, and we need to find answers based on them. Some clues are easy, but not always. It's a great way to spend time and see how good you are at solving The Irish Independent Cryptic crossword clues.. And it feels good when we figure out the answers. Lots of people who like puzzles enjoy this crossword.

Question: Direct way to go on leaving prison? (8)


When leaving prison, the most straightforward path is often preferred, hence "straight." It implies a direct route without deviations or complications, reflecting a simple and clear path to freedom.

Question: Desire for part of London to be quiet (4)

Answer: WISH

Within London, there might be a desire for certain areas to be tranquil or silent, encapsulated in the word "quiet." This desire or longing for peace and serenity is succinctly captured by the word "wish."

Question: Damage bringing sign of distress (4)

Answer: TEAR

"Tear" can refer both to physical damage, like a rip or break, and emotional distress. In this context, it symbolizes the visible indication of both types of distress, seamlessly blending the idea of damage and emotional turmoil.

Question: Trait (sic) in disposition of painter (8)


A painter's disposition naturally encompasses traits related to their artistic abilities and tendencies. The word "trait" hints at a characteristic or feature, while "disposition" implies a person's inherent qualities or temperament, thus leading to the word "artistic" which perfectly encapsulates these aspects.

Question: Take garden tool around American residence (5)

Answer: HOUSE

"Garden tool" suggests an item commonly used around houses, and "American residence" hints at a location. Combining these, we get "House," as it's a place where garden tools are often found and is commonly associated with American residences.

Question: Pa's cute, breaking crockery (7)


"Pa's cute, breaking crockery leads to the answer "TEACUPS." This clue suggests the word "cute" is a hint for "tea" and "breaking crockery" implies "cups." Pa's endearing habit of breaking crockery, often associated with clumsiness, brings to mind the delicate nature of teacups, making "TEACUPS" the fitting answer.

Question: A marvellous display! Well done! (5,4,4)


"A marvellous display! Well done! hints at the answer "JOLLYGOODSHOW." This phrase is commonly used to express admiration or approval for an impressive performance or event. The clue captures the essence of praise and celebration, indicating a positive and enthusiastic response, which aligns perfectly with the answer.

Question: Offhand Royalist (8)


"Offhand Royalist clues to the word "CAVALIER." The term "Royalist" typically refers to a supporter of the monarchy, while "offhand" suggests a casual or carefree attitude. "CAVALIER" describes someone who is nonchalant or dismissive, often with a sense of aristocratic superiority, fitting the context of the clue.

Question: It's true about the French returning (4)

Answer: REAL

"It's true about the French returning reveals the answer "REAL." This clue plays on the word "returning," indicating a reversal of the word "French" to get "hcner," which reads as "RECN" or "REAL" backward. The clue cleverly incorporates wordplay to lead to the answer.

Question: The supporters are in a daze - a lot seem really stunned (7)


"The supporters are in a daze - a lot seem really stunned hints at "ZEALOTS" as the answer. This clue suggests that the supporters, despite being in a daze and stunned, remain fervently devoted to their cause or belief, embodying the zeal often associated with "ZEALOTS."

Question: An old thing, partly derelict (5)

Answer: RELIC

"An old thing, partly derelict" suggests something ancient or from the past. "Partly derelict" hints at something abandoned or neglected. The answer, "RELIC," fits perfectly as it refers to an object with historical or sentimental value that is often old and possibly neglected or partially ruined.

Question: Lied about doing nothing (4)

Answer: IDLE

"Lied about doing nothing" implies a deceptive act related to idleness or inactivity. The wordplay here suggests that the answer involves a deceitful representation of being idle. "IDLE" is the fitting answer, as it means not active or in use, aligning with the clue's deceptive nature.

Question: Needling after a certain amount of ribbing? (8)


"Needling" refers to poking with a needle, while "ribbing" typically means light-hearted teasing. The answer, "KNITTING," combines both concepts, as it involves using needles and yarn to create fabric, which can be likened to "ribbing" in a playful manner.

Question: One musical "Quiver" makes lot more (7)


"Musical 'Quiver'" hints at a trembling or vibrating sound, which is captured by the term "TREMOLO" in music. "Makes lot more" indicates an increase in quantity, fittingly describing the effect of a tremolo in music, making the answer "TREMOLO" apt.

Question: Are travelling to Oslo, perhaps, by jet (7)


"Are travelling to Oslo, perhaps" suggests a way of getting to Oslo, which is "AEROSOL" in this case, with "jet" hinting at an aerosol spray, aligning with the idea of traveling through the air.

Question: Famous columnist (7,6)


Horatio Nelson was a renowned British naval officer and columnist known for his influential writings. His insightful and impactful columns made him a celebrated figure in both literary and military circles, earning him widespread recognition and respect.

Question: Making contact with ball out of play (2,5)


In sports like soccer or rugby, when a player makes contact with the ball while it's out of play, it's termed as being "INTOUCH." This action typically results in a stoppage of play or a restart from a specific point on the field, depending on the rules of the game.

Question: Journalist noted cutter (7)


A "HACKSAW" is a type of saw known for its ability to cut through various materials efficiently. In journalism, a "HACK" is sometimes used to refer to a journalist who produces sensationalized or low-quality work, hence the term "HACKSAW" for a noted cutter or slicer of news.

Question: Wonderful magician (6)

Answer: WIZARD

A "WIZARD" is a term commonly associated with a skilled magician or sorcerer who performs acts of magic and illusion. With their mastery of spells and enchantments, wizards captivate audiences with their extraordinary abilities, making them synonymous with wonder and awe.

Question: Bubble bath (7)


A "JACUZZI" is a type of bathtub equipped with jets of water to create a bubbling effect, providing a luxurious and relaxing bathing experience. This term is often used interchangeably with "hot tub," offering individuals a soothing retreat to unwind and rejuvenate in a sea of bubbles.

Question: Universal feeling at start of match (4-3)


In tennis, the term "LOVEALL" signifies the score at the beginning of a match when neither player has scored yet. "LOVE" represents a score of zero, and "ALL" indicates that both players are tied. It reflects the universal feeling of equality and anticipation as players begin their match with a clean slate.

Question: Timid colour (6)

Answer: YELLOW

The color "YELLOW" is often associated with traits like caution, hesitation, and timidity. It symbolizes a subtle and reserved demeanor, contrasting with bolder hues. In this context, "Timid color refers to the word "YELLOW," capturing its essence as a hue that evokes feelings of shyness or apprehension.

Question: A danger in the undergrowth could be present (7)


When exploring undergrowth or dense vegetation, one must be cautious of potential dangers, such as encountering a "SERPENT." The word "SERPENT" refers to a snake, which can often lurk unseen amidst foliage, posing a danger to unsuspecting passersby.

Question: A long talk about Ontario (7)


"ORATION" may seem unrelated at first. However, "ORATION" refers to a formal speech or address, and when considering "a long talk," it becomes clearer. Ontario is known for its diverse communities and rich history, providing ample material for a lengthy and informative discourse, hence the association with "ORATION."

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