Explanation to The Times Quick Crossword Puzzle dated April 2nd, 2024

Are you ready to solve the crossword puzzle for The Times Quick, yes then we are here to help you throughout the article to find the solution

by Abisha | Updated Apr 02, 2024

The main thing you need to know before solving a Crossword Puzzle is, that you must have good English knowledge and the ability to think about topics you know then you can proceed with solving the puzzle. So, when following these steps, it makes you little easier and takes up the crosswords. Get ready to solve the crossword with us.

A swagger, when rounding on a long-distance traveller


A swagger suggests someone who exudes confidence or bravado. When rounding on a long-distance traveller implies a person who orbits the Earth. The answer is ASTRONAUT, which refers to a person trained to travel in space, often to conduct research or exploration missions. The clue cleverly combines the concept of swagger with the idea of someone traveling long distances in space.

An age in school? Time to escape!

Ans: EON

An age in school suggests a long period of time, potentially referring to a geological time scale. Time to escape implies breaking free from confinement or limitation. The answer is EON, which refers to an indefinitely long period of time, often used in geological contexts. The clue suggests that an eon is like being in school, but it's also time to escape from that confinement.

Beastly female gets sir excited


Beastly female suggests a type of wild animal. Gets sir excited implies causing excitement or arousal. The answer is TIGRESS, which refers to a female tiger. The clue cleverly combines the idea of a beastly female with the excitement caused by the presence of a tiger.

Bird nice pal gets to fly


Bird nice pal suggests a friendly bird species. Gets to fly implies the ability to soar or glide through the air. The answer is PELICAN, which refers to a large water bird known for its long bill and pouch. The clue suggests that the pelican is a friendly bird that enjoys flying.

Brute very holy? Minimally good

Ans: PIG

Brute very holy suggests a derogatory term for a certain animal. Minimally good implies that it's not very virtuous. The answer is PIG, which refers to a domesticated mammal often associated with being dirty or gluttonous. The clue cleverly combines the idea of a brute with the concept of being minimally good, suggesting the negative stereotype associated with pigs.

Drink containing very soft fruit


Drink containing suggests that the answer is a fruit used in beverages. Very soft fruit implies a type of fruit that is tender or easily consumed. The answer is APPLE, which is a common fruit often used to make juice or cider. The clue suggests that apples are a soft fruit that can be easily consumed in liquid form.

Escape to a match?


Escape to suggests running away or fleeing. A match could refer to a romantic pairing or a wedding. The answer is ELOPE, which means to run away secretly in order to get married. The clue cleverly combines the idea of escaping with the concept of getting married in a non-traditional or spontaneous way.

Food for number to tuck into, as intended


Food for number to tuck into suggests a term related to eating. As intended implies that the action is purposeful or deliberate. The answer is MEANT, which means to have intended or planned something. The clue suggests that the action of tucking into food is meant or intended to happen, emphasizing purpose or intention.

Fools to judge, mostly


Fools to judge suggests that the answer describes individuals who are foolish or silly. Mostly implies that we're looking for a word that primarily means fools. The answer is ASSES, which refers to foolish individuals. The clue cleverly uses a play on words, as asses can mean both foolish people and the animal known for stubbornness and foolishness.

Instrument seen with celebrity around India


  • Instrument seen with celebrity suggests a type of musical instrument associated with famous individuals. Around India implies that we need to place the abbreviation for India within the word for the instrument.
  • The answer is SITAR, which is a stringed instrument commonly used in classical Indian music. The clue cleverly combines the idea of a celebrity with the location of India to lead to the answer SITAR.

Instrument that plays my number the wrong way


  • Instrument that plays my number suggests that the answer is a type of musical instrument. The wrong way implies that we need to reverse or rearrange the letters of my number to form the answer.
  • The answer is CORNET, which is a brass instrument similar to a trumpet but with a more compact shape.

Less friendly, showing back to monarch once


  • Less friendly suggests a term describing someone who is not as warm or approachable. Showing back to monarch once implies that we need to reverse or turn around the abbreviation for monarch and add it to a word that means less friendly.
  • The answer is STERNER, which means less friendly or more severe in manner. 

Like music in restaurant, on always


On always implies that this quality is consistently present. The answer is TONAL, which refers to music characterized by a definite pitch or key. The clue cleverly combines the idea of music in a restaurant (which often has a distinct key or pitch) with the concept of consistency (on always) to lead to the answer TONAL.

Long-suffering man or woman that is not heartless


Long-suffering man or woman suggests someone who endures hardships or delays without complaint. That is not heartless implies that the answer contains a word meaning not heartless. The answer is PATIENT, which means able to endure delays or suffering without becoming upset. The clue cleverly combines the idea of patience with the negation of heartless to lead to the answer

Meal is excellent with one portion doubled up


Meal is excellent suggests that the answer is a term for a meal that is good or satisfactory. With one portion doubled up implies that we need to duplicate a portion of something to form the answer. The answer is SUPPER, which refers to an evening meal, often served later in the day.

New batter collects one special cap


New batter suggests an anagram of the word batter to form part of the answer. Collects one special implies adding the letter I (one) and another letter associated with special to the anagram. The answer is BIRETTA, which refers to a type of cap worn by clergy members, particularly in the Roman Catholic Church. The clue cleverly combines an anagram of batter with the addition of one special to form the answer.

Object, being not quite totally bashful?


Object suggests a term for expressing disagreement or hesitation. Being not quite totally bashful implies a synonym for being shy or hesitant. The answer is DEMUR, which means to raise objections or express reluctance. The clue cleverly suggests that demur describes a state of hesitancy or reluctance, without being completely bashful.

Perch outside old coastal town


Perch outside suggests that we need a word meaning perch to go around another word. Old coastal town implies the name of a historic town located near the coast. The answer is POOLE, which is a coastal town in Dorset, England. The clue cleverly suggests placing the word pole (a type of perch) around the word old to form the answer.

Resists nasty relations


Resists suggests a term for opposing or standing against something. Nasty relations implies a word that means family members but also suggests unpleasantness. The answer is SISTERS, which refers to female siblings. The clue cleverly plays on the word resists to suggest opposition, while also hinting at familial relations.

Silly ladies' man, sort displaying ineptitude


Silly ladies' man suggests a phrase that describes someone who is clumsy or awkward in their interactions. Sort displaying ineptitude implies a word that means awkwardness or clumsiness. The answer is MALADROITNESS, which refers to a lack of skill or clumsiness in movement or behavior. The clue cleverly suggests the idea of a ladies' man (someone who is usually smooth and charming) being portrayed as clumsy or inept.

Start to pick up and go round?


Start to pick up suggests the beginning of improvement or recovery. Go round implies that we need a term meaning to change direction or alter course. The answer is TURN THE CORNER, which means to reach a point where a difficult situation begins to improve or change for the better. The clue cleverly combines the idea of starting to improve with the concept of turning a corner, suggesting a change in direction or progress.

Student finally gets to study philosopher — a dreary routine!


  • Student finally gets to study philosopher suggests a person (a student) who finally gets to study (read) a philosopher's work. A dreary routine implies a monotonous or repetitive activity.
  • The answer is TREADMILL, which refers to a device used for exercise or punishment, involving a continuous and monotonous activity of walking or running in place.
  • The clue cleverly combines the idea of studying (reading) with the concept of a monotonous routine to lead to the answer TREADMILL.

Trade event with lots getting sold


Trade event suggests an event where goods are bought and sold. Lots getting sold implies that multiple items are being auctioned off. The answer is AUCTION, which refers to a public sale where goods are sold to the highest bidder. The clue directly leads to the concept of an auction where lots of items are sold.

Units of land in mostly sacred ground


Units of land suggests a term for a specific measure of area. Mostly sacred ground implies that we need to remove the letters for sacred from a word meaning land to form the answer. The answer is ACRES, which refers to a measure of land area. The clue cleverly suggests removing the letters sacred from the word sacred to form the answer ACRES.

Upright type, member of an empire


Upright type suggests a person who is straight-laced or traditional. Member of an empire implies a person belonging to a historical civilization. The answer is ROMAN, which refers to a person from ancient Rome or characteristics associated with that civilization. The clue directly leads to the concept of a Roman, someone from the ancient Roman Empire.

Wild animals getting bugs


Wild animals suggests a certain species of creatures. Getting bugs implies a term for harassing or bothering someone. The answer is BADGERS, which refers to a type of burrowing mammal known for its aggressive behavior. The clue cleverly suggests that badgers are animals that bug or bother others with their aggressive nature.

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