Find Crossword Puzzle Metro Cryptic Answer here dated April 10, 2024

In the article below, we have given you clues to solve the Metro Cryptic crossword puzzle, and let’s guide you on it.

by Vinothini S | Updated Apr 10, 2024

Puzzles are one game that is considered hard, but also people who love it can play it easily. One kind of puzzle is crossword, where the game has empty spaces that are numbered for which you have to fill in the answer. For this crosswords, the topic will vary for each crosswords everyday, so you will also be learning many new topics as you play it.

Can still be converted into private quarters (7)


Can still be converted into private quarters - This clue suggests a term describing a space that can be transformed or repurposed for use as living quarters. The answer is BILLETS, referring to accommodations or lodgings, often provided by an organization or authority, which can potentially be converted into private living spaces.

See 14 Down


See 14 Down - This clue directs the solver to refer to another clue found further down in the crossword puzzle. The answer to the clue at position 14 down is CLARION, a term that suggests a clear and loud sound, often associated with a trumpet or similar instrument.

Flowers are set so haphazardly (3,5)


Flowers are set so haphazardly - This clue hints at a phrase describing the arrangement of flowers in a disorganized or disorderly manner. The answer is TEA ROSES, representing a type of flower often associated with elegance and refinement, but in this context, they are arranged in a careless or chaotic way.

Analyse a nervous condition (5,4)


Analyse a nervous condition - This clue prompts the solver to think of a phrase indicating the examination or scrutiny of a state of nervousness or anxiety. The answer is BREAK DOWN, suggesting the process of analyzing or deconstructing a complex issue or condition, such as a nervous breakdown, into its component parts for understanding.

One whose occupation is subject to contract for a time (11)


One whose occupation is subject to contract for a time (11) - This clue directs attention to a term describing someone whose job or profession is dependent on a contractual agreement for a specific duration. The answer is LEASEHOLDER, representing someone who holds a lease or rental agreement for a property or asset, typically for a predetermined period of time.

Quarrel when the first of the contestants is involved in change (11)


Quarrel when the first of the contestants is involved in change: This clue suggests a term describing a verbal dispute or argument, particularly when the initial letter of one of the disputing parties is replaced with another. The answer is ALTERCATION, indicating a heated exchange or disagreement, often involving verbal or physical confrontation, with "contestants" hinting at parties involved in a conflict and "change" suggesting alteration.

Sergeants are led astray by elevation in rank (9)


Sergeants are led astray by elevation in rank: Here, we're directed to find a word indicating promotion or advancement in position, involving a change in rank and the manipulation of non-commissioned officers. The answer is GREATNESS, representing a state of superiority or distinction achieved through merit or elevation in status, with "sergeants" alluding to lower-ranking military personnel and "led astray" suggesting a redirection or misdirection.

The abstainer takes nothing in but a little rum! (3)


The abstainer takes nothing in but a little rum!: This phrase suggests a term referring to someone who consumes only a small amount of alcohol, implying irony or contradiction. The answer is TOT, representing a small child or someone who consumes only a small quantity of a substance, with "abstainer" hinting at someone who typically refrains from alcohol consumption, making the inclusion of "a little rum" humorous.

See 9


See 9: This clue directs us to refer back to another clue for the answer. The answer is TEA, indicating a beverage often consumed in small quantities, particularly by abstainers or those seeking a mild stimulant, as suggested by "The abstainer takes nothing in but a little rum!"

Wickedness in a revolutionary is abused (7)


Wickedness in a revolutionary is abused: This phrase suggests a term describing the act of being strongly criticized or condemned for immoral behavior, particularly in a political context. The answer is REVILED, representing the act of being subjected to harsh criticism or verbal abuse, with "revolutionary" indicating someone who advocates for radical change or upheaval, often drawing strong reactions from opponents.

Various wines will produce virility (5)


Various wines will produce virility: Here, we're directed to find a term suggesting strength or vitality, particularly when associated with the consumption of alcoholic beverages. The answer is SINEW, representing the physical strength or power derived from consuming wine, with "various wines" suggesting a range of alcoholic drinks that may contribute to physical vigor or robustness.

Kind of wheel for light carriage (3)


Kind of wheel for light carriage: "FLY" denotes a type of wheel often used for light carriages or vehicles. Characterized by its lightweight construction and efficiency, a "fly" wheel contributes to smooth and swift movement, making it suitable for transportation over short distances.

One with an important part in 'The Traitor's Return' (4)


One with an important part in 'The Traitor's Return': "STAR" refers to an individual who plays a significant role in the production or performance of "The Traitor's Return," presumably a play, movie, or other dramatic work. As a central figure, a "star" actor typically commands attention and contributes prominently to the storyline.

The hedge flower that will make an odd line (9)


The hedge flower that will make an odd line: "DANDELION" represents a type of flower commonly found in hedges and grassy areas. The clue suggests that the word "dandelion" can be formed by taking an "odd line" of letters from another word or phrase, illustrating a wordplay mechanism often used in crossword puzzles.

Took the part of Feste, maybe? (7)


Took the part of Feste, maybe?: "CLOWNED" describes the action of portraying a comedic or foolish character, reminiscent of Feste, a witty and jester-like figure from Shakespeare's play "Twelfth Night." By "clowning," an actor embodies the role of Feste or a similar character, entertaining audiences with humor and jest.

Perfume container could be found in a chest (6)


Perfume container could be found in a chest: "SACHET" refers to a small bag or pouch containing fragrant substances, often used to scent clothing or linens. In this context, the clue hints that a "sachet," typically used for perfumes, might be discovered within a "chest," a container commonly used for storage or transport.

Produces current character unit assessments (9)


Produces current character unit assessments: "GENERATES" signifies the action of creating or producing character unit assessments, possibly in the context of a psychological evaluation or assessment process. By "generating" assessments, individuals or systems compile data and information to form judgments or analyses about the characteristics and qualities of specific individuals or units.

Support a proposition for a short time (6)


Support a proposition for a short time - This clue suggests a term describing the act of endorsing or backing a proposal or idea temporarily. The answer is SECOND, indicating the act of supporting or advocating for a motion or argument during a brief period of time, often in a deliberative or legislative context.

Stirring summonses trumpeted forth (7,5)


Stirring summonses trumpeted forth - This cryptic clue hints at a phrase involving a call or announcement made loudly and with great enthusiasm. The answer is CALLS CLARION, suggesting summonses or calls being proclaimed loudly, reminiscent of the clear and resonant sound produced by a clarion trumpet.

Famous Greek residence near the top of the road (5)


Famous Greek residence near the top of the road - This clue refers to a well-known dwelling associated with a notable figure from Greek literature or mythology, located near the highest point of a thoroughfare. The answer is HOMER, indicating the legendary Greek poet traditionally credited with composing the epic poems "The Iliad" and "The Odyssey."

Vegetable fat could be old, I see (4,3)


Vegetable fat could be old, I see - This clue involves deciphering a phrase to find a term describing a type of oil derived from plant sources. The answer is SEED OIL, suggesting a type of oil extracted from the seeds of various plants, such as sunflower, soybean, or olive. The phrase "could be old, I see" may hint at the fact that seed oil can become rancid over time if not stored properly.

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