Find the Answer For the USA Today Crossword for March 31, 2024

Are you waiting for fun and brain activity to test your intelligence? Here you can start solving the USA Today Crossword, and make your mind more sharper.

by Vinothini S | Updated Mar 31, 2024

USA Today Crossword 

USA Today  Crossword puzzles are interesting games that help your brain to be sharp. It is like a puzzle you have to find the answer with the help of the clues. You have to fill the boxes using clues in the grid. By playing these games you will improve your brain. You can play these games with your friends. It is an enjoyable word game that gives you more happiness and relaxation.

Low-voiced singer    


The clue "Low-voiced singer" suggests that we're looking for a term that describes a singer with a low vocal range. The answer to this crossword question is "BASS." A "BASS" is a singer or vocalist who specializes in singing in the lower register of the vocal range. Bass singers typically have deep, resonant voices and often provide the foundation or support for harmonies in vocal ensembles, choirs, or musical groups.

William Tell or Robin Hood    


The clue "William Tell or Robin Hood" suggests that we're looking for a term that describes a characteristic or profession shared by both William Tell and Robin Hood. The answer to this crossword question is "ARCHER." Both William Tell and Robin Hood are legendary figures known for their exceptional skill in archery. William Tell, a folk hero of Swiss legend, is famous for his prowess with a crossbow and for shooting an apple off his son's head.

Letters often spelled in Morse code    


The clue "Letters often spelled in Morse code" suggests that we're looking for a combination of letters that are frequently used in Morse code. The answer to this crossword question is "SOS."

"SOS" is a Morse code distress signal consisting of three dots, three dashes, and three dots (· · · – – – · · ·). It is one of the most well-known and universally recognized distress signals used in telecommunications. 

Voting contingent    


The clue "Voting contingent" suggests that we're looking for a term that describes a group of voters who act together to achieve a common goal or exercise influence in a specific context. The answer to this crossword question is "BLOC." A "BLOC" refers to a group of individuals or entities that unite or form an alliance to pursue shared interests or goals, particularly in political or voting contexts.

Stick together    


The clue "Stick together" suggests that we're looking for a term that describes the action of staying united or forming a cohesive bond. The answer to this crossword question is "COHERE." "COHERE" is a verb that means to stick together or to be united in a coherent and adhesive manner. It is often used metaphorically to describe the act of individuals or elements forming a unified whole or maintaining a strong connection despite external forces or challenges.

Artist and musician Yoko    


The clue "Artist and musician Yoko" suggests that we're looking for the name of a well-known individual who is both an artist and a musician. The answer to this crossword question is "ONO." Yoko Ono is a Japanese artist, musician, and peace activist who gained fame for her avant-garde art and her association with the Beatles member John Lennon. 

Breakfast containers that may contain decoder rings    


The clue "Breakfast containers that may contain decoder rings" suggests that we're looking for a term that describes containers typically associated with breakfast foods, particularly those that might include novelty items like decoder rings. The answer to this crossword question is "CEREAL BOXES." "CEREAL BOXES" are cardboard containers used for packaging and storing breakfast cereals. They are commonly found in households and grocery stores and are designed to hold individual servings or larger quantities of cereal. 

“Wicked” director Jon    


The clue "Wicked director Jon" suggests that we're looking for the name of a director associated with the musical "Wicked." The answer to this crossword question is "CHU." Jon M. Chu is an American filmmaker known for directing a variety of films and television shows, including the musical drama "Wicked." While "Wicked" is primarily known as a successful Broadway musical, there have been discussions and plans to adapt it into a feature film, and Jon M. Chu has been reportedly attached to direct the film adaptation.

As planned    


The clue "As planned" suggests that we're looking for a term that describes something happening at the intended or scheduled time. The answer to this crossword question is "ON CUE." "ON CUE" means to happen at the precise moment or according to a predetermined plan or signal. It is often used in performance contexts, such as theater, film, or television, to indicate that an action, line, or event has occurred at the appropriate time as directed or anticipated.

Diagnostic imaging procedure    

The clue "Diagnostic imaging procedure" suggests that we're looking for a term that describes a medical procedure used for diagnostic imaging purposes. The answer to this crossword question is "CT SCAN." A CT scan, or computed tomography scan, is a diagnostic imaging procedure that uses X-rays and computer technology to create detailed cross-sectional images of the body's internal structures. It provides healthcare professionals with valuable information about the body's anatomy, allowing them to diagnose and evaluate various medical conditions and diseases.



The clue "Uninterested" suggests that we're looking for a term that describes a lack of interest or engagement. The answer to this crossword question is "BORED." When someone is "BORED," they are not interested or excited by what is happening around them. They may feel unstimulated, disengaged, or indifferent to their surroundings or activities. Boredom can arise from a lack of stimulation, novelty, or challenge, causing individuals to feel restless, unfocused, or unmotivated.

Big success    


The clue "Big success" suggests that we're looking for a term that describes an achievement or event that is highly successful or popular. The answer to this crossword question is "HIT." A "HIT" typically refers to something that achieves widespread popularity, acclaim, or success. In various contexts, it can describe a successful song, movie, book, product, or event that resonates with a large audience and generates significant attention, sales, or positive feedback.

Remain TBA    


The clue "Remain TBA" suggests that we're looking for a term that describes something that is yet to be determined or finalized. The answer to this crossword question is "PEND." "PEND" is a verb that means to remain undecided, unresolved, or pending. When something is said to be "PEND," it indicates that a decision, action, or outcome is still pending or awaiting further information, approval, or action.

Nail polish brand with the color “Como se Llama?”    


The clue "Nail polish brand with the color 'Como se Llama?'" suggests that we're looking for the name of a nail polish brand known for offering a color called "Como se Llama?" The answer to this crossword question is "OPI." OPI is a popular brand of nail polish known for its extensive range of colors and high-quality formulas. 

“Booknotes” channel    


The clue "Booknotes channel" suggests that we're looking for the name of a television channel that aired the program "Booknotes." The answer to this crossword question is "CSPAN." CSPAN (Cable-Satellite Public Affairs Network) is a cable and satellite television network in the United States known for its coverage of government proceedings, public affairs programming, and book discussions. 

Football units    


The clue "Football units" suggests that we're looking for a term that describes the units of measurement commonly used in American football. The answer to this crossword question is "YARDS." In American football, "YARDS" refers to the unit of measurement used to track the distance gained or lost by a team during a play. The field is marked with yard lines, and each team aims to advance the football down the field toward the opponent's end zone to score points.

Ballerina’s skirt    


The clue "Ballerina's skirt" suggests that we're looking for a term that describes the iconic attire worn by ballerinas during performances. The answer to this crossword question is "TUTU." A "TUTU" is a classical ballet costume typically worn by female dancers. It consists of a skirt made of multiple layers of stiffened tulle fabric that extend outward from the dancer's waist, creating a voluminous and elegant silhouette.

More delicious    


The clue "More delicious" suggests that we're looking for a comparative term that describes something with a stronger or more enjoyable flavor. The answer to this crossword question is "TASTIER." "TASTIER" is the comparative form of the adjective "tasty," which means having a pleasant, enjoyable, or appetizing flavor. When something is described as "TASTIER," it indicates that it has a more delicious or appealing taste compared to something else.

Golden rodent often kept as a pet    


The clue "Golden rodent often kept as a pet" suggests that we're looking for a term that describes a type of rodent commonly kept as a pet, particularly one with a golden or golden-brown coloration. The answer to this crossword question is "SYRIAN HAMSTER."

Prepare to exercise, perhaps    


This clue suggests that the answer relates to a common activity undertaken before exercising. When preparing to exercise, people often engage in stretching exercises to warm up their muscles and increase flexibility.

Plant in some sunburn treatments    


Aloe is a common ingredient in many sunburn treatments and skincare products. This succulent plant has soothing properties and is known for its ability to relieve discomfort caused by sunburns. Its gel-like substance helps to moisturize the skin and reduce inflammation, making it a popular choice for treating sunburns and other minor burns.

Barely-better-than-average grade    


The clue "Barely-better-than-average grade" suggests that we're looking for a grade that's just slightly above average, but not by much. In the American grading system, grades typically range from F (failing) to A (excellent), with C being considered average. Therefore, a grade just above average would be a C+ (C plus).



The clue "Betray" suggests that we're looking for a word that means to deceive or be disloyal to someone. The answer "RATON" is derived from the word "TRAITOR" where the letters have been rearranged. The word "TRAITOR" is synonymous with betraying someone, and "RATON" is an anagram of "TRAITOR." An anagram is a word or phrase formed by rearranging the letters of another word or phrase.

Part of a web address    


The clue "Part of a web address" suggests that we're looking for a component commonly found in web addresses or URLs. The answer "DOT" fits this clue perfectly. In a web address or URL (Uniform Resource Locator), the "DOT" refers to the period or full stop symbol (.), which is used to separate different parts of the address, typically indicating the division between the domain name and the top-level domain (TLD). 

Vulnerable body part for Achilles    


The clue "Vulnerable body part for Achilles" is a reference to the Greek mythological figure Achilles, who was famously vulnerable in his heel. According to the myth, Achilles' mother dipped him in the River Styx to make him invulnerable, holding him by his heel. However, since his heel was not submerged in the water, it remained vulnerable. This vulnerability ultimately led to his downfall when he was struck in the heel by an arrow, resulting in his death.

“___ me with a spoon!”    


The clue "___ me with a spoon!" is a phrase often used colloquially to express surprise, disbelief, or sometimes annoyance. It's a humorous way to convey strong emotion or reaction. This phrase gained popularity in the 1980s due to its usage in the movie "Valley Girl" and has since become a recognizable expression in English-speaking cultures.

Molecule components    


In chemistry, a molecule is composed of atoms bonded together. Atoms are the basic building blocks of matter, consisting of a nucleus containing protons and neutrons, surrounded by electrons. When atoms combine through chemical bonds, they form molecules. Therefore, the answer to the crossword question "Molecule components" is "ATOMS," as atoms are the fundamental units that make up molecules. 

Elaborately decorated    


The clue "Elaborately decorated" suggests something that is adorned or embellished in a complex or intricate manner. "Elaborately" implies that the decoration is detailed and extensive. The answer to this crossword question is "ORNATE." "Ornate" is an adjective that describes something that is heavily decorated with intricate patterns, designs, or embellishments. It suggests a high level of intricacy and attention to detail in the decoration, often indicating luxury or extravagance.

Not intoxicated    


The clue "Not intoxicated" suggests the opposite of being drunk or under the influence of alcohol. In this context, "intoxicated" refers to a state of inebriation or drunkenness. The answer to this crossword question is "SOBER." "Sober" is an adjective that describes a person who is not affected by alcohol or any other intoxicating substance. It implies clarity of mind and absence of drunkenness.

Fix the outcome of    


The clue "Fix the outcome of" suggests manipulating or arranging a situation in a dishonest or unfair manner to achieve a desired result. In this context, "fix" implies rigging or tampering with something to ensure a predetermined outcome. The answer to this crossword question is "RIG." "Rig" is a verb that means to manipulate or arrange something in a fraudulent or deceitful way to produce a specific outcome, often for personal gain or advantage.

Food and drink website with the “Food Lab” column    


The clue "Food and drink website with the 'Food Lab' column" suggests that the answer is the name of a website that features a column called "Food Lab." In this context, "Food Lab" likely refers to a section or column on the website that focuses on experimenting with recipes, exploring culinary techniques, or providing in-depth analysis of food-related topics.

Letters after an approximation    


The clue "Letters after an approximation" suggests that the answer is a set of letters often used following a numerical approximation. In this context, "approximation" implies an estimate or rough calculation of a quantity or value. The answer to this crossword question is "EST." "EST" is an abbreviation for "estimated" or "estimation," commonly used in contexts where a value is being approximated.

Houston baseball team    


The clue "Houston baseball team" suggests that the answer is the name of a baseball team based in Houston, Texas. The answer to this crossword question is "ASTROS." The Houston Astros are a Major League Baseball (MLB) team based in Houston, Texas. They are a member of the American League (AL) West division.

Thick Japanese noodle    


The clue "Thick Japanese noodle" suggests that the answer is a type of noodle commonly found in Japanese cuisine known for its thickness. The answer to this crossword question is "UDON." Udon is a type of thick wheat flour noodle that is popular in Japanese cuisine. It is known for its chewy texture and is often served in soups or stir-fried dishes.

“Don’t be so loud!”    


The clue "Don't be so loud!" suggests a situation where someone is being asked to lower their volume or to be quieter. The answer to this crossword question is "SHH." "Shh" is an onomatopoeic representation of the sound made to signal for silence or to quiet someone down. 

Feel salty about    


The clue "Feel salty about" suggests an emotional response to a situation where someone harbors negative feelings or bitterness towards something or someone. The answer to this crossword question is "RESENT." "Resent" is a verb that means to feel bitterness, indignation, or anger towards someone or something, often due to a perceived injustice, slight, or offense.

Place to go swimming    


The clue "Place to go swimming" suggests a location where people can engage in the activity of swimming, typically containing water for recreational purposes. The answer to this crossword question is "POOL." A pool is a man-made structure or area filled with water, specifically designed for swimming, relaxation, or aquatic activities. 

“Call the Midwife” network    


The clue "Call the Midwife" network suggests that the answer is the broadcasting network that aired the television show "Call the Midwife." The answer to this crossword question is "BBC." The BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) is a public service broadcaster based in the United Kingdom.

Quaff at a pub    


The clue "Quaff at a pub" suggests an activity often associated with consuming a specific type of beverage in a social setting. The answer to this crossword question is "ALE." Ale is a type of alcoholic beverage, typically brewed from malted barley, water, hops, and yeast. 

Greek group of “sisters”    


The clue "Greek group of 'sisters'" suggests an organization or society composed primarily of female members, often associated with collegiate life. The answer to this crossword question is "SORORITY." A sorority is a social organization for women, typically found in colleges and universities, where members bond over common interests, values, and activities. 

Part of an act    


The clue "Part of an act" suggests a component or segment within a theatrical performance. The answer to this crossword question is "SCENE." In theater, a scene is a portion of the play that takes place in a specific setting and time, involving certain characters and actions. 

Org. that defends individual rights    


The clue "Org. that defends individual rights" suggests an organization that is dedicated to protecting and advocating for the rights and liberties of individuals. The answer to this crossword question is "ACLU," which stands for the American Civil Liberties Union.

Part of an RBG costume    


The clue "Part of an RBG costume" suggests an element that would be associated with dressing up as Ruth Bader Ginsburg (RBG), a former Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States known for her distinctive attire. The answer to this crossword question is "ROBE." Ruth Bader Ginsburg was often seen wearing a black judicial robe while serving as a Supreme Court Justice. 

John who played Lt. Sulu in the Kelvin timeline    


The clue "John who played Lt. Sulu in the Kelvin timeline" suggests that the answer is the name of an actor who portrayed the character Lt. Sulu in the Kelvin timeline of the Star Trek film series. The answer to this crossword question is "CHO." John Cho is the actor who portrayed Lt. Hikaru Sulu in the Kelvin timeline of the Star Trek films. 

John who played Lt. Sulu in the Kelvin timeline    


The clue "John who played Lt. Sulu in the Kelvin timeline" suggests that the answer is the name of an actor who portrayed Lt. Sulu in the Kelvin timeline of the Star Trek film series. The answer to this crossword question is "CHO." John Cho is the actor who played Lt. Hikaru Sulu in the Kelvin timeline films of the Star Trek franchise.



The clue "Curse" suggests a form of magic or malevolent spell cast upon someone or something. The answer to this crossword question is "HEX." A hex is a type of curse or spell, often associated with witchcraft or folklore, believed to bring harm or misfortune to the target.

Put up    


The clue "Put up" suggests an action related to constructing or assembling something. The answer to this crossword question is "ERECT." "Erect" is a verb that means to build, raise, or construct something, typically in an upright position.

Have a nap    


The clue "Have a nap" suggests a period of relaxation or repose, typically involving a short sleep or rest. The answer to this crossword question is "REST." "Rest" is a verb that means to relax or take a break from activity, often by lying down or sitting quietly. Having a nap is a common way to rest and rejuvenate, especially when feeling tired or fatigued.

Trinity Rodman’s sport    


Trinity Rodman is known for her proficiency and success in the sport of soccer. Born on May 20, 2002, Trinity Rodman is an American soccer player who gained recognition for her exceptional skills at a young age. She has represented the United States at various youth levels and has made significant contributions to her teams. Trinity Rodman's dedication and talent in soccer have earned her widespread acclaim, making "SOCCER" the fitting answer for the crossword clue.

Readily available    


When something is described as "readily available," it means it is easily accessible or present when needed. The phrase "on hand" is commonly used to convey this idea. If something is "on hand," it means it is readily available or within reach. For example, if you have a supply of items ready to be used or if someone is nearby and able to assist, they are considered "on hand." 



The crossword clue "Noises" likely refers to a general term for sounds or auditory sensations. Therefore, the answer could be "SOUNDS," as it directly matches the clue and encompasses various noises and auditory stimuli.

“Hells Bells” band    


The crossword clue "Hells Bells" band suggests that we're looking for the name of a musical group that likely performed a song titled "Hells Bells." In this case, the answer is "ACDC," which is a rock band known for their hit songs, including "Hells Bells." The clue provides a direct reference to the band's name, making it clear that the answer is "ACDC."

Rival of Athens    


The crossword clue "Rival of Athens" suggests that we're looking for a city-state or civilization that competed or clashed with Athens in ancient times. In this context, the answer is "SPARTA." Sparta was a prominent city-state in ancient Greece and was famously known for its rivalry with Athens, particularly during the Peloponnesian War.

Automated customer service agent    


The crossword clue "Automated customer service agent" suggests that we're looking for a term that refers to an artificial intelligence program designed to assist customers with inquiries or tasks. In this case, the answer is "BOT," short for "robot" or "chatbot." Bots are commonly used in various online platforms to provide automated responses to user queries, including customer service interactions. 

Magnum ___    


The crossword clue "Magnum ___" suggests that we're looking for a term that typically follows "Magnum" to refer to a significant or great work, especially in the context of art, literature, or music. In this case, the answer is "OPUS." "Magnum opus" is a Latin term that translates to "great work," and it is commonly used to describe an artist's or author's most important or significant creation.



The crossword clue "Unbroken" suggests that we're looking for a term that describes something that remains whole or undamaged. In this case, the answer is "INTACT." "Intact" means undamaged or unimpaired, implying that something is complete and has not been broken or altered in any way. 

Orion part    


The crossword clue "Orion part" suggests that we're looking for a term related to the constellation Orion, which is a prominent constellation visible in the night sky. In this context, the answer is "STAR." Orion is known for its distinct pattern of stars, including the bright stars Betelgeuse, Rigel, and others, which form the shape of a hunter. 

Chain originally called “St. Louis Bread Company”    


The crossword clue "Chain originally called 'St. Louis Bread Company'" suggests that we're looking for the name of a chain restaurant that was initially known as the "St. Louis Bread Company" before it changed its name. In this case, the answer is "PANERA." Panera Bread is a well-known chain of bakery-café restaurants that originated in St. Louis, Missouri, under the name "St. Louis Bread Company" before rebranding to Panera. 

Affirmative answer    


The crossword clue "Affirmative answer" suggests that we're looking for a word or term that signifies agreement or confirmation. In this case, the answer is "YES." "Yes" is a simple and direct response indicating approval, agreement, or affirmation. Therefore, the clue indicates that the answer is "YES," as it accurately describes an affirmative answer.

“The Little Mermaid” villain    


The crossword clue "The Little Mermaid" villain suggests that we're looking for the name of a character from the Disney animated film "The Little Mermaid" who plays the role of the antagonist or villain. In this case, the answer is "URSULA." Ursula is a sea witch and the main antagonist in "The Little Mermaid." She is known for her cunning and manipulative nature as she tries to thwart the protagonist, Ariel, in her quest to become human.

Texter’s “If you ask me . . .”    


The crossword clue "Texter's 'If you ask me . . .'" suggests that we're looking for an abbreviation commonly used in texting or online communication to express a personal opinion or viewpoint. In this case, the answer is "IMHO," which stands for "In My Humble Opinion." When someone begins a statement with "If you ask me . . .," they are often about to share their personal perspective or opinion on a matter.

“___ no big deal”    


The crossword clue "___ no big deal" suggests that we're looking for a word that fits into the phrase to convey the idea that something is not significant or important. In this case, the answer is "ITS." The completed phrase, "___ no big deal," commonly appears in casual conversation to downplay the significance of something. "Its" is a possessive pronoun that can be used to refer to something previously mentioned or implied, and in this context, it indicates that the situation being discussed is not particularly important.

Mythical city of gold    


In legend and folklore, this city is said to be a place of immense wealth, often depicted as a utopian paradise adorned with gold and precious gems. Explorers and treasure hunters have searched for it throughout history, though it remains a mythical and elusive destination.



This term refers to an area or area within a structure that is unoccupied or available for use. It could denote an empty room, an open expanse, or simply the absence of physical objects in a given area.

Creatures from space (Abbr.)    


The clue "Creatures from space (Abbr.)" suggests that we're looking for a term that refers to beings or entities from outer space, and the abbreviation "(Abbr.)" indicates that the answer is shortened or abbreviated. In this context, "space creatures" are often referred to as "extraterrestrial beings" or "extraterrestrials." The abbreviation for "extraterrestrial" is commonly abbreviated as "ETs," where "ET" stands for "extraterrestrial."

Items on a home to-do list    


The crossword clue "Items on a home to-do list" suggests a word that encompasses various tasks or activities typically performed around the house. The answer to this clue is "CHORES." In a household, there are numerous tasks or activities that need to be done regularly to maintain cleanliness, organization, and functionality. 



The crossword clue "Expire" suggests a word that means to come to an end or cease to exist. One suitable word that fits this description is "PERISH." Here's an explanation for why "PERISH" is the answer: When something "expires," it reaches the end of its validity or existence. This could apply to various situations, such as the expiration of a product's shelf life, the end of a contract or agreement, or even the end of a person's life. 



The crossword clue "Duration" implies a word that represents the length of time something lasts or continues. A suitable word that fits this description is "LENGTH." Here's an explanation for why "LENGTH" is the answer: Duration refers to the period of time during which something continues or exists. It can be measured in units of time, such as seconds, minutes, hours, days, etc. 



The crossword clue "Snags" suggests a word that means to capture or seize something, often unexpectedly or quickly. A suitable word that fits this description is "NABS." Here's an explanation for why "NABS" is the answer: When something "snags," it implies that it has been caught or seized, typically in a sudden or unexpected manner. "NABS" is a colloquial term meaning to capture or apprehend someone or something, often swiftly or unexpectedly.

Birds in a flying V    


The crossword clue "Birds in a flying V" suggests a group of birds that commonly fly together in a V-shaped formation. A suitable word that fits this description is "GEESE." Here's an explanation for why "GEESE" is the answer: When birds, particularly waterfowl like geese, migrate or fly long distances, they often do so in a distinctive V-shaped formation. 

Put into position    


The crossword clue "Put into position" suggests a phrase that means to place something ready for use or action. A suitable word that fits this description is "TEEUP." Here's an explanation for why "TEEUP" is the answer: In the context of golf, "TEEUP" refers to the action of placing a golf ball on a tee in preparation for hitting it with a golf club. 

Bygone Russian ruler    


The crossword clue "Bygone Russian ruler" suggests a term that refers to a historical leader or monarch of Russia. A suitable word that fits this description is "TSAR." Here's an explanation for why "TSAR" is the answer: In Russian history, a "TSAR" (also spelled "CZAR") was a title used to refer to the supreme ruler or monarch of Russia before the Russian Revolution of 1917. The term "TSAR" is derived from the Latin word "Caesar," and it was used to signify the authority and sovereignty of the Russian ruler. 



The crossword clue "Shortly" suggests a word that means in a brief amount of time or in the near future. A suitable word that fits this description is "SOON." Here's an explanation for why "SOON" is the answer: When something is described as happening "shortly," it indicates that it will occur in a brief amount of time or in the immediate future. "SOON" is an adverb that signifies a relatively short period from the present moment to the expected event or action.

Remove from power    


The crossword clue "Remove from power" suggests a term that means to forcefully eject or depose someone from a position of authority or leadership. A suitable word that fits this description is "OUST." Here's an explanation for why "OUST" is the answer: When someone is "ousted" from power, it means they are forcibly removed or expelled from their position of authority or leadership. This removal can occur through various means, such as a coup, a vote of no confidence, or legal action. 

“___ are not endorsements”    


The phrase "___ are not endorsements" suggests a statement commonly found in disclaimers, particularly in contexts where content or opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of the entity presenting them. In this case, the abbreviation "RTS" would fit in the blank. "RTS" likely stands for "Retweets" on social media platforms like Twitter. When users retweet content, they are sharing it with their followers, but the act of retweeting does not necessarily imply agreement or endorsement of the content. 



The crossword clue "Anger" suggests a word that represents a strong feeling of displeasure or resentment. A suitable word that fits this description is "IRE." "IRE" refers to a strong feeling of anger, wrath, or resentment towards someone or something. It is often associated with a deep-seated displeasure or indignation arising from perceived unfairness, injustice, or wrongdoing. 

As well    


The crossword clue "As well" suggests a word that means in addition to something or likewise. A suitable word that fits this description is "TOO." Here's an explanation for why "TOO" is the answer: "When something is described as happening 'as well,' it means it is occurring in addition to something else or in a similar manner.

Punkie Johnson’s show, for short    


The crossword clue "Punkie Johnson’s show, for short" suggests an abbreviation for a television show on which Punkie Johnson appears. Punkie Johnson is a comedian and actress known for her work on the popular sketch comedy show "Saturday Night Live" (SNL). Therefore, the answer to the crossword clue is "SNL." Here's an explanation: "Punkie Johnson’s show" refers to a television program featuring Punkie Johnson as a cast member or performer. 

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