Find the Answers to Irish Daily Mail Mailword Large for 2nd April 2024

The Irish Daily Mail Mailword Large crossword answers are revealed on this page. Continue reading to find the answers and solve the clues without any hassle

by Abisha | Updated Apr 02, 2024

If you are solving today’s Irish Daily Mail Mailword Large crossword and finding any clues difficult, this article might help you. It offers assistance to complete the entire crossword puzzle with perfect answers. So, check out this page to get all the solutions for today’s crossword.

--- Becker, German tennis player (5)


The clue directly refers to a German tennis player named Boris Becker. Therefore, the answer "BORIS" is the player's first name.

Military cap (5)


A "shako" is a type of military cap with a tall, cylindrical design, often adorned with a plume or other decorative elements. It's commonly associated with certain historical military uniforms.

Read (6)


While "read" could refer to the action of perceiving written or printed words, "RECITE" specifically refers to the act of orally repeating or delivering something from memory, such as a poem or passage.

Was taken aback (6)


To be "taken aback" means to be surprised or shocked by something. "REELED" can mean to stagger or falter in response to a shock or surprise, as if one were physically reeling backward.

Weapons store (7)


An "armoury" is a place where weapons are stored or kept. It's often associated with military facilities or historical contexts where weapons and armor are maintained and stored.

Mountain plants (7)


"Alpines" refers to plants that are native to alpine or mountainous regions. These plants are typically adapted to survive in harsh mountain climates and often have small, compact forms to withstand cold temperatures and strong winds.

Lip (3)


While "lip" typically refers to the fleshy part of the mouth's edge, in this context, "JAW" can be used to refer to the edge or rim of something, similar to the lip of a container or vessel.

Middle Eastern port (4)


"Aden" is a city located in Yemen, which serves as a major port on the Arabian Peninsula. It has historically been an important hub for trade and maritime activities in the Middle East.

Hypocrisy (4)


While "hypocrisy" refers to the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform, a "HOAX" is a deliberate deception or trickery, often perpetrated with the intent to deceive others.

--- Maria, traditional prayer (3)


"Ave" is a Latin word meaning "hail" or "welcome." It is commonly used in religious contexts, particularly in Catholicism, as part of prayers such as the "Ave Maria" (Hail Mary), a traditional prayer honoring the Virgin Mary.

Chides (6)


"Chides" refers to the act of scolding or reprimanding someone for their behavior. "CHECKS" can also mean to restrain or control someone's actions, which can involve reprimanding or moderating behavior.

Toward the interior (4)


"Toward the interior" suggests moving inward or toward the center. "INLY" means inwardly or deeply within, fitting the context of the clue.

Brute (5)


While "brute" typically refers to a savage or unthinking creature, in this context, "EATER" suggests someone who consumes or devours food in a somewhat crude or forceful manner.

New York island (9)


"New York island" specifically refers to the borough of Manhattan, one of the five boroughs of New York City, which is located on Manhattan Island.

Small river (6)


A "STREAM" is a small, narrow river or watercourse. It typically flows continuously in a particular direction, often toward a larger body of water.

Root crop (4)


"YAMS" are a type of root crop, similar to sweet potatoes, that are commonly cultivated for their starchy tubers, which are a staple food in many parts of the world.

Crafty (3)


"Crafty" suggests being sly or cunning, which can be associated with the behavior of a pig, often found in a "STY," which is a pen or enclosure for pigs.

In a period of decline (2,1,3,3)


This phrase means being at a low point or experiencing a downturn or decline in fortunes or circumstances.

Snake (3)


"ESS" is a term used in typography to refer to the letter "S," which resembles the shape of a snake when written in certain fonts or styles.

Islamic head of state (4)


An "EMIR" is a title of high-ranking nobility or leadership in Islamic countries, often used to refer to a ruler or governor.

Population (6)


"HUMANS" refers to the species Homo sapiens, which constitutes the population of human beings inhabiting the Earth.

Fast vessel (9)


A "speedboat" is a type of watercraft designed for high-speed travel on the water. It typically features a lightweight hull and powerful engines, allowing it to move swiftly across the water's surface.

Watched secretly (5)


To "spy" means to watch someone or something secretly, often to gather information or monitor activities without their knowledge.

Young goats (4)


"Kids" are the offspring of goats. The term can also be used more generally to refer to young animals of various species.

Being examined (2,4)


"On test" refers to something undergoing examination or evaluation to assess its performance or suitability.

Stifle (3)


To "ice" something means to chill or cool it, which can figuratively mean to suppress or stifle it. For example, "to put something on ice" means to delay or suspend it.

Goals (4)


"Fats" is an informal term referring to goals scored in a game or competition, especially in sports like soccer or hockey. It's often used colloquially to describe successful achievements.

--- Connery, Scottish actor (4)


The clue refers to the Scottish actor Sean Connery, known for his iconic portrayal of James Bond in the early Bond films and many other notable roles in cinema.

Before (3)


"Now" typically means the present moment, but in certain contexts, it can also mean before or previously. In this case, it's likely used to denote a time before the current moment.

Erased (7)


"Blanked" means to remove or obliterate all traces of something, leaving it blank or devoid of content. It can refer to erasing or deleting information, as well as forgetting or failing to recall something.

Primates (7)


While "primates" typically refers to a group of mammals including monkeys, apes, and humans, "RASCALS" is a colloquial term often used to describe mischievous or playful individuals, sometimes used affectionately.

Term of office (6)


"Tenure" refers to the period or term of holding a particular position, especially in an academic or official capacity. It often implies a guaranteed or secure position for a specified duration.

Outright (6)


"Direct" means straightforward or without deviation or interruption. In the context of the clue, it could imply something being done openly or without reservation.

Shakespeare character (5)


"Romeo" is a character from William Shakespeare's play "Romeo and Juliet," one of the most famous and enduring love stories in literature.

Toothed wheels (5)


"Gears" are toothed wheels or cylinders that mesh together to transmit motion and power, commonly used in machinery, vehicles, and other mechanical systems.

Defile (7)


"Tarnish" means to dull or discolor the surface of something, typically metal, through exposure to air or moisture. Figuratively, it can also mean to sully or damage someone's reputation or integrity.

Natural substance (3)


"Ore" refers to a naturally occurring mineral or rock from which a metal or valuable substance can be extracted, typically through mining or refining processes.

Career (3)


While "career" typically refers to one's profession or the course of advancement in one's working life, "BAG" in this context might refer to the idiom "to bag something," meaning to secure or obtain it.

--- Newton, mathematician (5)


The clue refers to the renowned mathematician and physicist Isaac Newton, known for his contributions to mathematics, physics, and astronomy, including the laws of motion and universal gravitation.

Infrequently (6)


"Little" can be used to describe something occurring infrequently or in small amounts or quantities. In this context, it suggests something happening or being done rarely or sporadically.

Completely fresh (5,3)


"Brand new" means completely new or unused, without any previous use or ownership. It implies something being in pristine condition, as if just manufactured or acquired.

Evasive person, figuratively (3)


An "eel" is a type of fish known for its slippery and elusive nature. Figuratively, it can be used to describe a person who is similarly evasive or difficult to pin down in conversation or action.

Broker (3)


A "rep" is short for "representative," often used to refer to someone who acts as an agent or intermediary, such as a sales representative or broker, facilitating transactions or negotiations on behalf of others.

Evoke (6)


To "depict" means to represent or portray something in a particular way, often through art, description, or other forms of expression. It involves evoking or bringing forth a certain image or impression.

Lodgers (7)


"Tenants" are individuals or groups who occupy or rent a property or space from a landlord or property owner. They are commonly referred to as lodgers when staying in rented accommodation.

Hedge plant (6)


"Privet" is a type of shrub commonly used for hedges due to its dense foliage and ability to be trimmed into neat shapes. It's popular for creating borders or barriers in landscaping.

Relating to teeth (6)


Dental" is an adjective related to teeth or dentistry. It refers to anything pertaining to the teeth, dental care, or the dental profession.

Bedouins, e.g. (5)


"Arabs" refers to the ethnic group native to the Arabian Peninsula and other parts of the Middle East and North Africa. Bedouins are a subgroup of Arabs known for their nomadic lifestyle and desert-dwelling traditions.

Pitiless (5)


This appears to be a misdirection or a wordplay. "Sorry" typically means feeling regret or remorseful, which is the opposite of pitilessness. So, in this context, "SORRY" could be used sarcastically or ironically to denote a lack of sympathy or compassion.

Highly detailed (9)


"Technical" refers to something that is characterized by intricate details or precision, often related to specific knowledge or expertise in a particular field or subject.

Declared (6)


This appears to be a misdirection or a wordplay. "Averse" means having a strong dislike or opposition to something, which is different from declaring or stating something. So, in this context, "AVERSE" could be used in a figurative sense to suggest openly expressing a negative sentiment or stance.

Ovine mammal (5)


"Sheep" are domesticated ruminant mammals commonly raised for their wool, meat, and milk. They are typically found in flocks and are known for their docile behavior.

Caspian, e.g. (3)


The Caspian Sea is the world's largest inland body of water, bordered by several countries including Iran, Russia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, and Azerbaijan. It is technically a lake, not a sea, but it is often referred to as the Caspian Sea due to its size and saline nature.

Assuming favourable conditions (2,4)


"At best" suggests the most optimistic or favorable outcome or interpretation of a situation, implying that conditions are not necessarily ideal but may be acceptable or desirable under the most favorable circumstances.

Latin American dance (5)


The Rumba is a lively Latin American dance characterized by its syncopated rhythms and sensual hip movements. It originated in Cuba and has become popular worldwide as a competitive and social dance.

Big cat's lair (5,3)


A "lion's den" is a metaphorical term referring to a place or situation that is dangerous or filled with adversaries, derived from the idea of a lion's lair being a place of potential peril or challenge.

Dance to pop music (3)


"Bop" is a colloquial term referring to a style of dance, often performed to pop music with a strong, rhythmic beat. It typically involves simple, repetitive movements and is associated with energetic, informal dancing.

Requested (5)


"Urged" implies making a request or plea for someone to do something. It suggests a desire or insistence for action.

Keyboard instrument (6)


A "spinet" is a type of keyboard instrument similar to a harpsichord but smaller, with a more compact frame and shorter strings. It was popular during the Baroque period.

Salesperson (7)


A "peddler" is someone who sells goods, typically by traveling from place to place and offering their wares directly to customers, often on the street or door-to-door.

Common birds (7)


"Pigeons" are a common type of bird found in urban and rural areas worldwide. They are known for their adaptability and tendency to live in close proximity to humans.

Memorised (6)


"Learnt" is the past tense and past participle of the verb "learn." It means to have acquired knowledge or information and committed it to memory through study or experience.

Borders (5)


"Butts" can refer to the edges or boundaries of something, suggesting the outer

Former sectarian (6)


The Essenes were a Jewish sect that flourished during the Second Temple period, particularly around the time of Jesus. They were known for their ascetic lifestyle and communal living.

Drink sachet (3,3)


A "tea bag" is a small, porous sachet containing tea leaves or herbal infusions, typically used to brew a single cup or pot of tea by steeping it in hot water.

Type of drum (5)


A "bongo" is a type of drum consisting of two small, open-ended drums of different sizes attached to each other. They are typically played by hand and are commonly used in Latin American music.

Small boat (3)


  • SKIFF (S F F): This is the most likely answer considering the following: Length: "SKIFF" is a three-letter word, fulfilling the length requirement.
  • Boat type: A skiff is a small, lightweight open boat with a pointed bow, commonly used for fishing, rowing, or leisure activities. It fits the category of "small boat."

Historical period (3)


An "age" refers to a distinct period in history characterized by particular cultural, technological, or societal developments, such as the Stone Age or the Middle Ages.

Item of underwear (3)


A "bra" is a garment worn by women to support and cover the breasts. It typically consists of cups and straps and is worn underneath clothing.

Paddle (3)


"Row" can refer to the act of propelling a boat through water using oars or paddles. It's also used to describe the method of moving a boat by using oars.

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