Get Today’s Daily Mail Quick Crossword Answers for April 18, 2024

If you are looking for today’s solution, get the answers and explanations here that help you get better at solving puzzles.

by Shoba | Updated Apr 18, 2024

Hey all, Do you want to try a tricky crossword puzzle? Today's puzzle from Daily Mail Quick Crossword is here for you to solve. It helps you learn new words and practice spelling. Also, it's a nice way to improve our skills. When you finish, you will feel proud. So, let’s start solving the clues.

Strong and sturdy


Strong and sturdy refers to someone or something reliable and resilient, often used to describe a person with unwavering principles or a robust structure. The answer, STALWART, embodies this quality, indicating steadfastness and dependability.

Road-surfacing material


Road-surfacing material points to a substance commonly used in paving roads and constructing surfaces to withstand heavy traffic and weathering. ASPHALT fits this description, known for its durability and ability to provide a smooth and resilient road surface.

Aristocratic title


Aristocratic title refers to a noble rank or honor bestowed upon individuals of high social standing. MARQUESS is one such title, often ranking below a duke but above an earl or count, indicating a significant position within the aristocracy.



Redwood signifies a type of tree, specifically the majestic and towering species found primarily in California. SAN MATEO is a location associated with these trees, likely referencing the San Mateo County, where redwood forests can be found.

Of little importance


Of little importance denotes something insignificant or inconsequential, lacking significance or impact. NUGATORY precisely captures this notion, indicating something trivial or of no practical value.



Dolt refers to a foolish or stupid person, often used in a lighthearted or humorous context to describe someone lacking intelligence or common sense. CHOWDERHEAD is a playful yet disparaging term fitting this description, suggesting a person of limited mental capacity or understanding.



In a crossword puzzle, the term felicity hints at a synonym for enjoyment or happiness. It encapsulates the feeling of delight or pleasure that one experiences. Therefore, the answer is enjoyment.

Room on a ship


When solving a crossword clue related to a ship, room refers to a space for storing goods or luggage. This term commonly used in maritime contexts points to the concept of stowage, which denotes the act or space of storing items aboard a ship.

Ceremonial emblems or robes of royalty or high office


In the context of ceremonial attire or symbols of authority, the term ceremonial emblems or robes of royalty or high office indicates regalia. This word encompasses the ornate garments, regal ornaments, or insignia associated with dignified positions or occasions.



When encountering the term dictionary in a crossword puzzle, it suggests a type of book primarily used for reference purposes. This reference book contains definitions, spellings, pronunciations, and other information about words and their meanings, making it an essential tool for language comprehension.



Detest serves as a clue for a word conveying a strong feeling of dislike or aversion. It implies a sense of repulsion or intense dislike towards something. Therefore, the answer is recoil from, indicating a visceral reaction of moving away from or rejecting something.

One of the Home Counties

Answer: SURREY

One of the Home Counties refers to a specific region within England. This term typically points to the county of Surrey, which is one of the historic counties surrounding London and is known for its picturesque landscapes and affluent communities.

Language of Israel

Answer: HEBREW

Language of Israel directs attention to the primary language spoken in Israel. Hebrew, as the official language of Israel and a significant component of Jewish culture and tradition, fits this description, serving as the answer.


Answer: SAY NO

In many situations, a discount might be offered to entice a purchase, but sometimes it's wise to resist the temptation. This phrase, say no, implies a refusal, indicating that not all discounts are advantageous or necessary.

Make bright by rubbing


When you rub a surface to make it shine or enhance its brightness, you're burnishing it. This action involves polishing or smoothing the surface to achieve a glossy or gleaming appearance, commonly done with metals or wood.

Egyptian peninsula

Answer: PHAROS

The Egyptian peninsula is home to numerous historical landmarks, one of which is the Pharos of Alexandria, an ancient lighthouse located on the island of Pharos.



To procure something is to obtain or acquire it, often through effort or action. In the context of the crossword question, procure, the answer provide suggests the act of supplying or furnishing something, fulfilling a need or request.

New Zealand native

Answer: KIWI

As a native of New Zealand, the kiwi is not only a bird but also a symbol of the country itself. Known for its distinct appearance and flightless nature, the kiwi is unique to New Zealand and is celebrated as a national icon, representing the country's biodiversity and cultural identity.

Sachet (anag)

Answer: CHASTE

When rearranged, the letters in sachet form the word chaste, which means pure or morally virtuous, capturing the essence of modesty and restraint often associated with sachets, small scented bags used to contain delicate items.

Persist in spite of difficulties


To soldier on is to continue forward despite challenges or obstacles. This phrase embodies the resilient spirit of soldiers who persevere through adversity, demonstrating courage and determination in the face of difficulty.

Brio, flair


Panache refers to a stylish flair or distinctive elegance in one's manner or appearance. It conveys a sense of vivacity and confidence, reflecting the vibrant energy and charisma associated with brio and flair.

Yellow element

Answer: SULFUR

Sulfur is a chemical element with a bright yellow color, often associated with its distinctive hue and pungent odor. This element plays a crucial role in various industrial processes and is essential for life, symbolizing both its practical applications and natural significance.

Weighing machine

Answer: TRONE

A trone is a type of weighing machine or balance scale used to measure weight. This device provides a means to accurately determine the mass of an object, facilitating trade, commerce, and scientific endeavors through precise measurements.



Strained describes a state of being tight, tense, or restricted. This term encompasses both physical and metaphorical constraints, suggesting pressure or difficulty that hinders movement or progress.



A fighter is a term commonly used to refer to a pugilist, someone who engages in boxing or hand-to-hand combat. This word evokes images of strength, resilience, and skill, highlighting the prowess and determination of individuals in combat sports.

Open space in a wood

Answer: GLADE

A glade is an open space or clearing in a wooded area, surrounded by trees or vegetation. It offers a tranquil retreat within the forest, inviting exploration and providing a peaceful sanctuary amidst the natural beauty of the woodland environment.

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