Highest Flying Bird in the World - Top 10 Beyond Limits

Discover the Highest Flying Bird in the World and find the astonishing heights and learn about its incredible aerial abilities and soaring achievements of the Top High Flying Birds.  

by Maivizhi A | Updated Jun 05, 2023

Highest Flying Bird in the World

The sky has always been an endless expanse, captivating and beckoning us with its vastness. Amidst the freedom it offers, some remarkable creatures have managed to conquer its heights with unparalleled grace and power. These majestic avian beings possess a remarkable ability to soar higher than any other bird species, defying the limits of earthly boundaries. With wings that effortlessly cut through the air, they have evolved to reach the highest altitudes known to avifauna.



Height in Feet


Ruppell's Griffon Vulture

37,000 feet



33,000 feet


Bar-headed Goose

29,000 feet


Whooper Swan

27,000 feet


Alpine Chough

26,500 feet


Bearded Vulture

24,000 feet



21,000 feet


Bar-tailed Godwit

20,000 feet


White Stork

16,000 feet


Andean Condor

15,000 feet

These extraordinary feathered marvels embody a true testament to the wonders of nature's engineering. Equipped with unique adaptations and a remarkable physiology, they have embraced the challenges of the sky, where thinner air and extreme temperatures are the norm. Their exceptional strength and endurance enable them to navigate and explore altitudes that seem unfathomable to most other living beings.

As they rise into the heavens, these mysterious creatures offer us a glimpse into a realm that remains largely uncharted. Their majestic flights serve as a constant reminder of the immense beauty and diversity that reside within the avian world. 

Top 10 Highest Flying Bird in the World

Join us as we embark on a fascinating journey through the ethereal realms inhabited by these highest flying birds, where they rule the skies with a grace and magnificence that leaves us in awe. Prepare to be captivated by their aerial prowess and discover the secrets of their ability to reach such extraordinary heights.

1. Ruppell's Griffon Vulture (37,000 feet)

Ruppell's Griffon Vulture, scientifically known as Gyps rueppellii, holds the distinction of being the highest-flying bird in the world. These magnificent birds are native to the African continent, particularly found in the Sahel region and sub-Saharan Africa. With a wingspan of around 8 to 9.5 feet and a weight of up to 20 pounds, they are one of the largest vulture species.

Ruppell's Griffon Vultures are well adapted to soaring at high altitudes, which allows them to reach incredible heights. They are often seen flying at altitudes of up to 37,000 feet, which is even higher than commercial airplanes typically fly. These birds primarily rely on thermal updrafts to ascend to such remarkable heights, using their keen eyesight to spot carrion from above.

Their feather coloration is predominantly brown, with a white underbelly and a thick white collar around their necks. They have a bald head and a sharp, hooked beak, which enables them to tear through tough animal carcasses. Ruppell's Griffon Vultures are scavengers and play a crucial role in the ecosystem by cleaning up carrion, thereby preventing the spread of diseases.

Due to habitat loss, poisoning, and illegal hunting, Ruppell's Griffon Vultures are currently facing population decline and are listed as endangered species. Conservation efforts are underway to protect their habitat and raise awareness about their importance in maintaining a balanced ecosystem.

2. Crane (33,000 feet)

Cranes are elegant, long-legged birds known for their graceful flight and impressive aerial abilities. There are several species of cranes, but the highest-flying crane species is the Demoiselle Crane (Grus virgo). These birds are found in parts of Europe and Asia, particularly in the colder regions of Mongolia, China, and India.

Demoiselle Cranes have a wingspan of around 5 to 6 feet and weigh between 4.5 and 6 pounds. Despite their relatively smaller size compared to other high-flying birds, they are capable of reaching altitudes of up to 33,000 feet during their migratory journeys.

These cranes undertake long-distance migrations, covering thousands of miles between their breeding and wintering grounds. During their migration, they take advantage of favorable winds and thermals to reach such great heights. Their long, slender wings and light body weight contribute to their remarkable flight capabilities.

Demoiselle Cranes have a striking appearance, with pale gray feathers, a black crown, and a white face. They are known for their elaborate courtship dances, where they jump, bow, and flap their wings, creating a mesmerizing spectacle. Conservation efforts are in place to protect these migratory birds and their breeding habitats, as they face threats such as habitat loss and hunting.

3. Bar-headed Goose (29,000 feet)

The Bar-headed Goose (Anser indicus) is a remarkable species known for its incredible ability to fly at high altitudes. These geese breed in Central Asia, particularly in the Himalayan region, and undertake challenging migrations across the highest mountain ranges in the world.

With a wingspan of around 5 to 6 feet and weighing between 5 and 8 pounds, Bar-headed Geese are medium-sized birds. What sets them apart is their unique respiratory system, which enables them to extract oxygen efficiently even in thin air. This adaptation allows them to fly at extreme altitudes of up to 29,000 feet.

During their migratory flights, Bar-headed Geese cross formidable barriers such as the Himalayas, where they navigate through treacherous mountain passes. They take advantage of favourable wind patterns and thermal updrafts to make their arduous journeys possible. Their ability to withstand low oxygen levels and harsh conditions in high-altitude environments is a marvel of nature.

These geese have a distinctive appearance, with a white head, grayish-brown body, and black bars on their necks. They are often found in large flocks, and their honking calls can be heard echoing through the mountain valleys.

Bar-headed Geese face several threats, including habitat degradation, hunting, and disturbance during their migratory routes. Conservation initiatives focus on protecting their breeding grounds, establishing protected areas, and promoting awareness about their unique adaptations and ecological importance.

4. Whooper Swan (27,000 feet)

The Whooper Swan (Cygnus cygnus) is one of the highest-flying birds in the world, reaching altitudes of up to 27,000 feet. These majestic swans are known for their impressive migrations, with some populations travelling thousands of miles each year. They breed in the Arctic regions of North America and Eurasia and then migrate south to spend the winter in more temperate areas.

During their long-distance journeys, Whooper Swans often fly at high altitudes to take advantage of favourable winds and avoid obstacles. They have strong wing muscles and a robust physique that allows them to endure such strenuous flights. Their large wingspan, which can reach up to 8 feet, provides excellent lift and stability during flight.

Whooper Swans primarily feed on aquatic plants, grasses, and small invertebrates. They are known for their distinctive trumpeting call, which can be heard over long distances. These elegant birds mate for life and often form small family groups during their migrations.

5. Alpine Chough (26,500 feet)

The Alpine Chough (Pyrrhocorax graculus) is another bird known for its high-flying abilities, reaching altitudes of around 26,500 feet. This species is a member of the crow family and is found in mountainous regions across Europe and Asia.

Alpine Choughs are well adapted to the harsh alpine environments they inhabit. They have strong, streamlined bodies and powerful wings that allow them to manoeuvre effortlessly through the mountainous terrain. Their ability to fly at high altitudes enables them to search for food in remote areas where other birds may struggle to survive.

These intelligent birds have a varied diet, feeding on insects, small mammals, carrion, and even human food scraps. They are highly social and often form large flocks, engaging in aerial displays and acrobatics. Their distinctive call, a series of melodious whistles and croaks, echoes through the mountain valleys.

6. Bearded Vulture (24,000 feet)

The Bearded Vulture (Gypaetus barbatus) is an impressive bird of prey known for its remarkable flying abilities, reaching altitudes of up to 24,000 feet. Also called the Lammergeier or the Bonebreaker, this vulture is found in mountainous regions of Europe, Asia, and Africa.

The Bearded Vulture is a large bird with a wingspan of up to 9 feet, equipped with long, broad wings that enable it to soar effortlessly through the skies. It has a unique appearance, characterized by its distinctive feather tufts on the sides of its face, giving it the appearance of a beard.

This vulture has adapted to its scavenging lifestyle by specialising in feeding on bone marrow. It accomplishes this by dropping bones from great heights onto rocky surfaces, shattering them and exposing the nutritious marrow. This behavior is not only fascinating but also ensures the ecological balance of its habitat by cleaning up carcasses that other scavengers may leave behind.

Bearded Vultures are solitary birds, with pairs coming together only during the breeding season. They have a keen sense of territory and are known for their impressive aerial displays, including spectacular courtship flights and soaring effortlessly along mountain ridges.

7. Mallard (21,000 feet)

The Mallard is a widespread duck species known for its ability to fly at impressive altitudes. These waterfowls are native to North America, Europe, Asia, and North Africa. While they are primarily known for their aquatic habits, Mallards are also adept flyers. They can reach heights of up to 21,000 feet (6,400 meters) during migration.

Mallards possess strong and agile wings that allow them to achieve such heights. They are capable of sustained flight over long distances, thanks to their powerful wing muscles. Mallards have a streamlined body and a wingspan of about 32-39 inches (81-99 cm), which aids in their flight efficiency.

During migration, Mallards often utilise favourable winds to gain altitude and cover great distances. They undertake seasonal movements between their breeding grounds in northern regions and their wintering grounds in more temperate areas. Their high-flying abilities enable them to navigate over various landscapes, including mountains, coastlines, and wide open spaces.

8. Bar-tailed Godwit (20,000 feet)

The Bar-tailed Godwit is a remarkable bird renowned for its long-distance migratory flights and its ability to fly at high altitudes. These medium-sized wading birds breed in Arctic regions, such as Alaska and Siberia, and undertake extensive migrations to their wintering grounds in Australia, New Zealand, and other parts of the southern hemisphere.

During these impressive migrations, Bar-tailed Godwits can fly at heights of up to 20,000 feet (6,100 meters). They have long, pointed wings that allow for efficient gliding and soaring. These birds possess remarkable endurance and are capable of flying non-stop for thousands of miles.

Bar-tailed Godwits have adapted to take advantage of tailwinds and favourable air currents during their migrations. They can cover extraordinary distances, often travelling more than 7,000 miles (11,000 kilometres) without rest. Their ability to reach such high altitudes allows them to avoid obstacles and efficiently navigate over vast stretches of land and water.

9. White Stork (16,000 feet)

The White Stork is a large, long-legged bird known for its distinctive appearance and impressive migratory feats. These elegant birds breed in Europe and western Asia, and during the winter, they undertake extensive journeys to their wintering grounds in Africa.

White Storks are capable of flying at altitudes of up to 16,000 feet (4,900 meters) during migration. They have long, broad wings that enable them to soar effortlessly and cover great distances. Their migratory flights involve crossing vast landscapes, including deserts, mountains, and bodies of water.

During migration, White Storks often take advantage of thermals, rising columns of warm air, to gain altitude without much effort. By utilizing these thermals, they conserve energy and optimise their flight efficiency. White Storks are known for their distinctive V-shaped formations during migration, which help reduce wind resistance and allow them to fly more efficiently.

10. Andean Condor (15,000 feet)

The Andean Condor is one of the world's largest flying birds and is renowned for its soaring abilities and impressive altitude range. These magnificent birds are found in the Andes mountains of South America, primarily in countries such as Argentina, Chile, Ecuador, and Peru.

Andean Condors can fly at altitudes of up to 15,000 feet (4,600 meters) in their mountainous habitats. They have an enormous wingspan that can reach up to 10 feet (3 meters) or more, which allows them to catch thermal updrafts and soar effortlessly through the high-altitude regions they inhabit.

These birds are highly adapted to their rugged environment, utilizing air currents and updrafts to gain altitude and travel long distances. By conserving energy through soaring flight, Andean Condors are able to cover vast territories in search of food, which primarily consists of carrion.

The Andean Condor's ability to fly at high altitudes enables it to survey its surroundings, locate potential food sources, and navigate the challenging mountainous landscapes it calls home.

Which Bird can Fly very High in the Sky?

Rüppell's Griffon Vulture, scientifically known as Gyps rueppellii, is a magnificent bird known for its exceptional flying abilities and remarkable adaptations. It holds the prestigious title of being the highest flying bird ever recorded globally, reaching altitudes of up to a staggering 37,000 feet. This species predominantly inhabits the Sahel region of Central Africa, which encompasses countries such as Senegal, Chad, Niger, Sudan, and Ethiopia.

One of the key factors that contribute to Rüppell's Griffon Vulture's remarkable flight capabilities is its body structure, which is specifically designed for efficient oxygen intake and flight endurance. Its large wingspan, measuring around 8 to 10 feet, enables it to catch the rising thermals of warm air currents, which it uses to gain altitude effortlessly. These thermals are commonly found in the regions they inhabit, aiding them in their ability to soar to such great heights.

Apart from their exceptional flying prowess, Rüppell's Griffon Vultures possess keen eyesight that plays a crucial role in their survival. Their eyes are incredibly well-adapted to spotting prey from extreme heights. With their excellent vision, they can easily locate carrion, their primary source of food, from high altitudes, even when it might be difficult for other scavengers to detect. This remarkable eyesight allows them to cover vast territories in search of food, maximising their chances of finding carrion to sustain themselves.

In addition to their impressive flying and visual abilities, Rüppell's Griffon Vultures exhibit decent flight speeds. They can reach speeds of up to 22 miles per hour (35 kilometers per hour) during their aerial journeys. This speed, although not exceptionally fast compared to some other bird species, is more than sufficient for their foraging and migration needs. Moreover, their ability to glide for extended periods and utilize updrafts helps conserve energy during their flights.

Rüppell's Griffon Vultures are also known for their remarkable endurance in the air. They can remain airborne for long intervals, often spending hours soaring above the landscapes they inhabit. This prolonged flight endurance is primarily attributed to their efficient thermoregulation mechanisms and adaptations to high altitudes. These adaptations include physiological features like large air sacs, specialized respiratory systems, and enhanced oxygen-carrying capacity, which enable them to endure the thin air found at high elevations.

Rüppell's Griffon Vulture is an extraordinary bird species that possesses a range of remarkable adaptations for high-altitude flight. From their specialized body structure for efficient oxygen intake to their keen eyesight and endurance, these vultures have evolved to conquer the skies. Their ability to soar to unparalleled heights, combined with their impressive flight speed and endurance, makes them a truly awe-inspiring species in the avian world.

Highest Flying Birds

The highest flying bird in the world is the Rüppell's Griffon Vulture. With its ability to reach altitudes of up to 37,000 feet, it soars above all other bird species. This magnificent vulture, native to the African continent, possesses remarkable adaptations that enable it to conquer the sky. Its large wingspan and keen eyesight, coupled with its efficient use of thermal updrafts, allow it to navigate and explore the highest altitudes known to avifauna.

The Rüppell's Griffon Vulture's exceptional flight capabilities serve as a testament to the wonders of nature's engineering. It embodies the beauty and diversity that exist within the avian world, captivating us with its grace and magnificence. However, it is essential to recognize the challenges that these birds face, such as habitat loss, poisoning, and illegal hunting, which have led to their endangered status.

As we marvel at the highest flying bird's aerial prowess, let us also reflect on the need to protect these extraordinary creatures and raise awareness about their ecological importance. Through conservation efforts and an appreciation for their remarkable abilities, we can ensure that the sky remains a sanctuary for these majestic avian beings, where they continue to inspire and captivate us with their flights to unimaginable heights

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Highest Flying Bird in the World - FAQs

1. What is the highest-flying bird in the world?

The highest-flying bird in the world is the Ruppell's Griffon Vulture, scientifically known as Gyps rueppellii. It can reach altitudes of up to 37,000 feet.

2. Where is the Ruppell's Griffon Vulture found?  

Ruppell's Griffon Vultures are native to the African continent, particularly found in the Sahel region and sub-Saharan Africa.

3. How do Ruppell's Griffon Vultures reach such high altitudes?

Ruppell's Griffon Vultures rely on thermal updrafts to ascend to such remarkable heights. They use their keen eyesight to spot carrion from above and take advantage of rising warm air currents to soar effortlessly.

4. What are some unique adaptations of Ruppell's Griffon Vultures?

Ruppell's Griffon Vultures have a unique feather coloration with a predominantly brown body, a white underbelly, and a thick white collar around their necks.

5. Why are Ruppell's Griffon Vultures important for the ecosystem?  

Ruppell's Griffon Vultures are scavengers and play a crucial role in the ecosystem by cleaning up carrion.