How to Make Flour in Little Alchemy 2? What Can You Make With Flour in Little Alchemy 2?

Discover the secret recipe on how to make flour in Little Alchemy 2 and uncover endless possibilities as you explore what can be created with flour in Little Alchemy 2.

by Rubaditsha | Updated Jun 07, 2023


Little Alchemy 2 Wiki

Little Alchemy 2 is a popular puzzle game developed by Recloak. It is the sequel to the original game, Little Alchemy. The game is available as a mobile app for both iOS and Android devices, as well as a web version. In Little Alchemy 2, the objective is to combine different elements to create new ones. You start with the four basic elements: earth, air, fire, and water. By combining these elements, along with others you discover along the way, you can create a vast array of new items, substances, and even entire ecosystems.

The game features a grid-like interface where you can drag and drop elements onto each other to see if they react and create something new. Some combinations are logical and intuitive, while others require more experimentation and creative thinking. As you progress and discover new elements, the possibilities for combination increase.

Little Alchemy 2 provides a hint system to help players if they get stuck. Hints can be used to reveal possible combinations or give clues about the elements involved. However, using hints comes at a cost, as they require points that accumulate over time.

The game offers hundreds of elements to discover, ranging from simple ones like "stone" and "airplane" to more complex and abstract concepts. There are also hidden gems and secret combinations to uncover, adding an extra layer of challenge and excitement to the gameplay.

Little Alchemy 2 encourages exploration and experimentation, as there is no set solution or right way to play. It's all about combining elements and seeing what happens. The game provides a sense of discovery and satisfaction as you unlock new items and progress through the game.

How to Make Flour In Little Alchemy 2 Step By Step?

It's possible that bread is a fundamental food in your culture. If so, you likely understand the significance of flour in today's generation. Additionally, the type of flour varies depending on its source, such as cereal, wheat, corn, or rye. 

As a result, various types of flour exist, including cereal flour, wheat flour, cornflour, and rye flour. Moreover, flour plays a crucial role in many recipes today. For instance, dough, which serves as the foundation for foods like pizza and pasta, is made from flour. Imagine having an endless supply of flour. With it, you could create numerous delicious dishes. For food enthusiasts, this is undoubtedly fantastic news.

Now, let's delve into the topic of obtaining the Flour element in Little Alchemy 2. This element will enable you to acquire other elements associated with delicious food. One such element is Dough, which opens up even more possibilities for food-related elements.

Before we proceed with the process, let's examine the key ingredients for creating Flour. Since we know flour is made from wheat, we'll need the Wheat element. Obtaining Wheat, in turn, requires the Grass element.Therefore, it's evident that Grass and Wheat are the essential components. We'll also be performing multiple combinations, so if you enjoy challenges, this article will be right up your alley.

Without further ado, let's dive into the process, shall we?

Step 1: Create Grass

You might be wondering why the Grass element is necessary to obtain Wheat. The answer is simple: just like in the real world, wheat is derived from grass through repeated harvesting and cultivation.To create the Grass element, we need to perform some complex alchemy involving the Plant element. Additionally, we'll require the Life element before obtaining Plant. Are you prepared for this challenging alchemical task?

The following steps will help you obtain the Grass element easily:

  • Water + Water = Puddle
  • Puddle + Water = Pond
  • Pond + Water = Lake
  • Fire + Fire = Energy
  • Earth + Earth = Land
  • Earth + Land = Continent
  • Continent + Continent = Planet
  • Air + Planet = Atmosphere
  • Lake + Water = Sea
  • Atmosphere + Water = Cloud
  • Cloud + Water = Rain
  • Earth + Sea = Primordial Soup
  • Energy + Primordial Soup = Life
  • Earth + Life = Soil
  • Rain + Soil = Plant
  • Earth + Plant = Grass

Congratulations! The toughest part is behind us. I assure you that obtaining the Wheat element in the next step will be much easier!

Step 2: Create Wheat

As previously mentioned, flour is made from wheat. Wheat flour is the most commonly used flour in various culinary preparations. Hence, it's evident why the Wheat element is required before obtaining Flour in Little Alchemy 2.

To obtain the Wheat element, follow these simple steps:

  • Earth + Fire = Lava
  • Air + Lava = Stone
  • Fire + Stone = Metal
  • Earth + Metal = Plow
  • Earth + Plow = Field
  • Field + Grass = Wheat

Great! Finally, we move on to doubling the Wheat element to obtain Flour. It sounds fairly straightforward, doesn't it? Let's not keep you waiting any longer.

Step 3: Create Flour

Now that we're on the verge of obtaining the Flour element, let's consider the array of foods we'll create next. You might already have specific dishes in mind that you're craving right now.

Once you possess the Flour element, creating different elements will be a piece of cake.

To obtain the Flour element, simply follow this step:

  • Wheat + Wheat = Flour

Congratulations! You have successfully obtained the Flour element. I'm certain you had a lot of fun throughout the entire process. But before we embark on obtaining new elements, I have a surprise for you!

Alternative Methods to Obtain Flour

Little Alchemy 2 is a game that grants players the freedom to do whatever they desire. As the god of the game's world, there is never just one method of obtaining elements.

For instance, you can employ different elements to accomplish the same task in various ways. Similarly, you can combine Wheat with different elements to obtain the Flour element, as shown below:

  • Wheat + Rock = Flour
  • Wheat + Stone = Flour
  • Wheat + Wheel = Flour

Wheat + Windmill = Flour

As you can see, the above method of obtaining Flour isn't significantly different from the initial approach we followed. However, Little Alchemy 2 is all about creativity and the exploration of new possibilities, right?

What Can You Make With Flour in Little Alchemy 2?

Here is the regenerated list of elements you can obtain using Flour in Little Alchemy 2:

  • Flour + Coconut Milk = Batter
  • Flour + Container = Sack
  • Flour + Egg = Pasta
  • Flour + Milk = Batter
  • Flour + Newspaper = Recipe
  • Flour + Paper = Recipe
  • Flour + Puddle = Dough
  • Flour + Rain = Dough
  • Flour + Water = Dough
  • Flour + Wind = Dough

Have fun exploring these combinations in Little Alchemy 2!

How to Create Flour in Little Alchemy 2?

In order to obtain Wheat in the game Little Alchemy 2, the first step is to create Grass. Just like in the real world, wheat is derived from grass through repeated harvesting and cultivation. To create Grass, a series of alchemical steps need to be followed involving the elements of Water, Fire, Earth, Air, Life, Rain, and Plant.

Once Grass is obtained, we can move on to the second step of creating Wheat. Wheat is essential for obtaining Flour, which is widely used in culinary preparations. The process of creating Wheat involves combining elements such as Earth, Fire, Air, Metal, and Grass. Finally, the third step is to create Flour by combining two units of Wheat together. It's worth mentioning that alternative methods of obtaining Flour exist, where Wheat can be combined with elements like Rock, Stone, Wheel, or Windmill. Little Alchemy 2 encourages creativity and exploration, allowing players to discover different possibilities in obtaining elements.

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How to Make Flour tn Little Alchemy 2 Step By Step: FAQs

1. What is Little Alchemy 2? 

Little Alchemy 2 is a popular puzzle game developed by Recloak. It is a sequel to the original game, Little Alchemy, and is available as a mobile app for iOS and Android devices, as well as a web version. The objective of the game is to combine different elements to create new ones and discover hidden combinations.

2. How do you play Little Alchemy 2?

In Little Alchemy 2, you start with four basic elements: earth, air, fire, and water. By dragging and dropping elements onto each other in the grid-like interface, you can see if they react and create something new. The game encourages exploration and experimentation, allowing you to combine elements and discover new items and substances.

3. What can you make with flour in Little Alchemy 2? 

With flour in Little Alchemy 2, you can create various elements such as Batter, Sack, Pasta, Recipe, and Dough by combining it with other elements like Coconut Milk, Egg, Milk, Newspaper, Paper, Puddle, Rain, Water, and Wind.