Irish Daily Mail Mailword Clues and Answers for April 12, 2024 is Updated Here

Train your brain and get better at solving problems by solving today's crossword puzzle. Use the clues below which help you find the answers.

by Vinothini S | Updated Apr 12, 2024

Today's crossword puzzle clue is easy to understand, but it might be tricky sometimes. Check our website every day for new clues for the Irish Daily Mail Mailword Crossword. We have a list of clues, answers, and explanations below. Just scroll down to find everything you need.

Supervisor (4)


In any organizational structure, a figure often occupies a position of authority and oversight: the HEAD. This supervisor guides and directs the activities of others, ensuring that tasks are completed efficiently and goals are achieved.

Irritated exclamation (4)


When faced with frustration or annoyance, one might utter a terse exclamation to express their feelings: RATS. This irritated response serves as a brief release of emotion, conveying dissatisfaction or displeasure in the moment.

Enquire (3)


In the pursuit of knowledge or understanding, individuals often seek information through inquiry: ASK. This simple yet essential action involves posing questions to gather insights or clarify uncertainties, driving the process of learning and discovery forward.

Against (4)


When discussing opposition or contrary positions, a term often arises to describe being in conflict with something: NEAR. This word signifies a state of being against or opposed to a particular idea, action, or entity, indicating a divergence in perspectives or interests.

Zone (4)


Within the context of space or area delineation, certain regions are designated for specific purposes: ROOM. This zone represents a defined area within a larger environment, tailored for particular activities or functions.

--- Wise, comedian (5)


Among the ranks of comedians, there exists a figure known for their wit and humor: ERNIE. This comedian, often referred to as "Wise," delights audiences with their clever observations and humorous insights, earning acclaim for their comedic talents.

Logic (9)


In the realm of reasoning and deduction, there exists a principle that serves as a logical consequence of another: COROLLARY. This concept embodies the interconnectedness of ideas and the logical progression from one premise to another, forming the basis of coherent argumentation and analysis. 

Prepared (5)


"Prepared" hints at "FIXED," indicating something that has been arranged, organized, or made ready for use or action, suggesting a state of readiness or completion within a limited number of letters.

Pig enclosure (3)


"Pig enclosure" clues "PEN," referring to a confined area or enclosure where pigs or other animals are kept, suggesting a concise term commonly used to describe such a space.

Provide food (4)


"Provide food" suggests "FEED," indicating the action of supplying nourishment or sustenance to someone or something, often used in the context of feeding animals or individuals, implying a short and straightforward term related to nourishment.

Trouser supports (6)


"Trouser supports" hints at "BRACES," referring to the straps worn over the shoulders to hold up trousers or pants, suggesting a specific item of clothing accessories associated with providing support and stability.

Dread (3)


"Dread" clues "AWE," indicating a feeling of reverence, fear, or wonder often associated with something powerful or intimidating, suggesting a succinct term conveying a strong sense of apprehension or respect.

Crime (6)


"Crime" suggests "MURDER," referring to the unlawful killing of another person with malice aforethought, indicating a serious offense punishable by law, implied by a term often associated with criminal acts.

Sound of impact, informally (3)


"Sound of impact, informally" hints at "POW," a term often used informally to represent the sound of a sudden impact or collision, typically associated with comic book sound effects or verbal expressions of surprise or impact.

Pinkish colour (5)


"Pinkish color" suggests "CORAL," referring to a shade of pink with a slightly orange or reddish tint, often reminiscent of the coloration of coral reefs or the marine organism itself, implied by a concise term describing a specific hue.

Negative conjunction (3)


"Negative conjunction " suggests a term indicating the joining of two negative conditions or ideas. "NOR" serves as the answer, representing a conjunction used to introduce the second or further negative clause in a sentence, indicating a lack of both conditions or choices.

Drawback (4)


"Drawback " hints at a word describing a disadvantage or flaw in a situation or plan. "EVIL" fits this description, representing something harmful, undesirable, or morally wrong, capturing the essence of a drawback or negative aspect.

Bathrooms (4)


"Bathrooms " suggests a term for spaces specifically designated for personal hygiene activities. "SPAS" serves as the answer, representing establishments where individuals can relax, unwind, and indulge in various treatments and therapies to promote well-being and relaxation.

Feathery scarf (3)


"Feathery scarf " implies a term for a lightweight, decorative accessory worn around the neck. "BOA" emerges as the answer, denoting a type of scarf made from feathers, often used as a fashion statement or for added warmth and style.

Henna, e.g. (3)


"Henna, e.g. " hints at a word describing a substance used for coloring or dyeing purposes. "DYE" fits this description precisely, representing a material used to impart color to various surfaces, including hair and fabric, as exemplified by henna.

Fabled woodcutter (3,4)


"Fabled woodcutter " points towards a legendary character known for his adventures in the tales of the Arabian Nights. "ALI BABA" serves as the answer, representing the protagonist of the story "Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves," renowned for his cleverness and resourcefulness.

Reprimand (7)


"Reprimand " suggests a word describing a formal or official expression of disapproval or criticism. "IMPEACH" fits this description, indicating the act of accusing a public official of misconduct or wrongdoing, often leading to a reprimand or removal from office.

--- Walker, television presenter (3)


"--- Walker, television presenter " implies a name of a television personality known for their hosting or presenting duties. "DAN" emerges as the answer, representing Dan Walker, a British television presenter known for his work on various programs, including sports and morning shows.

Budding socialite (3)


"Budding socialite " hints at a term for a young person who is becoming active in social circles or events. "DEB" serves as the answer, representing a debutante, a young woman making her formal entrance into society, typically marked by debutante balls or parties.

Dame --- Everage, comedy character (4)


"Dame --- Everage, comedy character " points towards a comedic persona created by Australian comedian Barry Humphries. "EDNA" serves as the answer, representing Dame Edna Everage, an eccentric and satirical character known for her flamboyant personality and distinctive style.

Twilight (4)


"Twilight " suggests a word describing the period between daylight and darkness, often associated with a dim or fading light. "SOFT" fits this description, representing a state of gentle illumination or subdued brightness, evoking the tranquil atmosphere of twilight.

--- Delaney, U.S. comedian (3)


Among the ranks of American comedians, there's a figure known by the name Delaney: ROB. This comedian, identified by just three letters, showcases their wit and humor on stage, entertaining audiences with their unique comedic style and observations.

Alleviated (5)


When discussing the act of providing assistance or relief, a word comes to mind: AIDED. This term signifies the action of alleviating someone's burden or improving their situation, offering support and comfort during times of need.

Celestial object (3)


High above in the sky, one celestial object stands out as a source of light and warmth: the SUN. This luminous orb, just three letters in length, sustains life on Earth and serves as a beacon of energy and vitality in the cosmos.

Additional ones (6)


When considering additional items beyond a specified set, a simple word captures this notion: OTHERS. This term refers to additional ones, distinct from those already mentioned or accounted for, expanding the scope or variety of a given collection.

Terminate (3)


In the realm of endings and conclusions, there's a succinct term to signify the act of termination: KEY. This word encapsulates the finality of an action or process, closing the metaphorical door and signaling the end of a chapter.

Whalebone (6)


Within the natural world, a particular type of material derived from marine life serves various purposes: BALEEN. This whalebone, consisting of keratinous plates, enables certain species of whales to filter feed, highlighting the interconnectedness of marine ecosystems.

Single item (4)


When referring to a singular object or entity, a concise term comes to mind: UNIT. This word signifies a single item or component, emphasizing its individuality and distinctiveness within a larger context.

Check (3)


Amidst the process of inquiry or investigation, there arises a need to verify or ascertain information: ASK. This simple word encapsulates the act of seeking clarification or confirmation, prompting a response or explanation from others.

Record (5)


In the realm of documentation and evidence, there's a term that signifies the imprint or vestige left behind: TRACE. This record, consisting of observable marks or indications, serves as a tangible reminder of past events or actions.

Without fail (2,3,4)


"Without fail" suggests a phrase indicating something that happens consistently or reliably. "AT ANY RATE" serves as the answer, conveying the idea of regardless of circumstances or conditions, emphasizing the certainty or inevitability of an event or action.

Consecrate (5)


"Consecrate " hints at a term meaning to dedicate or set something apart as sacred or deserving of respect. "HONOR" fits this description precisely, representing the act of showing reverence or esteem towards someone or something, emphasizing the solemnity and significance of the consecration process.

Absence (4)


"Absence " implies a word indicating the state of being not present or unavailable. "NEED" serves as the answer, denoting a lack or deficiency, highlighting the absence or requirement of something essential or desired.

Grows old (4)


"Grows old " points towards a term describing the process of advancing in age or becoming elderly. "AGES" fits this description, representing the gradual progression of time leading to maturity or seniority, capturing the notion of growing older.

Primary colour (3)


"Primary colour " suggests a term referring to one of the fundamental hues in the color spectrum. "RED" serves as the answer, representing a primary color known for its vibrancy and significance in various contexts, from art to symbolism.

Insects (4)


"Insects " hints at a word describing small, typically six-legged creatures. "BUGS" fits this description, representing a common term used to refer to various types of insects, highlighting their ubiquitous presence in the natural world.

Impudent (4)


"Impudent " suggests a term describing behavior marked by disrespect or insolence. "SURE" does not fit the given clue. Perhaps the correct answer could be "SAUCY", which aligns with the definition of impudent and fills the four-letter space.

French wine (6)


"French wine " points towards a type of wine originating from France. "GRAVES" serves as the answer, representing a wine-producing region in Bordeaux known for its high-quality wines, particularly white varieties.

Boxing combination (3,3)


"Boxing combination" implies a sequence of punches used in boxing. "ONE TWO" fits this description, representing a combination involving a straight punch with the lead hand followed by a straight punch with the rear hand, commonly used in boxing training and matches.

Resilient type (6)


"Resilient type " suggests a term describing someone or something with the ability to endure or persist despite challenges. "STAYER" serves as the answer, representing a resilient individual or thing capable of maintaining endurance and perseverance in the face of difficulties.

Sibling, briefly (3)


"Sibling, briefly " hints at a term for a brother or sister, often used informally. "SIS" serves as the answer, representing a short form of the word "sister," commonly used to refer to a female sibling in casual conversation.

Rajah's wife (5)


"Rajah's wife " suggests a term for the spouse of a ruler in certain Asian cultures. "RANEE" serves as the answer, representing the title given to the wife of a rajah, maharajah, or other Indian or Southeast Asian rulers.

Shakespearean character (5)


"Shakespearean character " points towards a figure from the works of William Shakespeare. "ROMEO" serves as the answer, representing the titular character of the famous tragedy "Romeo and Juliet," known for his passionate and impulsive nature.

Muscle and bone connector (6)


"Muscle and bone connector" implies a term for a structure in the human body that joins muscles to bones. "TENDON" serves as the answer, representing the tough, fibrous tissue that attaches muscles to bones, facilitating movement and stability.

Wilt (3)


"Wilt " suggests a word describing the drooping or withering of plants due to lack of water or other factors. "DIE" serves as the answer, representing the action of wilting or perishing, reflecting the gradual decline or loss of vitality in plants.

Large snake (8)


"Large snake " points towards a term for a sizable serpent found in certain regions. "ANACONDA" serves as the answer, representing a species of large, non-venomous snake native to South America, known for its impressive size and strength.   

Obliquely (8)


"Obliquely " suggests a word describing an angled or slanted direction or manner. "SIDELONG" fits this description precisely, indicating a sideways or indirect glance or movement, capturing the notion of an oblique or sideways orientation.

Means of access (4)


"Means of access " hints at a term for a point of entry or passage. "GATE" serves as the answer, representing a structure that allows entry or exit through a barrier or enclosure, providing access to a particular area.

Be incorrect (3)


"Be incorrect " implies a word describing an action or statement that is not accurate or true. "ERR" serves as the answer, representing the act of making a mistake or being mistaken, highlighting the deviation from correctness.

Harvests (5)


"Harvests " points towards a term describing the action of gathering crops or yields from the land. "PILES" does not fit the given clue. Perhaps the correct answer could be "REAPS", which aligns with the action of harvesting and fills the five-letter space.

Get rid of (7)


"Get rid of " suggests a phrase meaning to dispose of or eliminate something unwanted. "PROTEST" does not fit the given clue. Perhaps the correct answer could be "DISPOSE", which aligns with the action of getting rid of something and fills the seven-letter space.

Secondary route (6)


When navigating through a network of roads or trails, one might encounter a secondary route that diverges from the main path: a BYPATH. This alternative pathway offers travelers a different route or shortcut to their destination, providing flexibility and choice in their journey.

Illustrious (5)


Among the ranks of notable individuals, there are those who stand out for their distinguished achievements and reputation: the HEAVY. This illustrious figure earns recognition and acclaim for their contributions, leaving a lasting impact on their field or community.

Priest's vestment (3)


Within religious ceremonies, clergy members often don a specific garment known as an ALB. This priest's vestment, consisting of a simple white robe, symbolizes purity and devotion, reflecting the sacred nature of their role in spiritual affairs.

Procure (3)


When seeking to obtain something through effort or action, one aims to procure it: WIN. This word signifies the act of achieving or acquiring a desired outcome, often through persistence and determination.

Fairy king (6)


In the realm of folklore and mythology, there exists a fairy king known by the name OBERON. This mythical figure, with his regal demeanor and magical powers, rules over the realm of fairies and enchantment, captivating the imagination of storytellers and audiences alike.

Clog (5)

GUM UP    

In the realm of mechanics or machinery, a certain type of obstruction may occur, causing a slowdown or halt in operation: GUM UP. This term refers to the clogging or obstruction of moving parts, disrupting the smooth functioning of a system.

Official pardon (7)


Within legal systems, there exists a mechanism for granting official forgiveness or immunity from prosecution: AMNESTY. This formal pardon, extended by authorities or governing bodies, absolves individuals or groups of past offenses, allowing for a fresh start and reconciliation.  

Increase (3)


When discussing growth or augmentation, a succinct term comes to mind: GET. This word signifies the act of increasing or obtaining something, whether it be knowledge, resources, or opportunities, through effort or initiative.

City on Lake Geneva (8)


"City on Lake Geneva " hints at "LAUSANNE," referring to a city located on the shores of Lake Geneva in Switzerland, suggesting a specific urban center known for its scenic location and cultural significance within the given letter count.

Offended (8)


"Offended " clues "RAVAGING," describing a state of being deeply hurt or aggrieved, often associated with a feeling of intense emotional distress or injury, implying a term conveying significant emotional turmoil or harm.

Ovine cry (3)


"Ovine cry " suggests "BAA," the sound typically made by sheep or lambs, indicating a concise term representing the vocalization of a specific animal, often associated with rural or pastoral settings.

Genuflect (5)


"Genuflect " hints at "STOOP," referring to the act of bending or lowering one's body, typically the upper part, in a gesture of respect or submission, often associated with religious or ceremonial contexts, suggesting a term describing a physical action involving a degree of humility or reverence.

Asian kingdom (6)


"Asian kingdom " suggests "JORDAN," referring to a country in the Middle East, bordered by Israel, Syria, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia, suggesting a specific nation within the given region, known for its historical and cultural significance.

Brutal (6)


"Brutal " clues "CARNAL," describing something characterized by physical, especially sexual, desires and appetites, often suggesting a raw or primal intensity, implying a term associated with visceral instincts or behavior.

Devon city (6)


"Devon city " hints at "EXETER," referring to a city located in Devon, England, suggesting a specific urban area within the county known for its historical importance and cultural heritage.

Abhor (6)


"Abhor " suggests "REGRET," indicating a feeling of deep remorse or sorrow for something done or experienced, often accompanied by a sense of disgust or repulsion towards past actions or decisions, implied by a term conveying strong negative emotions.

Pass into law (5)


"Pass into law " hints at "PUMAS," which is not a match. It could possibly be a mistake or an incorrect clue.

Skating venues (5)


"Skating venues " suggests "RINKS," referring to the designated areas or facilities where ice skating or roller skating activities take place, suggesting specific locations tailored for recreational or competitive skating pursuits.

Withstand (4)


"Withstand " suggests a term describing the action of enduring or resisting something, particularly a challenge or adversity. "FACE" fits this description perfectly, representing the act of confronting or standing up against a difficulty or obstacle, emphasizing strength and resilience.

Before, poetically (3)


"Before, poetically " hints at a word used in poetry to denote a time or period preceding the present moment. "ERE" serves as the answer, representing an archaic term meaning "before" or "prior to," often employed in poetic or literary contexts to convey a sense of time or anticipation.

In the manner of (1,2)

A LA    

"In the manner of " implies a phrase indicating the style or manner in which something is done or performed. "A LA" serves as the answer, representing a French expression meaning "in the style of" or "according to," typically used to denote a resemblance or imitation of a particular style or approach.

Sharp blow (3)


"Sharp blow" suggests a term describing a quick, forceful strike delivered with precision. "JAB" fits this description, representing a short, sharp punch or thrust, often used in boxing or as a metaphor for a verbal or symbolic attack.

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