Irish Daily Mail Mailword Large Answer for April 25, 2024 Revealed

If you are curious to know today’s Irish Daily Mail Mailword Large crossword puzzle answers, keep reading this article and find the answers.

by Thamizhalagi B | Updated Apr 25, 2024

Playing the Irish Daily Mail Mailword Crossword can be a fun challenge for puzzle lovers. With its twist and clues, it became more interesting. To solve the puzzle, players need to use their knowledge and vocabulary skills to fill in the grid boxes with the correct answers. So, let’s start.

Light purple (5)


Light purple, often described as a soft, delicate hue, is frequently referred to as "MAUVE." Mauve is a color that sits between purple and pink on the color spectrum, known for its calming and soothing qualities, often used in interior design to create a serene atmosphere.

Affirmative voters (4)


Affirmative voters in a legislative context are commonly called "YEAS." When voting in favor of a proposal or motion, lawmakers cast their "yea" votes, expressing their agreement or approval. This term contrasts with "nays," which represent the negative votes.

Italian city (7)


RAVENNA, an Italian city renowned for its Byzantine architecture and mosaics, is an ancient and culturally rich destination. Situated in northeastern Italy, Ravenna served as the capital of the Western Roman Empire in the 5th century AD and later became the seat of the Byzantine Exarchate.

Grinding teeth (6)


Grinding teeth is a common behavior associated with the function of the jaw, often attributed to the action of the "MOLARS." Molars are the large, flat teeth at the back of the mouth responsible for grinding food during the chewing process. Bruxism, the medical term for teeth grinding, can occur during sleep or periods of stress.

Behave destructively (7)


When individuals engage in destructive and violent behavior, they are said to "RAMPAGE." This term describes a frenzied and often uncontrollable outburst of aggression or destruction, commonly associated with riots, violent protests, or individual acts of rampage.

Muslim teacher (6)


A Muslim teacher and religious leader is traditionally known as a "MULLAH." In Islamic communities, mullahs often serve as scholars, interpreters of religious texts, and spiritual guides, providing education and guidance on matters of faith and practice.

--- Peron, former First Lady (3)


EVA Perón, also known as Evita, was a prominent figure in Argentine politics and society, serving as the country's First Lady from 1946 until her death in 1952. Known for her charisma and advocacy for the working class, EVA Perón remains an iconic and controversial figure in Argentine history.

Sweeping aid (7)


"Sweeping aid" - This is a tool used in conjunction with a broom to collect dust and debris from the floor. It consists of a flat surface with a handle. The answer is "DUSTPAN".

By way of (3)


"By way of" - This phrase denotes a method or route used to achieve something. It suggests a path or means of accomplishing a goal. The answer is "PER", indicating a means of measurement or division.

Studies (4)


"Studies" - This term refers to the act of observing or examining something closely and systematically to gain knowledge or understanding. It often involves research, analysis, and exploration. The answer is "EYES", as they are the organs of perception and observation.

Loose skirt (6)


"Loose skirt" - This item of clothing is typically worn wrapped around the waist, often in warm climates. It is loose-fitting and can be made from various materials. The answer is "SARONG", a traditional garment in many Southeast Asian cultures.

Request (3)


"Request" - This word signifies asking for something formally or politely, often indicating a desire or need for assistance, information, or action. It implies seeking something from someone else. The answer is "HIT", which could mean asking someone to "hit" a button or perform an action.

Beginning (5)


"Beginning" - This term refers to the initial stage or starting point of something, marking the commencement or origin of a process, event, or journey. It denotes the first part or moment in a sequence. The answer is "EARLY", suggesting the early stages or moments of something.

Cereal plant (3)


"Cereal plant" - This term refers to a type of plant cultivated for its edible grains, often used in breakfast foods such as porridge, cereal, or flour. It is a staple food crop in many parts of the world. The answer is "OAT", one of the common cereal plants grown for its nutritious grains.

--- Frost, English actress (5)


"Frost, English actress" leads us to a woman's name, likely a first name, often associated with English heritage. The answer, "SADIE," fits this description. Sadie Frost is indeed an English actress, making this a fitting solution to the clue.

Chest (3)


"Chest" suggests a body part, and in this context, the answer must be a single word. "RIB" fits perfectly as it's a bone in the chest area. It's a concise and precise solution to the clue.

Senior nurse (6)


"Senior nurse" indicates a position of authority within a medical setting. The term "MATRON" is commonly used to refer to a senior nurse in British English, making it the appropriate answer here.

Achieve (6)


"Achieve" implies reaching a goal or attaining success, usually through effort or competition. "WIN OUT" succinctly captures this concept, signifying victory or success amidst challenges or competition.

Javelins (6)


"Javelins" directs us to a type of weapon or tool used historically in warfare or sports. "LANCES" fits the bill, as they are long throwing weapons commonly used in historical battles or in modern sports like javelin throwing.

Woman's name (6)


"Woman's name" is a broad category, but the answer must be a commonly known female name. "SHEILA" is a popular name that fits this criterion, making it the apt solution to the clue.

Go wrong (3)


"Go wrong" implies making an error or committing a misdeed. "SIN" encapsulates this concept succinctly, representing a moral or ethical transgression.

Thoroughfares (5)


"Thoroughfares" suggests main roads or routes through a city or area. "PATHS" is a fitting solution as it denotes routes or tracks through which one can travel.

Cleaning tool (3)


"Cleaning tool" prompts us to think of an object used for cleaning various surfaces. "MOP" is a common cleaning tool used to wipe or scrub floors, making it the appropriate answer.

Indian dresses (5)


"Indian dresses" indicates attire typically worn by women in India. "SARIS" is a traditional Indian garment, consisting of a long piece of cloth draped elegantly around the body, making it the correct solution. 

Tree (3)


"Tree" refers to a woody perennial plant, and the answer must be a single word. "SAP" fits this description, as it's the fluid that circulates within a tree, carrying nutrients and water.

Standards (6)


The question "Standards" typically alludes to norms or benchmarks set for comparison or evaluation. In various contexts, it might refer to measurements, expectations, or criteria used to assess quality or performance. The answer, "ORDERS," could signify instructions or directives established to maintain or meet these standards, providing guidance or regulations to follow.

Inflection (4)


"Inflection" denotes a change in tone, pitch, or expression in speech or language. It often indicates nuances in meaning or emotion. The answer, "TONE," aligns with this concept, representing the specific quality or character of a sound or voice, which can convey different inflections to convey various meanings or attitudes.

Taste (3)


In the context of a crossword puzzle, "Taste" might suggest flavor or preference, encompassing sensory experiences related to food or aesthetic appreciation. The answer, "ZAP," diverges from the culinary interpretation, instead evoking a sudden jolt or burst of energy, perhaps implying an unexpected sensation or action rather than literal taste.

London district (4,3)


"London district" directs attention to specific regions within the city of London, England, known for their distinct characteristics or histories. The answer, "EAST END," refers to an area traditionally associated with working-class communities and industrial heritage, reflecting a particular cultural and socio-economic identity within the broader urban landscape.

Harmful (3)


"Harmful" implies something that causes damage, injury, or negative consequences. The answer, "ILL," captures this idea succinctly, representing a state of unwellness or adversity. In the context of the clue, "ILL" suggests a condition or action that brings about harm or detriment.

Leaning (6)


"Leaning" could connote a propensity or inclination towards a particular direction, idea, or stance. The answer, "SHIFTY," presents a more figurative interpretation, suggesting a lack of stability or reliability in one's posture or position, implying a tendency to change or shift viewpoints or allegiances.

Tacking (7)


"Tacking" often relates to sailing terminologies, involving the maneuver of changing a boat's direction by turning its bow through the wind. In a broader sense, it can denote a strategic or cautious approach to achieving a goal. The answer, "JOINING," aligns with this interpretation, suggesting the act of connecting or combining different elements or efforts to progress towards a common objective.

From that place (6)


"From that place" indicates origin or location, specifying where something or someone originates or derives. The answer, "THENCE," corresponds to this notion, signifying movement or direction away from a specific point or origin. It implies a progression or transition from one location to another, based on a starting reference point.

Novice (7)


"Novice" refers to a beginner or someone inexperienced in a particular activity or field. The answer, "CONVERT," suggests a transformation or transition from one state to another, often indicating someone who is newly introduced to a belief, practice, or skill. It implies a change in status or perspective as one transitions into a new role or identity.

Coloured (4)


"Coloured" commonly denotes something imbued with hue or pigment, indicating variation in appearance or complexion. The answer, "HUED," reflects this concept, describing something characterized by a particular color or shade. It aligns with the clue's implication of diversity or variation in chromatic expression.

Howls (5)


"Howls" typically refers to prolonged, loud cries often associated with animals such as wolves or dogs. It can also metaphorically represent intense or plaintive expressions of emotion or distress. The answer, "DRUMS," diverges from the literal interpretation, suggesting rhythmic percussive sounds rather than vocalizations, perhaps evoking a different auditory sensation or atmosphere.

French city (2,4)


"French city" directs attention to urban areas within France, known for their cultural significance, historical heritage, or architectural landmarks. The answer, "LE MANS," specifically identifies a city in northwestern France renowned for its annual endurance race, as well as its medieval architecture and cultural festivals, offering a distinctive identity within the French urban landscape.

Rascal (3)


A mischievous and playful character often depicted in folklore and fantasy, a "ELF" is commonly seen as a rascal. In many mythologies, elves are known for their cunning nature and propensity for pranks, making them fitting candidates for the title of "rascal" in crossword puzzles.

Burden (4)


When faced with a duty or obligation, it is often referred to as a "TASK." Tasks can range from simple chores to complex assignments, each requiring attention and effort to complete. The term "burden" can sometimes be associated with tasks that feel particularly challenging or weighty.

Aberdonian cattle breed (5)


Originating from Aberdeen, Scotland, the "ANGUS" cattle breed is well-known for its black coloration and marbling quality of meat. Angus cattle are one of the most popular beef breeds globally, prized for their excellent beef production qualities and adaptability to various climates.

Roman emperor (6)


One of the prominent rulers of ancient Rome, "TRAJAN" served as a Roman emperor from 98 to 117 AD. Trajan is celebrated for his military conquests, public works projects, and expansion of the Roman Empire to its greatest territorial extent.

Jordanian city (5)


Situated on the northern tip of the Red Sea, "AQABA" is a Jordanian city known for its beautiful beaches and coral reefs. Aqaba is a popular tourist destination, offering opportunities for diving, snorkeling, and other water sports activities.

Youths (10)


Young males attending an educational institution, such as a high school, are often referred to as "SCHOOLBOYS." This term is commonly used to describe adolescent boys who are still undergoing formal education.

Unit of measurement (3)


A "MIL" is a unit of measurement equivalent to one-thousandth of an inch, commonly used in manufacturing and engineering contexts. It is an abbreviation for "thou" or "thousandth of an inch."

--- Dali, artist (8)


A surrealist artist known for his eccentricity and distinctive style, "SALVADOR" Dali is celebrated for his imaginative and surreal artworks. Dali's paintings often feature melting clocks, distorted figures, and dreamlike landscapes, showcasing his unique artistic vision.

System of beliefs (5)


The guiding principles and beliefs of a community or individual are encapsulated in their "ETHOS." Ethos encompasses values, norms, and moral standards that shape behavior and decision-making processes within a society or organization.

Black bird (5)


A "SLING" is a weapon typically used to hurl projectiles such as stones or bullets. In some contexts, a "black bird" might refer to the ammunition or projectiles loaded into a sling, creating a connection between the two words in a crossword puzzle.

Dried fruit (7)


"Dried fruit" - This term refers to a type of fruit that has been dehydrated, preserving its flavor and nutrients. It is often used in baking, cooking, or consumed as a snack. The answer is "CURRANT", a small dried fruit commonly used in baking or as a topping.

Tremble (5)


"Tremble" - This word describes a shaky or quivering movement, often due to fear, excitement, or weakness. It indicates a lack of stability or control in one's body or voice. The answer is "MIXUP", suggesting a state of confusion or disorder where things are not in their proper place.

Sample (3)


"Sample" - This term refers to a small portion or specimen taken from a larger whole, often used for testing, analysis, or demonstration purposes. It represents a representation or example of something. The answer is "EAT", implying the action of consuming a small portion of food as a sample.

Odes (5)


"Odes" - These are lyrical poems that express feelings of admiration, devotion, or celebration. They often praise a person, object, or event in a formal and elaborate manner. The answer is "SONGS", as odes are a form of poetic expression often set to music.

On a chair (6)


"On a chair" - This phrase indicates a position or location where someone is sitting on a piece of furniture designed for seating. It denotes a specific posture or stance. The answer is "SEATED", describing the action or state of being in a sitting position.

Impermanence (10)


"Impermanence" - This term refers to the concept or reality that everything is transient and subject to change. It suggests the idea of fleetingness or temporary nature of existence. The answer is "TRANSIENCE", representing the quality or state of being impermanent.

Turkey's highest peak (6)


"Turkey's highest peak" - This phrase denotes the tallest mountain in Turkey, reaching a significant elevation above sea level. It is a prominent geographical feature in the country. The answer is "ARARAT", referring to Mount Ararat, the highest peak in Turkey.

Young goat (3)


"Young goat" - This term describes a juvenile member of the goat family, often characterized by its playful and energetic nature. It is commonly raised for its meat or milk. The answer is "KID", indicating a young goat.

Copy (3)


"Copy" - This word signifies reproducing or imitating something, often with the intention of duplicating an original. It suggests the act of making a replication or facsimile. The answer is "GYP", meaning to cheat or swindle by providing an inferior or fraudulent copy.

Get rid of (7)


"Get rid of" - This phrase indicates the action of removing or eliminating something unwanted or undesirable. It implies disposing of or freeing oneself from a burden or nuisance. The answer is "PROTEST", which could signify the act of expressing strong objection or dissent against something, effectively getting rid of it.

Crushed (8)


"Crushed" suggests a feeling of longing or desire, which aligns with the term "DESIROUS." It reflects a state of yearning or longing for something, making it a fitting answer to the clue.

Designations (5)


"Designations" refers to specific titles or labels assigned to things or people. "WORDS" encompass this idea, as they are fundamental units of language used to represent and label concepts, making them the appropriate solution.

Repeated an exam (5)


"Repeated an exam" indicates taking a test again, usually after failing or for improvement. "RESAT" precisely describes this action, conveying the act of sitting for an exam once more to achieve a better result.

Grain (3)


"Grain" signifies a small particle or unit, often found in various materials. "BIT" fits this description, as it represents a small amount or fragment of something, making it a concise solution to the clue.

Lots (6)


"Lots" implies a large number or quantity of something. "QUOTAS" fits this context, representing specific allocations or amounts of something, such as goods or resources, making it an apt answer.

Redbreasts (6)


"Redbreasts" directs us to a type of bird characterized by its red breast. "ROBINS" perfectly matches this description, as they are small birds known for their distinctive red breast feathers, making it the correct solution.

Senseless (5)


"Senseless" suggests a lack of rationality or reason. "BATTY" captures this concept, often used colloquially to describe someone behaving irrationally or eccentrically, making it a fitting answer.

Type of plant (5)


"Type of plant" prompts us to think of a category of botanical organisms. "SEDGE" fits this criterion, representing a type of grasslike plant typically found in wetlands or marshy areas, making it the appropriate solution.

Obsolete (5)


"Obsolete" indicates something that is outdated or no longer in use. "TIRED" doesn't quite match this context; a more fitting answer might be "OUTWORN" or "OUTDATED" to convey the idea of obsolescence.

Trap (5)


"Trap" suggests a device used to catch or ensnare something. "SHILL" doesn't directly align with this concept; a more suitable answer might be "SNARE" or "DECOY" to signify a trapping mechanism.

Watch face (4)


"Watch face" refers to the visible part of a timepiece displaying the time. "DIAL" accurately represents this component, as it typically refers to the marked surface of a watch or clock where the time is indicated, making it the correct solution.

Whichever one (3)


"Whichever one" implies an indefinite choice among options. "ANY" succinctly captures this notion, representing the idea of selecting without restriction from a group of possibilities, making it an appropriate answer.

Mouth part (3)


"Mouth part" suggests a component of the oral cavity or a related structure. "JAW" fits this description, representing the movable part of the skull that forms the mouth, making it the correct solution.

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