Irish Daily Mail Mailword Large Crossword Answers March 30, 2024 is Updated Here

You can get the answers for today’s clue in your guide, so have a stress free and happy day

by J Nandhini | Updated Mar 30, 2024

If you like puzzles but find the Irish Daily Mail Mailword Large crossword tricky, don't worry. We're here to help you. Today’s crossword clue isn't something you can solve quickly. To solve them faster, you need patience and skills. Our goal is to guide you how to solve puzzles by using the clues provided, so that you can crack them.

Over (4)


"Ever" refers to any time in the past, present, or future. It encompasses all of existence. Considering "over" can also imply completion, "ever" suggests if something has ever been completed throughout time.

Cake portions, e.g. (6)


Slices are individual pieces cut from a whole cake. This can be a springboard to explore different ways things can be divided or portioned, like slices of pie, pizza, or even time (e.g., slices of life).

Evasive (6)


This clue describes someone or something that avoids being captured or understood. "Tricky" implies being sly, deceptive, or difficult to deal with. We can delve into different ways people or situations can be evasive, like using wordplay, misdirection, or even physical agility.

Terms of office (7)


"Tenure" refers to the length of time someone holds a particular office or position. This can lead to exploring concepts like term limits, re-election campaigns, or the impact of long versus short tenures on leadership and decision-making.

Small sample (6)


A tester is a small sample of a product or service used to assess its quality or suitability. This can be a starting point to explore the importance of testing in various fields, from product development to scientific research.

Draws back (8)


This clue describes a movement away or inward. "Retracts" implies pulling something back or causing it to withdraw. This can be explored in terms of physical movements (like pulling in an antenna), taking back statements (retracting an accusation), or even emotional withdrawal (retreating from a conflict).

--- and Dec, presenting duo (3)


This clue is a bit of a trick question. The answer "Ant" refers to the abbreviation "An" for Anthony and "Dec" for Declan, a common presenting duo. This is a play on words, as ants are small insects known for working together in large groups.

Pith helmet (4)


A topi is a lightweight helmet with a wide brim, traditionally worn in hot climates to protect the head from the sun. This can lead to exploring different types of headwear throughout history and across cultures, their practical and symbolic significance.

One-footed jump (3)


Hopping is a single jump made using only one leg. It's a fundamental movement pattern seen in many animals, including humans during early development. We can delve deeper into the biomechanics of hopping and its importance in locomotion and exercise.

Impend (4)


"Impend" implies something threatening or looming close. This can be explored in the context of danger, significant events, or even decisions that have consequences.

Cartoon dog (4)


Otto is likely a reference to a cartoon dog character, though there could be a few possibilities depending on the specific context. This can be a springboard to explore the history and cultural impact of cartoon dogs, from Scooby-Doo to Snoopy.

Crux (4)


This clue describes a negative aspect or difficulty. "Crux" refers to the central point or most critical issue in a problem or situation. Here, it's presented as something that "hurts," suggesting a challenge or obstacle.

Shrub (5)


Sumac is a flowering shrub found in various regions worldwide. This can lead to exploring different types of shrubs and their ecological roles in various ecosystems. Some sumac varieties are known for their vibrant fall foliage or edible berries.

--- one's way; travel (4)


This clue is a bit less common. "Wend" is an old-fashioned verb meaning to travel or make one's way. It's not used as frequently in modern English, but understanding it can enrich your vocabulary.

Solo song (4)


An aria is a solo piece for a singer in an opera or oratorio, often showcasing their vocal range and emotional expression. This can lead to exploring different operatic roles and the history of this dramatic musical form.

Toilet, briefly (3)


"Lav" is a slang or informal term for a toilet or bathroom. This can be a starting point to discuss euphemisms and different ways cultures refer to bodily functions.

Swift horse (7)


Arabian horses are known for their speed, agility, and distinctive features like dished faces and high-carried tails. We can delve deeper into different horse breeds and their unique characteristics used for work, racing, or companionship.

White fur (7)


Minver is the pale winter fur of the stoat, a small weasel-like animal. This luxurious fur was once highly prized in Europe for use in clothing and accessories. This can lead to exploring the history of fur trade and the ethical considerations surrounding its use in fashion.

Thespian (7)


A "thespian" is another term for an actor or actress, particularly one who performs in stage productions. The word "actor" fits the clue and has 7 letters.

Herb (7)


Comfrey is a herbaceous plant known for its medicinal properties, particularly in traditional herbal medicine. It is often used topically to treat wounds and inflammations. "Comfrey" fits the clue and has 7 letters.

Vernon ---, presenter (3)


"Vernon Kay" is a British television presenter and radio DJ. The clue provides the last name "Kay," which fits the criteria and has 3 letters.

Feathers (4)


A "tuft" refers to a small bunch or cluster of feathers, hair, or other soft materials, often found on birds or animals. "Tuft" fits the clue and has 4 letters.

On a grand scale (4)


"Mass" can refer to something on a grand scale or large quantity, such as a mass gathering of people or a mass production of goods. It fits the clue and has 4 letters.

Aspirations (5)


"Ideas" refer to thoughts or concepts formed in the mind, often representing goals, plans, or aspirations for the future. "Ideas" fits the clue and has 5 letters.

Stops (4)


"Stops" can mean to physically come to a halt. In this context, "cans" could refer to something that causes something else to stop, like brakes on a car or a traffic light that stops the flow of vehicles. Stops" can also mean to cause something to cease or discontinue. Here, "cans" might refer to something that prevents something else from happening, like a law that "cans" a certain practice.

Nevada city (4)


This clue tests your geographical knowledge. Elko is a city located in northeastern Nevada. This can be a springboard to explore the history and culture of Nevada, a state known for its deserts, casinos, and mining industry.

Scruff (4)


"Scruff" refers to a rough or unkempt surface, often caused by dirt, dust, or loose hairs. This can be explored in the context of personal hygiene, cleaning routines, or even metaphorical "scruff" associated with neglect or lack of polish.

Fib (3)


"Fib" is a slang term for a small or unimportant lie. It's a lighter way of saying "lie," which implies a more deliberate falsehood. This can open discussions about different types of lies, the motivations behind them, and the importance of honesty.

West End district (4)


Soho is a trendy district in London's West End, known for its vibrant nightlife, art galleries, and boutiques. This can lead to exploring different districts within major cities and their unique characteristics that attract tourists and locals alike.

Putrefy (3)


"Putrefy" is a more formal term for rotting, which is the decomposition of organic matter by microorganisms. This can be explored in the context of composting (controlled rotting for fertilizer), food spoilage, or even the natural decomposition process after death.

Suitable for retail (8)


"Sellable" describes something that is likely to be sold or purchased by consumers. It considers factors like product desirability, market demand, and effective presentation. This can be a starting point to explore strategies for making products or services more appealing to potential buyers.

Dependant (6)


A client is a customer who uses the services of a professional or business. This can be contrasted with a "customer" who may purchase goods, while a "client" seeks professional expertise.

Yellowish resin (7)


Shellac is a yellowish resin derived from lac beetles, used in varnishes, polishes, and sealing wax. This can lead to exploring different natural resources used in various products and the processes involved in their extraction and refinement.

Moorlands (6)


This clue uses a general term ("fields") to encompass a specific type of landscape ("moorlands"). Moorlands are open areas of upland terrain with characteristic vegetation, often consisting of heather, grasses, and boggy areas. "Fields" can refer to any open area of land, including farm fields, but here it describes the open, grassy character of moorlands.

Taint (6)


This clue offers synonyms for a negative action. "Taint" suggests something is spoiled, corrupted, or tarnished. "Mess up" is a more informal way of saying something is ruined, malfunctioned, or went wrong. Both terms convey the idea that something has been negatively affected.

Military force (4)


This clue describes a part of a larger military structure. A unit is a specific group of soldiers within an army, navy, or air force. Units can vary in size, from small squads to large battalions, each with its own designated tasks and roles within the military.

Handgun (6)


This clue uses a broader term ("weapon") for a specific type of firearm ("handgun"). A handgun is a small firearm designed to be held and operated with one hand. "Weapon" is a more general term that encompasses any tool or instrument used to inflict harm or injury, including firearms, knives, or even explosives.

At the rear (3)


This clue describes a directional position on a vessel or aircraft. "Aft" refers to the back or rear part of a ship or airplane. Understanding nautical terms like "aft" can be helpful when reading maritime literature or understanding ship operations.

Proofreader's mark (4)


This clue tests your knowledge of editing symbols. "Ital" (short for italics) is a proofreader's mark used to indicate that a word or phrase should be italicized. Proofreading marks are a system of symbols used to identify and correct errors in written text.

Initiate (4)


"Initiate" can mean to begin or start something, but here "name" can also be a valid answer. To initiate something often involves giving it a name, establishing its identity.

Long step (6)


A stride is a long, sweeping step taken while walking or running. It's a more purposeful and forceful step compared to a regular walking pace.

Bruce ---, martial artist (3)


Bruce Lee is a legendary martial artist, actor, and film director known for his speed, power, and influence on martial arts films.

Standing accused (2,3,4)


This clue perfectly captures the situation of someone facing an accusation. "In the dock" is a legal term referring to the place where a defendant stands in a courtroom during a trial.

Scoundrel (3)


An "imp" is a mischievous or devilish person, often used to describe a petty criminal or someone who behaves unethically. This aligns with the negative connotation of a "scoundrel.

Before, poetically (3)


"Ere" is a poetic word meaning "before" or "sooner than." It adds a touch of elegance to the clue, hinting at a bygone era where this term was more commonly used.

Upright fish (8)


Seahorses are unique fish known for their vertical posture, resembling a horse standing upright. This answer directly corresponds to the clue's description.

Postpone (5)


While "enter" can signify the beginning of an action, "delay" is a more accurate answer for "postpone" as it implies putting something off to a later time.

Vietnam's capital (5)


This clue provides a straightforward geographical fact. Hanoi is the capital city of Vietnam.

Pieces of fiction (7)


Stories are narratives that can be factual or fictional. They are the building blocks of fiction writing and provide entertainment and insight into different worlds.

Javelins (6)


Both javelins and lances are types of throwing spears. "Lances" are generally heavier and used for thrusting or jousting, while javelins are lighter and designed for throwing over long distances.

Sound of impact, informally (3)


"Pow" is a common onomatopoeia used to represent the sound of a forceful impact. It's a casual and informal way to describe the sound.

Slanders (7)


"Defames" is a more fitting answer for "slanders" as it specifically refers to damaging someone's reputation through false or malicious statements. "Damages" has a broader legal meaning that can encompass various forms of harm or loss.

Historical Peruvian (4)


The Inca civilization was a pre-Columbian civilization located in modern-day Peru. They are well-known for their impressive architectural feats, including Machu Picchu, and their complex social and political organization.

Continue (5,2)


"Stick to" is a phrasal verb meaning to continue or adhere to something, such as a plan or decision, despite difficulties or obstacles.

Sparkling wine (4)


"Cold" is not a type of sparkling wine. It seems there might be an error in the crossword puzzle.

Respected (9)


"Consulted" refers to being respected or held in high regard for one's expertise or advice in a particular field or area of knowledge.

U.S. State (4)


Iowa is a state located in the Midwestern United States. It is known for its agricultural industry, particularly its production of corn and soybeans.

Examples (6)


"Peachs" is not the correct plural form of "peach." The correct plural form is "peaches."

Incongruences (7)


"Ironies" refers to situations or events that are contrary to what was expected, often with a sense of humor or paradoxical twist.

Indian metropolis (3,5)


New Delhi is the capital city of India and serves as a major political, cultural, and economic hub in the country. It is known for its historical landmarks, government buildings, and vibrant culture.

Strong cord (4)


This clue describes a sturdy and dependable material. Rope is a strong, flexible cord made by twisting or braiding fibers together. It's used for various purposes, from tying and securing objects to climbing and hauling.

Grasshopper, e.g. (6)


"Insect" is a class of six-legged invertebrates with segmented bodies, antennae, and three body parts (head, thorax, abdomen). Grasshoppers are one of the many insect types found worldwide.

Dove call (3)


This clue focuses on animal sounds. "Coo" is the soft, mournful sound made by doves and pigeons. It's a gentle and calming sound often associated with peace and tranquility.

Equality (6)


"Equality" implies that everyone or thing is the same or has the same rights. "Status" can refer to a person's social or professional position, and achieving equal status can be a goal for many.

Historical era (5)


An epoch is a long period of time in history, often characterized by specific developments or cultural movements. For example, the Renaissance epoch was a time of great artistic and intellectual change.

Badgers' burrows (5)


A sett is a network of tunnels and chambers underground, used as a dwelling by badgers and other burrowing animals. Understanding animal behavior includes their shelter preferences

Sunken ditch (2,2)


"Ha ha" is an old-fashioned term for a sunken ditch or moat, often used around castles or fortifications for defensive purposes. These ditches would be obstacles for attackers trying to breach the castle walls.

Polish river (4)


This clue requires geographical knowledge. The Nysa (pronounced "Nissa") is a river that flows through Poland and the Czech Republic. Including "Nysa" with spaces clarifies the answer, as "NYSA" could be interpreted as a jumbled set of letters.

--- Deighton, thriller writer (3)


This clue tests your knowledge of literature. "Len" is the short answer for Len Deighton, a British author known for his espionage and thriller novels.

--- Landon, 1930s politician (3)


This clue is another test of historical figures. "Alf" is likely referring to Alfred Landon, an American politician who was the Republican nominee for president in 1936.

Resinous deposit (3)


This clue describes a natural substance. Lac is a resinous substance secreted by scale insects, used in making shellac and other products. It's a natural material with various industrial applications.

River barrier (3)


This clue highlights structures that control water flow. A dam is a barrier built across a river or stream to control the flow of water and create a reservoir. Dams are used for various purposes, such as generating hydroelectricity, irrigation, and flood control.

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