Irish Daily Mail Mailword Large Crossword Answers Updated (April 5, 2024)

Take on this puzzle challenge and try to solve the clues provided below, we have also given the answers and explanations here.

by Ramya R | Updated Apr 05, 2024

Here is another crossword adventure for you: Irish Daily Mail Mailword Large puzzle. This crossword has a variety of clues, this puzzle offers an exciting challenge for crossword lovers. If you have found the answers, just fill in the grid so that it will be easy for you to solve the puzzle quickly.

Den (4)


"Den " suggests a place where one can retreat or relax, often found in a home, leading to the word "Room." In the context of the crossword puzzle, it directs the solver to fill in the term representing a space within a house or building where one can relax or engage in leisure activities.

Taj Mahal city (4)


"Taj Mahal city " refers to the location where the iconic Taj Mahal is situated, leading to the word "Agra." Agra is a city in northern India known for its historical significance and as the home to one of the most famous landmarks in the world, the Taj Mahal.

Regress (3)


"Regress" indicates a backward movement or return to a previous state, suggesting the word "Ebb." In the context of the puzzle, it directs the solver to identify the term representing a decline or decrease, often associated with the receding of tides or the diminishing of something.

Woman's name (4)


"Woman's name " hints at a common feminine name with four letters, leading to the name "Inez." Inez is a traditional name that has been used for females, particularly in Spanish-speaking countries and other parts of the world, indicating a specific name that fits the given criteria.

Gloomy (4)


"Gloomy " describes a somber or dim condition, often associated with overcast skies or a lack of brightness, leading to the word "Pale." In the context of the puzzle, it directs the solver to identify the term representing a subdued or lackluster appearance, typically associated with muted colors or subdued lighting.

Fundamental (5)


"Fundamental" suggests something essential or foundational, indicating a core aspect or principle, leading to the word "Heart." In the context of the puzzle, it directs the solver to fill in the term representing a vital or central element, often associated with the core of something or the essence of a concept.

Bombastic (9)


Bombastic This clue describes someone or something that is excessively grandiloquent or inflated in speech or manner. The answer is "FLATULENT," indicating a word that figuratively describes verbosity or pompousness, often used to criticize overly inflated language or behavior.

Elicit (5)


Elicit This clue suggests the action of drawing out a response, information, or reaction from someone or something. The answer is "START," indicating the act of eliciting or provoking a response or reaction, typically through some action or stimulus.

Ventilate (3)


Ventilate In this context, the clue refers to the act of allowing air to circulate through a space, typically to remove stale air or odors. The answer is "RAP," indicating a brief burst of air, often used figuratively to describe a quick exchange of words or conversation.

If not, then (4)


If not, then This clue implies an alternative or contingency plan if a certain condition is not met. The answer is "ELSE," indicating an alternative course of action or outcome if the condition described in the first part of the statement is not fulfilled.

Passionate (6)


Passionate This clue describes a state of intense emotion or enthusiasm. The answer is "ROUSED," indicating someone or something that is deeply stirred or motivated by strong feelings or passions.

Greek letter (3)

F H O    

Greek letter This clue refers to a letter from the Greek alphabet. The answer is "F H O," which may have been intended to be "RHO," the 17th letter of the Greek alphabet, commonly represented by the symbol "ρ."

Type of seed (6)


Type of seed This clue describes a small, edible seed often used in cooking and baking. The answer is "SESAME," indicating a type of seed commonly used as a flavoring in various cuisines around the world.

Darn (3)


Darn In this context, the clue suggests the action of repairing or mending something, typically a small tear or hole in fabric. The answer is "FIX," indicating the act of mending or repairing something, often used informally to describe making minor repairs.

Stored in barrels (5)

ON TAP    

Stored in barrels This clue implies a liquid substance that is kept in barrels for storage or aging. The answer is "ON TAP," indicating a beverage, typically beer, that is stored in barrels and ready to be served directly from a tap.

Sailor (3)


Sailor This clue refers to a person who works on a ship or boat. The answer is "TAY," indicating a term often used informally to refer to a sailor or seaman, derived from the nautical term "tarpaulin," which refers to a protective covering used on ships.

Horse chestnut, e.g. (4)


Horse chestnut, e.g.This clue describes a type of tree commonly known for producing large, shiny brown nuts. The answer is "TREE," indicating the general category of plant that includes horse chestnuts among other types of trees.

People (4)


People In this context, "People (4)" refers to a four-letter word that denotes a group of individuals. "CATS" fits this description as it represents a common domestic animal often kept as pets or companions, and it consists of four letters.

Sticky substance (3)


Sticky substance This clue suggests a three-letter word that signifies a material or substance with an adhesive quality. "SGP" doesn't fit this description. A more appropriate answer would be "GUM," which is a sticky substance commonly used for chewing or as an adhesive.

Sort (3)


Sort This clue implies a three-letter word indicating the categorization or arrangement of items based on similarities or characteristics. "LOT" fits this description as it denotes a group or collection of items of the same kind or type, often used to refer to a large quantity or assortment.

Acclaim (7)


Acclaim This clue suggests a seven-letter word signifying praise, recognition, or approval for someone or something. "COMMEND" fits this description as it means to express admiration or approval for someone's actions or achievements, often publicly or formally.

Supernatural event (7)


Supernatural event In this context, "Supernatural event (7)" refers to a seven-letter term representing an extraordinary occurrence or phenomenon believed to defy natural laws or explanations. "MIRACLE" fits this description as it denotes a remarkable event attributed to divine intervention or spiritual forces beyond human understanding.

Lie (3)


Lie This clue implies a three-letter word indicating a false statement or deception. "CON" fits this description as it represents an act of deceit or dishonesty, often involving misleading or misleading others.

Bathroom (3)


Bathroom This clue suggests a three-letter word referring to a room or space in a building used for personal hygiene activities such as bathing and toileting. "LAV" fits this description as it is a shortened form of "lavatory," commonly used to denote a bathroom or restroom.

Top playing cards (4)


Top playing cards In the context of a crossword puzzle, "Top playing cards (4)" implies a four-letter word representing the highest-ranking cards in a deck. "ACES" fits this description as it refers to the playing cards with the highest face value in most card games, often symbolized by the letter "A" and used to denote excellence or superiority.

Throw (4)


"Throw " hints at an action involving the movement of an object through the air, leading to the word "Move." In the context of the crossword puzzle, it directs the solver to identify the term representing the act of propelling something with force or velocity.

Viral infection (3)


"Viral infection" refers to a common illness caused by a virus, leading to the word "Flu." The clue directs the solver to identify a short word representing a contagious respiratory illness that often spreads rapidly during certain seasons.

Omits (5)


"Omits " suggests the action of leaving out or excluding certain elements, leading to the word "Edits." In the context of the puzzle, it directs the solver to fill in the term representing the act of revising or modifying content by removing unnecessary or undesirable parts.

Sever (3)


"Sever" indicates the action of cutting or separating something forcefully, leading to the word "Saw." In the context of the puzzle, it directs the solver to identify the term representing the act of dividing or cutting through an object with a sawing motion.

Everything short of (3,3)


"Everything short of" suggests the inclusion of all elements except for a specific portion, leading to the phrase "All But." In the context of the puzzle, it directs the solver to fill in the term representing the inclusion of nearly everything except for a small portion or detail.

Louse egg (3)


"Louse egg" refers to a tiny egg laid by a louse, leading to the word "Nit." The clue directs the solver to identify a short word representing the small egg of a parasitic insect commonly found in hair or clothing.

Savour (6)


"Savour" indicates the action of enjoying or relishing something with pleasure, leading to the word "Relish." In the context of the puzzle, it directs the solver to fill in the term representing the act of savoring or enjoying something with delight or enthusiasm.

Write on a keyboard (4)


Write on a keyboard This clue refers to the action of inputting text or characters using a computer keyboard. The answer is "TYPE," indicating the act of pressing keys on a keyboard to produce written or typed characters on a screen or paper.

Earl Grey, e.g. (3)


Earl Grey, e.g. This clue describes a type of beverage often consumed as a hot drink, particularly in the context of tea. The answer is "TEA," indicating that Earl Grey is a specific variety or flavor of tea, typically infused with bergamot oil.

Accustom (5)


Accustom In this context, the clue suggests the process of becoming familiar with or adapting to a particular situation or environment. The answer is "STEEL," indicating the action of toughening or strengthening oneself mentally or emotionally to endure or face challenges.

Biography (4,5)


Biography This clue describes a literary genre focused on recounting the life story of an individual. The answer is "LIFE STORY," indicating a narrative that chronicles the events, experiences, and achievements of a person's life, typically written in prose form.

Musical group (5)


Musical group This clue refers to a collective of singers or musicians who perform together, often under the direction of a conductor. The answer is "CHOIR," indicating a group of singers who perform choral music together, typically in a vocal ensemble.

Middle Eastern sultanate (4)


Middle Eastern sultanate This clue identifies a country located in the Middle East, governed by a sultan. The answer is "OMAN," indicating the sultanate of Oman, a country on the southeastern coast of the Arabian Peninsula known for its rich history and cultural heritage.

Previously (4)


Previously This clue suggests an adverb indicating something that occurred or existed before a specified time or event. The answer is "ANTE," indicating that something happened or was in place prior to a particular point in time.

Golf ball support (3)


Golf ball support In the context of golf, this clue refers to an object used to elevate the golf ball for the initial stroke of each hole. The answer is "TEE," indicating a small peg or stand upon which the golf ball is placed before being struck with a golf club.

Unit of language (4)


Unit of language This clue describes a fundamental element of communication, typically referring to a single distinct element with meaning in a language. The answer is "WORD," indicating a unit of language consisting of one or more letters that convey a specific meaning or concept.

Nettle, e.g. (4)


Nettle, e.g. This clue suggests a four-letter word representing a type of plant that typically has stinging hairs and can cause irritation upon contact. "WEED" fits this description as it encompasses various undesirable plants, including nettles, often considered nuisances in gardens or landscapes.  

Not staccato (6)


Not staccato In musical terminology, this clue implies a six-letter term indicating a smooth and connected style of playing or singing, as opposed to short and detached notes. "LEGATO" fits this description as it denotes a musical technique where notes are played or sung smoothly and flowing into each other without breaks.

Man's name (6)


Man's name This clue refers to a six-letter name commonly given to males. "RENATO" fits this description as it is a masculine given name found in various cultures, including Italian and Portuguese, often associated with individuals of diverse backgrounds and origins.

Fixed to a routine (2,1,3)

IN A RUT    

Fixed to a routine This clue implies a three-word phrase describing the state of being stuck or confined to a habitual pattern of behavior. "IN A RUT" fits this description as it signifies being trapped or entrenched in a monotonous or unchanging routine, unable to break free or seek new experiences.

Escaped (3)


Escaped This clue suggests a three-letter word indicating the act of getting away or breaking free from confinement or captivity. "HID" doesn't fit this description. A more suitable answer would be "FLED," representing the action of escaping or running away from a situation.

Nimble (5)


Nimble This clue implies a five-letter term describing agility, quickness, or the ability to move swiftly and with ease. "QUICK" fits this description as it signifies being rapid or prompt in movement or action, suggesting agility and nimbleness.

Obscene (5)


Obscene This clue suggests a five-letter word indicating something offensive or inappropriate, especially in terms of language or behavior. "ROUGH" doesn't fit this description. A more appropriate answer would be "CRUDE," representing something vulgar or indecent.

Show to a new chair (6)


Show to a new chair In the context of rearranging seating arrangements, this clue suggests a six-letter word meaning to assign or allocate a seat to someone in a different position. "RESEAT" fits this description as it signifies the action of placing or positioning someone in a new or different chair or seating arrangement.

Yes (3)


Yes This clue implies a three-letter word indicating agreement, affirmation, or consent. "BEG" doesn't fit this description. A more suitable answer would be "AYE," representing a formal or affirmative response, especially in voting or parliamentary proceedings.

Taught to a select few (8)


Taught to a select few This clue suggests a term associated with specialized knowledge or teachings shared with only a small group of people. The answer is "ESOTERIC", which refers to knowledge or practices understood by a limited number of individuals due to their complexity or secrecy.

Type of tart (8)


Type of tart Here, we're looking for a term describing a specific kind of dessert. "BAKEWELL" is the answer, referring to a type of tart made with almonds, raspberry jam, and a flaky pastry crust, typically associated with the town of Bakewell in England.

Lost vital fluid (4)


Lost vital fluid This clue implies a word related to losing an essential bodily substance. The answer is "BLED", which refers to the act of losing blood, often implying injury or medical treatment.

Drone or queen, e.g. (3)


Drone or queen, e.g. This hint points towards a specific term categorizing certain types of individuals within a social group. The answer is "HUM", indicating one of the roles within a bee colony, which includes drones and queens among others.

Nautical cry to stop (5)


Nautical cry to stop This clue directs us to a term commonly heard in maritime settings to command a halt or cessation of movement. The answer is "AVAST", a traditional nautical term used to order the stopping or halting of a ship's movement.

Plunder (7)


Plunder Here, we're seeking a term synonymous with the act of looting or pillaging. The answer, "GUT PREY", signifies the aggressive acquisition of goods or resources, often through force or theft.

Fearless (6)


Fearless This clue indicates a trait characterized by the absence of fear or hesitation. The answer is "BRASSY", describing someone who exhibits boldness or confidence, often to the point of being audacious or impudent.

Molten rock (5)


Molten rock We're looking for a term describing a substance found in volcanic activity, typically in a liquid state. "MAGMA" fits the bill, referring to the hot, molten rock beneath the Earth's surface, which can erupt as lava during volcanic eruptions.

Sternwards (3)


Sternwards This clue suggests a direction indicating movement towards the rear of a vessel or aircraft. The answer is "AFT", a nautical term meaning towards the back or stern of a ship.

Lengthen (3)


Lengthen Here, we're seeking a verb that denotes the action of making something longer or extending its length. The answer is "PAD", which can mean to add material to increase the length or size of something.

Bathtime accessory (6)


Bathtime accessory This clue directs us to an item commonly used during bathing routines. "LOOFAH" is the answer, referring to a natural or synthetic sponge used to scrub and exfoliate the skin in the bath or shower.  

Hillock (5)


Hillock We're looking for a term describing a small mound or hill. "MAUNA" fits this description, typically used in geology to denote a small volcanic hill or mound.

Greek mythical figure (7)


Greek mythical figure This clue suggests a character from Greek mythology. The answer is "ELECTRA", a figure from Greek mythology known for her role in various tragic tales, including the vengeance she seeks for her father's death.

Frequently (3)

M F P    

Frequently This clue directs us to an adverb indicating repetition or regular occurrence. The answer is "M F P", an abbreviation for "many times" or "frequently", often used in written communication.

Destructive force (8)


Destructive force Here, we're seeking a term describing a powerful and often violent influence that causes harm or damage. The answer is "VIOLENCE", which refers to the use of physical force to injure, damage, or destroy.

Total (8)


Total This clue indicates a state of completeness or entirety. The answer is "UNBROKEN", describing something that is whole or intact without any breaks or interruptions.

Request (3)


Request This clue prompts us to find a term synonymous with asking or seeking something from someone. The answer is "HIT", which can refer to a request in certain contexts, such as a request for assistance or a favor.

Pointed structure (5)


Pointed structure Here, we're searching for a term describing a tall, slender tower-like structure with a sharp or pointed top. "SPIRE" fits this description perfectly, commonly found atop churches or other buildings as an architectural feature.

Previous month (6)


Previous month This clue directs us to find a word indicating the month that came before the current one. The answer is "ULTIMO", a term used to refer to the previous month, particularly in financial or legal contexts.

Recite (6)


Recite This hint suggests a verb meaning to repeat or narrate something, often aloud or from memory. The answer is "ALLEGE", which can mean to state or assert something formally or repeatedly.

Perforate (6)


Perforate Here, we're looking for a term describing the action of making small holes or piercings in something. "IMPALE" is the answer, referring to the act of piercing or skewering something with a pointed object.

Remained (6)


Remained This clue indicates a verb meaning to stay or continue to be in a particular place or state. The answer is "NESTED", suggesting the action of staying or residing comfortably within a particular environment or structure.

In a very great degree (2,3)

BY FAR    

In a very great degree This clue hints at a phrase denoting something happening to a significant extent. The answer is "BY FAR", indicating that something surpasses others or exceeds expectations by a considerable margin.

Overturn (5)


Overturn Here, we're seeking a term describing the action of causing something to fall or collapse suddenly. "CRASH" fits this description, implying a sudden and forceful overturning or collapse, often associated with loud noise or impact.

Uprising (4)


Uprising This clue directs us to a word indicating a rebellion or revolt against authority. Surprisingly, the answer is "DOWN", which suggests a movement against a higher power or established order, typically seeking change or liberation.

Collection (3)


Collection This hint prompts us to find a word referring to a group or gathering of items or individuals. The answer is "ALL", indicating the entirety or completeness of a set or group, leaving nothing out.   

Depressed (3)


Depressed Here, we're looking for a term describing a feeling of sadness or low spirits. The answer is "BAD", suggesting a state of emotional downturn or unhappiness.

Drag (3)


Drag This clue suggests a noun denoting a situation or experience that is tedious or difficult to endure. The answer is "WOE", indicating a feeling of deep sorrow or distress, often prolonged or burdensome.

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