Irish Daily Mail Mailword Large Crossword Clue Answer for March 29, 2024 is Updated Here

Get the answer for this tricky crossword clue with explanation provided by us in this guide, scroll down for clues and answers.

by J Nandhini | Updated Mar 29, 2024

You've probably seen a lot of crossword puzzles, but Irish Daily Mail Mailword Large Crossword is different. Today's clue is provided here. So, if you are an expert at solving crosswords, try this one. We have answers for this puzzle too, so try to solve it and discover the answer also.

Ooze (4)

Answer: SEEP

"Ooze (4)" is a direct clue for the word "seep," which means to flow slowly and steadily through small openings or pores.

Priestly vestments (4)

Answer: ALBS

"Priestly vestments (4)" is a direct clue for the word "albs," which are white robes worn by priests during religious ceremonies.

Cooker component (3)

Answer: HOB

"Cooker component (3)" is a direct clue for the word "hob," which is the flat surface on a cooker or stove where pots and pans are placed for cooking.

U.S. space organisation (1,1,1,1)

Answer: NASA

"U.S. space organisation (1,1,1,1)" is a direct clue for the acronym "NASA," which stands for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the U.S. government agency responsible for the nation's civilian space program and for aeronautics and aerospace research.

Secure (4)

Answer: NAIL

"Secure (4)" is a direct clue for the word "nail," which can mean to secure something firmly in place, such as with a nail.

Heartless (5)

Answer: STONY

"Heartless (5)" is a clue where "heartless" suggests removing the middle letter (the 'heart') from "stony," which means unfeeling or lacking emotion.

Tiny, informally (4,5)


"Tiny, informally (4,5)" is a direct clue for the phrase "itsy bitsy," which means very small or tiny, often used informally.

Ventilator (5)

Answer: AIRER

"Ventilator (5)" is a direct clue for the word "airer," which can refer to a device or rack used for drying clothes by allowing air to circulate around them.

Adversary (3)

Answer: FOE

"Adversary (3)" is a direct clue for the word "foe," which means an enemy or opponent.

Prickle (4)

Answer: ITCH

"Prickle (4)" is a clue where "prickle" suggests an itching sensation, which can be described as an "itch."

Flashing light (6)

Answer: STROBE

"Flashing light (6)" is a direct clue for the word "strobe," which refers to a device that produces regular flashes of light, often used for illumination or signaling purposes.

Pakistani city (6)

Answer: FUN

"Pakistani city (6)" is a cryptic clue where "Pakistani" suggests the letters "Pak," and "city" suggests the word "fun," which is a city in Pakistan.

Cathedral city (3)

Answer: LAHORE

"Cathedral city (3)" is a cryptic clue where "cathedral" suggests the letters "lah," and "city" suggests the word "Lahore," which is a city in Pakistan known for its many mosques and historic landmarks.

Rob (5)

Answer: ELY

"Rob (5)" is a cryptic clue where "Rob" is the name of a city in England.

Standard (3)

Answer: STEAL

"Standard (3)" is a cryptic clue where "standard" suggests the word "steal," which means to take something without permission or unlawfully.

Terrible fate (4)

Answer: PAR

"Terrible fate (4)" is a cryptic clue where "terrible" suggests the letters "par," and "fate" suggests the word "par," which means to play a hole in golf in a specified number of strokes.

Amount owed (4)

Answer: DOOM

"Amount owed (4)" is a cryptic clue where "amount" suggests the letters "do," and "owed" suggests the word "doom," which means a final, tragic, or disastrous fate.

Positive response (3)

Answer: YES

"Positive response (3)" is a direct clue for the word "yes," which is an affirmative answer or agreement.

Antelope (3)

Answer: GNU

"Antelope (3)" is a direct clue for the word "gnu," which is a large African antelope with a shaggy mane and a long tufted tail.

Disciple of Jesus (7)

Answer:  APOSTLE 

"Disciple of Jesus (7)" is a direct clue for the word "apostle," which refers to one of the 12 disciples chosen by Jesus to preach his gospel.

Monocular (3,4)

Answer: ONE EYED

"Monocular (3,4)" is a direct clue for the term "one-eyed," which means having or using only one eye.

Through (3)

Answer: PER

"Through (3)" is a direct clue for the word "per," which means through or by means of.

Approach (4)

Answer: NEAR

"Approach (4)" is a direct clue for the word "near," which means to come close or to approach.

Drink daintily (3)


"Drink daintily (3)" is a direct clue for the word "sip," which means to drink in small quantities or delicately.

Thus (4)

Answer: ERGO

"Thus (4)" is a direct clue for the word "ergo," which means therefore or thus, used to indicate a logical consequence.

Oolong, e.g. (3)

Answer: TEA

"Oolong, e.g. (3)" is a direct clue for the word "tea," which is a type of tea, specifically a variety of partially fermented tea.

Trail (5)

Answer: TRACK

"Trail (5)" is a direct clue for the word "track," which means to follow or monitor the trail or path of something.

Vehicle (3)

Answer: VAN

"Vehicle (3)" is a direct clue for the word "van," which is a type of vehicle, often used for transporting goods or people.

Altitude (6)

Answer: HEIGHT

"Altitude (6)" is a direct clue for the word "height," which means the distance from the base of something to the top, especially regarding altitude above sea level.

Greek letter (3)

Answer: PHI

"Greek letter (3)" is a direct clue for the Greek letter "phi," which is the 21st letter of the Greek alphabet.

Frail with age (6)

Answer: SENILE

"Frail with age (6)" is a direct clue for the word "senile," which means showing signs of mental and physical decline due to old age.

Ship part (4)

Answer: KEEL

"Ship part (4)" is a direct clue for the word "keel," which is the longitudinal structure along the centerline at the bottom of a ship's hull, on which the rest of the hull is built.

Writing tool (3)

Answer: PEN

"Writing tool (3)" is a direct clue for the word "pen," which is a tool used for writing or drawing, typically consisting of a metal nib or ballpoint at the end of a shaft.

Instant (5)

Answer: TRICE

"Instant (5)" is a direct clue for the word "trice," which means a very short time or instant.

Ownership certificate (5,4)


"Ownership certificate (5,4)" is a direct clue for the term "title deed," which is a legal document that proves ownership of a property or asset.

Donkeys (5)

Answer: ASSES

"Donkeys (5)" is a direct clue for the word "asses," which is the plural form of "ass," referring to a domesticated donkey.

Worshipped object (4)

Answer: IDOL

"Worshipped object (4)" is a direct clue for the word "idol," which means an object that is worshipped as a god, often in religious ceremonies or practices.

British peer (4)

Answer: EARL

"British peer (4)" is a direct clue for the word "earl," which is a British nobleman ranking above a viscount and below a marquess.

Jewel (3)

Answer: GEM

"Jewel (3)" is a direct clue for the word "gem," which means a precious or semiprecious stone that is cut and polished for use in jewelry.

Having one speaker (4)

Answer: MONO

"Having one speaker (4)" is a direct clue for the word "mono," which means having or using only one speaker, such as in monophonic sound or a monologue.

Besides (4)

Answer: ELSE

"Besides (4)" is a direct clue for the word "else," which means in addition to or apart from.

Smells (6)

Answer: SNIFFS

"Smells (6)" is a direct clue for the word "sniffs," which means to inhale air audibly through the nose to detect a smell or as a symptom of illness.

Dine at a restaurant (3,3)

Answer:EAT OUT

"Dine at a restaurant (3,3)" is a direct clue for the phrase "eat out," which means to dine away from home, typically at a restaurant.

Ancient Jewish sectarian (6)

Answer: ESSENE

"Ancient Jewish sectarian (6)" is a direct clue for the word "Essene," which refers to a member of an ancient Jewish sect that lived in Palestine from the 2nd century BC to the 1st century AD.

Remunerate (3)

Answer: PAY

"Remunerate (3)" is a direct clue for the word "pay," which means to give someone money in return for goods or services rendered.

--- Dobson, British actress (5)

Answer: ANITA

"--- Dobson, British actress (5)" is a direct clue for the name "Anita Dobson," who is a British actress known for her role as Angie Watts in the BBC soap opera "EastEnders."

Fastening (5)

Answer: LATCH

"Fastening (5)" is a direct clue for the word "latch," which means a device for keeping a door or gate closed, consisting of a bar that fits into a notch or slot.

Senior cleric (6)

Answer: BISHOP

"Senior cleric (6)" is a direct clue for the word "bishop," which is a senior member of the Christian clergy, typically in charge of a diocese and empowered to confer holy orders.

Cunning (3)

Answer: SLY

"Cunning (3)" is a direct clue for the word "sly," which means clever or deceitful in a way that is somewhat hidden or not openly acknowledged.

The science of time (8)


"The science of time (8)" is a direct clue for the word "horology," which is the study and measurement of time.

Individually (3,2,3)

Answer: ONE BY ONE

"Individually (3,2,3)" is a direct clue for the phrase "one by one," which means one at a time or individually.

Cow shelter (4)

Answer: BYRE

"Cow shelter (4)" is a direct clue for the word "byre," which is a shelter for cows or cattle, typically a barn or stable.

Used a chair (3)

Answer: SAT

"Used a chair (3)" is a direct clue for the word "sat," which means to have been in a seated position on a chair or other surface.

Exhausted (5)

Answer: TIRED

"Exhausted (5)" is a direct clue for the word "tired," which means to be in a state of exhaustion or fatigue.

Military quarters (7)


"Military quarters (7)" is a direct clue for the word "billets," which refers to lodging for military personnel, often in civilian homes or buildings.

Tranquil (6)

Answer: SERENE

"Tranquil (6)" is a direct clue for the word "serene," which means calm, peaceful, and untroubled.

Synthetic material (5)

Answer: RAYON

"Synthetic material (5)" is a direct clue for the word "rayon," which is a synthetic fiber made from cellulose, often used in textiles.

Posters (3)

Answer: ADS

"Posters (3)" is a direct clue for the word "ads," which is short for advertisements or promotional messages.

Wet earth (3)

Answer: MUD

"Wet earth (3)" is a direct clue for the word "mud," which is a soft, wet, and sticky mixture of earth and water.

Cheerful (6)

Answer: BLITHE

"Cheerful (6)" is a direct clue for the word "blithe," which means showing a casual and cheerful indifference considered to be callous or improper.

Round tent (5)

Answer: TEPEE

"Round tent (5)" is a direct clue for the word "tepee," which is a conical tent traditionally used by Native Americans.

U.S. city (7)


"U.S. city (7)" is a direct clue for the city of "Seattle," which is a major city in the state of Washington in the United States.

Copy (3)

Answer: APE

"Copy (3)" is a direct clue for the word "ape," which can mean to imitate or mimic someone or something.

Deviant (8)


"Deviant (8)" is a direct clue for the word "perverse," which means showing a deliberate and obstinate desire to behave in a way that is unreasonable or unacceptable.

Living thing (8)


"Living thing (8)" is a direct clue for the word "organism," which refers to a living being, especially a single-celled or multicellular life form.

Go wrong (3)

Answer: ERR

"Go wrong (3)" is a direct clue for the word "err," which means to make a mistake or to be incorrect in one's actions or beliefs.

Temporarily suspended (2,3)

Answer: ONICE

"Temporarily suspended (2,3)" is a direct clue for the phrase "on ice," which means to be temporarily suspended or placed in a state of inactivity or delay.

Martial art (6)

Answer: AIKIDO

"Martial art (6)" is a direct clue for the word "aikido," which is a Japanese martial art that emphasizes harmonizing with an opponent's movements and using their own force against them.

Supplication (6)

Answer: APPEAL

"Supplication (6)" is a direct clue for the word "appeal," which means a request made in a sincere or urgent manner.

Shouts of approval (6)

Answer: CHEERS

"Shouts of approval (6)" is a direct clue for the word "cheers," which are expressions of approval or encouragement often shouted by a group of people.

Ignite (6)

Answer: KINDLE

"Ignite (6)" is a direct clue for the word "kindle," which means to light or set on fire.

Have a harmonious relationship (3,2)

Answer: GET ON

"Have a harmonious relationship (3,2)" is a direct clue for the phrase "get on," which means to have a harmonious or friendly relationship with someone.

Greeting (5)

Answer: HELLO

"Greeting (5)" is a direct clue for the word "hello," which is a common expression used as a greeting or to begin a conversation.

Pre-wedding occasion, informally (4)

Answer: STAG

"Pre-wedding occasion, informally (4)" is a direct clue for the word "stag," which is an informal term used to describe a pre-wedding celebration attended by men only.

Shortened male name (3)

Answer: LES

"Shortened male name (3)" is a direct clue for the name "Les," which is a shortened form of the male name "Leslie" or "Lesley."

Tiny ---, Dickens character (3)

Answer: TIM

"Tiny ---, Dickens character (3)" is a direct clue for the name "Tim," which refers to Tiny Tim, a character from Charles Dickens' novel "A Christmas Carol."

British river (3)

Answer: DEE

"British river (3)" is a direct clue for the river "Dee," which is a river that flows through parts of Wales and England.

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