Irish Daily Mail Mailword Small Crossword Puzzle: April 17th, 2024

In today’s article, we have brought to you the content that focuses on the Irish Daily Mail Mailword Small Crossword Puzzle.

by Shoba | Updated Apr 17, 2024

The Irish Daily Mail has a little crossword puzzle called Mailword Small Crossword. It's in the newspaper every day. It's small and easy to do, with fewer clues and a smaller grid than big crosswords. You just have to fill in words or phrases using the clues given. The topics and difficulty vary. It's a fun and quick challenge for people who like crosswords and it's in the Irish Daily Mail for readers to enjoy.

Norwegian city (4)

Answer: OSLO

Oslo, the capital of Norway, is a prominent Norwegian city, known for its rich history, cultural attractions, and stunning natural landscapes. With just four letters, Oslo neatly fits the criteria for this crossword clue.

Satellite of Saturn (5)

Answer: MIMAS

Mimas, one of Saturn's many moons, is famous for its distinctive large crater, Herschel, which gives it a somewhat eye-catching appearance. With five letters, Mimas aligns perfectly with the length specified in the crossword clue.

Show contempt (5)

Answer: ANGST

Angst, often associated with a feeling of deep anxiety or existential dread, can also be expressed as a form of contempt or disdain towards a situation or person.

Sleep loudly (5)

Answer: SNORE

Snore, the sound produced during loud or heavy breathing while sleeping, is a common phenomenon often associated with deep sleep.

Eyots (5)

Answer: ISLES

Isles, referring to small islands or islets, often found in rivers or lakes, can sometimes be referred to as eyots. 

Record (5)

Answer: TRACE

Trace, in the context of recording or documenting something, can refer to leaving behind evidence or a mark of a past event.

Umpire (3)

Answer: UMP

In baseball or cricket, this individual makes crucial calls. Their authority on the field settles disputes and ensures fair play. The answer, UMP, abbreviates their role, encapsulating their significance in just three letters.

Pick (3)

Answer: EAT

When you select something from a group of options, you do this action. Whether it's choosing a fruit from a bowl or making a decision, the answer, EAT, might seem surprising but hints at the action of selecting or picking food to consume.

Tricked (3)

Answer: DID

This word suggests being deceived or fooled by someone's cunning actions. When you realize you've been misled, you might say, I was... The answer, DID, completes the phrase, indicating the past tense of the verb to do and highlighting the trickery that occurred.

Eat away (4)

Answer: BITE

When something gradually consumes or erodes another substance, it's said to eat away at it. The answer, BITE, captures this notion succinctly, depicting the action of biting into something and figuratively consuming it over time, aligning perfectly with the clue's meaning.

Judge (6)

Answer: DEEMER

In legal proceedings or informal evaluations, this person assesses situations and delivers decisions. Their role demands impartiality and wisdom. The answer, DEEMER, emphasizes their function of rendering judgments and determining outcomes with authority.

Source of fuel (3,4)

Answer: OIL WELL

These sites play a crucial role in powering industries and transportation. The answer, OIL WELL, succinctly describes the place where oil, a vital fuel source, is obtained, highlighting its significance in the energy sector.

District of Switzerland (6)

Answer: CANTON

In Switzerland, administrative divisions are called cantons, each with its own government and laws. These cantons play a crucial role in the federal system of Switzerland, akin to states in other countries.

Trees (4)

Answer: BOOM

When trees grow, they expand upward and outward, forming what we commonly recognize as booms of branches and foliage. So, the answer is BOOM.

Decay (3)

Answer: SAP

When organic matter breaks down over time, it often releases a liquid known as sap. Sap can be seen oozing from trees or other decaying vegetation. So, the answer is SAP.

Burnt matter (3)

Answer: ASH

Ash is the residue left behind after something combustible has been burnt. It consists mainly of minerals and is often used as a fertilizer or in various industrial processes.

Foot digit (3)

Answer: TOE

The toe is a digit located on the foot, typically used for balance, propulsion, and manipulation of objects. Humans and many other animals have toes, which vary in number depending on the species.

Slipped up (5)

Answer: ERRED

When someone makes a mistake or commits an error, they have erred. It's a common term used to describe a misstep or failure. So, the answer is ERRED.

Extreme (5)

Answer: CHIEF

Extreme hints at something that goes to the utmost limit or edge, often referring to someone who holds a high position or rank. The answer, CHIEF, fits this description as a person in authority or leadership, exemplifying extreme leadership or control.

Stow (5)

Answer: READY

Stow suggests the action of packing or storing something away carefully and securely. The answer, READY, aligns with this as it signifies being prepared and organized, akin to stowing away items in readiness for use or transport.

Visitor (5)

Answer: ALIEN

Visitor alludes to someone who comes to a place temporarily or for a specific purpose, often implying a sense of unfamiliarity or foreignness. The answer, ALIEN, denotes a visitor from another place or world, fitting the description of an outsider or visitor beyond earthly realms.

Vegetable mix (5)

Answer: SALAD

Vegetable mix refers to a combination of various vegetables, often prepared as a dish or component of a meal. The answer, SALAD, encapsulates this concept as a mix of vegetables served either raw or cooked, commonly eaten as a healthy and refreshing dish.

Shrek, e.g. (4)

Answer: OGRE

Shrek, e.g. points towards a specific character or type, in this case, referencing a famous animated ogre character. The answer, OGRE, corresponds to this clue as it represents a mythical creature often depicted as large, ugly, and fearsome, similar to the character Shrek from the animated film series.

Beginning (5)

Answer: EARLY

In the early stages of something, you often find its starting point. The answer is EARLY, representing the concept of the beginning or start.

Restraint (4,7)


When someone exercises self-control, they hold back or restrain themselves from impulsive actions. So, the answer here is SELF CONTROL, which perfectly captures the idea of restraining oneself.

Ang ---, director (3)

Answer: LEE

This clue refers to a director with the surname Ang and three letters. The answer is LEE, which completes the name Ang Lee, a renowned film director.

Approximately (2,2)

Answer: OR SO

When we want to express an approximate amount or time, we often use the phrase or so to indicate a rough estimation. So, the answer to this clue is OR SO, representing the idea of approximation.

African fly (6)

Answer: TSETSE

The Tsetse fly is a significant insect in Africa known for transmitting diseases such as sleeping sickness. Therefore, the answer to this clue is TSETSE, representing the African fly in question.

Hostelry (3)

Answer: BAR

Hostelry hints at a place where one might find drinks and social interaction, typically found in a tavern or a pub. The answer, BAR, succinctly reflects this, as it's a common term for such an establishment where alcoholic beverages are served.

Precisely (2,3,6)


Precisely suggests an expression indicating exactness, leaving no room for error. The phrase TO THE NICKEL fits perfectly, emphasizing precision down to the smallest denomination of currency, illustrating meticulous accuracy.

Districts (5)

Answer: TURFS

Districts points to regions or areas within a larger geographical area, often characterized by specific features or demographics. The term TURFS is apt here, as it refers to distinct territories or domains, highlighting the segmentation of larger areas into smaller, defined districts.

Boffins (5)

Answer: NERDS

Boffins alludes to a slang term for intellectuals or experts, often associated with deep knowledge in specialized fields. NERDS perfectly captures this concept, conveying a sense of devotion to intellectual pursuits and perhaps a penchant for technology or academia.

Father (4)

Answer: PLAN

Father suggests a familial relationship and could refer to a male parent. The answer, PLAN, may initially seem unrelated, but it cleverly alludes to the concept of a father figure as someone who provides guidance, direction, and a structured approach to situations.

Gives as security (5)

Answer: PAWNS

Gives as security implies offering something valuable as collateral for a loan or to guarantee fulfillment of an obligation. The term PAWNS aligns with this, as pawning involves temporarily surrendering an item of value in exchange for a loan, serving as security until the loan is repaid.

Blow (3)

Answer: ZAP

The term blow often brings to mind a sudden impact or burst of air. When we think of a sudden, intense discharge of electricity, the word zap fits perfectly. It captures the swift, impactful nature of the action.

Scheming (3)

Answer: A I N

Scheming implies a sense of cunning or deviousness, often associated with individuals plotting or planning something underhanded. In this context, the letters A, I, and N rearranged form the word ain, which subtly captures the essence of deceit or deceitfulness.

Charged (6)

Answer: BEEFED

When we hear the word charged, we might think of something being energized or filled with electricity or power. By rearranging the letters, we can form the word beefed, which metaphorically suggests something being intensified or augmented, much like the concept of charging.

Leafy plant (5)

Answer: CRESS

Leafy plant brings to mind images of green foliage and vegetation. By rearranging the letters, we arrive at the word cress, which is a type of leafy plant commonly used in salads and sandwiches for its crisp texture and peppery flavor.

Blood vessel (5)

Answer: AORTA

Blood vessels are essential components of the circulatory system, responsible for transporting blood throughout the body. By rearranging the letters, we can spell out the word aorta, which is one of the major blood vessels originating from the heart, distributing oxygen-rich blood to various parts of the body.

Inferior (5)

Answer: BELOW

Inferior denotes something of lesser quality or importance compared to something else. By rearranging the letters, we form the word below, which signifies a position or status that is beneath or lower than another.

Chair (4)

Answer: HEAR

Chair hints at a word that means to perceive or listen to something. When rearranged, the letters form the word HEAR. In everyday life, we often associate sitting in a chair with attentively listening, making this association a clever clue for the word.

Victor ---, French author (4)

Answer: HUGO

Victor ---, French author suggests a famous French author with four letters in their last name. Rearranging the letters gives us HUGO, leading to Victor Hugo, a renowned literary figure known for works such as Les Misérables and The Hunchback of Notre-Dame.

Epoch (3)

Answer: DAY

Epoch implies a period of time or era. When rearranged, the letters form the word DAY, which is a fundamental unit of time. It signifies a complete rotation of the Earth on its axis, making it a fitting word for an epoch, albeit on a smaller scale.

Heave (3)

Answer: TUG

Heave hints at a physical action involving lifting or pulling with effort. Rearranging the letters gives us TUG, which perfectly captures the idea of a forceful pull or lift, commonly associated with heaving something heavy or cumbersome.

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