Irish Times Crosaire Crossword Answers Revealed for March 30, 2024

Try this tricky crossword puzzle and solve all the clues provided here, we also have the answers, so scroll down and get everything.

by J Nandhini | Updated Mar 30, 2024

Irish Times Crosaire Crossword puzzles are famous because they are both fun and challenging. Each day, a new clue is provided for you to solve. Today's clues might be difficult, so take your time with each clue, approach them carefully, and solve the puzzle. Also, get the answers below

Articulated large scale arch provides passage in Venice


The Bridge of Sighs is a famous, enclosed bridge in Venice, Italy. It's known for its ornate architecture and enclosed passageway. The clue highlights its size (large scale arch) and location (Venice).

Fix set when winning

Solution: READY UP

Set" can signify a pre-determined arrangement of equipment or characters for a match. "Ready Up" is a common phrase used in games to indicate that players are prepared to start a match or round, often involving ensuring their equipment is "set" and they're ready to engage.

Bring up favour when power is lost

Solution: REFER TO

It suggests that when someone's "power" or position diminishes (perhaps due to losing an election), they might try to gain "favour" by referencing past accomplishments or positive associations. "Refer to" implies mentioning something in the past, potentially to gain an advantage in the present situation.

Small cool vessel...

Solution: SHIP

"Ship" is the general term for a large waterborne vessel. The clue "small cool vessel" sets the stage for a wordplay answer in the next part. hauling column

Solution: TOWER

Building on the previous clue of "ship," a "tower" can be a structure on a ship that serves as a lookout or command post. So, in this context, the "small cool vessel" (ship) can be seen as "hauling" (supporting) the "column" (tower). It's a clever wordplay combination.

Surprise - it's another small vessel!

Solution: STUN

  • Following the pattern of the previous two clues, this continues the wordplay related to "small vessels." "Stun" can be used as a verb meaning to surprise or shock someone.
  • The clue plays on the unexpected revelation that "stun" is also a type of small sailing boat, connecting surprise with the concept of a "vessel."

Design compound outside of Lille

Solution: STYLE

"Style" refers to a particular manner of design or presentation. The clue suggests that a "style" or design concept might be developed in a "compound" (potentially a design studio or creative workspace) located outside of Lille.

French white is dull when finish becomes dead

Solution: BLANC

"Blanc" is the French word for white. The clue uses wordplay to describe white as "dull" when the "finish" becomes "dead." This suggests that white can appear uninteresting when there's no contrasting color or detail to add vibrancy.

Time on association creates connection

Solution: LINKAGE

"Time" suggests a period of association or interaction. When something is associated with something else over time, a "linkage" or connection is formed. The answer emphasizes the idea that connections develop through sustained association.

Company boss recruits two learners to make instrument

Solution: CELLO

"Company boss" could be a play on "cell" (the biological unit) being the "boss" of the organism. "Recruits two learners" refers to the four strings (often learned by beginners) on a cello. Putting it together, "cell" with "two learners" (strings) creates a "cello."

It makes nine by itself

Solution: THREE

This clue is a straightforward mathematical one. The number three added to itself (3 + 3) equals nine.

Really fond of group of teachers here

Solution: INTO

While "into" can have various meanings, here it's used playfully. "Really fond of" suggests liking something, and "group of teachers" could be a play on the word "here" sounding similar to "hear." So, being "into" something you "hear" (teachers) implies liking them.

Companion to back as go between

Solution: FORTH

"Companion" suggests someone who goes with you, and "to back" could imply going in the opposite direction. "Go between" signifies acting as a mediator. Putting these ideas together, "forth" can be seen as a companion who goes in the opposite direction (forward) while still acting as a mediator or connection.

Down when lacking energy - that's a setback

Solution: BLOW

"Down" can describe someone feeling low on energy or motivation. "Lacking energy" reinforces this idea. A "blow" can refer to a sudden setback or loss of momentum, aligning with the feeling of being "down" due to lack of energy.

Endless information in Milton composition

Solution: NO LIMIT

John Milton was a famous English poet known for his epic poem "Paradise Lost." The vast amount of detail and lore in his writing can be seen as "endless information." "No limit" emphasizes the seemingly boundless nature of the information contained within Milton's work.

Return some old film that has shocking treatment

Solution: REELECT

"Return some old film" suggests re-running something from the past. "Shocking treatment" could refer to a controversial or unexpected outcome. Putting it together, "re-elect" can be seen as returning someone to power (re-running their "film"), potentially due to a surprising turn of events.

Group from Lapland beat us badly


Spandau Ballet is a British new wave band, not one from Lapland. The clue likely uses a play on words and misdirection. "Beat us badly" suggests a decisive victory. Spandau Ballet's music might have been a personal preference ("beat us badly") even though the band isn't from Lapland.

Concrete over yard with it inside - it's true

Solution: REALITY

Concrete is a building material used to create pavements and structures. "Over yard" suggests covering something with concrete. "Reality" refers to the actual state of affairs. The clue emphasizes that "reality" (what's truly happening) can sometimes feel like it's being "concreted over" (ignored or hidden).

Period engaged in some busy admin returns

Solution: DAYS

"Admin" is short for "administration," which often involves paperwork and routine tasks. "Busy admin" suggests a period filled with such tasks. "Days" refer to specific periods of time. The answer implies that a period filled with "busy admin" tasks eventually comes to an end, as days pass.

Shopper in Rome told to be careful

Solution: EMPTOR

"Emptor" is a Latin phrase meaning "let the buyer beware." It's a principle of consumer protection that advises buyers to be cautious and informed before making a purchase. The clue cleverly uses the setting ("shopper in Rome") to introduce the answer, which is relevant to the act of shopping.

Got over thematically lacking river!

Solution: FORDED

 "Forded" means to cross a shallow river or stream by wading through it. The clue uses humor by describing the river as "thematically lacking," suggesting it's not deep or interesting enough for a boat, but shallow enough to be crossed on foot.

Dope found in rainforest...

Solution: INFO

  • "Dope" can be slang for information, especially valuable or secret information. Rainforests are known for their rich biodiversity and potentially undiscovered plants with medicinal or other uses.
  • The clue plays on the idea of finding valuable information ("dope") in a hidden or unexplored place like a rainforest.

...breathe out and drink it in

Solution: HERB TEA

Herbal tea is an infusion made by steeping herbs in hot water. The clue describes the action of preparing and consuming herbal tea: "breathe out" (letting go of the steam) and "drink it in" (consuming the tea).

Go over passages - are they representative?


"Cross sections" are slices or samples taken through something to reveal its internal structure or composition. In this context, it suggests examining passages (sections of text) to determine if they are representative of the whole work.

Joined decent witch on broadcast


"Connected with" simply means established a connection or communication. The clue injects some humor by mentioning a "decent witch" on a broadcast, implying an unexpected or unusual connection.

Crook soundly attacked...

Solution: FELON

"Felon" refers to someone who has committed a serious crime. The clue suggests a "crook" (criminal) being "soundly attacked" (harshly criticized or punished).

...helps while taking on risk

Solution: ABETS

"Abets" means to encourage or assist someone in doing something wrong or illegal. The answer emphasizes that someone who "abets" is helping another person take a risk by engaging in risky or criminal activity.

Native dance not hard? It has another name

Solution: A K A

"AKA" stands for "Also Known As." The clue suggests a native dance that might not be difficult to perform and has another name by which it's also known.

Allows mouthpiece to disclose secret

Solution: LET SLIP

A "mouthpiece" can refer to someone who speaks for another person or group. "Letting something slip" implies accidentally revealing a secret. So, the answer describes a situation where a mouthpiece might unintentionally disclose a secret.

Deliver moderate support

Solution: RELIEVE

"Relieve" can mean to provide some support or assistance, but not necessarily complete or overwhelming support. "Moderate" suggests something in the middle, aligning with the idea of providing some level of help.

Opposed to court abandoning agreement

Solution: CONTRA

"Contra" is a Latin prefix meaning "against" or "opposite." A court abandoning an agreement would be a breach of contract. So, "contra" signifies being opposed to such an action.

Personnel boarding damaged boat - it's pulsating

Solution: ATHROB

 "Athrob" means to pulsate or throb, often with excitement or activity. The clue paints a picture of personnel boarding a damaged boat, which could be a tense and fast-paced situation, creating a sense of pulsing activity.

US agents have set about making division

Solution: G MEN

"G-Men" is a nickname for FBI agents, a US federal law enforcement agency. "Making division" suggests creating a separation or distinction. The answer connects to the FBI's role in investigating and potentially dividing criminal organizations.

Fix damage shoe nail regularly cause

Solution: HEAL

  • "Heal" means to repair or restore something to a sound condition. Shoe nails can sometimes cause damage to shoes, but they are also necessary for holding the shoe together.
  • The clue suggests that while shoe nails might cause some damage, they are ultimately used to help the shoe "heal" and function properly.
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