Irish Times Simplex Crossword Clue Answers for Today (March 20, 2024)

Check the answers to Irish Times Simplex crossword clues for 20th March 2024. Enhance your knowledge by learning about new topics with the help of this crossword.

by Dheshni | Updated Mar 20, 2024

Crosswords are not just a fun way to pass your time. It is a great learning tool for people of all ages. Irish Times Simplex crossword is a popular crossword. You can solve it online. Some clues can be hard in this crossword. To help you with the clues, we have provided all the answers for the crossword below.

Signal saying danger has passed


When a situation is no longer dangerous, a common signal to convey this is "ALL CLEAR." This phrase indicates that it's safe to proceed or that the threat has dissipated.

Went in the direction of

Answer: HEADED

When someone moves in a particular direction, it can be described as "HEADED" in that direction. This term implies a deliberate movement towards a specific destination or point.

Painful swelling of the big toe

Answer: BUNION

A condition characterized by a painful swelling around the base of the big toe is commonly known as a "BUNION." This condition can cause discomfort and difficulty in walking.

Brawny, sinewy


When describing someone as "Brawny" or "Sinewy," it typically refers to their physical build being strong, muscular, and well-developed. These individuals often possess visible muscles and strength.

Eat hungrily and quickly

Answer: DEVOUR

To "Eat hungrily and quickly" is to consume food voraciously, often without pausing or savoring. This action is often associated with a strong desire or intense hunger.

Feeling great rapture or delight


Experiencing "great rapture or delight" signifies a profound sense of joy and ecstasy. It describes a state of extreme happiness or blissful excitement.

Appointment, for romance perhaps

Answer: DATE

An "Appointment" can refer to a scheduled meeting or arrangement, often used in the context of romantic encounters where people plan to spend time together. In the realm of romance, a common type of appointment is a "DATE," where two individuals meet socially with potential romantic interest.

Lobby an ancient city, curiously


This clue involves wordplay where "Lobby" is a hint to rearrange the letters of "an ancient city, curiously" to form the name of an ancient city. When the letters are rearranged, they spell out "BABYLON," which is an ancient city known for its significance in various historical and cultural contexts.

Deviate, go in a different direction


To "Deviate" means to depart or diverge from a standard or expected course of action. When someone "goes in a different direction," they are said to "DIVERGE" from the original path or route. This term is often used in discussions involving changes in direction or divergent paths.

Sign of something to come


A "Sign of something to come" refers to a precursor or indication of a future event or situation. When something foreshadows or predicts what is to follow, it can be described as a "FORETOKEN," suggesting an omen or harbinger of what lies ahead

Reddish-yellow pigment in plants


Plants often contain pigments that give them their characteristic colors. One such pigment, found in many plants and responsible for their reddish-yellow hues, is "CAROTENE." Carotene is a naturally occurring pigment and is especially abundant in carrots, giving them their distinctive color.

Substance in the form of a mist, fume or smoke

Answer: VAPOUR

When a substance exists in the form of a fine mist, fume, or smoke, it is commonly referred to as "VAPOUR." This term encompasses various substances that can exist in a gaseous state or as tiny particles suspended in the air.

Flourish or wave as a threat


To "Flourish or wave as a threat" is to brandish an object, typically a weapon or something similar, in a menacing or threatening manner. This action is often intended to intimidate or instill fear in others.

Sliding storage box

Answer: DRAWER

A "Sliding storage box" refers to a type of container or compartment that is designed to slide in and out of a larger structure, such as a piece of furniture or a cabinet. These boxes are commonly found in desks, cabinets, and other furniture pieces for storing various items

Carved or cast figure

Answer: STATUE

A "Carved or cast figure" is a three-dimensional representation of a person, animal, or object, typically made from materials such as wood, stone, metal, or resin. These figures can be created through carving, where material is removed to form the desired shape, or casting, where molten material is poured into a mold and allowed to harden.

Most unclean


When referring to the superlative form of "unclean," the term "DIRTIEST" is used to denote the highest level of dirtiness or lack of cleanliness. It signifies the extreme end of the spectrum in terms of cleanliness.

Upper garment

Answer: TANK TOP

An "Upper garment" refers to clothing worn on the upper part of the body. One common type of upper garment is a "TANK TOP," which is a sleeveless shirt with wide shoulder straps and a neckline that can vary in style.

Bitterness or ill-feeling


"ACRIMONY" describes a state of bitterness, resentment, or ill-feeling between individuals or groups. It indicates hostility or animosity, often stemming from past conflicts or disagreements

... Da Vinci, Italian polymath


The ellipsis (...) indicates that there's a missing part of a phrase or sentence, in this case, the missing part is "Leonardo." Leonardo da Vinci was a renowned Italian polymath, known for his expertise in various fields such as painting, sculpture, engineering, anatomy, and invention.

Brass instrument


A "Brass instrument" is a musical instrument made of brass or other metals and produces sound through the vibration of the player's lips against a mouthpiece. One example of a brass instrument is the "EUPHONIUM," which is a large, conical-bore, baritone-voiced brass instrument.

Cabinets, for medicines perhaps

Answer: CHESTS

"CHESTS" can be used as cabinets for storing various items, including medicines. In the context of medicines, chests can refer to storage containers specifically designed for keeping medications organized and secure.

Gap or hiatus

Answer: LACUNA

A "LACUNA" refers to a gap, hiatus, or missing part within something, such as a text, a sequence, or a series of events. It signifies an absence or deficiency in knowledge, information, or understanding.

Rebuking severely


"BERATING" is a term used to describe the act of rebuking or scolding someone severely. It implies a harsh and forceful criticism or reprimand directed towards another person due to their actions or behavior.

Relinquish control of


SIGN AWAY" means to relinquish or give up control of something, often by signing a document or agreement. This phrase indicates the action of surrendering authority or ownership over a particular asset, right, or responsibility.

Of unknown identity, in short

Answer: ANON

The phrase "Of unknown identity" suggests anonymity or lack of identification. In short or abbreviated form, this can be represented by the word "ANON," which means soon or shortly, often used in literary contexts to indicate an unspecified time or identity.

Quick and cheerful enthusiasm


"ALACRITY" describes a state of quickness and cheerful eagerness or enthusiasm in performing tasks or activities. It implies a willingness and readiness to act promptly and with a positive attitude.

They enter by force to conquer


"INVADERS" are individuals or groups who enter a territory or area by force with the intention to conquer or take control. This term typically refers to military aggressors who engage in acts of invasion to seize territory or impose their authority.

Stress, accentuation


"EMPHASIS" refers to the special importance, significance, or prominence given to something, often indicated through stress or accentuation in speech or writing. It highlights a particular point or aspect to make it stand out or be more noticeable.

Procedures for accomplishing


"METHODS" are systematic procedures or approaches used to accomplish tasks or achieve goals. They involve a series of steps or techniques designed to produce desired outcomes efficiently and effectively.

Highly decorated

Answer: FANCY

"FANCY" describes something that is adorned or embellished in an elaborate or decorative manner. It suggests a level of ornamentation or decoration that is considered luxurious, extravagant, or aesthetically pleasing.



"Expatriates" refers to individuals who are living outside their native country, often by choice for work, study, or other reasons. Another term often used interchangeably for expatriates is "MIGRANTS," which denotes people who have migrated from one place to another, particularly across national borders.

... lies the head that wears a crown (Henry IV, Part II)

Answer: UNEASY

This is a quotation from William Shakespeare's play "Henry IV, Part II." The full line is "Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown." It means that those in positions of power, such as kings or leaders, often face great burdens and responsibilities, leading to feelings of anxiety or unease.

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