Keep a Healthy Distance from These 5 Personality Types | A Psychologists Advice

As social creatures, we often interact with a diverse range of people in our lives, some of whom we get along with well, while others may bring us frustration and negative experiences. It is essential to recognize and avoid certain personality types to protect our mental well-being and maintain healthy relationships. In this article, we will discuss five types of people that psychologists recommend keeping a healthy distance from.

by J Nandhini | Updated Mar 15, 2023


Social relationships and connections are essential to our mental health and happiness. However, it's not uncommon to encounter people whose personalities clash with ours, leading to conflicts, stress, and other negative experiences. It's crucial to identify and avoid these individuals to maintain healthy relationships and safeguard our mental well-being. Here are five personality types that psychologists recommend distancing ourselves from.

1. Narcissists

Narcissists are individuals who exhibit excessive self-love and self-absorption. They crave admiration, praise, and attention and often put their needs above others. Narcissists can be charming and charismatic at first, but they tend to be selfish, manipulative, and lack empathy for others' feelings. They have an inflated sense of self-importance and may use others to satisfy their needs. It is recommended to keep a healthy distance from narcissists to avoid being used, manipulated, or emotionally drained by their behavior.

2. Drama Queens/Kings

Drama Queens or Kings are individuals who thrive on attention and create drama or conflict in their lives to get it. They are often emotionally unstable, overreactive, and exaggerate situations to garner sympathy or support. They may have frequent outbursts or create conflicts to draw attention to themselves. Drama Queens/Kings can be exhausting to be around and may cause unnecessary stress and anxiety. It is recommended to maintain a safe distance from these individuals to avoid being dragged into their drama.

3. Control Freaks

Control freaks are individuals who have a compulsive need to control everything around them. They may have rigid expectations and insist on things being done their way. They can be perfectionists and may have difficulty trusting others to do things correctly. Control freaks tend to micromanage others, which can cause tension and conflict in relationships. It is recommended to keep a healthy distance from control freaks to avoid being subject to their obsessive control.

4. Chronic Complainers

Chronic complainers are individuals who constantly complain and find faults in everything around them. They may be pessimistic, negative, and critical of others. Chronic complainers tend to focus on the negatives in life and may drain others' energy with their constant complaining. They may also be attention-seeking and may exaggerate or create problems to gain sympathy or support. It is recommended to limit contact with chronic complainers to avoid being dragged into their negativity.

5. Energy Vampires

Energy vampires are individuals who drain others' energy and vitality through their negative behavior. They may be emotionally needy, clingy, or demanding and require constant attention and validation from others. They can be manipulative and may use guilt or emotional blackmail to get what they want. Energy vampires tend to be emotionally draining and may cause others to feel exhausted, frustrated, or stressed. It is recommended to keep a healthy distance from energy vampires to avoid being emotionally drained by their behavior.


Healthy social relationships are essential to our mental well-being and happiness. However, it's not uncommon to encounter individuals whose personalities clash with ours, leading to conflicts, stress, and negative experiences. In this article, we discussed five personality types that psychologists recommend keeping a healthy distance from to maintain healthy relationships and safeguard our mental well-being. Narcissists, Drama Queens/Kings, Control Freaks, Chronic Complainers, and Energy Vampires can drain our energy, cause unnecessary stress, and create conflicts in our lives. It's essential to recognize and avoid these individuals to protect our mental health and maintain positive relationships.

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Keep a Healthy Distance from These 5 Personality Types | A Psychologist's Advice - FAQs

1. How do I recognize if someone is a narcissist?

Narcissists tend to have an inflated sense of self-importance and lack empathy for others' feelings. They may exhibit excessive self-love and self-absorption and crave attention and admiration from others.

2. How do I avoid getting dragged into a drama queen's or king's drama?

It's recommended to maintain a safe distance from drama queens or kings and avoid engaging in their drama or conflicts.

3. Can control freaks be changed?

While it's possible for control freaks to change, it's often challenging and may require professional help or therapy.

4. How do I deal with chronic complainers?

It's recommended to limit contact with chronic complainers and avoid engaging in their negativity. Offering solutions or positive suggestions may also help shift their focus from negativity.

5. What can I do to protect my energy from energy vampires?

It's recommended to maintain healthy boundaries and limit contact with energy vampires. Engaging in activities that boost your energy and self-care practices can also help protect your energy from being drained.