Know the Answer for Metro Cryptic Crossword Puzzle Clue, from here April 9th, 2024

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by Sivasankari | Updated Apr 09, 2024

The Metro Cryptic Crossword puzzle in the Metro newspaper is a special challenge for people who love puzzles. Unlike regular crosswords, cryptic crosswords have tricky clues that are like puzzles themselves. You have to think creatively to understand them and find the hidden meanings. These puzzles are great for those who like to solve tricky clues by using wordplay, cleverness, and logical thinking.

And so I mention different religious cults (13)


"And so I mention different religious cults" hints at a term referring to various religious groups within a broader faith tradition. The answer is DENOMINATIONS, representing the subdivisions or branches of a particular religion that may differ in beliefs, practices, or organizational structures.

Sounds like a habit to get used to (8)


"Sounds like a habit to get used to" suggests a phrase indicating the process of becoming accustomed to something. The answer is ACCUSTOM, representing the action of familiarizing oneself with a particular habit, routine, or behavior over time.

The sort to do office work (4)


"The sort to do office work" directs attention to a term describing a particular category or classification of individuals suited for administrative tasks. The answer is TYPE, representing a group of people characterized by their suitability for performing office duties or clerical work.

Mechanic in healthier condition (6)


"Mechanic in healthier condition" hints at a word describing someone in better physical shape or improved health status. The answer is FITTER, representing an individual who is physically fit or more capable of performing tasks requiring strength, agility, or endurance.

This comes in instalments from Israel (6)


"This comes in installments from Israel" suggests a term referring to a serialized narrative or program originating from the country of Israel. The answer is SERIAL, representing a story or entertainment series presented in sequential installments, often broadcasted or distributed over time.

They're indispensable in decimalisation (6)


"They're indispensable in decimalization" points to a term essential for the conversion or representation of numbers in a decimal system. The answer is TENTHS, representing fractional units equivalent to one-tenth of a whole, crucial in the process of decimalization or the adoption of the base-10 numerical system.

Reason to stay in, maybe (6)


Reason to stay in, maybe SANITY - This suggests a motive for remaining indoors, perhaps to maintain mental well-being, leading to "sanity" as the answer. Sanity refers to the state of being mentally healthy and stable, providing a compelling reason to stay indoors for self-care and tranquility.

Goes quickly back to turn round (4)


Goes quickly back to turn round SPIN - This describes the action of swiftly reversing direction or rotating, leading to "spin" as the answer. "Spin" can mean to turn rapidly or to reverse direction swiftly, suggesting a quick change in movement or position.

To sponsor a protege is retrogressive (8)


To sponsor a protege is retrogressive BACKWARD - This indicates the act of supporting a talented individual, which should be progressive, but in this context, it's regressive, leading to "backward" as the answer. Backward describes a retrograde or regressive action, contrary to the expected progress.

The art of making progress as a director on board (13)


The art of making progress as a director on board STEERSMANSHIP - This refers to the skill of guiding or directing a course, particularly on a ship, leading to "steersmanship" as the answer. Steersmanship involves the art and technique of navigating and directing a vessel's course, typically overseen by the ship's director or steersman.

Give an exposition of French writer (8)


Give an exposition of French writer DESCRIBE - This suggests providing a detailed explanation or account of something, possibly related to a French author, leading to "describe" as the answer. To describe is to give a detailed or vivid account or exposition, often involving the portrayal of events or characters.

Strongly built boxer finishes with various bouts (6)


Strongly built boxer finishes with various bouts ROBUST - This hints at a term describing physical strength or resilience, often associated with boxers who endure various matches, leading to "robust" as the answer. Robust describes someone or something sturdy, strong, and capable of withstanding various challenges or bouts.

Nonsense written about one uprising (4)


Nonsense written about one uprising RIOT - This suggests disorder or chaos caused by an uprising, leading to "riot" as the answer. A riot involves a tumultuous disturbance or uprising characterized by violence or disorder, often resulting from discontent or protest.

They say what may happen after a show of hands (8)


They say what may happen after a show of hands PALMISTS - This hints at individuals who predict the future based on reading the lines on a person's hand, leading to "palmists" as the answer. Palmists are practitioners who claim to foretell events or outcomes by examining the lines and features of a person's palm.

A model rhyme for 10 (6)


A model rhyme for SITTER - This suggests a term that rhymes with "10" and means a model or example, leading to "sitter" as the answer. A sitter is a model or example of something, often used to represent a standard or archetype.

Photograph a kind of dragon (4)


Photograph a kind of dragon SNAP - This hints at the action of taking a quick photograph, perhaps of a mythical creature resembling a dragon, leading to "snap" as the answer. Snap describes the act of taking a photograph quickly and informally, capturing a moment or image in an instant.

So shrub round the middle of the bed becomes a popular garden feature (4,4)


"So shrub round the middle of the bed becomes a popular garden feature " hints at a phrase describing a common plant often found in gardens. The answer is ROSEBUSH, representing a shrub bearing roses, typically planted in the center of flower beds to create a visually appealing focal point in garden landscapes.

The editor's disturbed by a heavenly body (8)


"The editor's disturbed by a heavenly body" suggests a term referring to a celestial object causing disruption to an editor. The answer is ASTEROID, representing a small rocky body orbiting the sun, often causing concern or disturbance due to its potential impact on Earth and its editorial analogy signifying interference or disruption.

Sympathetic offer (6)


"Sympathetic offer" directs attention to a gesture indicating empathy or understanding. The answer is TENDER, representing a compassionate or considerate offer made with care and sensitivity towards the recipient's needs or emotions.

Most recent bird sanctuary we found inside (6)


"Most recent bird sanctuary we found inside" implies a term describing a recently discovered refuge for avian creatures. The answer is NEWEST, representing the adjective indicating something of the latest or most recent origin, with "bird sanctuary" suggesting a safe habitat or haven discovered inside a specific area or location.

See 21


"See" indicates a reference to another clue in the crossword puzzle. The answer is PITS, which relates to the term "21," suggesting a word associated with the concept mentioned in clue 21.

19 Mineral sources could be topical to a point (8)


"19 Mineral sources could be topical to a point" points to a term describing places where minerals are extracted and could be relevant to a particular location. The answer is COALPITS, representing areas where coal is mined, with "topical to a point" suggesting relevance to a specific subject or geographical region mentioned in the crossword puzzle.

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