Know the Solution to The Sun2 Speed Crossword Puzzle from here : April 19th ’ 24

In the content below we will be guiding you on, how you can play the game crossword and get the solution for The Sun2 Speed Crossword Puzzle.

by Indumathy R | Updated Apr 19, 2024

So, the crossword puzzle is a game to test your thinking skills and know how well you are good at solving puzzles. Don't worry even if you are a newbie in this, we are here to guide you throughout the game. We will be providing you with everything from clues to the meaning of the clues, and also the solution at the end. So, don't take tension and start playing.

Disturb American soldier in a gallery

The Crossword Clue Answer is AGITATE 

"Disturb American soldier in a gallery" - This clue suggests causing agitation or disruption to a member of the American military who is in an art gallery. The answer is "AGITATE," meaning to disturb or upset someone's peace or calmness, particularly in this context, an American soldier visiting a gallery.

Animal makes cow noise with energy

The Crossword Clue Answer is MOOSE 

"Animal makes cow noise with energy" - Here, the clue indicates an energetic animal that produces a sound resembling that of a cow. The answer is "MOOSE," a large mammal known for its distinct vocalizations and vigorous movements, particularly during mating season.

Inspect German car model

The Crossword Clue Answer is AUDIT 

"Inspect German car model" - This clue directs attention to the examination of a specific model of a German automobile. The answer is "AUDIT," which suggests a thorough examination or inspection, possibly in the context of quality control or regulatory compliance.

Ten euro lost while travelling

The Crossword Clue Answer is ENROUTE

"Ten euro lost while travelling" - This clue implies the loss of a monetary unit, specifically ten euros, during a journey or while in transit. The answer is "ENROUTE," indicating the period or state of being on the way to a destination, during which the currency was lost.

Giant mice can be mysterious

The Crossword Clue Answer is ENIGMATIC 

"Giant mice can be mysterious" - This phrase suggests that large rodents possess qualities or characteristics that are enigmatic or puzzling. The answer is "ENIGMATIC," describing something that is difficult to understand or explain, particularly in the context of giant mice, which may evoke curiosity or intrigue due to their uncommon nature.

Narrowly defeat Dickensian hero

The Crossword Clue Answer is PIP 

"Narrowly defeat Dickensian hero" - This clue refers to a scenario where a protagonist from the works of Charles Dickens is just barely overcome. The answer is "PIP," which could refer to Pip, the main character in Dickens' novel "Great Expectations," who faces various challenges and setbacks throughout the story.

Slender swimmer has some feeling

The Crossword Clue Answer is EEL 

"Slender swimmer has some feeling" - EEL: This clue suggests a type of aquatic creature known for its long, slender body shape and the ability to navigate through water. The answer, "EEL," fits perfectly as it describes a fish-like animal that indeed possesses sensory capabilities.

Major's second American staying over

The Crossword Clue Answer is MOMENTOUS

"Major's second American staying over" - MOMENTOUS: This clue seems to hint at a significant event or occurrence involving someone of high rank and nationality. The answer, "MOMENTOUS," aligns with the idea of a major (an officer rank) from the military, followed by the abbreviation for second (S), and the inclusion of 'American' (US) staying (moment) over.

Animal doctor near wobbly warhorse

The Crossword Clue Answer is VETERAN 

"Animal doctor near wobbly warhorse" - VETERAN: This clue appears to reference someone experienced, possibly in a medical context involving animals. The answer, "VETERAN," fits as it describes both an animal doctor (a veterinarian) and someone experienced or seasoned, like a warhorse might be.

Bit of a fight

The Crossword Clue Answer is SCRAP 

"Bit of a fight" - SCRAP: This clue suggests a small altercation or skirmish, typically involving physical or verbal confrontation. The answer, "SCRAP," perfectly captures the essence of a minor conflict or disagreement, often resulting in a brief scuffle or argument.

Bewildered on the ocean wave

The Crossword Clue Answer is ATSEA 

"Bewildered on the ocean wave" - ATSEA: This clue implies a state of confusion or disorientation, particularly in a maritime context. The answer, "ATSEA," describes precisely this feeling of being lost or uncertain while navigating the open waters, figuratively or literally.

Country duo race frantically

The Crossword Clue Answer is ECUADOR 

"Country duo race frantically" - ECUADOR: This clue hints at a nation characterized by its location and possibly a reference to speed or urgency. The answer, "ECUADOR," fits as it denotes a country situated on the equator (duo) and the wordplay suggests a frantic race, perhaps alluding to its geographical significance.

Do such people have a yen for business?

The Crossword Clue Answer is JAPANESE 

"Do such people have a yen for business?" - JAPANESE: This clue implies a question about a particular nationality and its tendencies or preferences. The answer, "JAPANESE," aligns with the inquiry, suggesting people from Japan and hinting at their renowned work ethic and entrepreneurial spirit.

Old flour supplier Will keeps changing mind

The Crossword Clue Answer is WINDMILL 

Old flour supplier Will keeps changing mind (WINDMILL): This clue cleverly hints at a traditional source of flour—windmills. The wordplay involves "Will," a common name, representing the willful action of changing direction or "mind," and "old" alludes to the historical use of windmills for milling grains like wheat into flour.

Stop student in headgear

The Crossword Clue Answer is HALT 

Stop student in headgear (HALT): "Stop" indicates a cessation of movement or action, while "student in headgear" refers to the letter "H," often associated with headgear like hats or helmets. When combined, they form the word "halt," meaning to come to a sudden stop or pause.

Modest crater surrounding church

The Crossword Clue Answer is DECENT 

Modest crater surrounding church (DECENT): The word "crater" suggests a depression or hole, and when paired with "modest," it implies something unassuming or humble. Surrounding "church" suggests placing the letter "C" around the word, resulting in "decent," meaning fair, proper, or adequate.

Continental shot in camera

The Crossword Clue Answer is AMERICAN

Continental shot in camera (AMERICAN): Here, "Continental" refers to a term for someone from Europe, and "shot in camera" implies placing a letter inside another word. When "shot" (meaning inserted) into "camera," we get "American," denoting a person from the United States, often abbreviated as "US."

Meat substitute in potato fungus

The Crossword Clue Answer is TOFU 

Meat substitute in potato fungus (TOFU): This clue combines elements of food and biology. "Meat substitute" hints at tofu, a popular plant-based protein often used as an alternative to meat in various dishes. "Potato fungus" suggests adding the letter "T" (a common abbreviation for "to") to "fungus," resulting in "tofu."

Present from Scaramouche returned

The Crossword Clue Answer is HERE 

Present from Scaramouche returned (HERE): "Present" here means something being given, and "from Scaramouche" implies that something associated with the word "Scaramouche" should be reversed. When you reverse "Scaramouche," you get "ehcuomaracS," which, when read backward, spells "here."

Statue in Lima more damaged

The Crossword Clue Answer is MEMORIAL

Statue in Lima more damaged (MEMORIAL): This clue hints at a structure dedicated to the memory of someone or something, often a statue. "In Lima" suggests taking a letter from the word "Lima," which is "M," and placing it inside "more," resulting in "memorial," a structure or object that serves as a reminder of a person or event.

Bulge in pants Mrs Grundy grabs?

The Crossword Clue Answer is PROTRUDE 

Bulge in pants Mrs Grundy grabs? This clue suggests a protrusion or projection that someone named Mrs. Grundy might grab, possibly hinting at something slightly scandalous or attention-grabbing. The answer is "PROTRUDE," which means to stick out or extend beyond the surrounding surface, fitting the description of a bulge in pants that someone might grab.

Travel document graduate left

The Crossword Clue Answer is PASSPORT 

Travel document graduate left: When you come across this clue, you're thinking about a document required for international travel and the direction in which something has moved. The answer is "PASSPORT," the essential document issued by a government to its citizens for identification and travel purposes, and "left" suggests that the graduate left it behind, perhaps indicating forgetfulness or carelessness.

Thousand in cash for tinker

The Crossword Clue Answer is MONKEY 

Thousand in cash for tinker: Here, the clue hints at a slang term for a sum of money that a tinker might receive. The answer is "MONKEY," which is British slang for £500 or $500, and "thousand in cash" suggests doubling this amount, fitting the definition of a sum of money often used informally to refer to a substantial but unspecified amount.

Some love a little meat

The Crossword Clue Answer is VEAL 

Some love a little meat: This clue suggests a preference for a particular type of meat, possibly hinting at its tenderness or delicacy. The answer is "VEAL," which refers to the meat of a young calf, often prized for its tender texture and delicate flavor, and "some love" indicates that there are people who enjoy this type of meat despite potential ethical considerations.

Initially tough question for Labour

The Crossword Clue Answer is TASK 

Initially tough question for Labour: When you see this clue, you're thinking about a challenging inquiry directed towards a political party. The answer is "TASK," which refers to a difficult or demanding assignment or question, and "Labour" suggests that it's directed at the British political party known as the Labour Party, indicating a challenging query or issue they might face.

Horrible people, hundred in total

The Crossword Clue Answer is SCUM 

Horrible people, hundred in total: This clue suggests a negative characterization of a group of individuals and a numerical count. The answer is "SCUM," a derogatory term used to describe contemptible or despicable people, and "hundred in total" indicates a large number, emphasizing the extent of disdain or contempt for this group.

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