Know what the answer is to the Crossword Mirror Quick dated April 11th, 2024

Here we are to make you solve today’s crossword puzzle Mirror Quick with the clues and hints that are provided to you

by J Divya | Updated Apr 11, 2024

In the content below,  we will be understanding and learning how important crossword puzzles are. Crosswords are word puzzles where you fill in words using clues, set up in a grid. They're fun and good for your brain.

They make you think, help you remember words, and solve problems. Doing crosswords is a nice way to relax and take a break. Plus, they can make your language and thinking skills even better. Anyone can enjoy them, no matter how old they are.

Levels of quality (9)


"Levels of quality" refers to criteria or benchmarks used to measure the excellence or acceptability of something. The word "standards" encompasses these criteria, representing the established levels of quality that are expected or desired.

Excursions (5)

Answer: TRIPS

"Excursions" typically involve short journeys or trips taken for pleasure, exploration, or other purposes. The word "trips" accurately describes these outings, as it denotes traveling from one place to another, often for a specific purpose or enjoyment.

Vagrant (5)

Answer: TRAMP

A "vagrant" is someone who wanders from place to place without a permanent home or job. The word "tramp" is synonymous with a vagrant, referring to a person who travels on foot, often with no fixed destination or purpose

Born (3)

Answer: NEE

"Born" refers to the moment of coming into existence or being brought into life. In genealogy or formal usage, the word "nee" is used to indicate a woman's maiden name or the name she had before marriage, signifying the name she was "born" with.

Sharp blow (3)

Answer: RAP

A "sharp blow" is a sudden, forceful hit or strike. The word "rap" fits this description, as it can refer to a quick, sharp blow, often made with a small object or the knuckles.

Layer (4)

Answer: TIER

A "layer" can refer to a level or stratum of something, often stacked on top of each other. The word "tier" specifically denotes such a layer or level, particularly in structures or arrangements where items are arranged in rows or levels.

Profession (6)

Answer: CAREER

A "profession" is a vocation or occupation that one pursues as a means of livelihood. The word "career" encompasses this concept, representing the entirety of one's professional life, including the jobs and positions held over time.

Musty (5)

Answer: STALE

Musty" describes something that is old, damp, and often having a stale or unpleasant odor due to lack of freshness or ventilation. The word "stale" precisely captures this quality, indicating something that is no longer fresh or has lost its original quality.

Sword (6)

Answer: RAPIER

A "sword" is a bladed weapon used for cutting or thrusting. The word "rapier" specifically refers to a type of slender, sharply pointed sword used primarily for thrusting attacks in fencing or dueling.

Support (4)

Answer: BEAM

Support" refers to something that provides stability, strength, or assistance to another object or structure. The word "beam" can denote a sturdy, horizontal support typically found in construction or engineering, such as a wooden or metal beam used to support a ceiling or floor.

Sprinted (3)

Answer: RAN

When someone "sprinted," they moved quickly at a pace faster than running. The word "ran" is the past tense of "run," and it describes the action of moving swiftly on foot, which fits the clue perfectly.

Atmosphere (3)

Answer: AIR

The term "atmosphere" commonly refers to the layer of gases surrounding a planet, particularly Earth. In this context, "air" is the specific gas mixture that comprises the Earth's atmosphere, making it a fitting answer for the clue.

Sheep-like (5)

Answer: OVINE

Describing something as "sheep-like" implies that it resembles or is characteristic of sheep, such as their appearance or behavior. The word "ovine" specifically relates to sheep, making it the appropriate answer as it pertains directly to the characteristics of these animals.

Blemish (5)

Answer: STAIN

A "blemish" is a mark or imperfection that detracts from the overall appearance or quality of something. The word "stain" refers to a discolored spot or mark caused by a substance penetrating a surface, such as on fabric or wood, which fits the definition of a blemish.

Tabloid (9)


A "tabloid" is a type of newspaper characterized by its compact size and sensationalized content. The word "newspaper" encompasses this definition, as it refers to a publication containing news, articles, and advertisements that is typically printed on large sheets of paper folded together.

String (5)

Answer: TWINE

String" typically refers to a thin cord or thread, often made of twisted fibers, used for tying, binding, or various other purposes. The word "twine" specifically denotes a type of strong string made by twisting together two or more strands of material, such as cotton or nylon.

Pry (4)

Answer: NOSE

To "pry" means to inquire impertinently or excessively into someone else's business or affairs. The word "nose" is often used informally to describe the act of poking or intruding into someone else's affairs, making it a fitting answer for the clue

Stellar (6)

Answer: ASTRAL

"Stellar" is an adjective used to describe anything related to stars or of exceptional quality. The word "astral" specifically pertains to celestial bodies, such as stars, or to spiritual or mystical realms beyond the physical world, making it a suitable answer for the clue.

Hang (5)

Answer: DRAPE

Hang" often implies suspending something loosely or covering something with fabric in a decorative manner. The word "drape" fits this description as it means to hang or arrange fabric loosely and gracefully, typically to cover or decorate something.

Captain's quarters (9)


The "captain's quarters" on a ship refer to the private living quarters reserved for the captain. The word "stateroom" precisely describes this area, as it denotes a private cabin or room on a ship, especially one reserved for high-ranking personnel like the captain

Type of residence (9)


A "residence" is a place where someone lives or resides. The word "apartment" refers to a self-contained housing unit within a larger building, typically one of many similar units. It is a common type of residence in urban areas, especially in multi-story buildings.

Iranian (7)


"Iranian" refers to anything related to Iran, including its people, culture, language, or characteristics. The word "Persian" specifically relates to the historical region of Persia, which corresponds to modern-day Iran, and is often used to describe its people, language (Farsi/Persian), and cultural heritage

Cheese on toast (7)


"Cheese on toast" is a dish consisting of toasted bread topped with melted cheese, often seasoned and sometimes with additional ingredients. The term "rarebit" is a variant of "rabbit," used humorously in the traditional dish name "Welsh rarebit." Despite the name, the dish typically contains no rabbit but is instead a cheese sauce poured over toast.

Vehicle (3)

Answer: CAR

A "vehicle" is any means by which people or goods are transported from one place to another. The word "car" specifically refers to a motor vehicle with four wheels designed for passenger transportation, making it a common and fitting answer for the clue.

Sets of beliefs (6)

Answer: TENETS

Sets of beliefs" refer to principles or doctrines that form the foundation of a person's or group's ideology or philosophy. The word "tenets" precisely describes these beliefs or principles, indicating fundamental truths or doctrines that are held as essential or core beliefs.

Conceit (5)

Answer: PRIDE

Conceit" can refer to an excessive or exaggerated sense of one's own importance or abilities. The word "pride" fits this description as it denotes a feeling of deep satisfaction or pleasure derived from one's achievements, qualities, or possessions, often to the point of arrogance or vanity.

Rub out (5)

Answer: ERASE

Rub out" means to remove or delete something by rubbing or wiping it away. The word "erase" perfectly fits this description as it means to remove or obliterate something by rubbing or wiping, particularly in the context of removing pencil or ink marks from paper or a surface.

Largest continent (4)

Answer: ASIA

"Largest continent" refers to the continent with the greatest land area on Earth. The continent of "Asia" holds this distinction, spanning a vast territory across the eastern and northern hemispheres. It is home to numerous countries, cultures, and diverse landscapes.

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