Largest Coffee Producing Country 2023 - Top 10 Countries

Is Brazil the Largest Coffee Producing Country? Check out our list of the Top 10 Coffee Producing Countries and find your answer in this article.  

by Maivizhi A | Updated Mar 30, 2023

Largest Coffee Producing Country 2023

Producing large quantities of coffee is an ambitious objective for most coffee-producing nations. It's a daily struggle for small-scale coffee farmers to survive and hopefully thrive, battling against various challenges such as wildly fluctuating and often low prices, plant diseases, pests, shipping complications, and marketing frustrations. It is essential to recognize and celebrate countries that overcome these obstacles, produce significant amounts of coffee, and support their growers. 

The top 10 coffee-producing countries have been listed below, along with reasons why their coffee production deserves recognition. Coffee is a global product, grown in a specific area of the globe known as the coffee belt. The belt encircles the equator, covering Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Caribbean. Successful coffee-producing countries rely on the hard work of coffee growers, their perseverance in the face of challenges, and their meticulousness during the coffee cherry harvest. These growers depend on infrastructure, support, and education provided by governmental agencies, co-ops, and non-profit organizations, which enables us to continue enjoying our daily cup of coffee. Keep reading to discover which country produced the most coffee in 2023.

Top 10 Coffee Producing Countries in the World 2023

Here is the list of Top 10 Coffee Producing Countries in 2023 with their estimated annual output. Check below to know the history and production of the coffee countries mentioned.


Countries Producing Countries

Annual Output of the Countries



3,009 metric tons



1,683 metric tons



885 metric tons



760 metric tons



482 metric tons



476 metric tons



363 metric tons   



319 metric tons



254 metric tons



225 metric tons

Let us see each Country in detail.

1. Brazil

With an annual output of 3,009 metric tons, Brazil is the largest producer of coffee in the world. Coffee cultivation has a long history in Brazil, dating back to the 18th century when it was first grown in the north. Today, around 300,000 coffee farmers in Brazil contribute to 40% of the world's coffee production, making it an impressive feat. The Brazilian Coffee Institute (IBC) regulates and coordinates the coffee industry in Brazil, where almost 1.8 million hectares are dedicated to coffee crops. Arabica beans dominate the coffee production in Brazil, accounting for 70% of the beans grown in the country. Additionally, 3% of the country's export revenues come from coffee beans.

The coffee is grown in several regions of Brazil, including Minas Gerais, Bahia, Rondônia, and Espírito Santo. Minas Gerais is responsible for growing approximately 53% of the coffee trees in Brazil, while Rondônia is renowned for its production of Robusta beans. Brazilians take great pride in their national drink and are avid coffee drinkers, often enjoying their coffee black and heavily sweetened throughout the day.

2. Vietnam

Vietnam, with an annual output of 1,683 metric tons, is a relative newcomer to the global coffee production scene but has managed to secure the #2 position in world coffee production. Coffee was introduced to Vietnam in the 1800s, but it wasn't until the early 1990s that it began to be cultivated for export to improve the country's economy. The coffee sector has since grown significantly, employing nearly 3 million people, mostly growers on small farms of 2-3 acres. However, Vietnam's coffee production is mostly of the less sought-after Robusta variety, with under 5% of coffee beans grown in the country being Arabica. As a result, most of the coffee beans grown in Vietnam are used for blends or to make instant coffee.

Despite the popularity of coffee as an export crop, tea remains the preferred drink among the Vietnamese population. Nevertheless, a few Vietnamese drinks have gained international attention, such as their famous Cappuccino, which can be enjoyed with a dose of raw egg. Vietnamese coffee made with condensed milk is also well-known.

3. Colombia

Colombia has a rich history in coffee production, with unique traditions and lifestyles that have evolved around the industry. Coffee was first introduced to Colombia in the early 1700s, and by the late 1800s, it had become a dominant crop in the country. Currently, about 2.3 million acres of land in Colombia are dedicated to coffee cultivation. In the 1960s, coffee accounted for almost 90% of Colombia's exports, though that figure has since declined. Nevertheless, coffee remains Colombia's most important agricultural export.

There are approximately 555,000 coffee growers in Colombia, and the majority of coffee farms (95%) are owned by families rather than large corporations. In Colombia, a typical morning starts with a tinto, a small cup of black coffee sweetened with sugar or panela, a type of raw sugar commonly used in Colombia. Some Colombians may add cinnamon or other spices to their coffee for added flavor.

4. Indonesia

Indonesia has a rich history of coffee production dating back to the 1600s when plantations were established in Java. This made Indonesia one of the first countries outside of Arabia and Africa to cultivate coffee and promote Arabica production.

Despite currently ranking as the fourth biggest coffee-producing country globally, Indonesia's coffee history has not been without drama and tragedy. In the late 19th century, the coffee rust disease devastated much of the high-quality coffee plants, leaving millions of people without a source of income. To prevent a similar tragedy from occurring, Indonesia began replanting with the disease-resistant Robusta coffee. While Arabica beans still play a role in the Indonesian coffee market, they represent only about 25% of the coffee beans grown in the country.

5. Ethiopia

Ethiopia is considered the birthplace of Arabica coffee and has a rich history and culture surrounding the industry. The legend of Kaldi, a goat herder from Ethiopia, is often cited as the origin of coffee's popularity. Nowadays, coffee plays a crucial role in Ethiopia's economy, providing a livelihood for 12 million people and accounting for 28% of exports.

Ethiopian coffee, such as the famous Yirgacheffe variety, is highly sought after for its floral and acidic notes. The use of innovative processing methods, including carbonic maceration, has further enhanced the quality of Ethiopian coffee. But coffee in Ethiopia is more than just a commodity. It's deeply ingrained in the country's culture, and the traditional coffee ceremony is considered an essential social occasion. Passed down for generations, the ceremony involves roasting and grinding the coffee beans before brewing and serving the coffee. The woman performing the ceremony uses an open flame to roast the beans and pours the coffee from a height into the cups, making it a dramatic and impressive sight.

6. Honduras

The coffee industry in Honduras has seen significant growth and success over the years. Today, Honduras is the largest coffee-producing country in Central America, but this was not always the case. Just half a century ago, coffee production in the country was minimal. Between 1970 and 1996, Honduras experienced a remarkable 200% increase in national coffee production. The terrain and soil in Honduras are particularly suitable for producing specialty coffee beans, which account for around 30% of the country's total coffee exports. To assist farmers and promote coffee production, the Honduran Coffee Institute was established. With its support and the determination of coffee growers, the industry has flourished, despite the natural disasters, collapse of coffee prices, and coffee leaf rust that have plagued other coffee-producing countries. Coffee remains Honduras' primary agricultural export, and currently, around 100,000 people are involved in growing coffee in the country.

Honduras is known for its diverse coffee varieties, processes, and microclimates in the six primary coffee regions, which create varied cup profiles. In Copán, for example, low temperatures produce chocolate, caramel, or citrus notes, while higher altitudes and cooler nights in Montecillos result in fruity notes. In the central region of Comayagua, the largest producing region, sweet and fruity coffees are the norm.

7. Peru

Peru has a long history of cultivating coffee, dating back to the late 1700s. Despite the delay in exporting coffee, over 100,000 hard-working coffee producers now work on small farms with an average size of just 3 hectares. Common varieties grown in Peru include Bourbon, Typica, Catuai, Caturra, and Mundo Novo, which are also found in other Latin American countries. The coffee-growing regions span across the country from north to south, including San Martín, Junín, Cajamarca, Amazonas, and Cusco. Coffee from Peru is known for its mild cup profile and is especially prized for its organic, traditionally washed coffees.

8. India 

India has a long-standing history with coffee that began in the 1600s when Yemeni coffee beans were brought to the country. With the increased commercial coffee plantations in the 18th century by the British, India has become one of the coffee-producing countries in the world, with an annual output of 319 metric tons. India's coffee industry is primarily made up of small-scale growers, with over 210,000 coffee producers cultivating Arabica and Robusta beans in the southern regions of Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, and Kerala. All coffee in India is grown under the shade of forests, creating optimal conditions for high-quality coffee.

Indian coffee is known for its unique spicy flavor, with hints of clove or cardamom and low acidity. Although the Indian government has an India Coffee Board that oversees the industry, coffee is mostly exported as the country prefers tea as its beverage of choice.

9. Uganda

Uganda has a strong coffee industry, with coffee being the country's top export. The coffee trade is connected to much of the population. Robusta coffee is the main type of coffee grown in Uganda, accounting for 87% of production. Uganda is the largest exporter of Robusta beans in Africa, which is not surprising since Robusta is indigenous to the country. Coffee is grown throughout much of the west, east, and southeast of the country, with the Robusta harvest season running from November to February. While Uganda does not have a traditional coffee culture, it does have a strong preference for tea, likely due to the country's history under British influence.

10. Guatemala

Guatemala, one of the leading coffee producers in Central America, has a workforce of more than 100,000 people, mainly indigenous Guatemalans. Its rich volcanic soil and microclimates contribute to the production of coffee with a flavor profile that is often characterized by notes of chocolate and spices. The Asociación Nacional del Café (Anacafé) supports the Guatemalan coffee industry by promoting coffee and conducting research. Coffee is grown in the southern region of Guatemala, from east to west, where the highlands have cooler temperatures and fertile soil, making them ideal for coffee production. Antigua, located near three volcanoes, produces coffee with a distinct taste due to the rich volcanic soil. The Huehuetanango region's high altitudes give the coffee a crisp acidity and a sweet, caramel-like flavor, while the Nuevo Oriente region, near the Honduran border, produces a well-balanced, full-bodied coffee due to the cloudy conditions.

Which Country is the Leading Producer of Coffee?

With cafes present on nearly every street corner in cities worldwide, it is unsurprising that coffee is one of the top commodities globally. As the third most consumed beverage, after water and tea, there is a high demand for coffee beans everywhere. Identifying the country that produces the most or best coffee is subjective. However, Brazil is widely regarded as the top coffee producer globally, manufacturing a staggering 2,595,000 metric tons of coffee beans in 2016, making it the largest producer of coffee internationally. Brazil's coffee production doubles that of the second-place region, a feat it has accomplished for a long time. Brazil's status as the world's largest producer of coffee beans dates back over 150 years, thanks to its tropical region enriched by the Amazon basin's humid climatic conditions. According to World's Top Exports, global coffee exports in 2018 were valued at US $861.2 million, with Brazil's output being the highest since 1840. Coffee was first introduced to Brazil by French colonists in the 18th century, and today, the country's landscape boasts over 10,000 square miles of coffee plantations. With an estimated 25 million people worldwide depending on its production for their livelihood, coffee is the world's second most valuable commodity. The country that produces the most coffee has the largest economy and is also the leading exporter of coffee, responsible for growing over one-third of the world's coffee supply.


Coffee production is a complex and challenging industry that relies on the hard work and perseverance of coffee growers, governmental agencies, co-ops, and non-profit organizations. The top 10 coffee-producing countries in the world for 2023, listed above, have demonstrated their ability to overcome challenges and produce significant amounts of coffee to support their growers. Brazil, with an estimated annual output of 3,009 metric tons, continues to dominate as the largest coffee-producing country in the world, followed by Vietnam, Colombia, Indonesia, and Ethiopia. Each country has a unique history and tradition in coffee production that has contributed to their success. Despite the challenges faced by small-scale coffee farmers, these top 10 countries continue to provide us with a daily cup of coffee that we can enjoy and appreciate.

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Largest Coffee Producing Country 2023 - FAQs

1. What is the largest coffee producing country in 2023?

Brazil is the largest coffee producing country in 2023, with an estimated annual output of 3,009 metric tons.

2. How long has coffee been grown in Brazil?  

Coffee has been grown in Brazil since the 18th century.

3. Which regions of Brazil are responsible for the majority of coffee production?

Minas Gerais is responsible for growing approximately 53% of the coffee trees in Brazil, while Rondônia is renowned for its production of Robusta beans.

4. What is a typical morning drink in Colombia?

A typical morning drink in Colombia is a tinto, a small cup of black coffee sweetened with sugar or panela, a type of raw sugar commonly used in Colombia. Some Colombians may add cinnamon or other spices to their coffee for added flavor.

5. What is the coffee scene like in Vietnam?

Vietnam is a relative newcomer to the global coffee production scene, and despite being the second largest coffee producing country in the world, the majority of the coffee produced is of the less sought-after Robusta variety.