March 19, 2024: Solution To Irish Times Crosaire Crossword

Take a mental trip with the Irish Times Crosaire Crossword and discover intriguing puzzles and clever wordplay. Use your brain every day to solve the mysteries of this well-known puzzle adventure.

by Abisha | Updated Mar 19, 2024

The Irish Times Crosaire Crossword is your daily dose of cryptic delight. Discover clever clues that weave Irish culture and geography into the mix, perfect for history buffs and puzzle experts alike. Sharpen your pencil and get ready for a satisfying challenge that's uniquely Irish.

Shifty tactician scorns CIA - they're not broken


The answer that fits these criteria is "INTACT," meaning undamaged or unbroken. When we remove "CIA" from "tactician," we get "INT," which, when added to "ACT," forms "INTACT."

Create a niche for oneself with cut that's passe?


This phrase implies actively creating a space or position for yourself. It suggests effort and intentionality.

High priest's tone delights recruits


The answer "STONED" fits both interpretations, referring to being under the influence of drugs or narcotics.

Nail on gammy foot, on reflection seems somewhat pinkish-white


In this clue, "Nail on gammy foot" suggests "GAMMY NAIL." "On reflection" indicates that the letters in "GAMMY NAIL" should be reversed, resulting in "LIAN MYMAG." "Seems somewhat pinkish-white" suggests "MAGNOLIA," which is a type of flower known for its pinkish-white blossoms.

Agent goes to personnel department because editor changed what they'd written


In this clue, "Agent goes to personnel department" suggests rearranging or reorganizing something. "Because editor changed what they'd written" implies altering or modifying text. The word "REPHRASED" means to express something in different words while retaining the original meaning, which fits the description provided in the clue.

Middle-sized catalogue is the least sought-after


In this clue, "Middle-sized catalogue" suggests a list or ranking. "Is the least sought-after" implies the bottom or last position on the list. The phrase "Z LIST" refers to a list that ranks the lowest or least desirable items, fitting the description provided.

Put together card game at the back of the class which promoted friendly relations


  • In this clue, "Put together card game" suggests constructing or organizing something. "At the back of the class" implies behind the scenes or in a subtle manner. "Which promoted friendly relations" suggests fostering connections or building rapport.
  • The phrase "BUILT BRIDGES" means to establish connections or improve relationships between people, which fits the description provided.

Describes at length how instrument should be given to child when sailor is away


In this clue, "Describes at length" suggests talking extensively or repetitively about something. "How instrument should be given to child when sailor is away" implies discussing a topic repeatedly or in detail. The phrase "HARPS ON ABOUT" means to talk incessantly or dwell excessively on a particular subject, fitting the description provided.

Couple prepare for ordeal


In this clue, "Couple" suggests two or a pair. "Prepare for ordeal" implies getting ready or bracing oneself for a difficult situation. The word "BRACE" means to prepare or strengthen oneself mentally or physically for a challenging task, which fits the description provided.

Lack of maturity shown by staff in community organisation


In this clue, "Lack of maturity shown by staff" suggests a youthful or immature behavior. "In community organization" implies a group or club within the community. The phrase "YOUTH CLUB" refers to an organization or group typically composed of young people, which fits the description provided.

Support it from beneath, using tack


"Support it from beneath" suggests providing foundational support. "Using tack" implies a method of securing or fastening. The word "UNDERPIN" means to support from below or to reinforce the foundation, which fits the description provided.

Losing touch in South Africa, strangely, during expedition


In this clue, "Losing touch in South Africa" suggests a journey or expedition typically associated with the African continent. "Strangely" indicates an anagram, and "during expedition" provides context for the activity. The word "SAFARI" refers to a journey or expedition, often to observe wildlife in Africa.

Middleman skewers those who are most successful - he's a fiend


In this clue, "Middleman skewers those who are most successful" suggests someone who disrupts or undermines others' success. "He's a fiend" implies someone with negative or malicious intentions. The phrase "THE BEAST" refers to someone or something that is exceptionally difficult or troublesome, fitting the description provided.

See judge tell annoying extremists they elicit a feeling of exhaustion and disorientation


In this clue, "See judge tell" suggests a word associated with sight or vision. "Annoying extremists" may suggest radical or extreme behavior. "They elicit a feeling of exhaustion and disorientation" indicates the symptoms of a particular condition. The word "JETLAG" refers to the feeling of fatigue and disorientation experienced after long-distance travel across time zones.

Fashionable writer to sign book


In this clue, "Fashionable writer" suggests someone who is stylish or trendy. "To sign book" implies writing or inscribing one's name in a publication. The word "INSCRIBE" means to write or carve words or symbols onto a surface, which fits the description provided.

Marches inside as head teacher pulls up unfortunate characters for misdeed


The phrase "TROOPS IN" refers to a group of soldiers or people entering a building or location.

Vehicle carrying the French members is unobstructed


In this clue, "Vehicle carrying the French members" suggests a transport method with passengers from France. "Is unobstructed" implies that the path is clear or free from obstacles. The word "CLEAR" means unobstructed or free from hindrance, which fits the description provided.

Man, scratching head, calculated extra dividend would be a further, unexpected advantage


In this clue, "Man, scratching head" suggests a person (a man) engaged in thought or calculation. "Calculated extra dividend would be a further, unexpected advantage" implies an additional benefit beyond what was initially expected. The phrase "AN ADDED BONUS" refers to something extra or unexpected that enhances a situation.

Laze about in venue on the Caribbean


In this clue, "Laze about" suggests relaxing or lounging. "Venue on the Caribbean" implies a location in the Caribbean region. The word "VENEZUELA" refers to a country located on the northern coast of South America, known for its Caribbean coastline and diverse landscapes.

Youngster of ten by the looks of it, brought over to see large drilling apparatus


In this clue, "Youngster of ten" suggests the number "ten." "By the looks of it" indicates a visual impression. "Brought over" suggests movement from one place to another. "To see large drilling apparatus" implies observing equipment used for drilling. The phrase "OIL RIG" refers to a large structure used for drilling oil wells, typically located offshore.

Disheartened teacher carries out religious pamphlets


"Carries out religious pamphlets" implies distributing or disseminating religious literature. The word "TRACTS" refers to short religious writings or pamphlets often distributed for evangelistic purposes.

Cosy starship renovated for study of celestial bodies


The word "ASTROPHYSICS" refers to the branch of astronomy that deals with the physical properties and processes of celestial bodies.

Amphibian, for example, at lake demonstrates this to some extent


  • In this clue, "Amphibian, for example, at lake" suggests a creature that can inhabit both land and water, such as a frog. "Demonstrates this to some extent" implies exhibiting a certain quality or characteristic to a certain degree.
  • The phrase "TO A DEGREE" means to some extent or to a certain extent, fitting the description provided.

One might take cue here and add water feature to anteroom


The word "POOLHALL" refers to an establishment where people play pool or billiards.

It's painful when sports equipment is brought over to waste facility by head girl


In this clue, "Sports equipment" suggests items used in physical activities. "Brought over to waste facility by head girl" implies movement to a place for disposal by someone in authority. The word "STABBING" refers to the act of thrusting or piercing with a sharp object, which can cause intense pain.

Sudden jab ruptured it internally


In this clue, "Sudden jab" suggests a quick and forceful movement. "Ruptured it internally" implies causing a sudden disruption or breakage inside. The word "ABRUPT" means sudden or unexpected, fitting the description provided.

Feel they can cope with it


In this clue, "Feel they can cope with it" suggests having the ability to manage or deal with a situation. The word "HANDLE" means to deal with or manage, fitting the description provided.

Haul them out, discovering rakish eavesdropper


In this clue, "Haul them out" suggests pulling something out with effort. "Discovering rakish eavesdropper" implies finding someone who listens in on private conversations in a sneaky or improper manner. The word "HEAVE" means to lift or pull with force, fitting the description provided.

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