March 25, 2024: Solution To The Irish Daily Mail Mailword Small Crossword

The Irish Daily Mail Mail Word Small Crossword Answer delivers big excitement in a compact yet engaging puzzle that packs a punch. Unlock your inner word master and beat every grid with speed and accuracy with our guide.

by J Nandhini | Updated Mar 25, 2024

Even though it’s a mini version of the Irish Daily Mail, the crossword can still throw you for a loop. Don’t let it leave you speechless, this answer key is your best friend when it comes to getting through those tricky clues. Expand your vocabulary and enjoy a perfectly solved Mailword. With the answers right here, you’re an expert from Mailword mastery.

Unit  (4)

Answer: ITEM

"Unit (4)" - The word "unit" often refers to a single entity or object. In this context, it's indicating something individual or specific. "Item" is a synonym for "unit" in many contexts, especially when referring to something particular or distinct.

Evergreen tree  (3)

Answer: YEW

"Evergreen tree (3)" - An "evergreen tree" is a type of tree that retains its leaves or needles throughout the year, as opposed to shedding them seasonally. The answer, "YEW," fits this description as it is an evergreen tree known for its dark green leaves and red berries.

Reminder  (4)

Answer: MEMO

"Reminder (4)" - A "reminder" is something that prompts or helps one remember something else, often in a brief or succinct form. A "memo" is a short written message or note used for communication within an organization, often serving as a reminder or a brief communication about a particular topic.

Lug  (5)

Answer: HEAVE

"Lug (5)" - "Lug" can mean to carry or haul something heavy or cumbersome. "Heave" is a synonym for this action, particularly emphasizing the effort involved in lifting or moving something heavy.

Madrid's country  (5)

Answer: SPAIN

"Madrid's country (5)" - Madrid is the capital city of Spain. Therefore, when referring to the country to which Madrid belongs, the answer is "Spain."

Emigrant  (5)

Answer: EXPAT

"Emigrant (5)" - An "emigrant" is someone who leaves their own country to live permanently in another. An "expat," short for expatriate, is a term often used to refer to someone who lives outside their native country, typically for work or other reasons, but without necessarily implying a permanent change in residency. Therefore, "expat" is a suitable answer here.

Smoked meat  (8)


"Smoked meat (8)" - Pastrami is a type of smoked meat, typically made from beef brisket. It's seasoned with various herbs and spices before being smoked and steamed, resulting in its distinctive flavor and texture.

--- Moyet, singer  (6)

Answer: ALISON

"--- Moyet, singer (6)" - Alison Moyet is a British singer known for her powerful voice and successful music career. The question is hinting at her name, which is "ALISON," and the "---" likely indicates that the name is the answer.

Peaks  (4)

Answer: TOPS

"Peaks (4)" - "Peaks" refers to the highest points or summits of something, often mountains or hills. In this context, "tops" serves as a synonym for "peaks," indicating the highest points or most successful aspects of something.

Integer  (3)

Answer: TEN

"Integer (3)" - An "integer" is a whole number, either positive, negative, or zero, without any fractional or decimal parts. The number "TEN" fits this definition perfectly, as it is a whole number without any fractional or decimal parts.

Aim  (3)

Answer: END

"Aim (3)" - The word "aim" often refers to the intended or desired outcome of an action or effort. In this context, "end" serves as a synonym for "aim," as it can mean the ultimate goal or purpose towards which one directs their efforts.

Young dog  (3)

Answer: PUP

Young dog (3)" - A "pup" is a common term for a young dog, typically used to refer to a puppy. The answer fits the description perfectly, indicating a juvenile canine.

Tense  (4)

Answer: EDGY

"Tense (4)" - "Tense" can refer to a state of nervousness or unease, often characterized by a feeling of being on edge. "Edgy" is a synonym for this feeling of tension or nervousness, making it an appropriate answer.

Halogen  (6)

Answer: IODINE

"Halogen (6)" - "Halogen" is a term used in chemistry to refer to a group of elements that include fluorine, chlorine, bromine, iodine, and astatine. Among these elements, "iodine" is one of them, hence fitting the description.

Assess too highly  (8)


"Assess too highly (8)" - To "assess" something is to evaluate or judge its worth or value. "Too highly" suggests an overestimation of this worth or value. "Overrate" means to assess or evaluate something as being of greater value or importance than it actually is. So, "overrate" fits the description of assessing something too highly

Italian island  (5)

Answer: CAPRI

"Italian island (5)" - Capri is an Italian island located in the Tyrrhenian Sea off the Sorrentine Peninsula, on the south side of the Gulf of Naples in the Campania region of Italy. Therefore, "CAPRI" is the answer to the question.

Located  (5)

Answer: SITED

"Located (5)" - To be "located" means to be situated or positioned in a particular place. "SITED" is a past participle of the verb "site," which means to locate or position something in a specific place. So, "SITED" is the answer that fits the description.

Conscious  (5)

Answer: AWAKE

"Conscious (5)" - To be "conscious" means to be aware of and able to perceive one's surroundings and sensations. "AWAKE" is a synonym for being conscious, as it describes the state of being not asleep or unconscious.

State  (4)

Answer: AVER

"State (4)" - "State" can refer to expressing something firmly or officially. "AVER" means to assert or declare something to be true with confidence or conviction. Therefore, "AVER" fits the description of stating something.

Moisture  (3)

Answer: DEW

"Moisture (3)" - "Moisture" refers to small drops of water that form on surfaces, usually during the night when atmospheric vapor condenses. "DEW" specifically refers to this moisture that forms on surfaces like grass, leaves, or windows

Reduced  (4)

Answer: LESS

"Reduced (4)" - "Reduced" means to make something smaller or decrease its size or amount. "LESS" is a word used to indicate a smaller amount or quantity of something. Therefore, "LESS" is the answer that fits the description.

Transfixed  (7)


"Transfixed (7)" - To be "transfixed" means to be rendered motionless with awe, terror, or another strong emotion. "IMPALED" refers to being pierced or penetrated with a sharp object, often used in a figurative sense to describe being completely absorbed or captivated by something.

Mocking  (7)


"Mocking" is a synonym for "teasing." When someone is mocking another person, they are making fun of them in a playful or taunting manner. Therefore, "teasing" fits the description of the word that means "mocking" in this context.

Gives out  (5)

Answer: EMITS

"Gives out" implies the action of producing or releasing something. "Emits" is a word that means to give out or release, often used in the context of emitting light, sound, or other forms of energy. So, "emits" fits the description of "gives out" in this context.

Marilyn ---, actress  (6)

Answer: MONROE

The question hints at a famous actress named Marilyn. The answer is "Monroe," referring to Marilyn Monroe, the iconic American actress and model. The dash in the question serves as a placeholder for the last name of the actress, leading to "Monroe" as the fitting answer.

Bark  (3)

Answer: YAP

"Bark" typically refers to the sound made by a dog. In this context, the question is looking for a short word that represents the sound of a dog's bark. "Yap" is a fitting answer as it is a concise term often used to describe the sharp, high-pitched sound of a dog's bark.

--- Peron, Argentinian first lady  (3)

Answer: EVA

The question is referring to an Argentinian first lady whose name is being sought. The dash serves as a placeholder for the first name of the first lady. "Eva" is the correct answer, referring to Eva Perón, who was the wife of Argentine President Juan Perón and served as the First Lady of Argentina until her death in 1952

Rainy  (3)

Answer: WET

"Rainy" describes weather conditions where it's wet due to rainfall. The word "wet" fits this description perfectly as it directly relates to the state of being soaked with water, which is characteristic of rainy weather.

Sewn edge  (3)

Answer: HEM

A "sewn edge" typically refers to the folded-over and stitched border of a piece of fabric to prevent unraveling. This folded and stitched border is known as a "hem," making it the appropriate answer.

Way out  (4)

Answer: EXIT

"Way out" refers to a means of leaving or exiting a place. The word "exit" directly signifies a way out or a point of departure, making it the suitable answer

Deluge  (5)

Answer: SPATE

A "deluge" refers to a sudden and heavy downpour of rain, often implying an overwhelming amount of something. "Spate" is a word that signifies a sudden outpouring or increase, particularly in terms of water or events, making it fitting for the description of a deluge.

Musical orphan  (5)

Answer: ANNIE

The clue "musical orphan" is referring to a character from the musical "Annie." Annie is an orphan who is the main character of the musical, so "Annie" is the correct answer here.

Narcotics  (7)


"Narcotics" typically refers to drugs that induce sleep or dull the senses, often associated with opiates such as morphine or heroin. Therefore, "opiates," which are a type of narcotic derived from opium, fit the description provided.

Customers  (7)


In certain contexts, "customers" can be referred to as "punters," especially in informal or colloquial language, particularly in the context of gambling or betting. "Punters" is a term often used to describe customers, especially those engaged in betting or wagering activities.

Velocity  (5)

Answer: SPEED

"Velocity" is a term used in physics to denote the rate of change of position of an object with respect to time. In common usage, it's often synonymous with "speed," which represents the rate at which something moves over a distance.

Upper fin  (6)

Answer: DORSAL

The "upper fin" is a feature typically associated with aquatic animals like fish and dolphins, referring specifically to the fin located on the back or upper side of the animal. This type of fin is called the "dorsal fin," making "dorsal" the correct answer.

English city  (4)

Answer: YORK

The clue refers to a city in England. "York" is the name of an English city, situated in the northern part of the country. Therefore, "York" fits the description provided

Propel  (5)

Answer: DRIVE

"Propel" means to push or move something forward with force. "Drive" is a suitable answer as it can mean to move or urge forward with force or vigor, aligning with the action of propelling.

Compete  (3)

Answer: VIE

"Compete" means to strive to gain or win something by defeating or establishing superiority over others. "Vie" is an appropriate answer as it means to compete eagerly or contend with others for superiority or victory.

Rogue  (3)

Answer: CAD

A "rogue" is typically someone who behaves dishonestly or unscrupulously, often with deceitful intentions. A "cad" is a term used to describe a man who behaves dishonorably, especially towards women. In this context, "cad" fits the description of a rogue, as both terms refer to someone who acts in a morally reprehensible or dishonest manner.

Wonder  (3)

Answer: AWE

"Wonder" refers to a feeling of amazement or admiration caused by something beautiful, remarkable, or unfamiliar. "Awe" is the appropriate word to describe this feeling of wonder or astonishment. When something inspires wonder, it often elicits a sense of awe in those experiencing it.

Animal's hand  (3)

Answer: PAW

In the context of animals, particularly mammals like cats, dogs, bears, etc., the term "paw" is commonly used to refer to their feet or hands. It's a simple and straightforward association where "paw" directly relates to the hand-like appendage of an animal, such as a dog's or cat's paw.

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