Mirror Quick Crossword Puzzle for Today March 23, 2024

Explore the world of puzzles here with Today’s Mirror Quick Crossword clues. Let's find the solution for today’s puzzle answer in this article

by J Nandhini | Updated Mar 23, 2024

A Mirror Quick Crossword Puzzle is a word game which entertains us in a useful way. The clues are usually short phrases or sentences that hint at the word you need to fill in. Usually Mirror Quick crosswords provide worthwhile clues which are helpful in so many ways. The answers might end with 4 or more than 4 letters based on the clue and grids. Finding the hint clearly,  helps you solve the puzzle more easily because it gives you a broader understanding of what the answer is about.

Hope you will enjoy our clue explanation. Check out the latest Mirror Quick Puzzles here. 

Have Fun !

European capita

Answer: PARIS

This clue refers to a city that serves as the capital of a European country. The answer is "PARIS," which is the capital city of France and is known for its iconic landmarks such as the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre Museum.


Answer: COVER

This clue describes a cover or top that closes or seals something. The answer is "COVER," which refers to a lid or other protective layer placed over an object to conceal or protect it.


Answer: AGE

This term indicates a period of time characterized by particular events, developments, or cultural attributes. The answer is "AGE," which refers to a specific historical period or a stage in the development of something.

Yearn for

Answer: CRAVE

This clue suggests a strong desire or longing for something. The answer is "CRAVE," which means to have an intense desire for something, often to the point of feeling a physical or emotional need for it.

Madagascan creature

Answer: LEMUR

This refers to an animal native to the island of Madagascar. The answer is "LEMUR," which is a type of primate found only in Madagascar and nearby islands, known for their distinctive appearance and behavior.

Judo grade

Answer: DAN

This clue indicates a level of achievement or proficiency in the martial art of judo. The answer is "DAN," which is a ranking system used in judo and other martial arts to denote a practitioner's level of skill and experience.


Answer: ADO

This term refers to trouble, annoyance, or difficulty. The answer is "ADO," which means fuss or commotion, often used to describe minor troubles or inconveniences


Answer: ALE

This clue describes a type of alcoholic beverage. The answer is "ALE," which is a type of beer brewed using a warm fermentation method, resulting in a fruity and sometimes bitter flavor.


Answer: TAN

This refers to a color in the spectrum between orange and black, often associated with earthy tones. The answer is "TAN," which is a shade of brown characterized by a light, golden-brown color.

Salad ingredient

Answer: TOMATO

This clue indicates an item commonly used in salads. The answer is "TOMATO," which is a fruit (often considered a vegetable in culinary contexts) commonly used in salads for its juicy texture and tangy flavor.


Answer: EVER

This clue suggests an adverb indicating a continuous or perpetual action. The answer is "EVER," which means at any time or always, suggesting an ongoing state without interruption.


Answer: WASH

This refers to an action related to cleaning or washing. The answer is "WASH," which means to clean something with water and usually soap or detergent, often by rubbing or scrubbing.


Answer: ELEVEN

This clue indicates a quantity or numeral. The answer is "ELEVEN," which is a numerical value representing the quantity between ten and twelve.


Answer: LEG

This refers to a part of the body. The answer is "LEG," which is one of the limbs of the body, typically used for standing, walking, or running.

Plural of is

Answer: ARE

This clue asks for the plural form of the verb "is." The answer is "ARE," which is the plural form of "is," used with plural subjects or pronouns.

Common word

Answer: THE

This refers to a word that is frequently used or familiar to many people. The answer is "THE," which is one of the most common words in the English language, used to introduce nouns and specify definite or specific things


Answer: ARM

This clue indicates an object used for offense or defense in combat. The answer is "ARM," which refers to a weapon, typically a firearm, but can also encompass other tools or instruments used for fighting.


Answer: RILED

This describes a state of annoyance or agitation. The answer is "RILED," which means annoyed or angered, often as a result of provocation or irritation.

Long strides

Answer: LOPES

This refers to a manner of walking or moving. The answer is "LOPES," which means to move with long, bounding steps, suggesting a relaxed and steady gait.


Answer: ERE

This clue indicates a preposition indicating something that precedes in time or order. The answer is "ERE," which means before, prior to, or in advance of a specified event or point in time.


Answer: SEATS

This clue refers to furniture used for sitting. The answer is "SEATS," which is another term for chairs or places where one can sit


Answer: ERRED

This describes an action of wandering or deviating from the correct path. The answer is "ERRED," which means to make a mistake or to go astray from what is right or expected.

Roof of the mouth

Answer: PALATE

This refers to a part of the anatomy located in the mouth. The answer is "PALATE," which is the roof of the mouth, consisting of the hard palate at the front and the soft palate at the back.


Answer: AGED

This term describes someone who is advanced in age. The answer is "AGED," which refers to being old or elderly, typically implying a relatively advanced stage of life.


Answer: REMOTE

This clue indicates a distance or extent. The answer is "REMOTE," which describes something located far away in space or distant in time, or alternatively, referring to something being distant or removed from a central point or mainstream.

Leave quickly

Answer: SCRAM

This clue suggests a phrase or term indicating a rapid departure or escape. The answer is "SCRAM," which is a colloquial expression meaning to leave quickly or hastily, often used to convey urgency or a desire to avoid trouble.

Military student

Answer: CADET

This refers to a person enrolled in a military training program or institution. The answer is "CADET," which is a term used to describe a student or trainee in a military academy or school, typically preparing for a career as an officer in the armed forces

Egg cells

Answer: OVA

This refers to reproductive cells in female organisms. The answer is "OVA," which is the plural form of "ovum," referring to the female reproductive cells or eggs produced by the ovaries.


Answer: VENT

This clue suggests a term describing a gap or aperture that allows access or passage. The answer is "VENT," which refers to an opening or passage that allows air, gas, or liquid to pass through, often used for ventilation or release.


Answer: RUIN

This indicates an action or process of ruining or damaging something. The answer is "RUIN," which means to spoil, destroy, or cause irreparable damage to something, often resulting in the loss of value or usefulness.


Answer: LATER

This clue suggests an adverb indicating a time that follows or comes after another event. The answer is "LATER," which means at a subsequent or later time.


Answer: ASS

This refers to a domesticated animal known for its long ears and stubborn nature. The answer is "ASS," which is another term for a donkey, a member of the horse family known for its characteristic braying sound.


Answer: ORE

This clue indicates a naturally occurring inorganic substance with a crystalline structure. The answer is "ORE," which refers to a rock or mineral deposit from which valuable metals or minerals can be extracted through mining.

Be indebted to

Answer: OWE

This suggests a phrase indicating a state of owing gratitude or repayment. The answer is "OWE," which means to be under obligation to pay or repay something, whether it be money, gratitude, or a favor.


Answer: VIE

This indicates an action involving competition or struggle. The answer is "VIE," which means to compete eagerly or strive for superiority or success, often used in contexts of rivalry or competition.

Deer's feature

Answer: ANTLER

This refers to a characteristic anatomical structure of a deer. The answer is "ANTLER," which is a bony, branched structure that grows on the heads of male deer and some other related species. Antlers are typically shed and regrown annually and are often used in mating rituals and combat among males.

Paid attention

Answer: HEEDED

This clue suggests a phrase indicating the act of listening to or taking notice of something. The answer is "HEEDED," which means to give attention to, heed, or take notice of something that is said or done.


Answer: LAMPS

This refers to sources of illumination. The answer is "LAMPS," which are devices used to produce light, typically consisting of a bulb or other source of illumination and a fixture or base to hold it.


Answer: VERSE

This term refers to a division of a poem or song, typically consisting of a group of lines forming a unit within the larger structure of the piece. The answer is "VERSE," which describes a stanza or a grouping of lines in poetry or song lyrics, often distinguished by its meter, rhyme scheme, or thematic content


Answer: LOGS

This clue suggests a term referring to large, heavy objects. The answer is "LOGS," which are large pieces of wood, typically cut from trees, often used as fuel, building materials, or in certain sports such as caber tossing.

Formal party

Answer: GALA

This refers to an event characterized by elegance, formality, and celebration. The answer is "GALA," which describes a festive occasion or formal social event, often characterized by elaborate attire, entertainment, and sometimes fundraising purposes.

In this place

Answer: HERE

This indicates a phrase referring to the current location or position. The answer is "HERE," which means in or at this place, used to indicate location or presence


Answer: ROT

This clue suggests a process of decomposition or deterioration, typically of organic matter. The answer is "ROT," which refers to the decomposition or breakdown of organic material, often resulting in a foul odor and the formation of decayed, mushy, or disintegrated matter. Rot can occur in various contexts, such as food, wood, or even societal or moral decay.

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