Most Popular Pet Birds in the World 2023 ( With Pictures )

Discover the most popular pet birds in the world for 2023, from the stunning Hyacinth Macaw to the sociable Conure, learn about their unique personalities, care requirements, and more.

by B Kishwar | Updated Mar 16, 2023


Best Pet Birds

Pet birds are domesticated birds that are kept as companions or pets by people in their homes or in outdoor aviaries. There are many different types of pet birds, each with their own unique characteristics, appearance, and care requirements. Some popular pet bird species include parakeets (budgerigars), cockatiels, lovebirds, parrots (such as African Greys, Amazons, and Macaws), canaries, finches, and doves. Each of these species has its own specific needs when it comes to diet, housing, and social interaction. In terms of diet, pet birds require a balanced and varied diet that includes pellets, fresh fruits and vegetables, and occasional treats. Housing for pet birds can range from small cages for budgies and cockatiels to large aviaries for parrots and doves. It is important to provide adequate space, perches, and toys to keep pet birds stimulated and healthy.

Social interaction is also an important aspect of caring for pet birds. Some species, such as parrots, require daily interaction and mental stimulation from their human companions in order to thrive. Other species, such as canaries and finches, may be less social and prefer the company of other birds. When it comes to caring for pet birds, it is important to do your research and understand the specific needs of the species you are considering. With proper care and attention, pet birds can make wonderful companions and provide years of enjoyment for their owners.

Most Popular Pet Birds in the World 2023

For those new to pet birds, it is recommended to choose a species that is friendly, gentle, and well-suited to being a companion. These traits can make it easier to bond with and care for the bird, especially for those with limited pet bird experience. With over 9,700 known bird species in the world, it can be overwhelming to select a specific type of bird as a pet. However, of all the species out there, some stand out as being particularly friendly and sociable. While parrots are often the first type of bird that comes to mind, there are actually over 400 species of parrots or Psittaciformes. To help narrow down the options, we've compiled a list of the top 10 most popular pet bird species in the world, based on their friendliness and suitability as companions. Starting our list is the diminutive parrot, which has captured the hearts of millions of bird enthusiasts worldwide. However, there are many other friendly bird species to consider, such as budgerigars, cockatiels, and lovebirds. Other popular pet bird species include canaries, finches, and doves, all of which can make wonderful companions with the proper care and attention. It's important to note that while these bird species are generally friendly and well-suited to being pets, each bird has its own unique personality and care requirements. It's essential to research the specific needs of the bird species you're interested in and to provide a safe and comfortable living environment for your new feathered friend. With proper care and attention, a pet bird can provide years of companionship and joy.

Top 10 Most Popular Pet Birds in the World

S. No

Most Popular Pet Birds












African Grey








Hyacinth Macaw


There are several reasons why parakeets, also known as Budgies or Budgerigars, sit at the top of the list of most popular pet birds in the world. These tiny parrot-like birds have long tail feathers and are available in various colours such as blue, grey, white, violet, and yellow/blue. However, one of the most captivating variations is the light green parakeet with striking black wing markings and a yellow head. Aside from their beautiful appearance, parakeets are considered to be the best pet bird for several reasons. Their friendly nature and aesthetic feathers make them a popular choice among bird enthusiasts. Additionally, the innate intelligence of these birds makes them fascinating pets, as they can be trained to talk and perform tricks.

Parakeets are also low-maintenance pets, which adds to their appeal. They are relatively easy to care for, requiring a diet of seeds, fresh fruits, and vegetables, along with a clean living space and fresh water. It's no surprise that over 25% of bird owners keep a parakeet as a beloved pet. If you're looking for an easygoing bird with a low noise level, pretty feathering, and playful personality, then a tiny parakeet may be the perfect choice for you. With proper care and attention, a parakeet can make a loving and entertaining companion for many years to come.


The cockatiel is a medium-sized parrot that graces the second spot on our list of the most popular pet birds. Native to Australia, these birds have a distinct yellow crown and are known for their astonishingly talented singing and whistling. While cockatiels are capable of learning to speak, many owners find that their birds prefer to whistle and imitate odd noises such as the sound of a telephone ringing. They are full of personality and simple to handle, making them a great choice for families with children looking for their first bird.

Cockatiels are well-socialised pets that recognize and respond to their owners, making them excellent companions that can converse and sing. They thrive on attention and affection, and their playful and affectionate personalities make them a delight to be around. If you're considering adding a cockatiel to your family, it's essential to provide them with a healthy diet consisting of seeds, fruits, and vegetables, along with regular exercise and socialisation. With the right care and attention, a cockatiel can make a charming and loving pet for many years to come.


If you're looking for a pet bird that you can listen to rather than cuddle, the canary might be the perfect choice for you. Sitting at the third spot on the list of the most popular pet birds, canaries are known for their lovely, operatic songs that male birds start to produce after six months of age. As proud members of the passerine (songbird) family, canaries are raised to produce particular tunes, such as the American singer, the German roller, and others. They come in a range of colours, including yellow, green, bright orange, and brown.

While canaries are not typically birds that enjoy being handled or cuddled, they can still make great pets due to their beautiful songs and low-maintenance nature. They require a clean cage with plenty of space to move around, fresh water, and a healthy diet consisting of seeds, fruits, and vegetables. It's worth noting that canaries can be highly territorial and should be housed separately if possible. During the breeding season, which typically occurs in the spring in response to changes in the light cycle, males sing to compete for females. They may even sing louder when living next to another male in a cage. Overall, if you're looking for a pet bird that can fill your home with beautiful music, a canary may be just what you're looking for.


Ranked fourth on our list of most popular pet birds is a tiny parrot species that packs a punch. Don't be fooled by their small size, these birds have an amiable personality and are incredibly intelligent. However, lovebirds are known for testing boundaries and may exhibit signs of dominance, such as nipping or aggression. Despite this, they are named lovebirds because of the close relationships they develop with both their owners and their partners.

While it is common to keep lovebirds in pairs, a solitary bird can be just as happy and attached to its human flock. Having a pair of lovebirds can make for beautiful company, but it also means meeting their social demands can be more challenging. Compared to larger parrots, lovebirds are relatively easy to care for, but still require more attention than other common pet birds like doves and parakeets. They are known for being docile, but may not be suitable for households with young children.

On the bright side, lovebirds are relatively quiet, making them an excellent choice for those living in apartments or condominiums. These birds typically have green feathers with an orange upper body and head, light blue lower back and rump, a red beak, and white eyerings.


Among the most popular pet birds in America, doves stand out as one of the sweetest and gentlest species. These birds are low-maintenance and don't require much attention from their owners, making them ideal pets for busy individuals or those who can't be home often. Doves are particularly suitable for families with children who understand the importance of handling them gently. To accommodate their love of flying from perch to perch, dove owners should provide a large cage for them. Softbill doves are generally non-aggressive and rarely bite, but they still benefit from positive socialisation and bonding with their owners. Doves enjoy company, and they can interact with their humans outside of their cage if given the opportunity. Mirrors and swings can also provide them with entertainment inside their enclosure. Doves come in various colours, including white, grey, tangerine, pied, and orange. They have black eyes and bill, and their feet are typically dark purple.

African Grey

Moving on to the sixth spot on our list, we have an avian species that is renowned for its exceptional intelligence. In fact, many consider them the most intelligent birds in the world, earning them the nickname "the Einstein of the Bird World." These birds have an outstanding ability to learn human words and imitate speech, making them a popular choice for pet bird enthusiasts. African Grey parrots are also known for their affectionate personalities and their ability to bond strongly with their owners. They can be trained using positive reinforcement and operant conditioning techniques, making them a joy to train and interact with.

Despite their lack of colourful plumage, African Grey parrots are still stunning with their beautiful grey feathers and a hint of red on their tails. These intelligent and affectionate feathered friends are sure to capture your heart if you are looking for a brilliant bird. However, it is essential to keep in mind that these birds enjoy spending time with their human companions and sharing treats with the family. If you have young children, it is important to supervise their interactions with the African Grey parrot to prevent unintentional bites or injuries when sharing treats or meals.


Finches are an excellent choice for bird enthusiasts who want to experience the beauty of birds without the need for cuddles. They have a gentle, quiet, and friendly nature, making them perfect for those who love to observe their feathered friends from afar. One of the best things about finches is the variety of patterns and colors they come in. For instance, the owl finch resembles an owl, while the Gouldian finch has a rainbow-like appearance. The zebra finch, on the other hand, sports a black and white stripe similar to zebras.

Finches are songbirds, and they make brief, frequent, and low peeping noises, which is perfect for those who are sensitive to noise or have close neighbours. Finches are gregarious and love to build nests. If you have a pair, expect more than just two birds, as they are excellent egg layers.

 Finches are low-maintenance birds and do not require much attention or handling. However, they still need a spacious cage that provides enough space for them to fly around and perch. They also need fresh food and water daily, and their cage should be cleaned regularly.

Finches are social birds and thrive in pairs or groups, so it is recommended to have at least two birds. They also love to play with toys, and providing them with swings, mirrors, and other playthings can keep them entertained.


Parrotlets, also referred to as "pocket parrots," possess the intelligence and charm of their larger counterparts. They typically have green plumage with a splash of blue on their backs. Despite their small size, they can be trained to perform various tasks such as stepping onto your finger, turning around, and waving. These little birds have remarkable and charming personalities, and they are relatively easy to care for, but they can be fiercely territorial. Parrotlets may become aggressive towards other birds, especially during feeding, so it is advisable to keep them alone. In addition, they can exhibit demanding behavior when interacting with dogs and cats in a household. Therefore, it is important to supervise their interactions to avoid any reckless behavior that may lead to fights or injury.


Conures are one of the most popular pet bird species, known for their lively and active nature. These birds are recognized for their loud and screeching squawks, making them the loudest amongst all the species on the list. Despite their noise levels, Conures make excellent pets for individuals who enjoy constant activity and are not bothered by loud sounds. They are highly sociable and outgoing and enjoy spending time with their human companions. Although they do not have a significant vocabulary, they love to mimic their owner's actions, dance, and even hide in clothes or other items. These beautiful birds are available in a range of vivid colors, with red, yellow, orange, green, and blue being the most common, depending on the species. If you're considering adopting a Conure, be prepared for an active and noisy companion that is full of personality and charm.

Hyacinth Macaw

No list of the most popular pet birds would be complete without mentioning the stunning Hyacinth Macaw. These birds are the largest of all parrots and boast a magnificent cobalt blue plumage that is truly breathtaking. Their curved beaks only add to their majestic appearance, making them a highly sought-after pet for many bird enthusiasts. Hyacinth Macaws are known for their friendly and cuddly nature, and they love nothing more than being held and receiving affection from their owners. As a result, they form strong bonds with their human companions, and their loyalty is unmatched.

However, it's important to note that these birds require ample space to move around, and they can be quite destructive if they are not given enough stimulation or attention. As such, it's crucial to provide them with enough space and plenty of toys and activities to keep them occupied. With the right care and attention, a Hyacinth Macaw can make a wonderful and loyal pet that will bring joy and beauty to your home for years to come.

Top 10 Most Popular Bird Species

Below listed are some of the popular Bird species. Have a read!

S. No

Most Popular Birds Species


Red-billed quelea


House sparrow


Chipping sparrow


American robin






Mourning dove


Old World sparrows


Yellow-rumped warbler



What are the Pros and Cons of Pet Birds?

Here are some potential pros and cons of owning pet birds:


Companionship: Pet birds can be wonderful companions, providing entertainment and social interaction for their owners.

Low maintenance: Some bird species, such as canaries and finches, require relatively little maintenance and can be easier to care for than other types of pets.

Unique personalities: Each bird has its own unique personality and quirks, which can make for a fascinating and enjoyable pet ownership experience.

Beautiful plumage: Many bird species have striking and beautiful plumage, which can be visually appealing and aesthetically pleasing to their owners.

Can be trained: Certain bird species, such as parrots, can be trained to do tricks, talk, and even perform tasks, which can be fun and rewarding for both the bird and its owner.


Messy: Birds can be messy, throwing food and droppings around their cage or aviary. This can be time-consuming and unpleasant to clean up.

Noise: Some bird species, such as parrots, can be very noisy and vocal, which can be disruptive to household members or neighbours.

Potential health hazards: Birds can carry diseases such as avian flu or psittacosis, which can pose a health risk to their owners. Careful hygiene and regular veterinarian checkups are necessary to minimise these risks.

Lifespan: Many bird species have long lifespans, which means that owning a pet bird can be a long-term commitment.

Cost: The initial cost of purchasing a bird and setting up its cage or aviary can be expensive, and ongoing costs for food, toys, and veterinary care can add up over time.

In summary, owning a pet bird can be a rewarding experience for those who are willing to put in the time, effort, and resources necessary to properly care for them. However, it is important to carefully consider the potential pros and cons before deciding to bring a pet bird into your home.

What are the Caring Methods for Pet Birds?

Here are some general tips for caring for pet birds:

  1. Proper diet: A balanced diet is crucial for maintaining the health of pet birds. Different species of birds have different dietary requirements, so research the specific needs of your bird and provide a variety of foods, including fresh fruits and vegetables, seeds, and pellets.
  2. Clean water: Fresh, clean water should always be available to your bird. Change the water daily and clean the water dish regularly to prevent the growth of harmful bacteria.
  3. Clean living environment: The cage or aviary should be cleaned on a regular basis, including changing the bedding or liner, wiping down the perches, and cleaning the food and water dishes. This helps prevent the buildup of bacteria and ensures a healthy living environment for your bird.
  4. Mental stimulation: Pet birds require mental stimulation to prevent boredom and to maintain their physical and mental health. Provide toys, perches, and other objects that encourage play and exploration
  5. Social interaction: Many bird species require social interaction to maintain their mental health. Spend time with your bird, talking to it, playing games, or just being in its presence. Some bird species, such as parrots, require more social interaction than others, so be sure to research your bird's specific needs.
  6. Regular veterinary checkups: Regular checkups with a veterinarian who specializes in avian care are essential to maintain the health of your pet bird. Birds are experts at hiding illness or injury, so regular checkups can help catch any potential health problems before they become serious.
  7. Safe and comfortable living space: Make sure that the cage or aviary is appropriately sized for your bird and that it is outfitted with perches and toys that meet its needs. The living space should also be in a quiet area away from potential hazards, such as drafts, direct sunlight, and household chemicals.

By following these general tips and researching the specific needs of your bird species, you can provide a comfortable, healthy, and happy living environment for your pet bird.

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Most Popular Pet Birds in the World 2023 - FAQs

1. What do parakeets eat?

Parakeets should be fed a diet consisting of seeds, fresh fruits, and vegetables, along with a clean living space and fresh water.

2. Can parakeets talk?  

Yes, parakeets can be trained to talk and perform tricks due to their innate intelligence.

3. How much attention do parakeets need?  

Parakeets are relatively low-maintenance pets, but they still need attention and socialization from their owners.

4. What is the lifespan of a parakeet?  

With proper care and attention, a parakeet can live up to 10-15 years

5. What is the personality of a parakeet like?  

Parakeets are known for their friendly nature and playful personalities, making them a great choice for bird enthusiasts looking for a loving and entertaining companion